Results for 'Sexbots'

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  1.  18
    Sexbots : nos prochains partenaires.Robin Mackenzie - 2015 - Multitudes 58 (1):192-198.
    Le statut éthico-juridique des robots dotés de sensibilité est encore incertain, mais exige d’être pensé sans tarder. Si les économies d’échelle et les avantages sanitaires conduisent à une convergence des industries du soin et du sexe, les « sexbots » sont susceptibles d’attirer une stigmatisation qui accroîtra leur risque de maltraitance. Cet article soutient qu’il est éthiquement problématique pour les humains de créer des êtres sensibles, fabriqués à des fins utilitaires pour opérer des tâches que nous préférerions ne pas (...)
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  2. Is it good for them too? Ethical concern for the sexbots.Steve Petersen - 2017 - In John Danaher & Neil McArthur, Robot Sex: Social and Ethical Implications. MIT Press. pp. 155-171.
    In this chapter I'd like to focus on a small corner of sexbot ethics that is rarely considered elsewhere: the question of whether and when being a sexbot might be good---or bad---*for the sexbot*. You might think this means you are in for a dry sermon about the evils of robot slavery. If so, you'd be wrong; the ethics of robot servitude are far more complicated than that. In fact, if the arguments here are right, designing a robot to serve (...)
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    Non-consensual personified sexbots: an intrinsic wrong.Karen Lancaster - 2021 - Ethics and Information Technology 23 (4):589-600.
    Humanoid robots used for sexual purposes are beginning to look increasingly lifelike. It is possible for a user to have a bespoke sexbot created which matches their exact requirements in skin pigmentation, hair and eye colour, body shape, and genital design. This means that it is possible—and increasingly easy—for a sexbot to be created which bears a very high degree of resemblance to a particular person. There is a small but steadily increasing literature exploring some of the ethical issues surrounding (...)
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    Inhumanity and sexbots.Tomáš Kobes - 2023 - Filosoficky Casopis 71 (Special issue 1):89-111.
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    Automation and design for prevention: Fictional accounts of misanthropic agency from the elevator (lift) to the sexbot (chatbot).Amanda Windle - 2014 - Technoetic Arts 12 (1):91-106.
    Fiction is an important tool in an artist/designer/developer’s vocabulary, but its usage is polyvalent. Speculative research in this article introduces the ‘rudiment’ to embrace the undeveloped and the improvisory phases of research practice. Fiction is used to reflect on the ways practicing designers and developers might already engage in misanthropic thinking – involving automated technologies. Tracing the misanthropic agencies in relation to automated technologies contributes to expanding the ways designers and developers reflect on the technical potential of their designs, with (...)
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  6. Sociable Robots for Later Life: Carebots, Friendbots and Sexbots.Nancy S. Jecker - 2021 - In Ruiping Fan & Mark J. Cherry, Sex Robots: Social Impact and the Future of Human Relations. Springer. pp. 25-40.
    This chapter discusses three types of sociable robots for older adults: robotic caregivers ; robotic friends ; and sex robots. The central argument holds that society ought to make reasonable efforts to provide these types of robots and that under certain conditions, omitting such support not only harms older adults but poses threats to their dignity. The argument proceeds stepwise. First, the chapter establishes that assisting care-dependent older adults to perform activities of daily living is integral to respecting dignity. Here, (...)
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  7. Robot Sex: Social and Ethical Implications.John Danaher & Neil McArthur - 2017 - MIT Press.
    Sexbots are coming. Given the pace of technological advances, it is inevitable that realistic robots specifically designed for people's sexual gratification will be developed in the not-too-distant future. Despite popular culture's fascination with the topic, and the emergence of the much-publicized Campaign Against Sex Robots, there has been little academic research on the social, philosophical, moral, and legal implications of robot sex. This book fills the gap, offering perspectives from philosophy, psychology, religious studies, economics, and law on the possible (...)
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  8. Building better Sex Robots: Lessons from Feminist Pornography.John Danaher - 2019 - In Yuefang Zhou & Martin H. Fischer, Ai Love You : Developments in Human-Robot Intimate Relationships. Springer Verlag.
    How should we react to the development of sexbot technology? Taking their cue from anti-porn feminism, several academic critics lament the development of sexbot technology, arguing that it objectifies and subordinates women, is likely to promote misogynistic attitudes toward sex, and may need to be banned or restricted. In this chapter I argue for an alternative response. Taking my cue from the sex positive ‘feminist porn’ movement, I argue that the best response to the development of ‘bad’ sexbots is (...)
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    Building Better Sex Robots: Lessons from Feminist Pornography.John Danaher - 2019 - In Yuefang Zhou & Martin H. Fischer, Ai Love You : Developments in Human-Robot Intimate Relationships. Springer Verlag.
    How should we react to the development of sexbot technology? Taking their cue from anti-porn feminism, several academic critics lament the development of sexbot technology, arguing that it objectifies and subordinates women, which is likely to promote misogynistic attitudes towards sex, and may need to be banned or restricted. This chapter argues for an alternative response. Taking its cue from the sex-positive ‘feminist porn’ movement, it argues that the best response to the development of ‘bad’ sexbots is to make (...)
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  10.  19
    On the Morality of Enjoying Simulated Rape with Robots and by Other Fictional Means.Garry Young - 2025 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 42 (1):217-233.
    I argue that there is no morally relevant difference, based solely on motivation for enjoyment, between enjoying simulated rape with a sexbot compared to other media. In defence of this claim, I distinguish between two types of enjoyment – enjoyment qua simulation and enjoyment qua substitution – and further claim that each type of enjoyment shares corresponding similarities with either idle or surrogate fantasies. Given this, the enjoyment of one's rape fantasy is, I contend, immoral if one enjoys qua substitution (...)
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  11.  29
    A Sexual Series.Emie // Eva-Marie Elg - 2021 - Technoetic Arts 19 (3):321-335.
    Sara Ahmed’s enquiry on what it means for sexuality to be lived as oriented from the work Queer Phenomenology inspired the art series ‘A Sexual Series’, based on post-humanist theory and asexual experience. Shapes of performative alter egos materialized from a queer cyborg position of technologically enhanced crip experiences (the strong symbolical constructing process of straightening scoliosis surgery). From being a glitch of the past towards a post-individualist future, the artificial intelligence sexbot is a metaphoric, elevated cyborg drag version of (...)
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  12.  20
    Can a Sex Robot be a Personal Companion? - A Counterargument to the ‘Symbolic-consequences Argument’-. 김남호 - 2021 - Journal of the Daedong Philosophical Association 97:1-13.
    이 글은 한국사회에서 논란이 되는 리얼돌(real doll)이 단순한 성적 만족을 위한 도구 가 아닌 인격적 존재로 발전될 수 있는가에 관해 논하고자 한다. 그를 위해서 우선 리얼돌 에 반대하는 대표적인 입장의 핵심 논변인 ‘상징-결과 논변(symbolic-consequences argument)’을 비판적으로 검토해보고자 한다. ‘상징-결과 논변’은 리얼돌(섹스봇 포함)이 윤리적으로 문제가 있는 성적 규범(sexual norms)을 상징적으로 보여주며, 이는 결과적 으로 사회에 부정적인 영향을 미치므로 리얼돌의 생산 및 판매가 금지되어야 한다고 주장 한다. 본 논문에서는 윤지영(2020)의 입장을 ‘상징-결과 논변’으로 재구성하여, 그 타당성과 건전성을 검토해보고자 한다. 결론적으로 리얼돌이 여성에 대한 (...)
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    Book Review - A Left That Dares to Speak Its Name. [REVIEW]Evan Supple - 2020 - International Journal of Žižek Studies 14 (2).
    Slavoj Žižek’s latest book, A Left That Dares to Speak Its Name, is an anthology composed of 34 of the philosopher’s recent and, of course, polemical interventions into the public media. With topics ranging from Greta Thunberg to ‘rights for sexbots’ and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict to #MeToo, each intervention is typical of Žižek’s tendentious style and offers acute insight into an aspect of the current ‘global mess’.
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  14. Social Agency for Artifacts: Chatbots and the Ethics of Artificial Intelligence.John Symons & Syed AbuMusab - 2024 - Digital Society 3:1-28.
    Ethically significant consequences of artificially intelligent artifacts will stem from their effects on existing social relations. Artifacts will serve in a variety of socially important roles—as personal companions, in the service of elderly and infirm people, in commercial, educational, and other socially sensitive contexts. The inevitable disruptions that these technologies will cause to social norms, institutions, and communities warrant careful consideration. As we begin to assess these effects, reflection on degrees and kinds of social agency will be required to make (...)
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  15. Maurizio Balistreri, Sex robot. L’amore al tempo delle macchine. [REVIEW]Steven Umbrello - 2020 - Filosofia 2020 (65):191-193.
    A new book by Maurizio Balistreri, "Sex robot. L’amore al tempo delle macchine", is reviewed. Sex robots not only exacerbate social, ethical and cultural issues that already exist, but also come with emergent and novel ones. This book is intended to build on the recent research on both robotics and the growing scholarship on sex robots more generally, however with greater attention to the developments of the philosophical issues of how to deal with these new artefacts and steps for living (...)
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    El amor en los tiempos de la inteligencia artificial. Paradojas y realidades de los imaginarios sociotécnicos sobre las inteligencias artificiales de acompañamiento y la sustitución de las personas.Enrique Álvarez Villanueva - 2022 - Azafea: Revista de Filosofia 24:89-111.
    Hockenhull y Leavitt Cohn introducen en su análisis de la escena tecnológica danesa el concepto de «aire caliente» para describir las medias verdades y exageraciones que las compañías utilizan para atraer la atención pública y la inversión. La ciencia ficción y los anuncios de las empresas del sector tecnológico describen con frecuencia a los robots del futuro como seres inteligentes y con capacidad de sentir y, por tanto, con la capacidad de sustituir a las personas como amantes y compañeros de (...)
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