Results for 'Second Temple Christianity'

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  1.  13
    Cosmos and creation: Second Temple perspectives.Michael W. Duggan, Renate Egger-Wenzel & Stefan C. Reif (eds.) - 2020 - Boston: De Gruyter.
    This volume contains essays by some of the leading scholars in the study of the Jewish religious ideas in the Second Temple period, that led up to the development of early forms of Rabbinic Judaism and Christianity. Close attention is paid to the cosmological ideas to be found in the Ancient Near East and in the Hebrew Bible and to the manner in which the translators of the Hebrew Bible into Greek reflected the creativity with which Judaism (...)
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    Divine and human agency in Second Temple Judaism and Paul: a comparative study.Jason Maston - 2010 - Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck.
    Obedience and the law of life in Sirach -- God's gracious acts of deliverance in the Hodayot -- Sin, the Spirit, and human obedience in Romans 7-8.
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  3. Moses, David and scribal revelation : preservation and renewal in Second Temple Jewish textual traditions.Eva Mroczek - 2008 - In George John Brooke, Hindy Najman & Loren T. Stuckenbruck (eds.), The significance of Sinai: traditions about Sinai and divine revelation in Judaism and Christianity. Boston: Brill.
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    Korean Temple Burnings and Vandalism: The Response of the Society for Buddhist-Christian Studies.Harry L. Wells - 2000 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 20 (1):239-240.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Buddhist-Christian Studies 20 (2000) 239-240 [Access article in PDF] News and Views Korean Temple Burnings and Vandalism: The Response of the Society for Buddhist-Christian Studies Harry L. WellsHumboldt State UniversityOver the course of the last decade a fairly large number of Buddhist temples in South Korea have been destroyed or damaged by fire by misguided Christian fundamentalists. More recently, Buddhist statues have been identified as idols, and attacked (...)
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    Jewish law in Gentile churches: Halakhah and the beginning of Christian public ethics.Markus N. A. Bockmuehl - 2000 - Grand Rapids, Mich.: Baker Academic.
    Halakhah and ethics in the Jesus tradition -- Matthew's divorce texts in the light of pre-rabbinic Jewish law -- Let the dead bury their dead : Jesus and the law revisited -- James, Israel, and Antioch -- Natural law in Second Temple Judaism -- Natural law in the New Testament? -- The Noachide commandments and New Testament ethics -- The beginning of Christian public ethics : from Luke to Aristides and Diognetus -- Jewish and Christian public ethics in (...)
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    The Japan Society for Buddhist-Christian Studies: Report on the 39th Annual Meeting August 18–19, 2021.Kunihiko Terasawa - 2022 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 42 (1):389-391.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Japan Society for Buddhist-Christian Studies:Report on the 39th Annual Meeting August 18–19, 2021Kunihiko TerasawaThe 2021 annual conference of the Japan Society for Buddhist-Christian Studies was held online by Zoom. Five presentations were given on the theme of "Religion and Literature."August 18 (Three Presentations)First, President of the Japan-SBCS and professor emeritus at Sophia University, Yutaka Tanaka, presented "Hosokawa Garasha (Gracia)," which was about a Kirishitan (Christian) woman martyr in (...)
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    Paradise in Antiquity: Jewish and Christian Views.Markus Bockmuehl & Guy G. Stroumsa (eds.) - 2010 - Cambridge University Press.
    The social and intellectual vitality of Judaism and Christianity in antiquity was in large part a function of their ability to articulate a viably transcendent hope for the human condition. Narratives of Paradise - based on the concrete symbol of the Garden of Delights - came to play a central role for Jews, Christians, and eventually Muslims too. The essays in this volume highlight the multiple hermeneutical perspectives on biblical Paradise from Second Temple Judaism and Christian origins (...)
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    Herbert’s The Temple as Early Modern Psychomachia.Michael Vander Weele - 2022 - Renascence 74 (3-4):211-251.
    One does not read very far in the second and by far the longest section of Herbert’s The Temple before the single-minded exhortations of the speaker in “The Church Porch” and the early Lenten “complaints” of Christ to his people in “The Sacrifice” turn to the unpredictable elements of the speaker’s human condition: puzzlement, striving, grief, joy. The quick movement between these elements is due not only to Herbert’s poetic sensibility, I argue, but also to his anthropological understanding (...)
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    Spiritually Bilingual: Buddhist Christians and the Process of Dual Religious Belonging.Jonathan Homrighausen - 2015 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 35:57-69.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Spiritually Bilingual:Buddhist Christians and the Process of Dual Religious BelongingJonathan HomrighausenSociologists studying convert Buddhism in America have found that a surprisingly large number of Buddhists also identify as Christian.1 However, little empirical literature examines these Buddhist-Christian “dual religious belongers.”2 This study aims to fill that gap. Based on extensive interviews with eight self-identified “Buddhist Christians” of varying levels of doctrinal and experiential understanding, this study examines the conversion process (...)
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  10.  44
    Gautama the Buddha through Christian Eyes.John Dominic Crossan - 1999 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 19 (1):97-99.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Exclusivity and ParticularityJohn Dominic CrossanSeveral of the authors spoke of the imperial exclusivity so characteristic of Christianity. For José Ignacio Cabezón, “What Buddhists find objectionable is (a) the Christian characterization of the deity whose manifestation Jesus is said to be, and (b) the claim that Jesus is unique in being such a manifestation” (p. 56). For Bokin Kim, “most Christians hold to an exclusive view of Christ that (...)
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    The Suffering of Economic Injustice: A Christian Perspective.Ulrich Duchrow - 2014 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 34:27-37.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Suffering of Economic Injustice:A Christian PerspectiveUlrich DuchrowTogether we are facing a global kairos of humanity because these years are decisive for whether our civilization will irreversibly continue to produce death or whether we find a way out toward a life-enhancing new culture. So let me try to make a humble contribution to our common search for liberation from suffering toward life through justice.suffering caused by economic injustice in (...)
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    Conference on Pure Land Buddhism in Dialogue with Christian Theology.James Fredericks - 2002 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 22 (1):201-202.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Buddhist-Christian Studies 22 (2002) 201-202 [Access article in PDF] Conference on Pure Land Buddhism in Dialogue with Christian Theology James Fredericks Loyola Marymount University As Charlie Parker devotees will attest, improvisation at its most thrilling, if not its most ingenious, is often the result of careful planning. Cannot something similar be said of interreligious dialogue? All our planning and study are best put to use when they suddenly become (...)
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    Conversion and Religious Identity in Buddhism and Christianity.John D'Arcy May - 2006 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 26 (1):189-192.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Conversion and Religious Identity in Buddhism and ChristianityJohn D'Arcy MayA Benedictine abbey that has been involved in exchanges with Buddhist monks since 1979 was an appropriate setting for serious discussion of double identity and change of identity between Buddhists and Christians. The European Network holds its conferences every two years, and after experiencing the Benedictine hospitality of St.Ottilien once again it was decided that every second conference should (...)
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  14.  33
    Dark Riddle: Hegel, Nietzsche, and the Jews.Yirmiyahu Yovel - 1998 - University Park, Pa.: Polity.
    This brilliant and absorbing study examines the image of Judaism and the Jews in the work of two of the most influential modern philosophers, Hegel and Nietzsche. Hegel was a proponent of universal reason and Nietzsche was its opponent; Hegel was a Christian thinker and Nietzsche was a self-proclaimed "Antichrist"; Hegel strove to bring modernity to its climax, and Nietzsche wanted to divert the evolution of modernity into completely different paths. In view of these conflicting attitudes and philosophical projects, how (...)
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  15.  19
    Conversion and Religious Identity in Buddhism and Christianity: Sixth Study Conference of the European Network of Buddhist-Christian Studies, Archabbey of St. Ottilien, Bavaria, June 10-13, 2005. [REVIEW]John D'Arcy May - 2006 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 26 (1):189.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Conversion and Religious Identity in Buddhism and ChristianityJohn D'Arcy MayA Benedictine abbey that has been involved in exchanges with Buddhist monks since 1979 was an appropriate setting for serious discussion of double identity and change of identity between Buddhists and Christians. The European Network holds its conferences every two years, and after experiencing the Benedictine hospitality of St.Ottilien once again it was decided that every second conference should (...)
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    Breve storia dell'etica.Sergio Cremaschi - 2012 - Roma RM, Italia: Carocci.
    The book reconstructs the history of Western ethics. The approach chosen focuses the endless dialectic of moral codes, or different kinds of ethos, moral doctrines that are preached in order to bring about a reform of existing ethos, and ethical theories that have taken shape in the context of controversies about the ethos and moral doctrines as means of justifying or reforming moral doctrines. Such dialectic is what is meant here by the phrase ‘moral traditions’, taken as a name for (...)
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  17.  11
    Latin theological interpretations on templum Dei until the Second Council of Constantinople: A Mariological and Christological symbol.José María Salvador-González - 2021 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 49:115-133.
    This paper seeks to highlight the various interpretations that, before the Second Council of Constantinople, many Latin Church Fathers gave on several metaphorical expressions, such as “God’s temple,” “sanctuary,” “tabernacle,” “ark,” and other similar terms referring to spaces or containers reserved for deity. To address this issue, the author of this article structures his methodology on three strategies: the first consists in a profound tracking in Patristic and theological sources to detect some relevant statements by conspicuous Christian masters (...)
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  18.  21
    A New Essenism: Heinrich Graetz and Mysticism.Jonathan M. Elukin - 1998 - Journal of the History of Ideas 59 (1):135-148.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:A New Essenism: Heinrich Graetz and MysticismJonathan M. ElukinSince the Reformation, European Christians have sought to understand the origins of Christianity by studying the world of Second Temple Judaism. These efforts created a fund of scholarly knowledge of ancient Judaism, but they labored under deep-seated pre judices about the nature of Judaism. When Jewish scholars in nineteenth-century Europe, primarily in Germany, came to study their own (...)
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  19.  27
    Judaísmo enoquita: pureza, impureza e o mito dos vigilantes no Segundo Templo.Kenner Roger Cazotto Terra & Abdruschin Schaeffer Rocha - 2019 - Horizonte 17 (52):148-166.
    The article proposes to discuss the categories of "purity" and "impurity" as tools for structuring reality and constructing identities in the context of Enochic Judaism in the Second Temple period. Investigate them, in a special way, from the Myth of the Watchers narrated in the Book of the Watchers, which composes the apocalyptic literature of 1 Enoch. Both the homogeneity verified in the lineage guaranteed the purity of the race and, consequently, the establishment of the identity, as well (...)
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  20.  18
    Philodemus and the New Testament world.John Thomas Fitzgerald, Dirk D. Obbink & Glenn Stanfield Holland (eds.) - 2004 - Boston: Brill.
    The fifteen essays in this volume, rooted in the work of the Hellenistic Moral Philosophy and Early Christianity Section of the SBL, examine the works of Philodemus and how they illuminate the cultural context of early Christianity. Born in Gadara in Syria, Philodemus (ca. 110-40 BCE) was active in Italy as an Epicurean philosopher and poet. This volume comprises three parts; the first deals with Philodemus' works in their own terms, the second situates his thought within its (...)
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  21.  10
    Expressions of sceptical topoi in (late) antique Judaism.Reuven Kipervasser & Geoffrey Herman (eds.) - 2021 - Boston: De Gruyter.
    Scepticism has been the driving force in the development of Greco-Roman culture in the past, and the impetus for far-reaching scientific achievements and philosophical investigation. Early Jewish culture, in contrast, avoided creating consistent representations of its philosophical doctrines. Sceptical notions can nevertheless be found in some early Jewish literature such as the Book of Ecclesiastes. One encounters there expressions of doubt with respect to Divine justice or even Divine involvement in earthly affairs. During the first centuries of the common era, (...)
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  22.  8
    The divine father: religious and philosophical concepts of divine parenthood in antiquity.Felix Albrecht & Reinhard Feldmeier (eds.) - 2014 - Boston: Brill.
    The present volume is devoted to the theme of Divine Father in Second Temple Jewish and early Christian tradition and in its ancient pagan contexts. It brings together proceedings of a conference under the same title, held in Gottingen in September 2011. Selected articles by well-known scholars focus on religious and philosophical concepts of divine parenthood in antiquity, from the Hebrew Bible and Second Temple Judaism (the Dead Sea Scrolls, Targums, Philo and Josephus) to the field (...)
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  23.  6
    The Historical Reality of Jesus as Criterion for Present-Day Christian Discipleship.Robert Lassalle-Klein - 2024 - Journal of Catholic Social Thought 21 (2):288-306.
    This paper outlines elements of a biblically informed theology for faith-based activists. First, it examines the historical reality of Jesus as the defining sign of the Word made flesh (Jn 1:14) and an important bridge to seventy years of biblical studies on the historical Jesus and his Palestinian context. Second, it argues that Jesus’s baptism “of repentance for the forgiveness of sins” (Mk 1:4b) functions as a highly symbolic public action defining his message, mission, and identity as God’s loving (...)
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  24. The history, origin, and meaning of Nietzsche’s slave revolt in morality.Avery Snelson - 2017 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 60 (1-2):1-30.
    While it is uncontroversial that the slave revolt in morality consists in a denial of the nobles as objects of value, Nietzsche’s account in the Genealogy’s first essay invites ambiguities concerning its origin, ressentiment’s relationship to value creation, and its meaning. In this paper, I address these ambiguities by analyzing the morality of good and evil as an historical artifact of Judeo-Christian tradition, and I argue for a two-stage, non-strategic interpretation of the slave revolt, according to which Judaism and (...) each made essential and different contributions. The inversion of values began with the Jewish prophets, who claimed the poor were holy and ‘good’ and the rich ‘evil’, and it was sustained throughout the Second Temple period by the Jewish priests in relation to a ‘priestly-noble’ conception of the virtuous person as holy and pure. Christ, through his espousal of egalitarianism, negated the pathos of distance essential to noble values, thus beginning the second phase of the slave revolt where goodness became associated with a distinctly slavish conception of virtue. (shrink)
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  25.  8
    Les études philoniennes: regards sur cinquante ans de recherche (1967-2017).Sébastien Morlet & Olivier Munnich (eds.) - 2021 - Leiden ; Boston: Brill.
    This volume gathers the proceedings of the Paris conference in Philonic studies (2017), consisting of 23 papers by contributors from 8 countries. Fifty years after the Lyon conference, it aimed at taking a retrospective look at the intellectual contexts and the academic fields in which Philonic studies have penetrated, as well as the ways in which they evolved. The work of the Alexandrian became of major importance in the history of philosophy. It has been studied as a source of cultured (...)
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  26.  28
    Exome ...: The Announcement of the New Moon in Romaniote Synagogues.Johannes Niehoff-Panagiotidis & Elisabeth Hollender - 2010 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 103 (1):99-127.
    This article consists of three sections: the first sketches the development of calculating the timing of the New Moon from biblical times onward with special emphasis on the Byzantine/Romaniote communities; the second contains the critical edition of the announcement of the New Moon from four late medieval manuscripts, where the Judaeo-Greek text complements the Aramaic version of this announcement that was recited in Romaniote synagogues; and the third presents a philological commentary on the Judaeo-Greek version/versions of this announcement. Its (...)
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  27. Romans, Jews, and Christians on the names of the Jews.Martin Goodman - 2011 - In John Joseph Collins & Daniel C. Harlow (eds.), The "other" in Second Temple Judaism: essays in honor of John J. Collins. Grand Rapids, Mich.: W.B. Eerdmans Pub. Co..
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  28. Christianity as an interpretation of history.William Temple - 1945 - New York [etc.]: Longmans, Green and co..
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    Happiness in Premodern Judaism: Virtue, Knowledge, and Well-Being (review).Daniel H. Frank - 2004 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 42 (3):338-339.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Happiness in Premodern Judaism: Virtue, Knowledge, and Well-BeingDaniel H. FrankHava Tirosh-Samuelson. Happiness in Premodern Judaism: Virtue, Knowledge, and Well-Being. Cincinnati: Hebrew Union College Press, 2003. Pp. xi + 596. Cloth, $50.00.Franz Rosenzweig tried hard to convince the neoKantian Hermann Cohen of the merits of Zionism and the normalization it would bring to Jews and Jewish life. His attempt met with this response from Cohen: "Oho! So the gang (...)
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  30. Christianity in Thought and Practice Three Lectures Delivered at Mandel Hall, University of Chicago.William Temple - 1936 - Morehouse Publishing.
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    Plato and Christianity.William Temple - 1916 - London,: Macmillan.
    1. General philosophy. - 2. Ethics and politics. - 3. Plato and Christianity.
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  32. Plato and Christianity, 3 Lects.William Temple - 1916
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  33. Second Temple Studies: 1. Persian Period.Philip R. Daviess - 1991
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    Plato and Christianity; Three Lectures.William Temple - 2008 - Coss Press.
    Many of the earliest books, particularly those dating back to the 1900s and before, are now extremely scarce and increasingly expensive. We are republishing these classic works in affordable, high quality, modern editions, using the original text and artwork.
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    Tradizioni morali. Greci, ebrei, cristiani, islamici.Sergio Cremaschi - 2015 - Roma, Italy: Edizioni di storia e letteratura.
    Ex interiore ipso exeas. Preface. This book reconstructs the history of a still open dialectics between several ethoi, that is, shared codes of unwritten rules, moral traditions, or self-aware attempts at reforming such codes, and ethical theories discussing the nature and justification of such codes and doctrines. Its main claim is that this history neither amounts to a triumphal march of reason dispelling the mist of myth and bigotry nor to some other one-way process heading to some pre-established goal, but (...)
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    A new 'apologia': The relationship between theology and philosophy in the work of Jean-Luc Marion.Christina M. Gschwandtner - 2005 - Heythrop Journal 46 (3):299–313.
    Books reviewed:James D. G. Dunn and John W. Rogerson, Eerdmans Commentary on the BibleYairah Amit, Reading Biblical Narratives. Literary Criticism and the Hebrew BibleThomas L. Leclerc, Yahweh is Exalted in Justice: Solidarity and Conflict in IsaiahNuria Calduch‐Benages, Joan Ferrer, and Jan Liesen, La sabiduría del Escriba/Wisdom of the Scribe: Diplomatic Edition of the Syriac Version of the Book of Ben Sira according to Codex Ambrosianus, with Translations in Spanish and EnglishSidnie White Crawford and Leonard J. Greenspoon, The Book of Esther (...)
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  37. Christianity in Thought and Practice.William Temple - 1936 - Milwaukee, Morehouse Publishing Co..
    The relations between philosophy and religion.--Personality in theology and ethics.--Christian ethics in application to individuals and to groups.
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    The Metamorphosis of Judaism in Hegel’s Philosophy of Religion.Peter C. Hodgson - 1987 - The Owl of Minerva 19 (1):41-52.
    Hegel’s treatment of Judaism in his early theological writings and his lectures on the philosophy of world history is relatively well-known. One of the best and most recent discussions of it is found in Shlomo Avineri’s paper, “The Fossil and the Phoenix: Hegel and Krochmal on the Jewish Volksgeist,” presented at the 1982 biennial meeting of the Hegel Society of America. Avineri points out that Hegel’s portrayal of Judaism in the early writings mainly followed the conventional image found in traditional (...)
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  39.  18
    Voices of fire.Theresa Abell Haynes - 2021 - Nordisk judaistik/Scandinavian Jewish Studies 32 (1):30-45.
    Early followers of Jesus and later rabbinical Jews, two divergent branches of Judaism emerging respectively from the Second Temple and Post-Second Temple eras, both drew upon the cultural memory of Sinai to establish their identity. This article examines how the author of Acts used the Sinai imagery of theophanic fire in the Pentecost narrative of Acts 2 to reinforce a continu­ation of Judaism and offer an inclusive expansion of it to gentile believers. Then it looks at (...)
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    The second temple of Hera at Paestum and the pronaos problem.J. J. Coulton - 1975 - Journal of Hellenic Studies 95:13-24.
  41. The Second Temple Period in Byzantine Chronicles.Rivkah Fishman-Duker - 1977 - Byzantion 47:126-156.
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    French existentialism.Temple Kingston - 1961 - [Toronto]: University of Toronto Press.
    In this study the author makes a comparison between the two main types of existentialism: the Christian and the non-Christian. Dr. Kingston handles the issues in a fair and honest way, neither concealing his own position nor dealing unfairly with those of whom he is most critical.
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  43. Apocalypticism as the rejected other : wisdom and apocalypticism in early Judaism and early Christianity.Sean Freyne - 2011 - In John Joseph Collins & Daniel C. Harlow (eds.), The "other" in Second Temple Judaism: essays in honor of John J. Collins. Grand Rapids, Mich.: W.B. Eerdmans Pub. Co..
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  44. Thoughts on Some Problems of the Day a Charge Delivered at His Primary Visitation.William Temple & Edwin James Palmer - 1931 - Macmillan.
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  45. Rewriting Scripture in Second Temple Times.Sidnie White Crawford - 2008
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    "That miracle of the Christian world": Origenism and Christian Platonism in Henry More.Christian Hengstermann & Henry More (eds.) - 2020 - Münster: Aschendorff Verlag.
    The present collection of essays is devoted to the Christian philosophy of the most prolific and most speculatively ambitious of the Cambridge Origenists, Henry More. Not only did More revere Origen, whom he extolled as a "holy sage" and "that miracle of the Christian world", but he also developed a philosophical system which hinged upon the Origenian notions of universal divine goodness and libertarian human freedom. Throughout his life, More subscribed to the ancient theology of the pre-existence of souls and (...)
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  47. Jewish Writings of the Second Temple Period.Michael E. Stone - 1984
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  48. An Introduction to Second Temple Judaism: History and Religion of the Jews in the Time of Nehemiah, The Maccabees, Hillel and Jesus.[author unknown] - 2010
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    5 Miracles in Second Temple and early rabbinic Judaism.Lidiia Novakovic - 2011 - In Graham H. Twelftree (ed.), The Cambridge Companion to Miracles. Cambridge University Press. pp. 95.
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    Prophetic Figures in Late Second Temple Jewish Palestine: The Evidence from Josephus.Doron Mendels & Rebecca Gray - 1995 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 115 (1):117.
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