Results for 'Sergeĭ Shevchenko'

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  1.  37
    Hintikka’s Independence-Friendly Logic Meets Nelson’s Realizability.Sergei P. Odintsov, Stanislav O. Speranski & Igor Yu Shevchenko - 2018 - Studia Logica 106 (3):637-670.
    Inspired by Hintikka’s ideas on constructivism, we are going to ‘effectivize’ the game-theoretic semantics for independence-friendly first-order logic, but in a somewhat different way than he did in the monograph ‘The Principles of Mathematics Revisited’. First we show that Nelson’s realizability interpretation—which extends the famous Kleene’s realizability interpretation by adding ‘strong negation’—restricted to the implication-free first-order formulas can be viewed as an effective version of GTS for FOL. Then we propose a realizability interpretation for IF-FOL, inspired by the so-called ‘trump (...)
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    The Role of Exceptionalism in the Evolution of Bioethical Regulation.Sergei Shevchenko & Alexey Zhavoronkov - 2024 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 33 (2):185-197.
    The paper aims to present a critical analysis of the phenomenon and notion of exceptionalism in bioethics. The authors demonstrate that exceptionalism pertains to phenomena that are not (yet) entirely familiar to us and could potentially bear risks regarding their regulation. After an overview of the state of the art, we briefly describe the origins and evolution of the concept, compared to exception and exclusion. In the second step, they look at the overall development debates on genetic exceptionalism, compared to (...)
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  3. Temporal Aspects of Epistemic Injustice: The Case of Patients with Drug Dependence.Sergei Shevchenko & Alexey Zhavoronkov - forthcoming - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry:1-11.
    Scholars usually distinguish between testimonial and hermeneutical epistemic injustice in healthcare. The former arises from negative stereotyping and stigmatization, while the latter occurs when the hermeneutical resources of the dominant community are inadequate for articulating the experience of one’s illness. However, the heuristics provided by these two types of epistemic predicaments tend to overlook salient forms of epistemic injustice. In this paper, we prove this argument on the example of the temporality of patients with drug dependence. We identify three temporal (...)
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    Irreversibility of Transformative Experience as a Criterion for Exceptionalism.Sergei Shevchenko & Sofya Lavrentyeva - 2025 - American Journal of Bioethics 25 (1):103-104.
    In their target article, Cohen and Marks (2025) argue that recognizing something as exceptional is a contextual matter. The authors consider the question of whether psychedelics are exceptional by...
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    Nadezhda obretennai︠a︡ i izobretennai︠a︡: ėpistemologii︠a︡ dobrodeteleĭ i gumanitarnai︠a︡ ėkspertiza biotekhnologiĭ.Sergeĭ Shevchenko - 2020 - Moskva: Progress-Tradit︠s︡ii︠a︡.
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    Ethics of Uncertainty As an Extension of Virtue Epistemology.Sergei Yu Shevchenko - 2021 - Epistemology and Philosophy of Science 58 (1):161-177.
    Uncertainty can’t be understood without taking into account both properties of the problem situation and agent’s knowledge about it. The correspondence of knowledge and situation of decision-making is crucial for understanding the onto-epistemological nature of uncertainty. At the same time, this correspondence is the key topic in virtue epistemology, especially in its ‘non-classical’, regulatory, branch, related to works of R. Roberts and W.J. Wood. In this article, genetic consultation is chosen as an example of such a problematic situation since a (...)
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    Hierarchy of Technoscience Estimation.Sergei Yu Shevchenko - 2019 - Epistemology and Philosophy of Science 56 (3):186-201.
    Semantic framework of the discussion about the equivalence and interchangeability of the original drugs and generics is considered in the article. Generics are identical to the original drugs in terms of chemical structure, nevertheless some patients and doctors consider that generics are less effective and have more severe side effects than original drugs. These discussions are considered as an example of a public deliberation concerning the achievements of technoscience. The conflicting parties determined the identity either from the chemical structure of (...)
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    Extended Mind and Epistemic Responsibility in a Digital Society.Sergei Yu Shevchenko - 2021 - Epistemology and Philosophy of Science 58 (4):209-227.
    The article deals with the problem of compatibility of the extended mind thesis with the concept of epistemic responsibility. This compatibility problem lies at the intersection of two current trends in Virtue Epistemology (VE): the study of extended cognition, and the return of VE to the topic of epistemic responsibility. I give objections to two seemingly independent positions; their acceptance makes it difficult or even impossible to make the concept of epistemic responsibility applicable to the agents of digital society whose (...)
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  9. The logic of justification.Sergei Artemov - 2008 - Review of Symbolic Logic 1 (4):477-513.
    We describe a general logical framework, Justification Logic, for reasoning about epistemic justification. Justification Logic is based on classical propositional logic augmented by justification assertions t: F that read t is a justification for F. Justification Logic absorbs basic principles originating from both mainstream epistemology and the mathematical theory of proofs. It contributes to the studies of the well-known Justified True Belief vs. Knowledge problem. We state a general Correspondence Theorem showing that behind each epistemic modal logic, there is a (...)
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  10. The Ontology of Justifications in the Logical Setting.Sergei N. Artemov - 2012 - Studia Logica 100 (1-2):17-30.
    Justification Logic provides an axiomatic description of justifications and delegates the question of their nature to semantics. In this note, we address the conceptual issue of the logical type of justifications: we argue that justifications in the logical setting are naturally interpreted as sets of formulas which leads to a class of epistemic models that we call modular models . We show that Fitting models for Justification Logic naturally encode modular models and can be regarded as convenient pre-models of the (...)
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    Constructive Negations and Paraconsistency.Sergei Odintsov - 2008 - Dordrecht, Netherland: Springer.
    Here is an account of recent investigations into the two main concepts of negation developed in the constructive logic: the negation as reduction to absurdity, and the strong negation. These concepts are studied in the setting of paraconsistent logic.
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  12.  22
    Spiritual Awakening of the Personality as key to Spiritual Security in the Context of Postmodernism.Halyna Shevchenko, Milena Bezuhla, Tetiana Antonenko & Iryna Safonova - 2021 - Postmodern Openings 12 (1):185-200.
    The article presents a new view on the problem of educating the spiritual security of the personality from the positions of axiological, culturological, civilizational, systemic, and anthropological approaches, on which the research methodology is based. The article describes the basic concepts of research: spirituality, culture, spiritual awakening, spiritual security, and presents the author’s definition of the concept of spiritual security of the personality. The article describes the cultural ideals of coziness in different countries of the world, which allowed us to (...)
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  13.  57
    Foucault’s Affirmative Biopolitics: Cynic Parrhesia and the Biopower of the Powerless.Sergei Prozorov - 2017 - Political Theory 45 (6):801-823.
    While Foucault’s work on biopolitics continues to inspire diverse studies in a variety of disciplines, it has largely been missing from the debates on the possibility of “affirmative biopolitics” which have been primarily influenced by the work of Agamben and Esposito. This article restores Foucault’s work to these debates, proposing that his final lecture course at the Collège de France in 1983–1984 developed a paradigm of affirmative biopolitics in the reading of the Cynic practice of truth-telling ( parrhesia). The Cynic (...)
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    Екзистенціальний томізм Жака Марітена: особливості тлумачення в наш час.Serhii Shevchenko - 2015 - Multiversum. Philosophical Almanac:112-126.
    У статті досліджується проблема розрізнення та інтерпретації екзистенціального та академічного екзистенціалізму в теології Жака Марітена. Автор аналізує також основні положення концепції «інтегрального гума- нізму» Жака Марітена. Доводиться, що неотомізм Марітена поєднав раціонально-філософські ідеї з істинами богослов'я, синтезував погляди феноменології, екзистенціалізму, герменевтики, персоналізму та інших напрямків сучасної філософії.
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  15. Justification logic.Sergei Artemov - forthcoming - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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    BK-lattices. Algebraic Semantics for Belnapian Modal Logics.Sergei P. Odintsov & E. I. Latkin - 2012 - Studia Logica 100 (1-2):319-338.
    Earlier algebraic semantics for Belnapian modal logics were defined in terms of twist-structures over modal algebras. In this paper we introduce the class of BK -lattices, show that this class coincides with the abstract closure of the class of twist-structures, and it forms a variety. We prove that the lattice of subvarieties of the variety of BK -lattices is dually isomorphic to the lattice of extensions of Belnapian modal logic BK . Finally, we describe invariants determining a twist-structure over a (...)
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  17.  29
    Mega-Essay as an Integrated Format in Modern Literature.Tetiana Shevchenko, Natalia Korobkova & Mariia Sliusarenko - 2022 - Postmodern Openings 13 (3):358-371.
    The article introduces the concept of mega-essay as an integrated format into literary circulation in the era of postmodernism. Its specificity is outlined in other forms of ensemble association of essay works: mega-essay as an integrated formation is a consolidated format, it differs from other forms of essay compilations with greater completeness, more thorough basis of design. It has a closed structure, because all its structural components are interconnected. They are closely related to the author's intention, outlined in the preface (...)
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    Smysl: periodicheskai︠a︡ sistema ego ėlementov.Sergeĭ Chernyshev - 1993 - Moskva: MP "Pervai︠a︡ obrazt︠s︡ovai︠a︡ tip.," Ministerstva pechati i informat︠s︡ii Rossiĭskoĭ Federat︠s︡ii.
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  19. Difesa della pedagogia.Sergeĭ Iosifovich Gessen - 1952 - Roma,: Casa editrice Avio.
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    Osnovy pedagogiki.Sergeĭ Iosifovich Gessen - 1923
  21.  33
    Claudia RAPP, Holy Bishops in Late Antiquity: The Nature of Christian Leadership in an Age of Transition. The Transformation of the Classical Heritage, 37.Sergei Mariev - 2006 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 99 (2):684-687.
    Im Zentrum der Monographie von Claudia Rapp steht die Figur des christlichen Bischofs im Kontext der spätantiken Gesellschaft. Das Buch besteht aus zwei Teilen und einem Epilog. Der erste Teil (S. 1–152) erfüllt eine zweifache Aufgabe: Er bietet (1.) eine Übersicht über die relevante Forschungsliteratur und Positionierung der vorliegenden Arbeit in der Forschungslandschaft und (2.) die Präsentation des von der Verf. entworfenen Erklärungsmodells, das die gesamte Untersuchung konzeptuell bestimmt. Im zweiten Teil (S. 155–289) betrachtet die Verf. die Entwicklung der Rolle (...)
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  22. Print︠s︡ip sochuvstvii︠a︡: razmyshlenii︠a︡ ob ėtike i nauchnom poznanii.Sergeĭ Viktorovich Meĭen - 2006 - Moskva: GEOS.
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    Intentionality: An american point of view.Sergei Nikonenko - 2017 - HORIZON. Studies in Phenomenology 6 (1):9-44.
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    Феномен ідеологічної роботи в збройних силах: Соціально-філософський аналіз.Mykola Shevchenko - 2016 - Схід 3 (143):115-120.
    In the article the author analyzes the phenomenon of ideological work from the socio-philosophical point of view and conducts general conceptualization of ideological work process in the Armed Forces of Ukraine. The author proposes his own variant of definition of object, functions, the main tasks of ideological work in the Ukrainian army. The main goal of ideological work in the Armed Forces of Ukraine is to achieve and maintain high morale of the Armed Forces personnel, to train in military servicemen (...)
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  25. Filosofsʹka zori︠a︡ Lazari︠a︡ Baranovycha.V. I. Shevchenko - 2001 - Kyïv: Ukraïnsʹkyĭ t︠s︡entr dukhovnoï kulʹtury.
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    Problema prav ti︠a︡zhelobolʹnykh i umirai︠u︡shchikh v otechestvennom i zarubezhnom zakonodatelʹstvakh.I︠U︡. L. Shevchenko (ed.) - 2002 - Moskva: Gėotar-Med.
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    Public relations management in the contextfunctioning of stakeholders.Milana Viktorovna Shevchenko & Aleksandra Vladimirovna Voronina - 2022 - Kant 42 (2):77-83.
    The purpose of the research is to determine the degree of influence of the participants of any system on the organization of operational and strategic projects, the specifics of organizing interaction with stakeholders in order to meet their own needs and the needs of stakeholders for security, and an increase in personal satisfaction. In the article, the authors focus on key groups of stakeholders and consider the issues of managing relations with media organizations, government bodies, business partners, the scientific community, (...)
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    Religious ceremonial sphere of religion: nature and laws of development.Vitaliy Shevchenko - 2016 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 78:32-41.
    The cult and ritual sphere is an important component of the religious complex, which is usually understood as a collection of ritual acts related to the worship of supernatural reality and aimed at achieving the bond of the believer with the object of worship. As an inalienable attribute of the religious phenomenon, the cult was created along with its occurrence and is characterized by the complication of manifestation in the process of historical development. Having an amazingly wide arsenal of expression, (...)
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    Модернізація православ’я Миколою Бердяєвим та проблема тлумачення екзистенціальної природи духовного.Sergij Shevchenko - 2016 - Multiversum. Philosophical Almanac:190-203.
    У статті розглядається проблема концептуального визначення методологічних та ідейних підвалин екзистенціальної діалектики М. Бердяєва, яка світоглядно трансформувала православ’я, а також інтерпретація ним екзистенціальної природи духовного. Доводиться, що М. Бердяєв розглядає людське пізнання і віру як динамічні форми людського буття, що зближує його погляди не лише з ідеями С. К’єркеґора, але й з систематичною теологією П. Тілліха. Аналізуються особливості екзистенціальної христології М. Бердяєва, в якій роль людини значно підвищується саме за рахунок применшення значення Бога, тобто, коли людина стає співтворцем «нового» духовного (...)
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    Man's Trajectory: Between the Body's Curve and the Soul's Straight Line.Sergei Zimovets - 1998 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 37 (2):18-24.
    And so that there may be less difficulty in understanding what I shall say on this matter, I should like that those not versed in anatomy should take the trouble, before they read this, to have cut up before their eyes the heart of some large animal that has lungs—for it is in all respects sufficiently similar to the heart of man….
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    Byzantine Perspectives on Neoplatonism.Mariev Sergei (ed.) - 2017 - Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter.
    Byzantine intellectuals not only had direct access to Neoplatonic sources in the original language but also, at times, showed a particular interest in them. During the Early Byzantine period Platonism significantly contributed to the development of Christian doctrines and, paradoxically, remained a rival world view that was perceived by many Christian thinkers as a serious threat to their own intellectual identity. This problematic relationship was to become even more complex during the following centuries. Byzantine authors made numerous attempts to harmonize (...)
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    Naukata i zhiznenii︠a︡t svi︠a︡t: sbornik v chest na 60-godishninata na prof. Sergeĭ Gerdzhikov.Sergeĭ Gerdzhikov, Konstantin I︠A︡nakiev & Dimitŭr Elchinov (eds.) - 2017 - Sofii︠a︡: Universitetsko izdatelstvo "Sv. Kliment Okhridski".
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    The Logic of Generalized Truth Values and the Logic of Bilattices.Sergei P. Odintsov & Heinrich Wansing - 2015 - Studia Logica 103 (1):91-112.
    This paper sheds light on the relationship between the logic of generalized truth values and the logic of bilattices. It suggests a definite solution to the problem of axiomatizing the truth and falsity consequence relations, \ and \ , considered in a language without implication and determined via the truth and falsity orderings on the trilattice SIXTEEN 3 . The solution is based on the fact that a certain algebra isomorphic to SIXTEEN 3 generates the variety of commutative and distributive (...)
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    COVID-19 and two sides of the coin of religiosity.Sergei V. Kolganov, Balachandran Vadivel, Mark Treve, Dono Kalandarova & Natalia V. Fedorova - 2022 - HTS Theological Studies 78 (4):7.
    Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) first appeared in China in late 2019 and since then it has become a pandemic. Various countries, in accordance with their cultures, have adopted different approaches to deal with the spread of this disease. The dimensions of this disease and its global spread are such that it will certainly have enormous effects on various aspects of human life for many years. One of these issues is examining the approach of religious countries in dealing with this crisis. (...)
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    A thousand healths: Jean-Luc Nancy and the possibility of democratic biopolitics.Sergei Prozorov - 2018 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 44 (10):1090-1109.
    This article addresses the relationship between ontology and politics in Jean-Luc Nancy’s theory of democracy by probing the implications of his latest ontological innovation, the concept of struction. We argue that Nancy’s democracy is a mode of politics that makes the radical pluralism of struction legitimate, opening and guarding a political space for the coexistence of the incommensurable. From this perspective, and despite Nancy’s own skepticism about the concept of biopolitics, the notion of struction opens a pathway for theorizing democracy (...)
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  36. On Axiomatizing Shramko-Wansing’s Logic.Sergei P. Odintsov - 2009 - Studia Logica 91 (3):407-428.
    This work treats the problem of axiomatizing the truth and falsity consequence relations, ⊨ t and ⊨ f, determined via truth and falsity orderings on the trilattice SIXTEEN 3 (Shramko and Wansing, 2005). The approach is based on a representation of SIXTEEN 3 as a twist-structure over the two-element Boolean algebra.
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    Disentangling FDE -Based Paraconsistent Modal Logics.Sergei P. Odintsov & Heinrich Wansing - 2017 - Studia Logica 105 (6):1221-1254.
    The relationships between various modal logics based on Belnap and Dunn’s paraconsistent four-valued logic FDE are investigated. It is shown that the paraconsistent modal logic \, which lacks a primitive possibility operator \, is definitionally equivalent with the logic \, which has both \ and \ as primitive modalities. Next, a tableau calculus for the paraconsistent modal logic KN4 introduced by L. Goble is defined and used to show that KN4 is definitionally equivalent with \ without the absurdity constant. Moreover, (...)
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    The Class of Extensions of Nelson's Paraconsistent Logic.Sergei P. Odintsov - 2005 - Studia Logica 80 (2-3):291-320.
    The article is devoted to the systematic study of the lattice εN4⊥ consisting of logics extending N4⊥. The logic N4⊥ is obtained from paraconsistent Nelson logic N4 by adding the new constant ⊥ and axioms ⊥ → p, p → ∼ ⊥. We study interrelations between εN4⊥ and the lattice of superintuitionistic logics. Distinguish in εN4⊥ basic subclasses of explosive logics, normal logics, logics of general form and study how they are relate.
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    Natural Liberation in the Sāṃkhyakārikā and Its Commentaries.Dimitry Shevchenko - 2017 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 45 (5):863-892.
    The subject of this article is the concept of natural liberation in classical Sāṃkhya. On the basis of the Sāṃkhyakārikā by Īśvarakṛṣṇa and its traditional commentaries, I will attempt to demonstrate that liberation from suffering in Sāṃkhya is not the result of rational inquiry—the prevailing view among contemporary scholars. The Sāṃkhya does not necessarily prescribe yogic practice as argued by other scholars. Instead, I will defend a position expressed by K.C. Bhattacharyya and Frank R. Podgorski, according to which liberation in (...)
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    Watching and feeling ballet: neuroscience and semiotics of bodily movement.Sergei Kruk - 2022 - Semiotica 2022 (248):351-374.
    Neuroscience has established several brain pathways that process visual information. Distinct neural circuits analyze body appearance and movement providing information about the person’s cognitive and emotional states. The activity of the pathways depends on the salience of visual stimuli for the organism in the given circumstances. Since ballet performances are not among the crucial events for the viewer’s organism, not all viewers perceive and interpret bodily signs that express the mental state of the dancer. Treatment of the dancer as close (...)
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    Protestantism: to the causes of growth and spread at an early stage of its development.Vitaliy Shevchenko - 2017 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 83:69-79.
    The article "Protestantism: to the causes of growth and spread at an early stage of its development" by V.Shevchenko deals with the epochmaking phenomenon of Protestantism, its exceptional place, role and significance in the history of Christian progress during past five hundred years. Special attention is dedicated to disclosure of number of some reasons, which caused the appearance of Protestantism.
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    Intuitionistic epistemic logic.Sergei Artemov & Tudor Protopopescu - 2016 - Review of Symbolic Logic 9 (2):266-298.
    We outline an intuitionistic view of knowledge which maintains the original Brouwer–Heyting–Kolmogorov semantics for intuitionism and is consistent with the well-known approach that intuitionistic knowledge be regarded as the result of verification. We argue that on this view coreflectionA→KAis valid and the factivity of knowledge holds in the formKA→ ¬¬A‘known propositions cannot be false’.We show that the traditional form of factivityKA→Ais a distinctly classical principle which, liketertium non datur A∨ ¬A, does not hold intuitionistically, but, along with the whole of (...)
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    The lattice of Belnapian modal logics: Special extensions and counterparts.Sergei P. Odintsov & Stanislav O. Speranski - 2016 - Logic and Logical Philosophy 25 (1):3-33.
    Let K be the least normal modal logic and BK its Belnapian version, which enriches K with ‘strong negation’. We carry out a systematic study of the lattice of logics containing BK based on: • introducing the classes of so-called explosive, complete and classical Belnapian modal logics; • assigning to every normal modal logic three special conservative extensions in these classes; • associating with every Belnapian modal logic its explosive, complete and classical counterparts. We investigate the relationships between special extensions (...)
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    The philosophy of pseudoabsolute.Sergeĭ Shalvovich Avaliani - 2018 - Hauppauge, New York: Nova Science Publisher's. Edited by Lela Dumbadze.
    The book represents a comprehensive account of the principles of the philosophy of the pseudoabsolute and is intended for readers interested in the issues of theoretical philosophy. It is also meant for a wide range of readers interested in the relative and absolute nature of human mentality.
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    Logic of proofs.Sergei Artëmov - 1994 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 67 (1-3):29-59.
    In this paper individual proofs are integrated into provability logic. Systems of axioms for a logic with operators “A is provable” and “p is a proof of A” are introduced, provided with Kripke semantics and decision procedure. Completeness theorems with respect to the arithmetical interpretation are proved.
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    On the intuitionistic strength of monotone inductive definitions.Sergei Tupailo - 2004 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 69 (3):790-798.
    We prove here that the intuitionistic theory $T_{0}\upharpoonright + UMID_{N}$ , or even $EEJ\upharpoonright + UMID_{N}$ , of Explicit Mathematics has the strength of $\prod_{2}^{1} - CA_{0}$ . In Section I we give a double-negation translation for the classical second-order $\mu-calculus$ , which was shown in [ $M\ddot{o}02$ ] to have the strength of $\prod_{2}^{1}-CA_{0}$ . In Section 2 we interpret the intuitionistic $\mu-calculus$ in the theory $EETJ\upharpoonright + UMID_{N}$ . The question about the strength of monotone inductive definitions in (...)
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  47.  20
    A Farewell to Homo Sacer? Sovereign Power and Bare Life in Agamben’s Coronavirus Commentary.Sergei Prozorov - 2023 - Law and Critique 34 (1):63-80.
    The article addresses Giorgio Agamben’s critical commentary on the global governance of the Covid-19 pandemic as a paradigm of his political thought. While Agamben’s comments have been criticized as exaggerated and conspiratorial, they arise from the conceptual constellation that he has developed starting from the first volume of his Homo Sacer series. At the centre of this constellation is the relation between the concepts of sovereign power and bare life, whose articulation in the figure of homo sacer Agamben traces from (...)
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    Question about the Ethics of Yalta Agreements in 1945. Archaeology of Power in Historiographical Discourses.Oleg Konstantinovich Shevchenko - 2019 - Conatus 4 (1):99.
    The Crimea Conference is by all means an extremely complex historical event. Any attempt to estimate its role and significance without analyzing its ethical components would unavoidably result in unduly simplifying the historical reality of the time, as well as in forming erroneous assumptions that would necessarily be used in the analysis of the causes of Cold War. A thorough examination will show that as far as the ‘ethical’ issues are concerned, there are significant developments with regard to general methodology, (...)
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    The Routledge Handbook of Biopolitics.Sergei Prozorov & Simona Rentea (eds.) - 2016 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    The problematic of biopolitics has become increasingly important in the social sciences. Inaugurated by Michel Foucault's genealogical research on the governance of sexuality, crime and mental illness in modern Europe, the research on biopolitics has developed into a broader interdisciplinary orientation, addressing the rationalities of power over living beings in diverse spatial and temporal contexts. The development of the research on biopolitics in recent years has been characterized by two tendencies: the increasingly sophisticated theoretical engagement with the idea of power (...)
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    The normativity of multiple social identity: from motivation to legitimacy.Z. V. Shevchenko & N. A. Fialko - 2022 - Anthropological Measurements of Philosophical Research 22:58-66.
    _Purpose._ The authors of this article aim to reveal how motivation and legitimacy ensure the normativity of the structuring and genesis of multiple social identity. _Theoretical basis._ Social constructivism was chosen as a research methodology. It reveals social identity as an identity constructed by its bearer on the basis of ready-made versions of social identity proposed by social groups and society. Social circles, identified by Georg Simmel, unite representatives of different social groups into a wider oneness, which can be interpreted (...)
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