Results for 'Shusterman, Pragmatist aesthetics, somaesthetics'

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  1. Pragmatist Aesthetics: Living Beauty, Rethinking Art.Richard Shusterman - 1992 - Cambridge, USA: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    This much acclaimed book has emerged as neo-pragmatism's most significant contribution to contemporary aesthetics. By articulating a deeply embodied notion of aesthetic experience and the art of living, and by providing a compellingly rigorous defense of popular art—crowned by a pioneer study of hip hop—Richard Shusterman reorients aesthetics towards a fresher, more relevant, and socially progressive agenda. The second edition contains an introduction where Shusterman responds to his critics, and it concludes with an added chapter that formulates his novel notion (...)
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    Back to the Future: Aesthetics Today.Richard Shusterman - 2012 - Nordic Journal of Aesthetics 23 (43).
    This paper originated as the keynote address at the conference “Aesthetics Today” organized by the Finnish Society of Aesthetics to mark its 40th anniversary and was delivered at the University of Helsinki on March 1, 2012. Written for that particular occasion the sense of an oral presentation has been maintained. Shusterman’s point of departure is the thesis that contemporary aesthetics can be characterized by a number of leading themes that mark a return to older aesthetic perspectives, after these perspectives have (...)
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  3. Somaesthetics and the Revival of Aesthetics.Richard M. Shusterman - 2004 - Filozofski Vestnik 25 (2).
    This paper examines the ten-year history of somaesthetics – describing the field's origins and genealogical roots, explaining its terminology, analyzing its structure, tracing its reception, exploring its most interesting applications, and responding to the most important criticisms that have been directed at it. Somaesthetics, as the paper shows, emerges from the framework of my work in pragmatist aesthetics which sought to revive aesthetics by bringing art closer to life and bridging the presumed divide between the aesthetic and (...)
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    Transactional Experiential Inquiry: From Pragmatism to Somaesthetics.Richard Shusterman - 2015 - Contemporary Pragmatism 12 (1):180-195.
    In responding to five symposium articles that discuss my book Thinking through the Body and my theories of somaesthetics and pragmatism, this essay elaborates two central methodological orientations that guide my philosophical research. The first is transactional experiential inquiry in which inquiry can develop new directions, aims, methods, and standards through the dynamic experiences acquired in the course of the inquiry’s pursuit and in which its transactional experiences involve research that transcends familiar disciplinary limits and conventions. The second principle (...)
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    Thinking through the body: essays in somaesthetics.Richard Shusterman - 2012 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Thinking through the body: educating for the humanities -- The body as background -- Self-knowledge and its discontents: from Socrates to somaesthetics -- Muscle memory and the somaesthetic pathologies of everyday life -- Somaesthetics in the philosophy classroom: a practical approach -- Somaesthetics and the limits of aesthetics -- Somaesthetics and Burke's sublime -- Pragmatism and cultural politics: from textualism to somaesthetics -- Body consciousness and performance -- Somaesthetics and architecture: a critical option -- (...)
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    Art, Eros, and Liberation: Aesthetic Education between Pragmatism and Critical Theory.Richard Shusterman - 2024 - The Journal of Aesthetic Education 58 (1):1-24.
    After showing how pragmatist aesthetics and Marcuse's critical theory affirm aesthetic education as key to transforming society toward greater freedom, equality, pleasure, and fulfillment, I compare the ways these two approaches differently perceive the scope and role of aesthetics in such transformation. Whereas Marcuse identifies the aesthetic dimension with the realm of high art, pragmatism understands this dimension far more broadly to include the popular arts and somaesthetic arts of living. Because Marcuse identifies art's critical function through its oppositional (...)
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  7. Performing Live: Aesthetic Alternatives for the Ends of Art.Richard Shusterman - 2000 - Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press.
    Current philosophies of art remain sadly dominated by visions of its end and lamentations of decline. Defining the very notions of art and the aesthetic as special products of Western modernity, they suggest that postmodern challenges to traditional high culture pose a devastating danger to Art's future. Richard Shusterman's new book cuts through the seductive confusions of these views by tracing the earthy roots of aesthetic experience and showing how the recent flourishing of aesthetic forms outside modernity's sacralized realm of (...)
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  8. (1 other version)Somaesthetics and.Richard Shusterman - 2003 - Hypatia 18 (4):106-136.
    : This paper explains the discipline of somaesthetics, which emerges from pragmatism's concern with enhancing embodied experience and reconstructing the aesthetic in ways that make it more central to key philosophical concerns of knowledge, ethics, and politics. I then examine Beauvoir's complex treatment of the body in The Second Sex, assessing both her arguments that could support the pragmatic approach of somaesthetics but also those that challenge its bodily focus as a danger for feminism.
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    Shusterman’s Pragmatism: Between Literature and Somaesthetics.Dorota Koczanowicz & Wojciech Małecki (eds.) - 2012 - Editions Rodopi.
    This book is the first essay collection on Richard Shusterman, the foremost representative of contemporary pragmatist aesthetics, a philosopher whose books have been translated into more than fifteen languages. The 12 essays, which cover the wide-ranging scope of Shusterman’s pragmatist thought, divide into three sections: Literary Theory and Philosophy of Art; Epistemology, Metaphysics, Ethics, and Politics; and Somaesthetics. Written by an international group of authors from different philosophical perspectives, the book’s essays not only provide a good introduction (...)
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    Pragmatism and East-Asian Thought.Richard Shusterman - 2004 - Metaphilosophy 35 (1-2):13-43.
    After noting some conditions of historical and contemporary context that favor a dialogue between pragmatism and East‐Asian thought, which could help generate a new international philosophical perspective, this essay focuses on several themes that pragmatism shares with classical Chinese philosophy. Among the interrelated themes explored are the primacy of practice, the emphasis on pluralism, context, and flux, a recognition of fallibilism, an appreciation of the powers of art for individual, social, and political reconstruction, the pursuit of perfectionist self‐cultivation in the (...)
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    Practicing Pragmatist Aesthetics: Critical Perspectives on the Arts.Wojciech Małecki (ed.) - 2014 - New York, NY: Editions Rodopi.
    This is the first collection in English devoted exclusively to pragmatist aesthetics. Its main aim is to employ the resources of that rich and exciting tradition in studying artistic phenomena such as film, sculpture, bio-art, poetry, the novel, cuisine, and various body arts. But it also attempts to provide a wider background for such studies by sketching the history of pragmatist reflection on the aesthetic and by discussing some of the main positions that this history has produced: the (...)
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    Shusterman’s somaesthetics as meta-aesthetics.Nicola Ramazzotto - 2024 - Studi di Estetica 28.
    In this article I will explore three contributions that Shusterman’s somaesthetics can make to meta-aesthetics: Shusterman’s interpretation of the analytic-continental aesthetic debate; the redefinition of the aesthetic through the notion of experience, resulting in the aesthetics of popular art and somaesthetics, and finally, the opening of aesthetics to extra-philosophical practices, such as body exercises and performances.
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    The Work of Art in a Pragmatist Perspective, between Somaesthetics and Techno-aesthetics.Dario Cecchi - 2019 - Aisthesis. Pratiche, Linguaggi E Saperi Dell’Estetico 12 (2):87-99.
    John Dewey puts aesthetic experience at the center of his reflection on art and beauty, reconsidering it dynamically. Nowadays, this view opened the path to somaesthetics, a term coined by Richard Shusterman, and aesthetic anthropology. Here, it is argued that the contribution of pragmatist aesthetics could be further developed by exploring its analogies with techno-aesthetics, a paradigm proposed by French philosopher Gilbert Simondon in the early 1980s. Art occupies accordingly a special place within the different forms of aesthetic (...)
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    Shusterman’s Somaesthetics: From Hip Hop Philosophy to Politics and Performance Art.Jerold J. Abrams (ed.) - 2022 - Boston: BRILL.
    _Shusterman’s Somaesthetics_ is a wide-ranging collection of penetrating essays by twelve scholars examining in rich detail the many dimensions of philosopher Richard Shusterman’s pragmatism and somaesthetics, complemented by his own chapter of responses to these scholars.
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  15. Shusterman's Pragmatism. Between Literature and Somaesthetics Dorota Koczanowicz and Wojcieh Malecki, eds.Kalle Puolakka - 2012 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 48 (4):566-568.
    In the past few years, commentary literature on the work of Richard Shusterman, the foremost contemporary representative of pragmatist aesthetics, has steadily grown. Symposia on Shusterman’s theory have been published in various journals, and about three years ago the first monograph-length study examining Shusterman’s views on aesthetics was released. Now alongside these pieces a collection of articles edited by Dorota Koczanowicz and the author of the book on Shusterman’s pragmatist aesthetics Wojcieh Malecki has appeared. The anthology consists of (...)
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    Pragmatists on the Everyday Aesthetic Experience.Alexander Kremer - 2020 - Espes. The Slovak Journal of Aesthetics 9 (2):66-74.
    Although the first ‘pragmatist aesthetics’ was devised by John Dewey in his Art as Experience, Richard Shusterman has been the only scholar to use the notion of “pragmatist aesthetics” in his Pragmatist Aesthetics. In this paper, I show that Dewey already refuses the gap between the practices of the ‘artworld’ and that of everyday life. In Art as Experience, he criticizes the ‘museum conception’ of art to argue that some aesthetic experiences in our daily life have the (...)
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    Etica ed estetica: somaestetica e l'arte di vivere.Richard Shusterman - 2013 - Lebenswelt: Aesthetics and Philosophy of Experience 3:8-28.
    Ethics and aesthetics tend to be sharply distinguished and frequently opposed as rival realms of value. The apparent conflict between them is discomforting for artists and theorists who seek to combine aesthetic values and ethical aims in their work. My article strives to ease this theoretical tension in two ways. First, through a genealogical analysis of the complexity of our concepts of ethics and aesthetics, I argue that, in some of their historical conceptions, they display considerable convergence. Here I appeal (...)
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    Performative somaesthetics: Principles and scope.Eric C. Mullis - 2006 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 40 (4):104-117.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Journal of Aesthetic Education 40.4 (2006) 104-117 MuseSearchJournalsThis JournalContents[Access article in PDF]Performative Somaesthetics: Principles and ScopeEric C. MullisJohn Dewey's aesthetic has been invoked in recent discussions because many have realized that it resists the pull toward conceptualism that characterizes a great deal of aesthetic theory. Further, Art as Experience—Dewey's chief work on the philosophy of art—is rich with ideas that call for development. Richard Shusterman's work does (...)
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    Somaesthetics and Banality: A Reply to Kremer.Jana Migašová - 2020 - Espes. The Slovak Journal of Aesthetics 9 (2):75-80.
    This short paper is an attempt to intersect my reading of Alexander Kremer’s key ideas in his article Pragmatists on the Everyday Aesthetic Experience with my previous thoughts on banality as an aesthetic quality experienced by the modern subject in her everyday life. My contribution tries to interconnect key theoretical and artistic conceptions of banality with Shusterman’s somaesthetics and subsequently to reveal another possibility of rethinking the relationship between aesthetics and ethics.
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    Shusterman’s Thinking Through the Body and Everyday Aesthetics.Thomas Leddy - 2015 - Contemporary Pragmatism 12 (1):79-99.
    How does Richard Shusterman’s Thinking Through the Body apply to the issues of everyday aesthetics? As it turns out, many chapters contribute significantly to everyday aesthetics, in particular the work on architecture, self-styling, the body as background, lovemaking, and the process of making a photographic portrait. Shusterman’s concentration on the art of living has special importance to everyday aesthetics. Current debates within the field of everyday aesthetics also raise problems for somaesthetics. I also question the limits of somaesthetics (...)
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    Critical Notice of Richard Shusterman, Ars Erotica. Sex and Somaesthetics in the Classical Arts of Love.Barbara Formis - 2023 - European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy 15 (2).
    Reimagining Eroticism through Embodied Aesthetics: A Feminist Reading 1. The Epistemological and Ethical Aspects of the Arts of Love In the debate of contemporary thought and its intersections with philosophy, aesthetics, and the politics of the self, Richard Shusterman’s Ars Erotica (AE) makes a significant and inspiring contribution. The book delves into the intricate relationship between aesthetics and eroticism, offering a unique perspective on the relation between the ancient notion of d...
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    Somaesthetics of Discomfort.Mark Tschaepe - 2021 - European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy 13 (1).
    This essay presents somaesthetics of discomfort as an extension of the field of somaesthetics as developed by Shusterman. Using the work of Peirce and Dewey as a foundation upon which Shusterman and Johnson have considered the body as the basis of aesthetics, I propose that somaesthetics of discomfort provides a means of enhancing bodily awareness and reflection useful for domains of inquiry, such as healthcare and design. Taking Peirce’s notion of the irritation of doubt in a literal (...)
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  23. Somaesthetics and Racism: Toward an Embodied Pedagogy of Difference.David A. Granger - 2010 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 44 (3):69.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Somaesthetics and Racism:Toward an Embodied Pedagogy of DifferenceDavid A. Granger (bio)IntroductionThe philosopher Ludwig Wittgenstein once remarked that "The human body is the best picture of the human soul."1 There is a basic truth in this assertion that we recognize (I want to say) intuitively: the notion that human beings are parts both mental and physical, that these facets are ultimately interdependent, and that they are in some measure (...)
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    The Erotic and the Political: The Somaesthetics of Sex in Social.Crispin Sartwell - 2021 - Eidos. A Journal for Philosophy of Culture 5 (4):152-155.
    Preview: /Commentary: Richard Shusterman, Ars Erotica: Sex and Somaesthetics in the Classical Arts of Love, 436 pages./ Richard Shusterman’s work is remarkable, among other things, for extending the range and power of the discipline of aesthetics, conceived by him as fundamental to many dimensions of human experience. Indeed, he has driven aesthetics into entirely new ranges of phenomena and strategies for research, and also perhaps returned to an ancient sense of the centrality of aesthetic concepts such as beauty to (...)
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    From Spectacle to Scene: A Pragmatist Approach to Performing Live.Barbara Formis - 2025 - Philosophies 10 (1):25.
    Drawing from the philosophies of pragmatism and somaesthetics, as developed by Richard Shusterman, this inquiry argues that performance holds a unique ontological status, one that emphasizes participation, shared meaning making, and the aesthetic qualities of ordinary, lived experience. As a philosopher trained as a dancer, I share some insights from my own experience as a performer offering a first-person aesthetic experience as a tool for conceptual inquiry. This experience allows the inquiry to explore the distinction between “scene” and “spectacle”, (...)
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  26. Body consciousness: A philosophy of mindfulness and somaesthetics (review).Eric C. Mullis - 2011 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 45 (1):123-127.
    One aspect of Richard Shusterman’s work is indicative of a broad movement to develop a robust philosophy of embodiment. Thinkers from diverse fields—such as feminism, pragmatism, and continental philosophy—have criticized Western philosophy’s suppression of embodiment and have gone on to suggest how the philosophy of the body can enrich our understanding of issues that arise within traditional fields such as ethics and aesthetics. Further, work in this area can provide novel insights into personal identity, gender, linguistics, and philosophy of mind. (...)
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  27. (1 other version)The Pragmatist Aesthetics of William James.R. Shusterman - 2011 - British Journal of Aesthetics 51 (4):347-361.
    Although William James wrote no philosophical treatise on aesthetics, he can be seen as an important source for pragmatist aesthetics. This paper reconstructs James's aesthetic views from his diverse writings that demonstrate a keen regard for the arts and for the central, pervasive importance of the aesthetic dimension of experience, a dimension he saw as closely linked to the rational and practical. Special attention is given to his path-blazing The Principles of Psychology which precedes James's explicit pragmatist stage (...)
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  28. Pragmatist Aesthetics: Living Beauty, Rethinking Art.Richard SHUSTERMAN - 1992 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 29 (3):480-488.
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    Pragmatist Aesthetics: Histories, Questions, and Consequences.Richard Shusterman & Roberta Dreon - 2021 - European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy 13 (1).
    Roberta Dreon - Richard Shusterman is one of the leading figures in the current field of pragmatist aesthetics and he has undoubtedly played a pivotal role in recovering a pragmatist approach to aesthetics. His book Pragmatist Aesthetics was simultaneously published in France under the title L’Art à l’état vif. La pensée pragmatiste et l’esthétique populaire in 1992, paving the way for a long awaited French translation of Dewey’s Art as Experience (Dewey 1989) in 2010 (Dewey 2005/2010), beaut...
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    Review: Dorota Koczanowicz and Wojciech Małecki, eds., Shusterman’s Pragmatism: Between Literature and Somaesthetics; Wojciech Małecki, Embodying Pragmatism: Richard Shusterman’s Philosophy and Literary Theory; and Richard Shusterman, Thinking Through the Body: Essays in Somaesthetics[REVIEW]Max Ryynänen - 2015 - Nordic Journal of Aesthetics 24 (47).
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  31. Richard Shusterman, "Pragmatist Aesthetics: Living Beauty, Rethinking Art". [REVIEW]Paul Mattick - 1993 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 29 (3):480.
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    Reviewing Pragmatist Aesthetics.Richard Shusterman - 2012 - European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy 4 (1):267-276.
    Grateful to the European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy for organizing this symposium to mark the twentieth anniversary of Pragmatist Aesthetics: Living Beauty, Rethinking Art (Oxford, Blackwell, 1992), I should begin by explaining why the European context for discussing this book seems especially pertinent. Although known as an American philosopher, I was not academically trained in America; my philosophical education was more European in style – first at the Hebrew University...
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    When Life is Art and Philosophy: The Case of Richard Shusterman.Lukáš Arthur Švihura - 2023 - Espes. The Slovak Journal of Aesthetics 13 (1):159-168.
    This article is motivated by a reading of J.J. Abrams’ proceedings Shusterman’s Somaesthetics: From Hip Hop Philosophy to Politics and Performance Art. Of the diverse range of essays in the proceedings, I concentrate my attention primarily on those aspects of the texts that highlight Richard Shusterman’s practical somaesthetics, and in which their authors focus on the more personal aspects of Shusterman’s philosophical-artistic experimentation, as captured in The Adventures of the Man in Gold: Paths Between Art and Life, A (...)
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    Philosophy and/or Performance: A Discussion of Richard Shusterman's The Adventures of the Man in Gold.Tzachi Zamir - 2018 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 52 (4):116.
    The first thought that comes to mind when reading Richard Shusterman’s The Adventures of the Man in Gold is how refreshingly unorthodox its author is. Shusterman is a respected aesthetician, responsible for books such as Surface and Depth: Dialectics of Criticism and Culture, Body Consciousness: A Philosophy of Mindfulness and Somaesthetics, and Pragmatist Aesthetic: Living Beauty, Rethinking Art —all disciplined, carefully argued contributions to the philosophy of art and/or the body. The new book steps off path. It presents (...)
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    Pragmatist aesthetics and confucianism.Richard Shusterman - 2009 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 43 (1):pp. 18-29.
  36.  8
    Aesthetic Experience and Somaesthetics.Richard Shusterman (ed.) - 2018 - Boston: Brill.
    This essay collection explores the crucial connections between aesthetic experience and the interdisciplinary field of somaesthetics. After examining philosophical accounts of embodiment and aesthetic experience, the essays apply somaesthetic theory to the diverse fine arts and the art of living.
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    (1 other version)Review of Richard Shusterman. Pragmatist Aesthetics: Living Beauty, Rethinking Art. [REVIEW]Anthony Graybosch - 2005 - Contemporary Pragmatism 2 (2):171-175.
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  38. Emerson's Pragmatist Aesthetics.Richard Shusterman - 1999 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 53 (207):87-99.
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  39. Soma, self, and society: Somaesthetics as pragmatist meliorism.Richard Shusterman - 2011 - Metaphilosophy 42 (3):314-327.
    Abstract: This article explains the pragmatist project of somaesthetics in five different ways. First, it clarifies the notion of soma as encompassing both subjective intentionality and material objectivity in the world. Second, it highlights the social dimensions of somaesthetics, building on the basic insight that the soma is always shaped by the social and physical environments in which it is nested. Third, it examines the similarities and differences between somaesthetics and the Merleau-Ponty tradition of somatic phenomenology, (...)
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  40. Pragmatism and Criticism: A Response to Three Critics of Pragmatist Aesthetics.Richard Shusterman - 2002 - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 16 (1):26 - 38.
  41. Body Consciousness: A Philosophy of Mindfulness and Somaesthetics.Richard Shusterman - 2008 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Contemporary culture increasingly suffers from problems of attention, over-stimulation, and stress, and a variety of personal and social discontents generated by deceptive body images. This book argues that improved body consciousness can relieve these problems and enhance one's knowledge, performance, and pleasure. The body is our basic medium of perception and action, but focused attention to its feelings and movements has long been criticised as a damaging distraction that also ethically corrupts through self-absorption. In Body Consciousness, Richard Shusterman refutes such (...)
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    Ars Erotica: Sex and Somaesthetics in the Classical Arts of Love.Richard Shusterman - 2021 - New York/Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
    The term ars erotica refers to the styles and techniques of lovemaking with the honorific title of art. But in what sense are these practices artistic and how do they contribute to the aesthetics and ethics of self-cultivation in the art of living? In this book, Richard Shusterman offers a critical, comparative analysis of the erotic theories proposed by the most influential premodern cultural traditions that shaped our contemporary world. Beginning with ancient Greece, whose god of desiring love gave eroticism (...)
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  43. Somaesthetics and Care of the Self.Richard Shusterman - 2000 - The Monist 83 (4):530-551.
    Among the many features that made Michel Foucault a remarkable philosopher was a doubly bold initiative: to renew the ancient idea of philosophy as a special way of life, and to insist on its distinctly somatic and aesthetic expression. This paper examines Foucault as an exemplary but problematic pioneer in a field I call somaesthetics, a discipline that puts the body’s experience and artful refashioning back into the heart of philosophy as an art of living. A long dominant Platonist (...)
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  44. Somaesthetics and Burke's sublime.Richard Shusterman - 2005 - British Journal of Aesthetics 45 (4):323-341.
    Burke is an important exception to Nietzsche's claim that philosophical aesthetics ignores physiology and the role of practical interest. Grounded on the powerful interest of survival, Burke's theory of the sublime also offers a physiological explanation of our feelings of sublimity that explicitly defines certain conditions of our nerves as the ‘efficient cause’ of such feelings. While his general account of sublimity is widely appreciated, its somatic dimension has been dismissed as hopelessly misguided. In examining Burke's views in relation to (...)
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    Somaesthetics: A disciplinary proposal.Richard Shusterman - 1999 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 57 (3):299-313.
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  46. Somaesthetics, pragmatism, and the man in gold : remarks on the preceding chapters.Richard Shusterman - 2022 - In Jerold J. Abrams, Shusterman’s Somaesthetics: From Hip Hop Philosophy to Politics and Performance Art. Boston: BRILL.
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    Foucault and Somaesthetics: Variations on the Art of Living.Richard Shusterman - 2024 - Foucault Studies 36 (1):142-169.
    ABSTRACT: This essay examines Foucault’s legacy in terms of its contribution to the field of som-aesthetics. It demonstrates how Foucault’s work on embodiment, care of the self, pleasure, sexuality, and aesthetics of existence were inspirational to the founding of somaesthetics and can serve as exemplars of somaesthetic philosophy. However, the essay also explores the ways that current somaesthetic research departs from Foucault’s theories by critiquing their limitations with respect to several important issues. These issues include the varieties of pleasure, (...)
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    Somaesthetics and the Fine Art of Eating.Richard Shusterman - 2016 - In Sherri Irvin, Body Aesthetics. Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press. pp. 261-280.
    This paper begins by distinguishing three different but related foci of gastronomical aesthetic theory: food preparation and presentation; the gustatory qualities and social meanings of the food we eat; and finally the various actions involved in the ingestion of food. This third, largely ignored dimension of gastronomical theory, constitutes the topic of this paper, which seeks to define the distinctive character of this art, elucidate its diverse values, and analyze its key elements. Particular attention is given to the much overlooked (...)
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    Varieties of the Lifeworld: Phenomenology and Aesthetic Experience.Iulian Apostolescu & Stefano Marino - 2022 - Continental Philosophy Review 55 (4):409-416.
    In this contribution we first sketch an outline of the concept of lifeworld (_Lebenswelt_), to introduce the readers to the guest-edited collection of essays _Varieties of the Lifeworld: Phenomenology and Aesthetic Experience_, special issue of the “Continental Philosophy Review.” We trace back the origin of the concept of lifeworld to Husserl’s late phenomenology, although also explaining (on the basis of the careful historical-conceptual reconstructions offered by some distinguished scholars of Husserl and the phenomenological movement) that the development of Husserl’s phenomenology (...)
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    Thinking through the body, educating for the humanities: A plea for somaesthetics.Richard Shusterman - 2006 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 40 (1):1-21.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Thinking Through the Body, Educating for the Humanities:A Plea for SomaestheticsRichard Shusterman (bio)IWhat are the humanities, and how should they be cultivated? With respect to this crucial question, opinions differ as to how widely the humanities should be construed and pursued. Initially connoting the study of Greek and Roman classics, the concept now more generally covers arts and letters, history, and philosophy.1 But does it also include the social (...)
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