Results for 'Soheil Salahshour'

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  1.  32
    Different Solution Strategies for Solving Epidemic Model in Imprecise Environment.Animesh Mahata, Sankar Prasad Mondal, Ali Ahmadian, Fudiah Ismail, Shariful Alam & Soheil Salahshour - 2018 - Complexity 2018:1-18.
    We study the different solution strategy for solving epidemic model in different imprecise environment, that is, a Susceptible-Infected-Susceptible model in imprecise environment. The imprecise parameter is also taken as fuzzy and interval environment. Three different solution procedures for solving governing fuzzy differential equation, that is, fuzzy differential inclusion method, extension principle method, and fuzzy derivative approaches, are considered. The interval differential equation is also solved. The numerical results are discussed for all approaches in different imprecise environment.
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  2.  77
    Philosophical terminology in Arabic and Persian.Soheil Muhsin Afnan - 1964 - Leiden,: E.J. Brill.
  3.  23
    An Accurate Approximate-Analytical Technique for Solving Time-Fractional Partial Differential Equations.M. Bishehniasar, S. Salahshour, A. Ahmadian, F. Ismail & D. Baleanu - 2017 - Complexity:1-12.
    The demand of many scientific areas for the usage of fractional partial differential equations to explain their real-world systems has been broadly identified. The solutions may portray dynamical behaviors of various particles such as chemicals and cells. The desire of obtaining approximate solutions to treat these equations aims to overcome the mathematical complexity of modeling the relevant phenomena in nature. This research proposes a promising approximate-analytical scheme that is an accurate technique for solving a variety of noninteger partial differential equations. (...)
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    A Non-parametric Approach to the Overall Estimate of Cognitive Load Using NIRS Time Series.Soheil Keshmiri, Hidenobu Sumioka, Ryuji Yamazaki & Hiroshi Ishiguro - 2017 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11:239272.
    We present a nonparametric approach to prediction of the n-back n \in {1, 2} task as a proxy measure of mental workload using Near Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS) data. In particular, we focus on measuring the mental workload through hemodynamic responses in the brain induced by these tasks, thereby realizing the potential that they can offer for their detection in real world scenarios (e.g., difficulty of a conversation). Our approach takes advantage of intrinsic linearity that is inherent in the components of (...)
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    Ecological Threats and Cultural Systems.Soheil Shapouri & Yasaman Rafiee - 2024 - Human Nature 35 (4):382-396.
    Considering the role of human interactions in infectious disease outbreaks and cooperation in mitigating natural disasters consequences, ecological threats to human survival have been among proposed drivers of collectivism. Utilizing established and novel measures of parasite stress and natural disasters, we investigated their association with collectivism in a large sample of countries (N = 188). Linear mixed-effect models indicated that after controlling for national wealth, neither natural disasters nor infectious disease can predict collectivism scores. Null results were consistent across different (...)
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  6.  25
    Beyond the Art Museum: A Phenomenological-Hermeneutic Account of Everyday Aesthetics.Soheil Ashrafi, Michael Garbutt & Altyn Kapalova - 2023 - The Journal of Aesthetic Education 57 (2):54-72.
    Abstract:The article presents a phenomenological-hermeneutic account of everyday aesthetics based on the Playful Eye, an experiential method for encountering the "Other" through contemplative, somatic, and embodied practices informed by the concept of play. The experiences co-curated with participants—illustrated here by a Playful Eye event held in Osh, Kyrgyzstan—are grounded in an understanding of the relationship between the self and Other, cultivating a sense of inner truth that is unconcealed when the sensing agent experiences itself through being sensed. It is contended (...)
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  7. Arbitrary order differential equations with fuzzy parameters.T. Allahviranloo & S. Salahshour - 2020 - In Snehashish Chakraverty, Mathematical methods in interdisciplinary sciences. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.
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    (1 other version)Avicenna: his life and works.Soheil Muhsin Afnan - 1956 - London: G. Allen & Unwin.
    Avicenna (980-1037) is perhaps the most provocative figure in the history of thought in the East. He was the product of the impact of Greek thought on Islamic teachings; his environment was that of the Persian Renaissance in the tenth century. This book attempts to present Avicenna's life and works to the general reader.
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  9. Vāzhihʹnāmah-ʼi falsafī.Soheil Muhsin Afnan - 1969 - Dar El-Mashreq.
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  10.  37
    Bodily-Contact Communication Medium Induces Relaxed Mode of Brain Activity While Increasing Its Dynamical Complexity: A Pilot Study.Soheil Keshmiri, Hidenobu Sumioka, Junya Nakanishi & Hiroshi Ishiguro - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  11.  86
    Co-Opting the Health and Human Rights Movement.Peter D. Jacobson & Soheil Soliman - 2002 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 30 (4):705-715.
    Public health is concerned with how to improve the population’s health. At times, though, actions to improve the community’s health may collide with individual civil rights. For example, a public health response to a bioterrorism attack, such as smallpox, may require relaxing an individual’s due process protections to prevent the smallpox from spreading. This tension lies at the heart of public health policy. It also must be considered in discussing the concept of human rights in health.Proponents of incorporating the concept (...)
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  12.  72
    Litigation as Public Health Policy: Theory or Reality?Peter D. Jacobson & Soheil Soliman - 2002 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 30 (2):224-238.
    An ongoing debate among legal scholars and public health advocates is the role of litigation in shaping public policy. For the most part, the debate has been waged at a conceptual level, with opponents and proponents arguing within fairly well-defined boundaries. The debate has been based either on speculation of what litigation could achieve or on ideological grounds as to why litigation should or should not be used this way. With the exception of Rosenberg's study of how litigation shaped policy (...)
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  13.  40
    Avicenna: His Life and Works.Julius R. Weinberg & Soheil M. Afnan - 1960 - Philosophical Review 69 (2):255.
  14.  34
    “Boom! You bought them.” : A metalinguistic analysis of Apple infomercials based on Aristotle’s modes of persuasion.Alireza Jalilifar, Soheil Saidian & Said Nazari - 2021 - Pragmatics and Society 12 (4):567-590.
    A review of advertisement studies shows that there has been little attempt to examine infomercials in terms of rhetorical appeals and persuasive strategies. Therefore, this study sought to contribute to the existing literature by exploring the persuasive elements of Apple infomercials through Aristotle’s modes of persuasion to reveal the most frequent persuasive language features and structures and to study how such elements were utilized to promote the products and services of the company. A top-down approach based on Aristotle’s modes of (...)
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  15.  22
    A Inf'ncia No Cinema de Abbas Kiarostami.Darian Soheil Rahnamaye Rabbani & Julio Groppa Aquino - 2019 - Childhood and Philosophy 15:01-28.
    O presente artigo devota-se a descrever e analisar o endereçamento à infância em algumas obras cinematográficas de Abbas Kiarostami. Para tanto, a argumentação volta-se inicialmente à contextualização da Revolução Iraniana de 1979, responsável pelo fim do regime monárquico do Xá Reza Pahlavi, que tinha a laicidade e a modernidade como motes, e pelo o início da República Islâmica do Irã, centrada na figura do Aiatolá Khomeini e apoiada na tradição islâmica. Nesse cenário, destaca-se o papel do Instituto para o Desenvolvimento (...)
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  16.  16
    Developing Teaching Practice in Computational Thinking in Palestine.Abdel Ghani, David Griffiths, Soheil Salha, Saida Affouneh, Fakher Khalili, Zuheir N. Khlaif & Daniel Burgos - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Sporadic efforts have been made to introduce computational thinking methods into K-12 education in Palestine, but these have been held back by the challenging educational environment. However, a recent in-service training initiative, funded and organized by the Ministry or Education of Palestine, constitutes a significant effort to embed computational thinking in K-12 practice. The middle school teachers who participated in the training course were invited to participate in the present study, and 38 did so. A qualitative approach involving both interviews (...)
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  17. An Enactive Theory of Need Satisfaction.Vadim Savenkov, Markus Peschl, Golnaz Bidabadi & Soheil Human - 2017 - In Vincent C. Müller, Philosophy and theory of artificial intelligence 2017. Berlin: Springer.
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  18. Supporting Pluralism by Artificial Intelligence: Conceptualizing Epistemic Disagreements as Digital Artifacts.Vadim Savenkov, Golnaz Bidabadi & Soheil Human - 2017 - In Vincent C. Müller, Philosophy and theory of artificial intelligence 2017. Berlin: Springer.
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  19. The Analysis of Translation as an Art by Aristotle’s Poetics.Mahdi Bahrami - 2019 - Journal of Philosophical Investigations 12 (25):61-77.
    In this text, which employs the analytic-comparative method, we read the Poetics of Aristotle in a new way to take an example of translation as an artistic creation. We can present the result of the essay as a metaphor called “the art of translation”, and then we refer to four evidences which can support our metaphor: reading the text as seeing the world, understanding the meaning as perceiving the main action, representing the text as recreating an image, and word making (...)
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  20.  20
    The Gestures of proskynēsis in the Achaemenid Empire.Eduard V. Rung - 2020 - Klio 102 (2):405-444.
    Summary In October of 2018 a new trilingual Achaemenid inscription from Naqsh-e Rostam was discovered and in March of 2019 a detailed investigation of it with linguistic and historical commentary was published online in ARTA. The inscription includes a previously unknown Old Persian verb, a-f-r-[?]-a-t-i-y, which the first publishers Soheil Delshad and Mojtaba Doroodi read as *ā-fra-yāti (perhaps “he comes forward to”) or *ā-fra-θāti (“he speaks forth to”). They conclude that “an Old Persian verb with the meaning ‘to greet, (...)
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