Results for 'Shinpei Kuwajima'

9 found
  1.  4
    Katsuta Shuichi to Kyōto gakuha: shoki shikō no keisei katei to bōkyakusareta shisō no suimyaku = Katsuta Shuichi and the Kyoto school: development of his early educational thoughts and forgotten philosophical roots.Shinpei Kuwajima - 2021 - Tōkyō-to Meguro-ku: Tōkyō Daigaku Shuppankai.
  2. Hōshisōshi.Shinpei Katō - 1952 - Tōkyō: Keisō Shobō.
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  3. Kotoba wa subete de wa nai.Shinpei Yokoyama - 1961
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    The Brain Mechanisms Underlying the Perception of Pungent Taste of Capsaicin and the Subsequent Autonomic Responses.Shinpei Kawakami, Hajime Sato, Akihiro T. Sasaki, Hiroki C. Tanabe, Yumiko Yoshida, Mitsuru Saito, Hiroki Toyoda, Norihiro Sadato & Youngnam Kang - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
  5. Hōtetsugaku gairon.Shinpei Katō - 1976
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  6. Hōgakuteki sekaikan.Shinpei Katō - 1950 - Tōkyō: Yūhikaku.
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    Development of agent system based on decision model for creating an ambient space.Takashi Nishiyama, Shinpei Hibiya & Tetsuo Sawaragi - 2011 - AI and Society 26 (3):247-259.
    This paper describes a decision model for an autonomous agent that provides an inhabitant with comfort based on information network technologies that connect home electric appliances with household equipment. The inhabitant enjoys the benefit of comfort, while he pays the cost for keeping that comfort. The autonomous agent should decide and control household equipment considering that cost from the inhabitant’s viewpoint. Thus, we utilized a representation scheme called an “influence diagram” that enabled us to model the decision-making process of the (...)
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  8. Hōtetsugaku kōza.Tomoo Odaka, Mitsurō[Old Catalog Heading] Minemura & Shinpei[Old Catalog Heading] Katō (eds.) - 1956 - Tōkyō: Yūhikaku.
    dai 1-kan. Hō no kihon riron -- dai 2-5-kan. Hōshisō no rekishiteki tenkai -- dai 6-8-kan. Gendai jitteihō no kihon mondai.
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    Kumazawa Banzan to Gotō Shinpei: futari o tsunagu shisō.Issaku Suzuki - 2023 - Tōkyō: Fujiwara Shoten. Edited by Yoshimichi Kusunoki.
    思想家・後藤新平は、「儒服をつけた英雄」蕃山から何を学んだのか? 百年先を読んだ政治家、後藤新平(1857-1929)の思想はどのようにして培われてきたのか。後藤新平が終生の愛読書としていた熊沢蕃山(1619-91)の『集義和書』を手がかりに、思想家・後藤新平の知ら れざる中枢に切り込む。.
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