Results for 'Shainalhyn Gado'

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  1. The Experiences and Challenges Faced by COVID-19 Family Survivors: A Phenomenological Study of Mothers' Perspectives.Riabel Sy, Joy Almarie Aglamma, Arlan Deluna, Shainalhyn Gado, Luis Maranan, Alyssa Lara Termulo & Jhoselle Tus - 2022 - Psychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journal 12 (1):133-167.
    Due to the outbreak of COVID-19 many families experience the threat of the COVID-19. This study aims to explore the lived experiences, challenges, and coping mechanisms of COVID-19 Family Survivors. The study employed the Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis with ten (10) participants. Based on the findings, the following conclusions were drawn: (1) Most of the participants consulted health professionals for their medications and advised herbal medicines in boosting their immune system. (2) Family survivors had to make adaptations to their daily routines (...)
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    Faith, Tsar and Fatherland: Division and War Mobilization During the First World War.Celina Gado - 2020 - Constellations 11 (2).
    Faith, Tsar and Fatherland is an exploration of how religious, political, and ethnic differences influenced war mobilization in Russia prior to, and during, the First World War. Through the narrative of a sacred union, the Russian Imperial government unified an otherwise divided country into one cohesive whole, fighting to protect the Fatherland. In the name of patriotism, historically marginalized groups such as Russo-German settlers and Russian Muslims set aside political, religious, and cultural differences to fight alongside ethnic Russians in one (...)
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  3. Fazendas de gado no Paraná escravista.Horacio Gutiérrez - 2004 - Topoi: Revista de História 9.
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  4. Contrabandistas de gado e "Passadores de cousas defesas" para Castela e "Terra de Mouros".Luís Duarte - 1998 - História 15:451-474.
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  5. Formação da rede regional de abastecimento do Rio de Janeiro: a presença dos negociantes de gado (1801-1811).Renato Leite Marcondes - 2001 - Topoi 2.
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    La naturaleza de la ciencia.Charles S. Peirce - 1996 - Anuario Filosófico 29 (56):1435-1440.
    El texto de Peirce que en las páginas siguientes se publica por primera vez en castellano, forma parte de sus Notebook I de 1905, correspondiente a las Adirondack Summer School Lectures. Fue catalo-gado como MS 1334 en el catálogo de Richard R. Robin. En 1986 Kenneth L. Ketner eligió este sugestivo fragmento -hasta entonces prácticamente desconocido- dándole el título "The Nature of Science" para dar a conocer en el volumen de John J. Stuhr Classical American Philosophy. Essential Readings and (...)
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    Masonería, laicidad Y educación democrática en la españa contemporánea.Pedro Álvarez Lázaro - 2004 - Anales de la Cátedra Francisco Suárez 38:9-28.
    La Masonería es una o r ganización que ha estado presente en España, como en el mundo, en los períodos liberales y que ha sido per s e guida y ha desaparecido casi en los totalitarismos, sean comunistas o fascistas. La masonería española, tradicionalmente vincu- lada el modelo europeo continental, ha concedido gran impo r tancia a la pa r ticipación act i v a en los grandes debates sociales. El cometido fundamental de la masonería es la fo r mación (...)
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