Results for 'Sokichi Tsuda'

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  1.  23
    Samurai Spirit and the Direction of Confucian Shido Theory in the Edo Period.엄석인 Seogin) - 2022 - THE JOURNAL OF ASIAN PHILOSOPHY IN KOREA 57:205-241.
    This paper examines the content of the Japanese Samurai spirit, which is comparable to the Korean Seonbi spirit, focusing on its relationship with Confucian thought. Specifically, the paper discusses the distinctive nature of Nitobe Inazo's ‘Bushido’, which spoke of Samurai morality based on universal Confucianism, Tsuda Sokichi's Bushido theory which totally rejected the influence of such Confucianism, and the spread of Confucianism which began in earnest with the end of warfare in the Edo period through Nakae Tojyu and (...)
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    Kenji Tsuda: Liberal Protestantism and Christian Studies at Kyoto University: A Case Study of Tetsutaro Ariga.Kenji Tsuda - 2020 - Journal for the History of Modern Theology/Zeitschrift für Neuere Theologiegeschichte 27 (1):12-19.
    Ariga Tetsutaro (1899–1977) war Professor für das Studium des Christentums an der Universität Kyoto und gehörte dort der zweiten Professoren-generation an. Er legte die Grundlagen der Patristik und der Erforschung des Christentums in Japan. In seinem Hauptwerk “Origenes” hatte er den Historismus in der Theologie erforscht, aber nachdem er seinen Dienst als Professor an der staatlichen Universität aufgenommen hatte, die die Trennung von Staat und Religion hochhielt, suchte er nach Wegen, ein ‘Studium des Christlichen’ zu etablieren, das sich von der (...)
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  3. Chaotic itinerancy as a dynamical basis of hermeneutics in brain and mind.Ichiro Tsuda - 1991 - World Futures 32 (2):167-184.
    We propose a new dynamical mechanism for information processing in mind and brain. We emphasize that a hermeneutic process is one of the key processes manifesting the functions of the brain and that it can be formulated as an itinerant motion in ultrahigh dimensional dynamical systems, which may give a new realm of the dynamic information processing. Our discussions are based on the notion of chaotic information processing and the observations of biological chaos.
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  4. Toward an interpretation of dynamic neural activity in terms of chaotic dynamical systems.Ichiro Tsuda - 2001 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 24 (5):793-810.
    Using the concepts of chaotic dynamical systems, we present an interpretation of dynamic neural activity found in cortical and subcortical areas. The discovery of chaotic itinerancy in high-dimensional dynamical systems with and without a noise term has motivated a new interpretation of this dynamic neural activity, cast in terms of the high-dimensional transitory dynamics among “exotic” attractors. This interpretation is quite different from the conventional one, cast in terms of simple behavior on low-dimensional attractors. Skarda and Freeman (1987) presented evidence (...)
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  5.  22
    Transnational Migration and the Nationalization of Ethnic Identity among Japanese Brazilian Return Migrants.Takeyuki Tsuda - 1999 - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology 27 (2):145-179.
  6.  56
    A Saussurean Interpretation of L. L. Zamenhoff's Esperantism.Yukio Tsuda - 1984 - Semiotics:277-284.
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    Ai to rusantiman no ningengaku: sono bunka byōriteki shakai no shinsō.Jun Tsuda - 1991 - Tōkyō: Kawashima Shoten.
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  8. Bunka to shūkyō: kindai Nihon shisōshi joron = Culture and religion.Masao Tsuda - 1997 - Kyōto-shi: Hōritsu Bunkasha.
  9.  60
    Chaotic itinerancy is a key to mental diversity.Ichiro Tsuda - 2004 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 27 (4):586-587.
    Kampis proposes the study of chaotic itinerancy, pointing out its significance in domains of cognitive science and philosophy. He has discovered in the concept of chaotic itinerancy the possibility for a new dynamical approach that elucidates mental states with a physical basis. This approach may therefore provide the means to go beyond the connectionist approach. In accordance with his theory, I here highlight three issues regarding chaotic itinerancy: transitory dynamics, diversity, and self-modifying system.
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  10. Dōka no shisō to sono tenkai.Sōkichi Tsuda - 1948
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  11. Dōka no shisō to sono kaiten.Sōkichi Tsuda - 1927
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  12.  8
    Die sogenannten Kapitularien und ihre Archivierung in der Karolingerzeit.Takuro Tsuda - 2022 - Frühmittelalterliche Studien 56 (1):65-95.
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  13.  58
    Dynamic-binding theory is not plausible without chaotic oscillation.Ichiro Tsuda - 1993 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 16 (3):475-476.
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  14. Hitsuzen, gūzen, jiyū.Sōkichi Tsuda - 1950
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  15. (2 other versions)Hōgaku hanron.Ichimasa Tsuda - 1970 - Ōsaka-shi: Tsuda Gakuin.
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  16. Himorogi iwasaka no michibiki.Kōzō Tsuda - 1940
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  17. (1 other version)Hōtetsugaku josetsu.Ichimasa Tsuda - 1971 - Tōkyō: Tsuda Gakuin.
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  18. Hōtetsugaku josetsu.Ichimasa Tsuda - 1976 - Tōkyō: Tsuda Gakuin.
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  19. Hō no rinen to hōritsu no risō.Ichimasa Tsuda - 1983 - Ōsaka: Tsuda Gakuin.
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  20. Hō sonzai to hōkagaku.Ichimasa Tsuda - 1979
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  21. Hōtetsugaku taikei.Ichimasa Tsuda - 1979
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  22. Hōtetsugaku taikei.Ichimasa Tsuda - 1965
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  23. Hēgeru to Marukusu.Michio Tsuda - 1970
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  24. (1 other version)Jitsuzon benshōhōteki ronrigaku.Ichimasa Tsuda - 1972
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  25. Jitsuzon benshohoteki ronrigaku.Ichimasa Tsuda - 1975
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  26. Jissenteki ninshikiron e no michi: ningen no ninshiki to shikō no sujimichi.Michio Tsuda - 1984 - Tōkyō: Ronsōsha.
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  27. Jin'i to shizen: Miki Kiyoshi no shisōshiteki kenkyū.Masao Tsuda - 2007 - Kyōto: Bunrikaku.
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  28. Kokka to kakumei no riron.Michio Tsuda - 1961
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  29.  7
    Lun yu yu Kongzi si xiang =.Sōkichi Tsuda - 2015 - Taibei Shi: Lian jing chu ban shi ye gu fen you xian gong si. Edited by Jinghui Cao.
    日本知名學者津田左右吉 著眼《論語》中孔子言論的捏造、錯植與改寫等問題, 以原典批評的實證方法, 透過文本與前後時期諸史料的相互對照、比較, 釐清《論語》與孔子思想、言論的關係。 津田左右吉先生一路抽絲剝繭,先確立孔子言論,進而對孔子思想加以評析,闡述《論語》與孔子思想是如何被儒家承襲、變改、甚而運用操作,同時亦探討《論語》一書成立的原委以及儒學形成的脈絡,思考孔子思想在儒學脈 絡中所扮演的角色問題。 津田左右吉身為歷史學暨思想史學家,對於日本與中國的歷史、思想、文化等領域多所鑽研,著述豐碩。而在研究中國思想、特別是儒家思想之際,一如本書「緒言」開頭所述,津田開宗明義表示欲通曉儒家思想,必先明白孔子 思想,而要明白孔子思想,必得好好研讀《論語》。然而津田在研究考察《論語》一書的過程中,發現《論語》所記載的孔子言論有諸多不一致與矛盾之處,似非出自孔子所言,後人假借孔子之名偽作或新創的情況不少,於是其 以原典批評的實證方法,透過《論語》文本與其前後時代諸多史料典籍的相互對照比較,試釐清《論語》和孔子思想、言論的關係,《論語》一書成立的原委,並更進一步地探討儒學形成的脈絡,以及孔子思想在這樣的儒學中又 扮演了什麼樣的角色等問題。津田認為,過去學者們沒有注意到文本中孔子言論的捏造、錯植和改寫等問題,是研究上極大的致命傷。而在本書中,津田從最根本的問題著手,將《論語》中有哪些章句確定是孔子所言,又有哪些 不是孔子所說,而非孔子所言者是在何時、又為何會被視作孔言等問題,都做了詳盡的查證與精闢的分析。一路抽絲剝繭,先確立孔子言論,進而對孔子思想的內涵加以評析,闡述《論語》與孔子思想是如何被儒家承襲、變改、 甚而運用操作等問題。本書在《論語》與孔子思想關係的釐清上,特別是先秦至西漢時期孔子言論竄作改寫過程的解明等,都對現今儒學研究有實質上的助益。.
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  30.  14
    "Mono" no shisō: sono shisō shiteki kōsatsu.Masao Tsuda - 2011 - Kyōto-shi: Bunrikaku.
    「もの」とは何か、自明の基礎語を徹底して批評・解明。「もの」と「自覚」の矛盾・対抗を基本軸にしながら、移動・推移する「情」を普遍的媒介者として新たに位置づけ、日本思想史についての核心的な断面を明らかに した。.
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  31. Rekishi to hitsuzen gūzen jiyū.Sōkichi Tsuda - 1975
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  32.  40
    Robot with slime brains.Soichiro Tsuda - 2009 - Technoetic Arts 7 (2):133-140.
    Despite the exponential progress in computing power of digital computers, the development of lifelike cognitive systems appears has not yet reached the complexity of the simplest kinds of organisms. This may be explained by the lack of robustness of digital computers due to the requirements of structural programmability in the conventional computing architectures. In contrast, biological systems appear to operate in a different mode of information processing. In order to approach more lifelike artificial cognitive systems, the integration of natural and (...)
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  33. Shōwa shisō shinron: nijisseiki Nihon shisōshi no kokoromi.Masao Tsuda (ed.) - 2009 - Kyōto-shi: Bunrikaku.
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  34. Shisō undō no ronri.Michio Tsuda - 1964
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  35.  32
    The form of chaos in the noisy brain can manifest function.Ichiro Tsuda - 1996 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 19 (2):309-309.
    I would like to emphasize the significance of chaotic dynamics at both local and macroscopic levels in the cortex. The basic notions dealt with in this commentary will be noise-induced order, chaotic “itinerancy” and dissipative structure. Wright & Laley's theory would be partially misleading, since emergent nonlinearity rather than the linearity at even a macroscopic level can actually subserve cortical functions.
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  36. Tosaka Jun to "Shōwa ideorogī": "Nishida gakuha" no kenkyū.Masao Tsuda - 2009 - Tōkyō: Dōjidaisha.
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  37. Tōyō no saiken.Kōzō Tsuda - 1928
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  38.  62
    The plausibility of a chaotic brain theory.Ichiro Tsuda - 2001 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 24 (5):829-840.
    We consider the significance of high-dimensional transitory dynamics in the brain and mind. In particular, we highlight the roles of high-dimensional chaotic dynamical systems as an “adequate language” (Gelfand 1989), which should possess both explanatory and predictive power of description. We discuss the methods of description of dynamic behavior of the brain. These methods have been adopted to capture the averaged or deterministic complexity, and further to allow for discussion of a new approach to capture the complexity of the deviation (...)
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  39.  10
    War die Zeit Karls des Großen ʿdie eigentliche Ära der Kapitularienʾ?Takuro Tsuda - 2016 - Frühmittelalterliche Studien 49 (1).
    Name der Zeitschrift: Frühmittelalterliche Studien Jahrgang: 49 Heft: 1 Seiten: 21-48.
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  40. Watsuji Tetsurō kenkyū: kaishakugaku, kokumin dōtoku, shakai shugi.Masao Tsuda - 2001 - Tōkyō: Aoki Shoten.
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  41.  20
    J. Colin McQuillan (ed.), Baumgarten’s Aesthetics: Historical and Philosophical Perspectives. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 2021. Pp. viii + 364. ISBN 9781538146255 (hbk) £100.00. [REVIEW]Shiori Tsuda - 2023 - Kantian Review 28 (2):321-324.
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    Taming of the microbial beasts: Plant immunity tethers potentially pathogenic microbiota members.Frederickson Entila & Kenichi Tsuda - 2025 - Bioessays 47 (1):2400171.
    Plants are in intimate association with taxonomically structured microbial communities called the plant microbiota. There is growing evidence that the plant microbiota contributes to the holistic performance and general health of plants, especially under unfavorable situations. Despite the attached benefits, surprisingly, the plant microbiota in nature also includes potentially pathogenic strains, signifying that the plant hosts have tight control over these microbes. Despite the conceivable role of plant immunity in regulating its microbiota, we lack a complete understanding of its role (...)
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  43.  16
    Mathematical description of brain dynamics in perception and action.John S. Nicolis & Ichiro Tsuda - 1999 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 6 (11-12):11-12.
    A given but otherwise random environmental time series impinging on the input of a certain biological processor passes through with overwhelming probability practically undetected. A very small percentage of environmental stimuli, though, is ‘captured’ by the processor's nonlinear dissipative operator as initial conditions, and is ‘processed’ as solutions of its dynamics. The processor, then, is in such cases instrumental in compressing or abstracting those stimuli, thereby making the external world to collapse from a previous regime of a ‘pure state’ of (...)
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  44.  9
    Ikiru koto no tankyū.Ryūnosuke Taniguchi & Jun Tsuda (eds.) - 1977
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  45.  46
    Professional QOL of Japanese nurses/midwives providing abortion/childbirth care.M. Mizuno, E. Kinefuchi, R. Kimura & A. Tsuda - 2013 - Nursing Ethics 20 (5):0969733012463723.
    This study explored the relationship between professional quality of life and emotion work and the major stress factors related to abortion care in Japanese obstetric and gynecological nurses and midwives. Between October 2011 and January 2012, questionnaires that included questions concerning eight stress factors, the Professional Quality of Life Scale, and the Japanese version of the Frankfurt Emotional Work Scale, were answered by 255 nurses and midwives working in abortion and childbirth services. Professional Quality of Life scores (compassion fatigue, compassion (...)
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  46.  40
    American Culture and Higher Education for Japanese WomenThe White Plum: A Biography of Ume Tsuda, Pioneer in the Higher Education of Japanese WomenTsuda Umeko and Women's Education in Japan. [REVIEW]Sally Ann Hastings, Yoshiko Furuki & Barbara Rose - 1993 - Feminist Studies 19 (3):617.
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    Symmetries and itineracy in nonlinear systems with many degrees of freedom.Michael Breakspear & Karl Friston - 2001 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 24 (5):813-813.
    Tsuda examines the potential contribution of nonlinear dynamical systems, with many degrees of freedom, to understanding brain function. We offer suggestions concerning symmetry and transients to strengthen the physiological motivation and theoretical consistency of this novel research direction: Symmetry plays a fundamental role, theoretically and in relation to real brains. We also highlight a distinction between chaotic “transience” and “itineracy.”.
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    Noise-driven attractor landscapes for perception by mesoscopic brain dynamics.Walter J. Freeman - 2001 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 24 (5):816-817.
    Tsuda offers advanced concepts to model brain functions, includ-ing “chaotic itinerancy,” “attractor ruins,” “singular-continuous nowhere-differentiable attractors,” “Cantor coding,” “multi-Milnor attractor systems,” and “dynamically generated noise.” References to physiological descriptions of attractor landscapes governing activity over cortical fields maintained by millions of action potentials may facilitate their application in future experimental designs and data analyses.
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    Chaos and neural coding: Is the binding problem a pseudo-problem?Antonino Raffone & Cees van Leeuwen - 2001 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 24 (5):826-827.
    Tsuda's article suggests several plausible concepts of neurodynamic representation and processing, with a thoughtful discussion of their neurobiological grounding and formal properties. However, Tsuda's theory leads to a holistic view of brain functions and to the controversial conclusion that the “binding problem” is a pseudo-problem. By contrast, we stress the role of chaotic patterns in solving the binding problem, in terms of flexible temporal coding of visual scenes through graded and intermittent synchrony.
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  50.  47
    The roles played by external input and synaptic modulations in the dynamics of neuronal systems.Arunava Banerjee - 2001 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 24 (5):811-812.
    The framework within which Tsuda proposes his solution for transitory dynamics between attractor states is flawed from a neurological perspective. We present a more genuine framework and discuss the roles that external input and synaptic modulations play in the evolution of the dynamics of neuronal systems. Chaotic itinerancy, it is argued, is not necessary for transitory dynamics.
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