Results for 'Sergio Isaac Porcayo Camargo'

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    Mostrar un milagro. El Caso de la guadalupana Y la nueva basílica.Sergio Isaac Porcayo Camargo - 2018 - Aisthesis 63:55-73.
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    Sentido, sabedoria e cidadania em Eric Weil.Sérgio Siqueira Camargo - 2013 - Cultura:185-193.
    O que se pretende com este artigo é mostrar, seguindo o itinerário da sucessão das categorias, que é o mesmo das atitudes nas quais o homem se compreende, a relação entre as duas últimas categorias da Lógica da filosofia - Sentido e Sabedoria - e a ideia de cidada­nia. Com efeito, a tese de fundo deste texto consiste em dizer que uma das originalidades do pensamento de Eric Weil reside justamente no conceito de retomada, que é um conceito de compreensão, (...)
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  3. The Child Emotion Facial Expression Set: A Database for Emotion Recognition in Children.Juliana Gioia Negrão, Ana Alexandra Caldas Osorio, Rinaldo Focaccia Siciliano, Vivian Renne Gerber Lederman, Elisa Harumi Kozasa, Maria Eloisa Famá D'Antino, Anderson Tamborim, Vitor Santos, David Leonardo Barsand de Leucas, Paulo Sergio Camargo, Daniel C. Mograbi, Tatiana Pontrelli Mecca & José Salomão Schwartzman - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Background: This study developed a photo and video database of 4-to-6-year-olds expressing the seven induced and posed universal emotions and a neutral expression. Children participated in photo and video sessions designed to elicit the emotions, and the resulting images were further assessed by independent judges in two rounds. Methods: In the first round, two independent judges, experts in the Facial Action Coding System, firstly analysed 3,668 emotions facial expressions stimuli from 132 children. Both judges reached 100% agreement regarding 1,985 stimuli, (...)
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    Offensive Transitions in High-Performance Football: Differences Between UEFA Euro 2008 and UEFA Euro 2016.Rubén Maneiro, Claudio A. Casal, Isaac Álvarez, José Enrique Moral, Sergio López, Antonio Ardá & José Luís Losada - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  5. Il preadamitismo di Isaac de La Peyrère nelletà previchiana e il libertinismo europeo del Seicento.Sergio Zoli - 1991 - Bollettino Del Centro di Studi Vichiani 21:61-78.
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  6. El retraso del reloj del universo: Isaac Newton y la sabiduría de los antiguos.Sergio Hernán Orozco Echeverri - 2008 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 37:159-200.
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  7. L'oriente in Francia nell'età di Mazzarino. La teoria preadamitica di Isaac de la Peyrère e il libertinismo del Seicento.Sergio Zoli - 1987 - Studi Filosofici 10:65.
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  8. EI retraso del reloj del universo: Isaac Newton y la sabiduría de los antiguos.Sergio H. Orozco-Echeverri - 2008 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 37:159-200.
    Desde hace algunas décadas es un lugar común en la Industria Newton mencionar una y otra vez la creencia de Isaac Newton en una sabiduría perdida. Sin embargo, el trabajo de crítica e interpretación al respecto se ha limitado a enunciar esta creencia sin ensayar una interpretación. Quienes más han trabajado el problema se han limitado a mostrar cómo esta creencia era plausible en el contexto intelectual de la época señalando a predecesores y seguidores de Newton que compartían esta (...)
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  9. The Unitarian Connection and Ricardo's Scientific Style.Sergio Volodia Marcello Cremaschi & Marcelo Dascal - 2002 - History of Political Economy 34 (2):505-508.
    We reply to Philippe Depoortère’s paper “On Ricardo’s method: The Unitarian influence examined. Some comments on Cremaschi and Dascal’s article ‘Malthus and Ricardo on Economic Methodology’”. Depoortère asks two questions: (1) was Ricardo’s ‘conversion’ to Unitarianism sincere? (2) did Ricardo follow the methodologies of Priestley and Belsham? His answers are that he was a ‘religious skeptic’ and he was not an ‘empiricist’ like Priestley and Belsham. We reply that the sincerity of Ricardo’s religious beliefs is irrelevant since we start with (...)
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  10. Modelos interpretativos del corpus newtoniano: Tradiciones historiográficas del siglo XX.Sergio H. Orozco-Echeverri - 2007 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 35:227-256.
    Este artículo pretende establecer los límites y alcances de las principales interpretaciones de Newton en el siglo XX, resaltando, de un lado, la evidencia textual de la que disponían los intérpretes y, de otro, las corrientes filosóficas y epistemológicas que definen los rasgos principales de sus interpretaciones. Se verá que el rechazo al positivismo no es condición suficiente para establecer una interpretación adecuada y que, de la mano del fortalecimiento de la investigación a partir de los manuscritos de Newton, se (...)
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  11. Furia computacional.Isaac Alvarez Domínguez - 2006 - In Juan Carlos Couceiro-Bueno & Sergio Vences Fernández, Pensar en tiempos de oscuridad: homenaje al profesor Sergio Vences. A Coruña: Universidade da Coruña, Servizo de Publicacions.
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    Reseña de" Isaac Newton y la reconstitución del palimpsesto divino" de Orozco Echeverri, Sergio Hernán.José Luis Cárdenas - 2010 - Ideas Y Valores 59 (144):158-164.
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    Reseña de "Isaac Newton y la reconstitución del palimpsesto divino" de Orozco Echeverri, Sergio Hernán. [REVIEW]B. Cárdenas - 2010 - Ideas Y Valores 59 (144):158-164.
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    The Fixation of Belief and its Undoing: Changing Beliefs Through Inquiry.Isaac Levi - 1991 - New York, NY, USA: Cambridge University Press.
    Isaac Levi's new book is concerned with how one can justify changing one's beliefs. The discussion is deeply informed by the belief-doubt model advocated by C. S. Peirce and John Dewey, of which the book provides a substantial analysis. Professor Levi then addresses the conceptual framework of potential changes available to an inquirer. A structural approach to propositional attitudes is proposed, which rejects the conventional view that a propositional attitude involves a relation between an agent and either a linguistic (...)
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  15. Hard Choices: Decision Making Under Unresolved Conflict.Isaac Levi - 1986 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    It is a commonplace that in making decisions agents often have to juggle competing values, and that no choice will maximise satisfaction of them all. However, the prevailing account of these cases assumes that there is always a single ranking of the agent's values, and therefore no unresolvable conflict between them. Isaac Levi denies this assumption, arguing that agents often must choose without having balanced their different values and that to be rational, an act does not have to be (...)
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    The Covenant of Reason: Rationality and the Commitments of Thought.Isaac Levi - 1997 - Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press.
    Isaac Levi is one of the preeminent philosophers in the areas of pragmatic rationality and epistemology. This collection of essays constitutes an important presentation of his original and influential ideas about rational choice and belief. A wide range of topics is covered, including consequentialism and sequential choice, consensus, voluntarism of belief, and the tolerance of the opinions of others. The essays elaborate on the idea that principles of rationality are norms that regulate the coherence of our beliefs and values (...)
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    Mild contraction: evaluating loss of information due to loss of belief.Isaac Levi - 2004 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Isaac Levi's new book develops further his pioneering work in formal epistemology, focusing on the problem of belief contraction, or how rationally to relinquish old beliefs. Levi offers the most penetrating analysis to date of this key question in epistemology, offering a completely new solution and explaining its relation to his earlier proposals. He mounts an argument in favor of the thesis that contracting a state of belief by giving up specific beliefs is to be evaluated in terms of (...)
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    Philosophical writings.Isaac Newton - 2004 - Cambridge, UK ;: Cambridge University Press. Edited by Andrew Janiak.
    Sir Isaac Newton (1642-1727) left a voluminous legacy of writings. Despite his influence on the early modern period, his correspondence, manuscripts, and publications in natural philosophy remain scattered throughout many disparate editions. In this volume, Newton's principal philosophical writings are for the first time collected in a single place. They include excerpts from the Principia and the Opticks, his famous correspondence with Boyle and with Bentley, and his equally significant correspondence with Leibniz, which is often ignored in favor of (...)
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  19. The Enterprise of Knowledge: An Essay on Knowledge, Credal Probability, and Chance.Isaac Levi - 1980 - MIT Press.
    This major work challenges some widely held positions in epistemology - those of Peirce and Popper on the one hand and those of Quine and Kuhn on the other.
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    Working Knowledge: Making the Human Sciences From Parsons to Kuhn.Joel Isaac - 2012 - Harvard University Press: Cambridge.
    Isaac explores how influential thinkers in the mid-twentieth century understood the relations among science, knowledge, and the empirical study of human affairs. He places special emphasis on the practical, local manifestations of their complex theoretical ideas, particularly the institutional milieu of Harvard University.
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    Opticks.Isaac Newton - 1704 - Dover Press.
    Reproduces the text of Newton's dissertation on the nature and properties of light.
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    Pragmatism and inquiry: selected essays.Isaac Levi - 2012 - Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    This volume presents a series of essays which investigate the nature of intellectual inquiry: what its aims are and how it operates. The startingpoint is the work of the American pragmatists C.S. Peirce and John Dewey. Inquiry according to Peirce is a struggle to replace doubt by true belief. Dewey insisted that the transformation was from an indeterminate situation to a determinate or non-problematic one. So Isaac Levi's subject is changes in doxastic commitments, which may involve changes in attitudes (...)
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    Arendt, Camus, and Modern Rebellion.Jeffrey C. Isaac - 1992 - Yale University Press.
    The works of Hannah Arendt and Albert Camus--two of the most compelling political thinkers of the "resistance generation" that lived through World War II--can still provide penetrating insights for contemporary political reflection. Jeffrey C. Isaac offers new interpretations of these writers, viewing both as engaged intellectuals who grappled with the possibilities of political radicalism in a world in which liberalism and Marxism had revealed their inadequacy by being complicit in the rise of totalitarianism. According to Isaac, self-styled postmodern (...)
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    Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica.Isaac Newton - 1726 - Filozofia 56 (5):341-354.
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    Philosophy of Biology.Sergio Sismondo - 1995 - Philosophical Review 104 (1):164.
  26. Vague Projects and the Puzzle of the Self-Torturer.Sergio Tenenbaum & Diana Raffman - 2012 - Ethics 123 (1):86-112.
    In this paper we advance a new solution to Quinn’s puzzle of the self-torturer. The solution falls directly out of an application of the principle of instrumental reasoning to what we call “vague projects”, i.e., projects whose completion does not occur at any particular or definite point or moment. The resulting treatment of the puzzle extends our understanding of instrumental rationality to projects and ends that cannot be accommodated by orthodox theories of rational choice.
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    The Principia: The Authoritative Translation: Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy.Isaac Newton - 2016 - University of California Press.
    In his monumental 1687 work, _Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica_, known familiarly as the _Principia_, Isaac Newton laid out in mathematical terms the principles of time, force, and motion that have guided the development of modern physical science. Even after more than three centuries and the revolutions of Einsteinian relativity and quantum mechanics, Newtonian physics continues to account for many of the phenomena of the observed world, and Newtonian celestial dynamics is used to determine the orbits of our space vehicles. (...)
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    (1 other version)Mathematical principles of natural philosophy.Isaac Newton - 2007 - In Aloysius Martinich, Fritz Allhoff & Anand Vaidya, Early Modern Philosophy: Essential Readings with Commentary. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell.
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    Fears, Phobias, and Rituals: Panic, Anxiety, and Their Disorders.Isaac Meyer Marks - 1987 - Oxford University Press USA.
    This book draws on fields as diverse as biochemistry, physiology, pharmacology, psychology, psychiatry, and ethology, to form a fascinating synthesis of information on the nature of fear and of panic and anxiety disorders. Dr. Marks offers both a detailed discussion of the clinical aspects of fear-related syndromes and a broad exploration of the sources and mechanisms of fear and defensive behavior. Dealing first with normal fear, he establishes a firm, scientific basis for understanding it. He then presents a thorough analysis (...)
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  30. Action, Deontology, and Risk: Against the Multiplicative Model.Sergio Tenenbaum - 2017 - Ethics 127 (3):674-707.
    Deontological theories face difficulties in accounting for situations involving risk; the most natural ways of extending deontological principles to such situations have unpalatable consequences. In extending ethical principles to decision under risk, theorists often assume the risk must be incorporated into the theory by means of a function from the product of probability assignments to certain values. Deontologists should reject this assumption; essentially different actions are available to the agent when she cannot know that a certain act is in her (...)
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  31. Grounding and propositional identity.Isaac Wilhelm - 2021 - Analysis 81 (1):80-81.
    I show that standard grounding conditions contradict standard conditions for the identities of propositions.
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  32. The judgment of a weak will.Sergio Tenenbaum - 1999 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 59 (4):875-911.
    In trying to explain the possibility of akrasia , it seems plausible to deny that there is a conceptual connection between motivation and evaluation ; akrasia occurs when the agent is motivated to do something that she does not judge to be good . However, it is hard to see how such accounts could respect our intuition that the akratic agent acts freely, or that there is a difference between akrasia and compulsion. It is also hard to see how such (...)
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  33. The Invention of Racism in Classical Antiquity (Shelley P. Haley).B. Isaac - 2005 - American Journal of Philology 126 (3).
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    Ghost management: How much of the medical literature is shaped behind the scenes by the pharmaceutical industry?Sergio Sismondo - manuscript
    Anecdotes have shown that some articles on profitable drugs are constructed by and shepherded through publication by pharmaceutical companies and their agents, whose influence is largely invisible to readers. This is ghost-management, the substantial but unrecognized research, analysis, writing, editing and/or facilitation behind publication. Publicly available documents suggest that these practices extremely widespread affecting up to 40% of clinical trial reports in key periods but it has been unclear how representative these documents are. This article presents the results of an (...)
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    Models, Simulations, and Their Objects.Sergio Sismondo - 1999 - Science in Context 12 (2):247-260.
  36. Nudging to donate organs: do what you like or like what we do?Sergio Beraldo & Jurgis Karpus - 2021 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy (3):329-340.
    An effective method to increase the number of potential cadaveric organ donors is to make people donors by default with the option to opt out. This non-coercive public policy tool to influence people’s choices is often justified on the basis of the as-judged-by-themselves principle: people are nudged into choosing what they themselves truly want. We review three often hypothesized reasons for why defaults work and argue that the as-judged-by-themselves principle may hold only in two of these cases. We specify further (...)
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    Key Opinion Leaders and the Corruption of Medical Knowledge: What the Sunshine Act Will and Won’t Cast Light on.Sergio Sismondo - 2013 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 41 (3):635-643.
    The pharmaceutical industry, in its marketing efforts, often turns to “key opinion leaders” or “KOLs” to disseminate scientific information. Drawing on the author's fieldwork, this article documents and examines the use of KOLs in pharmaceutical companies’ marketing efforts. Partly due to the use of KOLs, a small number of companies with well-defined and narrow interests have inordinate influence over how medical knowledge is produced, circulated, and consumed. The issue here, as in many other cases of institutional corruption, is that a (...)
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  38. Knowing the Good and Knowing What One is Doing.Sergio Tenenbaum - 2009 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 39 (S1):91-117.
    Most contemporary action theorists accept – or at least find plausible – a belief condition on intention and a knowledge condition on intentional action. The belief condition says that I can only intend to ɸ if I believe that I will ɸ or am ɸ-ing, and the knowledge condition says that I am only intentionally ɸ-ing if I know that I am ɸ-ing. The belief condition in intention and the knowledge condition in action go hand in hand. After all, if (...)
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  39. The Stage Theory of Groups.Isaac Wilhelm - 2020 - Tandf: Australasian Journal of Philosophy 98 (4):661-674.
    I propose a `stage theory’ of groups: a group is a fusion of group-stages, where a group-stage is a plurality of individuals at a world and a time. The stage theory consists of existence conditions, identity conditions, and parthood conditions for groups.
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  40. Explanatory priority monism.Isaac Wilhelm - 2020 - Philosophical Studies 178 (4):1339-1359.
    Explanations are backed by many different relations: causation, grounding, and arguably others too. But why are these different relations capable of backing explanations? In virtue of what are they explanatory? In this paper, I propose and defend a monistic account of explanation-backing relations. On my account, there is a single relation which backs all cases of explanation, and which explains why those other relations are explanation-backing.
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    Bounded distributive lattices with strict implication.Sergio Celani & Ramon Jansana - 2005 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 51 (3):219-246.
    The present paper introduces and studies the variety WH of weakly Heyting algebras. It corresponds to the strict implication fragment of the normal modal logic K which is also known as the subintuitionistic local consequence of the class of all Kripke models. The tools developed in the paper can be applied to the study of the subvarieties of WH; among them are the varieties determined by the strict implication fragments of normal modal logics as well as varieties that do not (...)
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    Identifying social partners through indirect prosociality: A computational account.Isaac Davis, Ryan Carlson, Yarrow Dunham & Julian Jara-Ettinger - 2023 - Cognition 240 (C):105580.
  43. The Counteridentical Account of Explanatory Identities.Isaac Wilhelm - 2021 - Journal of Philosophy 118 (2):57-78.
    Many explanations rely on identity facts. In this paper, I propose an account of how identity facts explain: roughly, the fact that A is identical to B explains another fact whenever that other fact depends, counterfactually, on A being identical to B. As I show, this account has many virtues. It avoids several problems facing accounts of explanatory identities, and when precisified using structural equations, it can be used to defend interventionist accounts of causation against an objection.
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  44. Typicality First.Isaac Wilhelm - forthcoming - Philosophical Quarterly.
    Instances of the law of large numbers are used to model many different physical systems. In this paper, I argue for a particular interpretation, of those instances of that law, which appeals to typicality. As I argue, the content of that law, when used to model physical systems, is that the probability of an event typically—rather than probably—approximates the frequency with which that event occurs.
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  45. The Perils of Earnest Consequentializing.Sergio Tenenbaum - 2014 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 88 (1):233-240.
  46. Appearing Good.Sergio Tenenbaum - 2008 - Social Theory and Practice 34 (1):131-138.
  47.  50
    Pharmaceutical company funding and its consequences: A qualitative systematic review.Sergio Sismondo - manuscript
    This article systematically reviews published studies of the association of pharmaceutical industry funding and clinical trial results, as well a few closely related studies. It reviews two earlier results, and surveys the recent literature. Results are clear: Pharmaceutical company sponsorship is strongly associated with results that favor the sponsors' interests.
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  48. Explanatory circles.Isaac Wilhelm - 2024 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 108 (C):84-92.
    Roughly put, explanatory circles — if any exist — would be propositions such that (i) each explains the next, and (ii) the last explains the first. In this paper, I give two arguments for the view that there are explanatory circles. The first argument appeals to general relativistic worlds in which time is circular. The second argument appeals to special science theories that describe feedback loops. In addition, I show that three standard arguments against explanatory circles are unsuccessful.
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    Emotional Rescue: The Theory and Practice of a Feminist Father.Isaac D. Balbus - 1998 - Psychology Press.
    This text examines feminist mothering theory and psychoanalytic theories of narcissism. The author describes his effort to share in the care of his daughter during her first four years. The connections between and the problems in his child-rearing practice and the development of his child-rearing theory are explored.
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    Der neue Kusari.Isaac Breuer - 1934 - Frankfurt a. M.,: Verlag der Rabbiner-Hirsch-gesellschaft.
    85 Jahre nach Erscheinen des religionsphilosophischen Romans Der Neue Kusari als Gesamtwerk (1934) wird das opus magnum des Frankfurter jüdischen Philosophen Isaac Breuer (1883 - 1946) hier erneut vorgelegt - in einer kritischen Ausgabe (mit dem Nachweis der Varianten der Erstveröffentlichung des ersten Teils in den Jahren 1930 - 1933), bereinigt von Druckfehlern, mit dem Nachweis von Anspielungen und Zitaten aus der jüdischen und außerjüdischen Literatur und weiteren Sachinformationen sowie mit einem Nachwort zum Verhältnis von Isaac Breuer und (...)
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