  1.  22
    The Paradox of Virtual Embodiment: The Body Schema in Virtual Reality Aesthetic Experience.Sara Incao & Carlo Mazzola - 2021 - Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai Philosophia 66 (2 supplement):131-139.
    New technologies implied in art creation and exhibition are modifying the traditional landmarks on which aesthetics has always focused. In particular, Virtual Reality artworks call the body into question when it comes to living a bodily experience within exhibitions accessible through technological tools that expand the human body’s capabilities and motor potential. The body's status is challenged in its traditional unity, that of a subject of experience living in a world where the spatial configuration is relatively constant. Conversely, in Virtual (...)
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  2.  6
    I possibili del mondo: la relazione con l'opera e il processo generativo dell'arte in Mikel Dufrenne.Sara Incao - 2023 - Milano: MIMESIS.
    La potenza dell'arte è un richiamo che non si accontenta mai di rimanere inespresso. Mikel Dufrenne si fa interprete di questo richiamo nel tentativo di testimoniare l'origine, dove il mondo è ancora allo stato di possibile poiché non ha ancora ricevuto una forma. A questo luogo conduce l'arte, che instancabilmente sollecita l'uomo a non accontentarsi delle prassi consolidate. Questo libro racconta l'impresa filosofica di Dufrenne che elabora un'estetica attiva, in cui attraverso l'azione dell'uomo, l'arte arriva al suo vero compimento. Per (...)
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  3. The impact of early aging on visual perception of space and time.Sara Incao - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16.
    Visual perception of space and time has been shown to rely on context dependency, an inferential process by which the average magnitude of a series of stimuli previously experienced acts as a prior during perception. This article aims to investigate the presence and evolution of this phenomenon in early aging. Two groups of participants belonging to two different age ranges (Young Adults: average age 28.8 years old; Older Adults: average age 62.8 years old) participated in the study performing a discrimination (...)
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