Results for 'Solt Kornél'

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  1. Über einige epistemischen typen der deskriptiven definitionen.Kornel Solt - 1978 - Logique Et Analyse 21 (82):317.
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    Pictures and truth.Kornél Solt - 1989 - British Journal of Aesthetics 29 (2):154-159.
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    A Natural Deduction System for Orthomodular Logic.Andre Kornell - 2024 - Review of Symbolic Logic 17 (3):910-949.
    Orthomodular logic is a weakening of quantum logic in the sense of Birkhoff and von Neumann. Orthomodular logic is shown to be a nonlinear noncommutative logic. Sequents are given a physically motivated semantics that is consistent with exactly one semantics for propositional formulas that use negation, conjunction, and implication. In particular, implication must be interpreted as the Sasaki arrow, which satisfies the deduction theorem in this logic. As an application, this deductive system is extended to two systems of predicate logic: (...)
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    Do the Best Teachers Get the Best Ratings?Nate Kornell & Hannah Hausman - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    The Aristotelian Notion of Proairesis.Kornél Steiger - 2014 - Rhizomata 2 (1):33-51.
    The paper explores Aristotle’s notion of proairesis and its theoretical background, with the aim of presenting a novel interpretation of the concept, under five headings. These are: praxis and poiēsis are different aspects of human activity (energeia) rather than different kinds of it. End and means are correlative rather than complementary components of activity. Activity as praxis is continuous: there are no distinct, elementary, indivisible actions. Desire (orexis) and deliberation (bouleusis) are not distinct and complementary components of the mental process (...)
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    Uber die substituierbarkeit von variablen.Dirk Solte - 2023 - Distinctio 1 (2):53-71.
    In diesem Beitrag werden die Bedingungen f ̈ur die Entscheidbarkeit eines lo-gischen Systems untersucht, indem Theorien der Unentscheidbarkeit, inner-halb der formalen Logik und der rekursiven Funktionen, analysiert werden.Eine notwendige und implizite Voraussetzung f ̈ur den Beweis des Fixpunkt-theorems (Diagonalisierungslemma) ist die Annahme der Abgeschlossenheitaller Formeln unter einerVariablen-Komposition, d.h., der Verkn ̈upfung vonVariablen in den Signaturen von Formeln. Eine Variablen-Kompositionvon Formeln ist in einer Pr ̈adikatenlogik repr ̈asentierbar, wenn der Satz∀ψ∀k(⊢ψ(k)↔∃y(ψ∧y≡k))hergeleitet werden kann, etwa durch einegeeignete semantische Definition der Quantoren. Als weitere (...)
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  7. Globalisation and Health Care.Kornel Gibinski - 2005 - In Mariusz M. Żydowo (ed.), Ethical problems in the rapid advancement of science. Warsaw: Polish Academy of Sciences. pp. 199.
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  8. The Gravity of Plagiarism among the Ethical Transgressions in Science.Kornel Gibinski - 2005 - In Mariusz M. Żydowo (ed.), Ethical problems in the rapid advancement of science. Warsaw: Polish Academy of Sciences. pp. 80.
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    Feedback reduces the metacognitive benefit of tests.Nate Kornell & Matthew G. Rhodes - 2013 - Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied 19 (1):1.
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    Stille als Ambivalenz moderner chinesischer Musik.Attila Kornel-Markula - 2022 - Münster: Waxmann.
    Diese musikwissenschaftliche Studie untersucht jene Intentionen, die chinesische Komponistinnen und Komponisten nach 1976 dazu führten, Stille ins Zentrum ihrer Stücke zu stellen. Aus der chinesischen Kulturgeschichte heraus zeigen sich divergierende musikästhetische Konzepte der Stille weniger als Gegenpol zum Lärm als vielmehr im ambivalenten Austarieren einer harmonischen Mitte. Diskutiert werden heterogene Kompositionen von Qu Xiaosong, Chen Qigang und Chen Xiaoyong ebenso wie von Guo Wenjing und Jia Daqun. Einerseits wird dabei die Ästhetik der Stille bei Tan Dun als merkantiler Kunstanspruch hinterfragt, (...)
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    What monkeys can tell us about metacognition and mindreading.Nate Kornell, Bennett L. Schwartz & Lisa K. Son - 2009 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 32 (2):150-151.
    Thinkers in related fields such as philosophy, psychology, and education define metacognition in a variety of different ways. Based on an emerging standard definition in psychology, we present evidence for metacognition in animals, and argue that mindreading and metacognition are largely orthogonal.
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  12. Deontic alternative worlds and the truth-value of 'OA'.K. Solt - 1984 - Logique Et Analyse 27 (7):349.
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  13. From the Euthyphro to Theodicy: The Problem of Language and God.Ori Z. Soltes - 2025 - Athens Journal of Philosophy 4 (1):9-20.
    Beginning with the Euthyphro and continuing with reference to the Cratylus, Plato’s Socrates introduces and repeatedly confronts the problem of defining terms that humans—specifically, his fellow Athenians—use every day, without considering what the terms really mean. The aporetic outcome of the Cratylus underscores the abiding problematic of language as an instrument for the dialogue necessary to philosophy. The particular focus of the Euthyphro, on piety/ holiness (hosiotes) and its definitionally desperate connection to divinity, offers a turn from philosophy to theology (...)
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    Valóság és jog.Kornél Solt - 1997 - Miskolc: Bíbor.
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    Scalar Diversity, Negative Strengthening, and Adjectival Semantics.Nicole Gotzner, Stephanie Solt & Anton Benz - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
  16. Granularity and scalar implicature in numerical expressions.Chris Cummins, Uli Sauerland & Stephanie Solt - 2012 - Linguistics and Philosophy 35 (2):135-169.
    It has been generally assumed that certain categories of numerical expressions, such as ‘more than n’, ‘at least n’, and ‘fewer than n’, systematically fail to give rise to scalar implicatures in unembedded declarative contexts. Various proposals have been developed to explain this perceived absence. In this paper, we consider the relevance of scale granularity to scalar implicature, and make two novel predictions: first, that scalar implicatures are in fact available from these numerical expressions at the appropriate granularity level, and (...)
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  17. Meta-confidence judgments in rhesus macaques : explicit versus implicit mechanisms.Lisa K. Son & Nate Kornell - 2005 - In Herbert S. Terrace & Janet Metcalfe (eds.), The Missing Link in Cognition: Origins of Self-Reflective Consciousness. New York: Oxford University Press.
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    The dynamics of learning and allocation of study time to a region of proximal learning.Janet Metcalfe & Nate Kornell - 2003 - Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 132 (4):530.
  19. Background on human metacognition.Lisa K. Son & Nate Kornell - 2005 - In Herbert S. Terrace & Janet Metcalfe (eds.), The Missing Link in Cognition: Origins of Self-Reflective Consciousness. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 296.
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    ‘A Spring of Immortal Colours’. Jacques Le Moyne de Morgues (c. 1533–1588) and Picturing Plants in the Sixteenth Century. [REVIEW]Monique Kornell & Dániel Margócsy - 2023 - Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 86 (1):109-157.
    The Huguenot refugee artist Jacques Le Moyne de Morgues is traditionally known for his observations of North America and as the author of numerous albums of floral drawings. This article reassesses the attribution of several of these albums to Le Moyne based on documentary and stylistic evidence. It identifies the sixteenth-century Huguenot nobleman and diplomat Jacques de Morogues as the owner of one of the albums, and it discusses the production and early use of these albums as luxury gifts in (...)
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    The World of the Chromosome. Molecular Biology of Chromosome Function (1989). Edited by K. W. Adolph. Springer‐Verlag, Berlin. 585pp. DM 198. [REVIEW]Kornel Burg - 1991 - Bioessays 13 (2):94-95.
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    Prediction of Gait Impairment in Toddlers Born Preterm From Near-Term Brain Microstructure Assessed With DTI, Using Exhaustive Feature Selection and Cross-Validation.Katelyn Cahill-Rowley, Kornél Schadl, Rachel Vassar, Kristen W. Yeom, David K. Stevenson & Jessica Rose - 2019 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 13.
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    Face Distortion Aftereffects Evoked by Featureless First-Order Stimulus Configurations.Pál Vakli, Kornél Németh, Márta Zimmer, Stefan R. Schweinberger & Gyula Kovács - 2012 - Frontiers in Psychology 3.
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  24. Proceeding of Sinn und Bedeutung 23.Uli Sauerland & Stephanie Solt (eds.) - 2018 - Berlin, Germany: Leibniz-Centre General Linguistics (ZAS).
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    The spacing effect in children’s memory and category induction.Haley A. Vlach, Catherine M. Sandhofer & Nate Kornell - 2008 - Cognition 109 (1):163-167.
  26. Developing the Silver Economy and Related Government Resources for Seniors: A Position Paper.Maristella Agosti, Moira Allan, Ágnes Bene, Kathryn L. Braun, Luigi Campanella, Marek Chałas, Cheah Tuck Wing, Dragan Čišić, George Christodoulou, Elísio Manuel de Sousa Costa, Lucija Čok, Jožica Dorniž, Aleksandar Erceg, Marzanna Farnicka, Anna Grabowska, Jože Gričar, Anne-Marie Guillemard, An Hermans, Helen Hirsh Spence, Jan Hively, Paul Irving, Loredana Ivan, Miha Ješe, Isaac Kabelenga, Andrzej Klimczuk, Jasna Kolar Macur, Annigje Kruytbosch, Dušan Luin, Heinrich C. Mayr, Magen Mhaka-Mutepfa, Marian Niedźwiedziński, Gyula Ocskay, Christine O’Kelly, Nancy Papalexandri, Ermira Pirdeni, Tine Radinja, Anja Rebolj, Gregory M. Sadlek, Raymond Saner, Lichia Saner-Yiu, Bernhard Schrefler, Ana Joao Sepúlveda, Giuseppe Stellin, Dušan Šoltés, Adolf Šostar, Paul Timmers, Bojan Tomšič, Ljubomir Trajkovski, Bogusława Urbaniak, Peter Wintlev-Jensen & Valerie Wood-Gaiger - unknown - Developing the Silver Economy and Related Government Resources for Seniors: A Position Paper.
    The precarious rights of senior citizens, especially those who are highly educated and who are expected to counsel and guide the younger generations, has stimulated the creation internationally of advocacy associations and opinion leader groups. The strength of these groups, however, varies from country to country. In some countries, they are supported and are the focus of intense interest; in others, they are practically ignored. For this is reason we believe that the creation of a network of all these associations (...)
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  27. Implicit metacognition, explicit uncertainty, and the monitoring/control distinction in animal metacognition.Lisa K. Son, Bennett L. Schwartz & Nate Kornell - 2003 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 26 (3):355-356.
    Smith et al. demonstrate the viability of animal metacognition research. We commend their effort and suggest three avenues of research. The first concerns whether animals are explicitly aware of their metacognitive processes. The second asks whether animals have metaknowledge of their own uncertain responses. The third issue concerns the monitoring/control distinction. We suggest some ways in which these issues elucidate metacognitive processes in nonhuman animals.
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    Adaptation Duration Dissociates Category-, Image-, and Person-Specific Processes on Face-Evoked Event-Related Potentials.Márta Zimmer, Adriana Zbanţ, Kornél Németh & Gyula Kovács - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    The Messianic Disruption of Trinitarian Theology – By Kornel Zathureczky.Scott Bader-Saye - 2011 - Modern Theology 27 (1):190-193.
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    Das Relações entre Portugal e a Pérsia. 1500-1758. Catálogo Bibliográfico da Exposição Comemorativa do XXV Centenário da Monarquia no Irão organizada pela Fundação Calouste GulbenkianL'Ambassade en Perse de Luis Pereira de Lacerda et des Pères Portugais de l'Ordre de Saint-Augustin, Belchior dos Anjos et Guilherme de Santo Agostinho, 1604-1605Un Voyageur Portugais en Perse au début du XVIIe siècle, Nicolau de Orta RebeloL'Ambassade de Gregório Pereira Fidalgo à la cour de Ch'h Solt'n-Hosseyn. 1696-1697Das Relacoes entre Portugal e a Persia. 1500-1758. Catalogo Bibliografico da Exposicao Comemorativa do XXV Centenario da Monarquia no Irao organizada pela Fundacao Calouste GulbenkianL'Ambassade en Perse de Luis Pereira de Lacerda et des Peres Portugais de l'Ordre de Saint-Augustin, Belchior dos Anjos et Guilherme de Santo Agostinho, 1604-1605Un Voyageur Portugais en Perse au debut du XVIIe siecle, Nicolau de Orta RebeloL'Ambassade de Gregorio Pereira Fidalgo a la cour de Chah Soltan-Hoss. [REVIEW]M. N. Pearson, Roberto Gulbenkian, Joaquim Veríssimo Serrão, Jean Aubin & Joaquim Verissimo Serrao - 1975 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 95 (1):161.
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  31. Disagreement, retraction, and the importance of perspective.Dan Zeman - 2024 - Asian Journal of Philosophy 3 (2):1-25.
    In the semantic debate about perspectival expressions – predicates of taste, aesthetic and moral terms, epistemic modals, etc. – intuitions about armchair scenarios (e.g., disagreement, retraction) have played a crucial role. More recently, various experimental studies have been conducted, both in relation to disagreement (e.g., Cova, 2012; Foushee and Srinivasan, 2017; Solt, 2018) and retraction (e.g., Knobe and Yalcin, 2014; Khoo, 2018; Beddor and Egan, 2018; Dinges and Zakkou, 2020; Kneer 2021; 2022; Almagro, Bordonaba Plou and Villanueva, 2023; Marques, (...)
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    Debunking Multiform Dimensionality: many, Romance tant-PL, & morpho-syntactic opacity.Antonio Maria Cleani & Luis Miguel Toquero-Pérez - 2022 - Proceedings of Salt32.
    The interpretation of `much/many' has been argued to be regulated by Uniform Dimensionality (Hackl 2000; Solt 2009): `much' is underspecified but `many' encodes cardinality. However, given some data where `many' denotes ‘volume’, Snyder (2021) proposes the need for Multiform Dimensionality: both `much' and `many' are underspecifed. After reviewing the English data, and in light of novel cross-linguistic data, we argue that neither generalization is fully accurate. Instead, following Wellwood (2015, 2018), we argue for an alternative, Abstract Uniform Dimensionality, which (...)
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    Offensive language in user-generated comments in Lithuanian.Dangis Gudelis, Andrius Utka, Linas Selmistraitis & Giedrė Valūnaitė-Oleškevičienė - 2023 - Lodz Papers in Pragmatics 19 (2):239-254.
    The aim of the current research is to investigate the feasibility of identifying offensive language in Lithuanian by utilising the Simplified Offensive Language Taxonomy (SOLT). The key principle behind this taxonomy is its ability to complement existing offensive language ontologies and tagset systems, with the ultimate goal of integrating it into publicly accessible Linguistic Linked Open Data (LLOD) resources. The dataset used in the current study is a publicly available corpus of user-generated comments collected from a Lithuanian portal (Amilevičius (...)
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    Moral adjectives, judge-dependency and holistic multidimensionality.Federico L. G. Faroldi & Andrés Soria Ruiz - 2022 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 65 (7):887-916.
    ABSTRACT In recent experimental work, the spectrum-like nature of the phenomenon of ordering subjectivity has been accounted for by recourse to the distinction, within the class of subjective adjectives, between multi-dimensional and judge-dependent ones. One way to cash out judge-dependency is in terms of some kind of experiencer-sensitivity. In this paper, we argue that this approach is insufficient. Applying Solt’s experimental paradigm to moral adjectives suggests that, within the class of judge-dependent adjectives, one must draw a further distinction between (...)
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    (1 other version)Definición de la Norma verdadera.Garcia Dora Sanchez - 1985 - Theoria 1 (2):535-544.
    In this article, we will concentrate on the two true norm definitions that have existed throughout the history of the Deontic Logic: that offered by Professor Kalinowski and that proposed by the semantics of possible worlds. The former is based on Tarski’s definition of the true proposition, but it has the drawback of depending on a concrete, philosophical theory concerning the nature of norms. The latter, widely accepted nowadays, presents difficulties which we will analyse, using as a reference, K. (...)’s critique. Despite its limitations, it offers the indisputable advantage of being independant of any concrete, philosophical option, and indicates, in our opinion, the correct way of proceeding. (shrink)
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    Poems for the Unborn.Marjorie Perloff - 2022 - Common Knowledge 28 (2):298-299.
    The Japanese poet-scholar John Solt is perhaps best known in the United States for his excellent biocritical study (Harvard, 1999) of the avant-garde poet Kitasono Katue, who served, from the mid-1930s on, as Ezra Pound's primary conduit to the stylization of Japanese poetics that he so admired. “Kit Kat,” as Pound fondly called the poet he knew only via their extensive correspondence, was Pound's translator, editor, and sometime collaborator; in return, Pound (who did not read Japanese) wrote admiringly of (...)
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  37. Grande Sertão: Veredas by João Guimarães Rosa.Felipe W. Martinez, Nancy Fumero & Ben Segal - 2013 - Continent 3 (1):27-43.
    INTRODUCTION BY NANCY FUMERO What is a translation that stalls comprehension? That, when read, parsed, obfuscates comprehension through any language – English, Portuguese. It is inevitable that readers expect fidelity from translations. That language mirror with a sort of precision that enables the reader to become of another location, condition, to grasp in English in a similar vein as readers of Portuguese might from João Guimarães Rosa’s GRANDE SERTÃO: VEREDAS. There is the expectation that translations enable mobility. That what was (...)
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