Results for 'Scott Parsons'

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  1.  43
    (1 other version)Motor-Sensory Recalibration Modulates Perceived Simultaneity of Cross-Modal Events at Different Distances.Brent D. Parsons, Scott D. Novich & David M. Eagleman - 2013 - Frontiers in Psychology 4.
  2. The geometrical bases of reasoning about an objects orientation.Lm Parsons & Ch Scott - 1991 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 29 (6):502-502.
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    Research Ethics in the Securitised University.Liam F. Gearon & Scott Parsons - 2019 - Journal of Academic Ethics 17 (1):73-93.
    Addressing the complex and longstanding relationship between universities and security and intelligence agencies, this article provides a tentative, working conceptual framework for research ethics in a global higher education environment. The article does so in the light of intensified threats of international terrorism which have brought this historic relationship to the contemporary foreground of academic life. Seeing higher education environments as part of a broader process of enhanced security in societies worldwide, we use securitization theory to provide an analytical framework (...)
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  4. The progressive in English: Events, states and processes. [REVIEW]Terence Parsons - 1989 - Linguistics and Philosophy 12 (2):213 - 241.
    This paper has two goals. The first is to formulate an adequate account of the semantics of the progressive aspect in English: the semantics of Agatha is making a cake, as opposed to Agatha makes a cake. This account presupposes a version of the so-called Aristotelian classification of verbs in English into EVENT, PROCESS and STATE verbs. The second goal of this paper is to refine this classification so as to account for the infamous category switch problem, the problem of (...)
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    Sociological Theory: Contemporary Debates.John Scott - 2 edn 2012 - Edward Elgar.
    A consideration of the work of Talcott Parsons sets the scene for subsequent debates on neofunctionalist, symbolic interactionist, rational choice, and conflict theories, together with recent developments in structuralism and post-structuralism. This second editon has been re-cast and updated to give a fuller discussion of the syntheses produced by Anthony Giddens and Jürgen Habermas, tracing their lineage back to Parsons's framework. It considers the various views of modern society depicted in these syntheses and it reviews the wider debates (...)
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    Afterword: In Praise of the A Posteriori : Sociology and the Empirical.Scott Lash - 2009 - European Journal of Social Theory 12 (1):175-187.
    This article begins with discussions of rationalist, a priori and empiricist, a posteriori thinking in philosophy. It then argues that classically, sociology is rationalist or a priori. Sociology — Weber, Simmel, Durkheim and Marx — moves from Kant's epistemological a priori to the social a priori. It moves from the question of how knowledge is possible to the question of how society is possible. This question of the possibility of society becomes quickly one of social control and social order in (...)
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  7. Against Truth-Value Gaps.Michael Glanzberg - 2003 - In J. C. Beall, Liars and Heaps: New Essays on Paradox. Oxford, England: Oxford University Press UK. pp. 151--94.
    ∗Thanks to J. C. Beall, Alex Byrne, Jason Decker, Tyler Doggett, Paul Elbourne, Adam Elga, Warren Goldfarb, Delia Graff, Richard Heck, Charles Parsons, Mark Richard, Susanna Siegel, Jason Stanley, Judith Thomson, Carol Voeller, Brian Weatherson, Ralph Wedgwood, Steve Yablo, Cheryl Zoll, and an anonymous referee for valuable comments and discussions. Versions of this material were presented in my seminar at MIT in the Fall of 2000, and at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County. Parts of this paper also derive (...)
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    How to make the World Fit Our Language.Wüliam J. Rapaport - 1981 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 14:1-21.
    Natural languages differ from most formal languages in having a partial, rather than a total, semantic interpretation function; e.g., some noun phrases don't refer. The usual semantics for handling such noun phrases (e.g., Russell, Quine) require syntactic reform. The alternative presented here is semantic expansion, viz., enlarging the range of the interpretaion function to make it total. A specific ontology based on Meinong's Theory of Objects, which can serve as domain on interpretation, is suggested, and related to the work of (...)
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  9. Against Truth-value gaps.Michael Glanzberg - 2003 - In J. C. Beall, Liars and Heaps: New Essays on Paradox. Oxford, England: Oxford University Press UK. pp. 151--94.
    ∗Thanks to J. C. Beall, Alex Byrne, Jason Decker, Tyler Doggett, Paul Elbourne, Adam Elga, Warren Goldfarb, Delia Graff, Richard Heck, Charles Parsons, Mark Richard, Susanna Siegel, Jason Stanley, Judith Thomson, Carol Voeller, Brian Weatherson, Ralph Wedgwood, Steve Yablo, Cheryl Zoll, and an anonymous referee for valuable comments and discussions. Versions of this material were presented in my seminar at MIT in the Fall of 2000, and at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County. Parts of this paper also derive (...)
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    How to make the World Fit Our Language.Wüliam J. Rapaport - 1981 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 14:1-21.
    Natural languages differ from most formal languages in having a partial, rather than a total, semantic interpretation function; e.g., some noun phrases don't refer. The usual semantics for handling such noun phrases (e.g., Russell, Quine) require syntactic reform. The alternative presented here is semantic expansion, viz., enlarging the range of the interpretaion function to make it total. A specific ontology based on Meinong's Theory of Objects, which can serve as domain on interpretation, is suggested, and related to the work of (...)
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    Talcott Parsons: ¿el último clásico?Talcott Parsons & Clemencia Tejeiro (eds.) - 2012 - Bogotá: Universidad Nacional de Colombia-Sede Bogotá, Facultad de Ciencias Humanas, Departamento de Sociología.
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    The Social System.Talcott Parsons - 1951 - Routledge.
    This book brings together, in systematic and generalized form, the main outlines of a conceptual scheme for the analysis of the structure and processes of social systems. It carries out Pareto's intention by using the "structural-functional" level of analysis.
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    Aesthetics and nature: the appreciation of natural beauty and the environment.Glenn Parsons - 2023 - Dublin, Ireland: Bloomsbury Academic, Bloomsbury Publishing Plc.
    The appreciation of nature and natural beauty demands our attention as environmental issues become ever more urgent. In this timely introduction, Glenn Parsons provides an overview of philosophical work on the aesthetics of nature, identifying key conceptual questions, clarifying central theories, and analyzing the ethical ramifications of our experience of natural beauty. Outlining five major approaches to understanding the aesthetic value of nature, this second edition explores the aesthetic appreciation of nature as it occurs in wilderness, in gardens, and (...)
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  14. The Structure of Social Action [1937].Talcott Parsons - 1937 - Free Press.
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  15. Nonexistent Objects.Terence Parsons - 1980 - Yale University Press.
    In this book Terence Parsons revives the older tradition of taking such objects at face value. Using various modern techniques from logic and the philosophy of language, he formulates a metaphysical theory of nonexistent objects. The theory is given a formalization in symbolism rich enough to contain definite descriptions, modal operators, and epistemic contexts, and the book includes a discussion which relates the formalized theory explicitly to English.
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  16. Marshall and Parsons on ‘Intrinsic’.Dan Marshall & Josh Parsons - 2001 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 63 (2):353-355.
    Dan Marshall and Josh Parsons note, correctly. that the property of being either a cube or accompanied by a cube is incorrectly classified as intrinsic under the definition we have given unless it turns out to be disjunctive. Whether it is disjunctive, under the definition we gave, turns on certain judgements of the relative naturalness of properties. They doubt the judgements of relative naturalness that would classify their property as disjunctive. We disagree. They also suggest that the whole idea (...)
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  17. Events in the Semantics of English: A Study in Subatomic Semantics.Terence Parsons - 1990 - MIT Press.
    This extended investigation of the semantics of event (and state) sentences in their various forms is a major contribution to the semantics of natural language, simultaneously encompassing important issues in linguistics, philosophy, and logic. It develops the view that the logical forms of simple English sentences typically contain quantification over events or states and shows how this view can account for a wide variety of semantic phenomena. Focusing on the structure of meaning in English sentences at a &"subatomic&" level&-that is, (...)
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    Developing arithmetic in set theory without infinity: some historical remarks.Charles Parsons - 1987 - History and Philosophy of Logic 8 (2):201-213.
    In this paper some of the history of the development of arithmetic in set theory is traced, particularly with reference to the problem of avoiding the assumption of an infinite set. Although the standard method of singling out a sequence of sets to be the natural numbers goes back to Zermelo, its development was more tortuous than is generally believed. We consider the development in the light of three desiderata for a solution and argue that they can probably not all (...)
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  19.  21
    (1 other version)A Synoptic Philosophy of Education.Howard L. Parsons - 1966 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 26 (4):604-606.
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    Philosophy of Mathematics in the Twentieth Century: Selected Essays.Charles Parsons - 2013 - Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press.
    In these selected essays, Charles Parsons surveys the contributions of philosophers and mathematicians who shaped the philosophy of mathematics over the past century: Brouwer, Hilbert, Bernays, Weyl, Gödel, Russell, Quine, Putnam, Wang, and Tait.
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  21.  35
    Translational or translationable? A call for ethno‐immersion in (empirical) bioethics research.Jordan A. Parsons, Harleen Kaur Johal, Joshua Parker & Elizabeth Chloe Romanis - 2024 - Bioethics 38 (3):252-261.
    The shift towards "empirical bioethics" was largely triggered by a recognition that stakeholders' views and experiences are vital in ethical analysis where one hopes to produce practicable recommendations. Such perspectives can provide a rich resource in bioethics scholarship, perhaps challenging the researcher's perspective. However, overreliance on a picture painted by a group of research participants—or on pre‐existing literature in that field—can lead to a biased view of a given context, as the subjectivity of data generated in these ways cannot (and (...)
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    (1 other version)Palestinian Political Forgiveness.Nigel Parsons - 2010 - Social Theory and Practice 36 (4):661-688.
    It is often suggested that the resolution of the Israel-Palestine conflict will require forgiveness on the part of both Palestinians and Israelis. This paper looks at what such forgiveness might involve for one party to the conflict. It begins by offering an account of political forgiveness in which both collective actions and collective emotions play a significant role. It then explores whether there is a collective Palestinian agent capable of forgiving as well as whether it would be permissible for such (...)
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  23. Experimental Science as Epistemic Expansion: New Work for a Theory of the Sublime.Glenn Parsons - 2023 - In Milena Ivanova & Alice Murphy, The Aesthetics of Scientific Experiments. New York, NY: Routledge. pp. 155-174.
    Dating back to the early modern theories of Burke and Kant, philosophical accounts have made cognitive failure central to the experience of the sublime. This essay argues for a re-conception of the sublime in terms of the notion of epistemic expansion. Doing so not only provides a plausible account of traditional examples of the sublime, but also provides us with language that can capture an important but neglected aesthetic dimension of experimental science: the expansion of human perception. Recognizing this dimension, (...)
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  24. Indeterminate identity: metaphysics and semantics.Terence Parsons - 2000 - New York: Clarendon Press.
    Terence Parsons presents a lively and controversial study of philosophical questions about identity. Because many puzzles about identity remain unsolved, some people believe that they are questions that have no answers and that there is a problem with the language used to formulate them. Parsons explores a different possibility: that such puzzles lack answers because of the way the world is (or because of the way the world is not). He claims that there is genuine indeterminacy of identity (...)
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  25.  44
    Knowledge and Human Interests.Howard L. Parsons - 1972 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 33 (2):281-282.
  26. X*—Mathematical Intuition.Charles Parsons - 1980 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 80 (1):145-168.
    Charles Parsons; X*—Mathematical Intuition, Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Volume 80, Issue 1, 1 June 1980, Pages 145–168,
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    Present self-represented futures of value are a reason for the wrongness of killing.S. J. Parsons - 2002 - Journal of Medical Ethics 28 (3):196-197.
    In Marquis's recent paper he has not satisfactorily shown that killing does not adversely affect the victim's present self-represented desires for their future. Marquis is correct in believing life and death are distinct, but living and dying are not. In fact, to use a well-known saying, “the second we are born we start to die”. During the process of dying, whether it be long as in over our lifetime or short as in as we are being killed, there comes a (...)
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  28. X*—Worldly Indeterminacy of Identity.Terence Parsons & Peter Woodruff - 1995 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 95 (1):171-192.
    Terence Parsons, Peter Woodruff; X*—Worldly Indeterminacy of Identity, Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Volume 95, Issue 1, 1 June 1995, Pages 171–192.
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    Best interests versus resource allocation: could COVID-19 cloud decision-making for the cognitively impaired?Jordan A. Parsons & Harleen Kaur Johal - 2020 - Journal of Medical Ethics 46 (7):447-450.
    The COVID-19 pandemic is putting the NHS under unprecedented pressure, requiring clinicians to make uncomfortable decisions they would not ordinarily face. These decisions revolve primarily around intensive care and whether a patient should undergo invasive ventilation. Certain vulnerable populations have featured in the media as falling victim to an increasingly utilitarian response to the pandemic—primarily those of advanced years or with serious existing health conditions. Another vulnerable population potentially at risk is those who lack the capacity to make their own (...)
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    The System of Modern Societies.Talcott Parsons - 1971 - Prentice-Hall.
    Discusses the base from which modern societies developed.
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  31. 2 The Transcendental Aesthetic.Charles Parsons - 1992 - In Paul Guyer, The Cambridge companion to Kant. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 3--62.
  32.  24
    Theories of Intensionality: A Critical Survey.David Parsons - 2016 - Singapore: Springer.
    This book offers a comprehensive primer for the study of intensionality. It explores and assesses those key theories of intensionality which have been developed in the twentieth and early twenty-first centuries. Each of the examined theories is tested as to whether it can account for the problems associated with the intersubstitution salva veritate of co-extensional expressions, and existential generalisation. All of these theories are subsequently compared so as to determine which of them comes closest to successfully solving these problems. The (...)
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    In defence of the bioethics scoping review: Largely systematic literature reviewing with broad utility.Jordan A. Parsons & Harleen Kaur Johal - 2021 - Bioethics 36 (4):423-433.
    Bioethics, Volume 36, Issue 4, Page 423-433, May 2022.
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  34. The Merrickites.Glenn Parsons - 2016 - In Sherri Irvin, Body Aesthetics. Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press. pp. 110-126.
    Our culture praises—indeed revels in—the beauty of the human form. And yet, in the midst of this exuberant celebration of corporeal beauty, not even the most unreflective can be unaware of the problems that have been laid at its feet. The philosopher Kathleen Higgins notes a “pervasive impression that is widespread in our culture: that beauty, or some near kin of it, is unsavory, a temptation that might get the soul off-track” (2000, 89). In response to this suspicion, some have (...)
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    Toward a General Theory of Fiction.James D. Parsons - 1983 - Philosophy and Literature 7 (1):92-94.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:TOWARD A GENERAL THEORY OF FICTION by James D. Parsons When nelson Goodman writes, "All fiction is literal, literary falsehood," he seems to be disregarding at least one noteworthy tradition.1 The tradition I have in mind includes works by Jeremy Bendiam, Hans Vaihinger, Tobias Dantzig, Wallace Stevens, and a host ofother writers in many fields who have been laboring for more man two centuries to clear the ground (...)
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  36. Feminist Ethics After Modernity: Towards an Appropriate Universalism.Susan Parsons - 1995 - Studies in Christian Ethics 8 (1):77-94.
  37.  23
    The Case for Telemedical Early Medical Abortion in England: Dispelling Adult Safeguarding Concerns.Jordan A. Parsons & Elizabeth Chloe Romanis - 2021 - Health Care Analysis 30 (1):73-96.
    Access to abortion care has been hugely affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. This has prompted several governments to permit the use of telemedicine for fully remote care pathways, thereby ensuring pregnant people are still able to access services. One such government is that of England, where these new care pathways have been publicly scrutinised. Those opposed to telemedical early medical abortion care have raised myriad concerns, though they largely centre on matters of patient safeguarding. It is argued that healthcare professionals (...)
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  38. (1 other version)Theories of Location.Josh Parsons - 2007 - In Dean Zimmerman, Oxford Studies in Metaphysics:Volume 3: Volume 3. Oxford University Press UK.
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  39. Consciousness and symbolic processes.T. Parsons - 1953 - In H. A. Abramson, Problems of Consciousness: Transactions of the Fourth Conference. Josiah Macy Foundation.
  40. 3 Clinical Training.Victor Parsons - 1975 - In John Allister Vale, Medicine and the Christian mind. London: Christian Medical Fellowship. pp. 26.
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  41. Positionality of African Americans and a theoretical accommodation of it: Rethinking science education research.Eileen R. Carlton Parsons - 2008 - Science Education 92 (6):1127-1144.
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  42. True Contradictions.Terence Parsons - 1990 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 20 (3):335 - 353.
    In In Contradiction, Graham Priest shows, as clearly as anything like this can be shown, that it is coherent to maintain that some sentences can be both true and false at the same time. As a consequence, some contradictions are true, and an appreciation of this possibility advances our understanding of the nature of logic and language.
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    The telemedical imperative.Jordan A. Parsons - 2021 - Bioethics 35 (4):298-306.
    Technology presents a means of improving health outcomes for vast numbers of individuals. It has historically been deployed to streamline healthcare delivery and reach those who would previously have faced obstacles to accessing services. It has also enabled improved health education and management. Telemedicine can be employed in everything from primary care consultations to the monitoring of chronic diseases. Despite recommendation by the World Health Organization, countries have been slow to embrace such technology in the health sector. Nonetheless, it is (...)
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    The Enigma of the Oceanic Feeling: Revisioning the Psychoanalytic Theory of Mysticism.William B. Parsons - 1997 - New York: Oxford University Press USA.
    This study examines the history of the psychoanalytic theory of mysticism, starting with the seminal correspondence between Freud and Romain Rolland concerning the concept of "oceanic feeling." Providing a corrective to current views which frame psychoanalysis as pathologizing mysticism, Parsons reveals the existence of three models entertained by Freud and Rolland: the classical reductive, ego-adaptive, and transformational. Then, reconstructing Rolland's personal mysticism through texts and letters unavailable to Freud, Parsons argues that Freud misinterpreted the oceanic feeling. In offering (...)
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  45. Conceptual Conservatism and Contingent Composition.Josh Parsons - 2013 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 56 (4):327-339.
    ABSTRACT This paper proposes a novel answer to the Special Composition Question. In some respects it agrees with brutalism about composition; in others with universalism. The main novel feature of this answer is the insight I think it gives into what the debate over the Special Composition Question is about.
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  46. Social Interaction.Talcott Parsons - 2008 - In William A. Darity, International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences. Macmillan. pp. 429-440.
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  47. The Aesthetics of Chemical Biology.Glenn Parsons - 2012 - Current Opinion in Chemical Biology 16:576-580.
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  48. The impredicativity of induction.Charles Parsons - 1992 - In Michael Detlefsen, Proof, Logic and Formalization. London, England: Routledge. pp. 139--161.
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  49. Must a Four-Dimensionalist Believe in Temporal Parts?Josh Parsons - 2000 - The Monist 83 (3):399-418.
    The following quotation, from Frank Jackson, is the beginning of a typical exposition of the debate between those metaphysicians who believe in temporal parts, and those who do not: The dispute between three-dimensionalism and four-dimensionalism, or more precisely, that part of the dispute we will be concerned with, concerns what persistence, and correllatively, what change, comes to. Three-dimensionalism holds that an object exists at a time by being wholly present at that time, and, accordingly, that it persists if it is (...)
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    Improvidence, Precaution, and the Logical-Empirical Disconnect in UK Health Policy.Jordan A. Parsons - 2023 - Health Care Analysis 31 (2):114-133.
    The last decade has seen significant developments in UK health policy, with are largely claimed to be evidence based. However, such a characterisation ought, in many cases, to be questioned. Policies can be broadly understood as based primarily on either a logical or empirical case. In the absence of relevant empirical evidence, policymakers understandably appeal to logical cases. Once such evidence is available, however, it can inform policy and enable the logical case to be set aside. Such a linear policy (...)
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