Results for 'Sliwinski Rysiek'

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  1. Neither/Nor.Rysiek Sliwinski & Frans Svensson (eds.) - 2011 - Uppsala university.
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    (1 other version)Reasons and two kinds of fact.Toni Rønnow-Rasmussen & Rysiek Sliwinski - 2011 - Neither/nor-Philosophical Papers Dedicated to Erik Carlson on the Occasion of His Fiftieth Birthday 58:243 - 257.
    The much endorsed idea that reasons are facts, gives raise to several issues, not least when it is applied to the distinction between agent-neutral and agent-relative reasons. The paper distinguish in broad terms between two important views on the nature of facts. Given in particular a view that conceives of facts as abstract entities, the dichotomy is not particularly problematic. We might run into problems when it comes to identifying which facts are reasons and which are not, but the very (...)
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  3. Modality Matters: Twenty-Five Essays in Honour of Krister Segerberg.Henrik Lagerlund, Sten Lindström & Rysiek Sliwinski (eds.) - 2006 - Uppsala Philosophical Studies 53.
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    Logic, Ethics and All That Jazz: Essays in Honour of Jordan Howard Sobel.Lars-Göran Johansson, Jan Österberg & Rysiek Śliwiński (eds.) - 2009 - Uppsala: Dept. Of Philosophy, Uppsala University.
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    Collected Papers of Stig Kanger with Essays on his Life and Work, Vol. I-II.Ghita Holmström-Hintikka, Sten Lindström & Rysiek Sliwinski - 2001 - Kluwer Academic Publishers.
    Stig Kanger (1924--1988) made important contributions to logic and formal philosophy. Kanger's most original achievements were in the areas of general proof theory, the semantics of modal and deontic logic, and the logical analysis of the concept of rights. But he contributed significantly to action theory, preference logic and the theory of measurement as well. The first volume is a complete collection of Kanger's philosophical papers. The second volume contains critical essays on the various aspects of Kanger's work as well (...)
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    Teaching & Learning Guide for: Logic and Divine Simplicity.Anders Kraal - 2011 - Philosophy Compass 6 (8):572-574.
    This guide accompanies the following article: ‘Logic and Divine Simplicity’. Philosophy Compass 6/4 : pp. 282–294, doi: Author’s IntroductionFirst‐order formalizations of classical theistic doctrines are increasingly used in contemporary work in philosophy of religion and philosophical theology, as a means for clarifying the conceptual structure of the doctrines and their role in inferential procedures. But there are a variety of different ways in which such doctrines have been formalized, each representing the doctrines as having different conceptual structures. Moreover, the adequacy (...)
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    Human Rights in Camera.Sharon Sliwinski - 2011 - University of Chicago Press.
    From the fundamental rights proclaimed in the American and French declarations of independence to the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights and Hannah Arendt’s furious critiques, the definition of what it means to be human has been hotly debated. But the history of human rights—and their abuses—is also a richly illustrated one. Following this picture trail, _Human Rights In Camera_ takes an innovative approach by examining the visual images that have accompanied human rights struggles and the passionate responses people have (...)
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    Louis de la Forge jako spadkobierca i kontynuator myśli René Descartes'a.Tomasz Śliwiński - 2010 - Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Philosophica. Ethica-Aesthetica-Practica 23:193-215.
    Louis de la Forge, né le 24 ou le 26 novembre 1632 à La Flèche. Médecin, était anatomiste et physiologiste, mais aussi philosophe cartésien. Un ami des Oratoriens et des Protestants à Samour (France). Il avait été l'auteur de deux oeuvres philosophiques parmis lesquelles nous pouvons trouver Les "Remarques" sur le "Traité de l`Homme" de René Descartes, avec des illustrations, ainsi qu'un ouvrage essentiellment philosophique et autonome Le "Traité de l'Esprit de l'Homme, De ses Facultez et Fonctions, Et de son (...)
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    A co ode Złego jest…, czyli rzecz o "Medytacjach" Kartezjusza.Tomasz Śliwiński - 2001 - Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Philosophica. Ethica-Aesthetica-Practica 14:121-154.
    La philosophie aussi bien que la religion sont d'accord sur la posibilité d'atteindre par l'homme la vérité en tant que domaine obscurci primitivement par la conviction familiére (et par cela meme évidente), que la vérité est simple et visible partout. Les pensées des grands de ce monde indiquent souvent la valeur illusoire que nous attribuons à cette conviction commune et irréfléchie. Que l'on soit dans l'état de rêve ou sous l'emprise d'une illusion créée celui qui tente, ils s'y opposent en (...)
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    Fizyka teoretyczna a problem organizmów żywych w filozofii Kartezjusza.Tomasz Śliwiński - 1998 - Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Philosophica. Ethica-Aesthetica-Practica 12:67-80.
    René Descartes comme un philosophe s'est mis en question d'instituer le système comprenant la description complèté du monde des phénomènes physiques, y compris celui des organismes vivants. Au debut de la réalisation son dessein, cette description intitulée «Le Monde» devait se composer de six parties dont deux derniéres avaient pour but de toucher le probléme qui nous interesse particuliérement. Pourtant Descartes n'a pas réussi à réaliser son dessein dans un seul ouvrage. Il a laissé deux traités rédigés indépéndamment et intitulés (...)
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  11. Kartezjusza nauka o porządku jako nowa ewangelizacja, dzięki której Bóg przeprowadził się do przedmiotów codziennego użytku.Tomasz Śliwiński - 2001 - Hybris. Internetowy Magazyn Filozoficzny 1.
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    Podstawy fizyki Kartezjusza.Tomasz Śliwiński - 2004 - Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Philosophica. Ethica-Aesthetica-Practica 16:43-69.
    Le texte ci-dessus traite d'une question-clé pour le jeune philosophe Descartes. Cette dissertation aborde la problématique des fondements du savoir que le philosophe posait pour la première fois dans son traité «Le Monde» (1629-1632). C'est avec ce traite que naît, dans le système de Descartes, le besoin d'établir les bases métaphysiques des nouvelles sciences naturelles et de toute la nouvelle philosophie. En 1630, Descartez n'avait pas encore suffisamment façonné la question de dieu et de sa relation envers le monde, question (...)
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    Religijność Kartezjusza,czyli o ostatecznym Testamencie Boga.Tomasz Śliwiński - 2004 - Nowa Krytyka 17.
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  14. Świat przeżywany w myśleniu.Tomasz Śliwiński - 2002 - Hybris. Internetowy Magazyn Filozoficzny 2.
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  15. Philosophical crumbs. Essays dedicated to Ann-Mari Henschen-Dahlquist on the occasion of her seventy-fifth birthday.Ryszard Sliwinski (ed.) - 1999 - Uppsala philosophical studies.
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  16. Descartes i Hume: Cogito i strumień świadomości.Tomasz Śliwiński - 2010 - Hybris. Internetowy Magazyn Filozoficzny 10.
  17. Metaforyczne ujęcie dobra państwa w politycznej teorii Platona.Adam Śliwiński - 2012 - Hybris. Internetowy Magazyn Filozoficzny 17.
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    Źródła filozofii Descartes'a w myśli św. Augustyna.Tomasz Śliwiński - 2011 - Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Philosophica. Ethica-Aesthetica-Practica 24:45-72.
    In this article I analyze the similarities between St. Augustine's and Descartes' philosophy. In particular I consider their spiritual conceptions of mind, God, and cognition theory. The most important similarities between both thinkers concern the dualism of substances, cogito/dubito theory, and the conception of immortal human soul, like a thinking thing (res cogitans). Other similarities concern matter conceived as a theoretical construct of extension without thinking, cognition theory and mature knowledge, problems of falsehood and truth, theory of soul and senses (...)
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  19. Omnium-gatherum. Philosophical Essays Dedicated to Jan Österberg on the Occastion of his Sixtieth Birthday.Erik Carlson & Ryszard Sliwinski (eds.) - 2001 - Uppsala Philosophical Studies.
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  20. Logic, Law, Morality: Thirteen Essays in Practical Philosophy in Honour of Lennart Åqvist.Krister Segerberg & Ryszard Sliwinski (eds.) - 2003 - Department of Philosophy, Uppsala University.
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    Relationships among Facial, Prosodic, and Lexical Channels of Emotional Perceptual Processing.Joan C. Borod, Lawrence H. Pick, Susan Hall, Martin Sliwinski, Nancy Madigan, Loraine K. Obler, Joan Welkowitz, Elizabeth Canino, Hulya M. Erhan, Mira Goral, Chris Morrison & Matthias Tabert - 2000 - Cognition and Emotion 14 (2):193-211.
    This study was designed to address the issue of whether there is a general processor for the perception of emotion or whether there are separate processors. We examined the relationships among three channels of emotional communication in 100 healthy right-handed adult males and females. The channels were facial, prosodic/intonational, and lexical/verbal; both identification and discrimination tasks of emotional perception were utilised. Statistical analyses controlled for nonemotional perceptual factors and subject characteristics (i.e. demographic and general cognitive). For identification, multiple significant correlations (...)
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    Not Without Cause: Philosophical Essays Dedicated to Paul Needham on the Occasion of His Fiftieth Birthday.Paul Needham, Lars Lindahl, Jan Odelstad & Rysiek Sliwi Nski - 1998
    A collection of essays in various fields of philosophy written in celebration of Paul Needham's fiftieth birthday.
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    For Good Measure.Jan Odelstad, Lars Lindahl, Paul Needham & Rysiek Sliwi Nski (eds.) - 1997
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    Omnium-gatherum: philosophical essays dedicated to Jan Österberg on the occasion of his sixtieth birthday.Jan Österberg, Erik Carlson & Rysiek Śliwiński (eds.) - 2001 - Uppsala: Dept. of Philosophy, Uppsala University.
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    A philosophical smorgasbord: essays on action, truth, and other things in honour of Frederick Stoutland.Frederick Stoutland, Krister Segerberg & Rysiek Śliwiński (eds.) - 2003 - Uppsala: Uppsala Universitet.
  26. Logic, Ethics and all that Jazz: Essays in Honour of Jordan Howard Sobel.Lars-Göran Johansson, Jan Österberg & Ryszard Sliwinski (eds.) - 2009
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    Odds and Ends: Philosophical Essays Dedicated to Wlodek Rabinowicz on the Occasion of His Fiftieth Birthday.Sten Lindström, Wldzimierz Rabinowicz, Jan Österberg & Ryszard Sliwinski (eds.) - 1996 - Uppsala: Department of Philosophy, Uppsala University.
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  28. Interpretacja Kopenhaska (przełożył Adam Śliwiński).Henry Pierce Stapp - 2011 - Hybris. Internetowy Magazyn Filozoficzny 15.
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    Our Curse: Written and directed by Tomasz Śliwiński, 2013, Warsaw Film School.Katrina A. Bramstedt - 2015 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 12 (3):527-528.
    This is a review of the narrative medicine documentary, Our Curse. The writer and director of this Oscar-nominated Polish movie is a film student and a young father to a baby born with congenital central hypoventilation syndrome. Using simple cinematography, the film is an autobiographical exploration of the fearful, tearful, and sometimes joyful days and nights in the lives of the child and his parents.
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    Towards Reunion in Ethics.Jan Österberg - 2019 - Springer Verlag.
    This posthumous publication attempts to answer the question of what moral code is the most reasonable. Philosophers often turn to consequentialism or deontological ethics to address this issue. As the author points out, each has valid arguments but each is unable to get the other side to agree. To rectify this, he proposes a third way. Inside, readers will discover a theory that tries to do justice to both sides. The author first details consequentialism and deontological ethics. He also explains (...)
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