Results for 'Sanskrit language Rhetoric'

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  1. Svatantrakalāśāstra.Kanti Chandra Pandey - 1967 - Vārāṇasī,: Caukhambā Saṃsr̥ta Sīrīja Āphisa.
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    Problematology, Language, Rhetoric.Emmanuelle Danblon - 2007 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 4 (4):365-376.
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    Expressing Contempt in Rome—Language, Rhetoric, and Critique.Verena Schulz - 2023 - Emotion Review 15 (3):235-239.
    This article presents three brief case studies of the way Romans talked about and expressed contempt. It examines aspects of discourses about contempt that are characteristic both of Roman literature and of modern concepts. The focus is on the relationship of hierarchy, recognition, and (active and passive) contempt in the Latin vocabulary and in two literary motifs taken from invective and historiography, two genres in which expressions of contempt are particularly frequent and prominent.
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    The Sanskrit Language.Franklin Edgerton & T. Burrow - 1956 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 76 (3):192.
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    The Sanskrit Language: An Introductory Grammar and Reader.Richard Salomon & Walter Harding Maurer - 2000 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 120 (3):494.
  6. Robert litteral.Rhetorical Predicates & Time Topology In Anggor - 1972 - Foundations of Language 8:391.
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    A Rasa Reader: Classical Indian Aesthetics.Sheldon I. Pollock (ed.) - 2016 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    From the early years of the Common Era to 1700, Indian intellectuals explored with unparalleled subtlety the place of emotion in art. Their investigations led to the deconstruction of art's formal structures and broader inquiries into the pleasure of tragic tales. _Rasa_, or taste, was the word they chose to describe art's aesthetics, and their passionate effort to pin down these phenomena became its own remarkable act of creation. This book is the first in any language to follow the (...)
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  8. Sankaracarya's Contribution to Sanskrit Language and Literature.Drk Krishnamoorthy - 1997 - In V. Venkatachalam, Śaṅkarācārya: the ship of enlightenment. New Delhi: Sahitya Akademi. pp. 77.
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    Pragmalinguistic features of contemporary English-language rhetoric of political conflict.L. S. Chikileva & E. Yu Aleshina - 2023 - Liberal Arts in Russia 12 (1):46-56.
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    (1 other version)Ātaṅkavādaśataka: the Century of Verses on Terrorism by Vagish Shastri.Alessandro Battistini - forthcoming - Governare la Paura. Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies.
    This paper will examine the sanskrit short-poem Āta ṅkavādaśataka written in 1988 by the famous indian pandit Vagish Shastri. Although composed in a language that is 2500 year old, the Century deals with one of the most dramatic events in contemporary indian history: sikh nationalist terrorism. The poet provides both a socio-political interpretation as well as a mythological-theological one, managing to combine a traditional approach with a pronounced ideological awareness. We will both supply information on the social and (...)
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    (1 other version)Rhetoric, Language, and Reason.Michel Meyer - 1993 - Pennsylvania State University Press.
    Contemporary or postmodern thought is based on the lack of foundation. The impossibility of having a principle for philosophy has become a position of principle. As a result, rhetoric has taken over. Content has given way to the priority of form. Michel Meyer's book aims at showing that philosophy as foundational is possible and necessary, and that rhetoric can flourish alongside, but the conception of reason must be changed. Questioning rather than answering must be considered as the guiding (...)
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    Rhetorical Investigations: Studies in Ordinary Language Criticism (review).Jeffrey Walker - 2006 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 39 (2):178-180.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Rhetorical Investigations: Studies in Ordinary Language CriticismJeffrey WalkerRhetorical Investigations: Studies in Ordinary Language Criticism. Walter Jost. Charlottesville: University of Virginia Press, 2004. Pp. xiii + 346. $55.00, hardcover.As the sixth-century BCE poet Theognis once wrote, "Hearken to me, child, and discipline your wits; I'll tell / a tale not unpersuasive nor uncharming to your heart; / but set your mind to gather what I say; there's (...)
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  13. Theorizing language: analysis, normativity, rhetoric, history.Talbot J. Taylor (ed.) - 1997 - New York: Pergamon Press.
    Although what language users in different cultures say about their own language has long been recognized as of potential interest, its theoretical importance to the study of language has typically been thought to be no more than peripheral. Theorizing Language is the first book to place the reflexive character of language at the very centre both of its empirical study and of its theoretical explanation. Language can only be explained as a cultural product of (...)
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    The Bhakta and the Sage: An Intertextual Dialogue.John M. Thompson - 2014 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 13 (1):23-38.
    Comparing the Bhagavad Gītā and the Buddhist essay “Prajñā is Not-knowing” (Panruo Wuzhi 般若無知) yields interesting insights. The texts have similar dialogical structures and discuss complex philosophical matters. Rhetorically, both texts weave together quotations and allusions from other texts, make liberal use of paradox, and have decidedly spiritual intentions. Their differences, though, remain striking. They emerge from distinct circumstances and their original languages (Sanskrit, Chinese) differ markedly. Stylistically, “Prajñā” is more intellectual and less devotional, espousing a distinctly “this worldly” (...)
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    A Unique Indexing Technique for Discourse Structures.Parthasarathi Ranjani & Chinnaudayar Navaneethakrishnan Subalalitha - 2014 - Journal of Intelligent Systems 23 (3):231-243.
    Sutra is a form of text representation that has been used in both Tamil and Sanskrit literature to convey information in a short and crisp manner. Nanool, an ancient Tamil grammar masterpiece has used sutras for defining grammar rules. Similarly, in Sanskrit literature, many of the Shāstrās have used sutras for a concise representation of their content. Sutras are defined as short aphorisms, formulae-like structures that convey the complete essence of the text. They act as indices to the (...)
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    Adam Smith on language and rhetoric: The ethics of style, character, and propriety.Cian Swearingen - 2013 - In Christopher J. Berry, Maria Pia Paganelli & Craig Smith, The Oxford Handbook of Adam Smith. Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp. 159.
    An examination of Smith’s Lectures on Rhetoric and Belles Lettres and The Theory of Moral Sentiments as complementary to one another and as refinements in earlier eighteenth-century revisions of rhetorical theory and moral philosophy. Smith’s scientific approach to language, rhetoric, and moral thinking emphasizes the improvement of the individual by exposure to stimulating works of art, literature, and spoken language, and encourages individuals to produce such works in order to provide examples to their fellows. Smith’s emphasis (...)
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    Rhetorical Processes and Legal Judgments: How Language and Arguments Shape Struggles for Rights and Power.Austin Sarat (ed.) - 2016 - Cambridge University Press.
    Over the last several decades legal scholars have plumbed law's rhetorical life. Scholars have done so under various rubrics, with law and literature being among the most fruitful venues for the exploration of law's rhetoric and the way rhetoric shapes law. Today, new approaches are shaping this exploration. Among the most important of these approaches is the turn toward history and toward what might be called an 'embedded' analysis of rhetoric in law. Historical and embedded approaches locate (...)
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  18. (1 other version)URAM as an intellectual democracy: Comments on Francis X. Clooney's' URAM is What I Say It is, The Challenge of the Possibly Superior Sanskrit-Language Thinking'.T. Horvath - 1999 - Ultimate Reality and Meaning 22 (1):90-91.
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    From Theory of Rhetoric to the Practice of Language Use: The Case of Appeals to Ethos Elements.Marcin Koszowy, Katarzyna Budzynska, Martín Pereira-Fariña & Rory Duthie - 2022 - Argumentation 36 (1):123-149.
    In their book Commitment in Dialogue, Walton and Krabbe claim that formal dialogue systems for conversational argumentation are “not very realistic and not easy to apply”. This difficulty may make argumentation theory less well adapted to be employed to describe or analyse actual argumentation practice. On the other hand, the empirical study of real-life arguments may miss or ignore insights of more than the two millennia of the development of philosophy of language, rhetoric, and argumentation theory. In this (...)
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  20. Dialectics, rhetoric, hermeneutics and questioning-foundations of language.M. Meyer - 1979 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 33 (127):145-177.
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    Evolution of the Sanskrit Language from Pāṇini to Patañjali. Primary Formations (Pāṇini 3.1.91-3.2.83)Evolution of the Sanskrit Language from Panini to Patanjali. Primary Formations. [REVIEW]Rosane Rocher & Sureshachandra Dnyaneshwar Laddu - 1977 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 97 (3):374.
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    8 Rhetoric and political language.Terry Nardin - 2012 - In Efraim Podoksik, The Cambridge companion to Oakeshott. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. pp. 177.
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    Political Language and Rhetoric.D. Crow - 1981 - Télos 1981 (48):227-232.
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    Comparing rhetorical structures in different languages: The influence of translation strategies.Mikel Iruskieta & Iria da Cunha - 2010 - Discourse Studies 12 (5):563-598.
    The study we report in this article addresses the results of comparing the rhetorical trees from two different languages carried out by two annotators starting from the Rhetorical Structure Theory. Furthermore, we investigate the methodology for a suitable evaluation, both quantitative and qualitative, of these trees. Our corpus contains abstracts of medical research articles written both in Spanish and Basque, and extracted from Gaceta Médica de Bilbao. The results demonstrate that almost half of the annotator disagreement is due to the (...)
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  25. Friedrich Nietzsche on rhetoric and language.Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche - 1989 - New York: Oxford University Press. Edited by Sander L. Gilman, Carole Blair & David J. Parent.
    Presenting the entire German text of Nietzsche's lectures on rhetoric and language and his notes for them, as well as facing page English translations, this book fills an important gap in the philosopher's corpus. Until now unavailable or existing only in fragmentary form, the lectures represent a major portion of Nietzsche's achievement. Included are an extensive editors' introduction on the background of Nietzsche's understanding of rhetoric, and critical notes identifying his sources and independent contributions.
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    Negotiating language status in multilingual jurisdictions: Rhetoric and reality.Janny H. C. Leung - 2016 - Semiotica 2016 (209):371-396.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Semiotica Jahrgang: 2016 Heft: 209 Seiten: 371-396.
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  27. The Language of the Gospel: Early Christian Rhetoric.Amos N. Wilder - 1964
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    Rhetoric and nomenclature in lavoisier's chemical language.Wilda Anderson - 1985 - Topoi 4 (2):165-169.
    Implicit in the theoretical chemical writings of Antoine Laurent Lavoisier is a theory of language that is not in complete harmony with the philosopher of language whom he takes as his explicit authority, Condillac. Lavoisier's reform of the nomenclature of chemistry leads to his dividing scientific language into two sets with different properties: a denotative artificial nomenclature and connotative natural language. This division supposedly permits knowledge to be stored in the nomenclature while the natural language (...)
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  29. Rhetorical Investigations: Studies in Ordinary Language Criticism, and: Ordinary Language Criticism: Literary Thinking after Cavell after Wittgenstein (review).Richard Fleming - 2007 - Philosophy and Literature 31 (1):209-213.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Rhetorical Investigations: Studies in Ordinary Language Criticism, and: Ordinary Language Criticism: Literary Thinking after Cavell after WittgensteinRichard FlemingRhetorical Investigations: Studies in Ordinary Language Criticism, by Walter Jost; 368 pp. Charlottesville: University of Virginia Press, 2004, $55.00. Ordinary Language Criticism: Literary Thinking after Cavell after Wittgenstein, edited by Kenneth Dauber and Walter Jost; 353 pp. Evansville: Northwestern University Press, 2003, $29.95 paper.On the question of (...)
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  30. The Contribution of Sarikaracarya to Sanskrit Language and Literature.P. Sriramachandrudu - 1997 - In V. Venkatachalam, Śaṅkarācārya: the ship of enlightenment. New Delhi: Sahitya Akademi. pp. 13.
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    A Study of Cīvakacintāmaṇi: Particularly from the Point of View of Interaction of Sanskrit Language and Literature with TamilA Study of Civakacintamani: Particularly from the Point of View of Interaction of Sanskrit Language and Literature with Tamil.Indira Viswanathan Peterson & R. Vijayalakshmy - 1983 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 103 (4):779.
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  32. ‘URAM is What I Say It Is’: The Challenge of the Possibly Superior Sanskrit-Language Thinking.Francis X. Clooney - 1996 - Ultimate Reality and Meaning 19 (2):148-155.
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    Rhetoric and the Pursuit of Truth: Language Change in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries : Papers Read at a Clark Library Seminar, 8 March 1980.Brian Vickers, Nancy S. Struever & William Andrews Clark Memorial Library - 1985 - William Andrews Clark Memorial Library, University of California, Los Angeles.
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  34. Role of Language in Identity Formation: An Analysis of Influence of Sanskrit on Identity Formation.Varanasi Ramabrahmam Varanasi - 2017 - In Omprakash, Linguistic Foundations of Identity. Aakar. pp. 289-303.
    The contents of Brahmajnaana, the Buddhism, the Jainism, the Sabdabrahma Siddhanta and Shaddarsanas will be discussed to present the true meaning of individual’s identity and I. The influence of spirituality contained in Upanishadic insight in the development of Sanskrit language structure, Indian culture, and individual identity formation will be developed. The cultural and psychological aspects of a civilization on the formation of its language structure and prominence given to various parts of speech and vice versa will be (...)
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    The rhetoric of empiricism: language and perception from Locke to I.A. Richards.Jules David Law - 1993 - Ithaca: Cornell University Press.
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    Rhetorical philosophy and philosophical grammar: Julius Caesar Scaliger's theory of language.Kristian Jensen - 1990 - München: Fink.
  37. (1 other version)Friedrich Nietzsche on Rhetoric and Language.Sander L. Gilman, Carole Blair & David J. Parent - 1990 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 52 (2):362-362.
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    Speaking of evil: rhetoric and the responsibility to and for language.Matthew Neal Boedy - 2018 - Lanham: Lexington Books.
    Introduction -- 1. On Genesis 3 -- 2. The case of Isocrates -- 3. The case of Erasmus -- 4. The case of Bonhoeffer and Arendt -- 5. The case of September 11th -- Conclusion -- Bibliography -- Index -- About the author.
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  39. Language, metaphor, rhetoric: Nietzsche's deconstruction of epistemology.Alan D. Schrift - 1985 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 23 (3):371-395.
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    On the Verbal Roots of the Sanskrit Language and of the sanskrit grammarians.A. Hjalmar Edgren - 1882 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 11:1-55.
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    Language for God and Feminist Language: A Literary and Rhetorical Analysis.Roland Mushat Frye - 1989 - Interpretation: A Journal of Bible and Theology 43 (1):45-57.
    The assumption that we can exchange certain biblical figures for others that, for whatever reason, may seem preferable is not only linguistically and literarily wrong, but also leads to conclusions that are false both historically and theologically.
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    Scientific discourse and the rhetoric of globalization: the impact of culture and language.Carmen Pérez-Llantada - 2012 - New York: Continuum.
    The role of science rhetoric in the global village -- Scientific English in the postmodern age -- Problematizing the rhetoric of contemporary science -- A contrastive rhetoric approach to science dissemination -- Disciplinary practices and procedures within research sites -- Triangulating procedures, practices and texts in scientific discourse -- ELF and a more complex sociolinguistic landscape -- Re-defining the rhetoric of science.
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  43. Sustaining language/existing threats : resistance and rhetoric in Australian refugee discourses.Susanne Gannon & Sue Saltmarsh - 2007 - In Judith Butler & Bronwyn Davies, Judith Butler in Conversation: Analyzing the Texts and Talk of Everyday Life. Routledge.
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    After Rhetoric: The Study of Discourse Beyond Language and Culture (review).Thomas Kent - 2000 - Symploke 8 (1):222-223.
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    The Rhetoric of the Human Sciences: Language and Argument in Scholarship and Public AffairsJohn S. Nelson Allan Megill Donald N. McCloskey.Geoffrey Cantor - 1988 - Isis 79 (4):698-699.
  46. Political Language and Rhetoric.Paul E. Corcoran - 1981 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 14 (2):135-138.
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    Moral Rhetoric and Religious Pluralism: Reflections on the Language of Dharma in Aśoka's Imperial Edicts.Edward Eugene Kleist - 2000 - Budhi: A Journal of Ideas and Culture 4 (2 & 3):91-101.
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  48. Language Is Sermonic; Richard M. Weaver on the Nature of Rhetoric.Richard M. Weaver, Richard L. Johannesen, Rennard Strickland & Ralph T. Eubanks - 1972 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 5 (1):63-65.
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  49. Paul and the Rhetoric of Reconciliation: An Exegetical Investigation of the Language and Composition of I Corinthians.Margaret M. Mitchell - 1993
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    Towards a Language of ‘Europe’: History, Rhetoric, Community.Paul Stock - 2017 - The European Legacy 22 (6):647-666.
    From Herder to Benedict Anderson, language and nation have been at the centre of ideas about community. This hypothesis, however, poses a problem for analysing ideas about Europe. How can we understand “Europe” as a concept or form of identity when language and nationality are considered the foundation of imagined communities and loyalties? This article addresses this difficulty. It uses J. G. A. Pocock’s definition of “sub-languages” to suggest that one can investigate the rhetorical strategies, images and vocabularies (...)
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