Results for 'Song dynasty'

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  1.  22
    Poetry as Philosophy in Song-Dynasty Chan Buddhist Discourse.Steven Heine - 2023 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 50 (2):168-181.
    This paper examines ways leading Song-dynasty Chan teachers, especially Cishou Huaishen 慈受懷深 (1077–1132), a prominent poet-monk (shiseng 詩僧) and temple abbot from the Yunmen lineage, transform the intricate rhetorical techniques of Chinese poetry in order to explicate the relationship between an experience of spiritual realization beyond language and logic and the ethical decision-making of everyday life that is inspired by transcendent principles. Huaishen’s poetry expresses didactic Buddhist doctrines showing how an awareness of nonduality and the surpassing of all (...)
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    Spiritual Echoes Across Borders: The Religious and Philosophical Influence of Song Dynasty Music in Goryeo.Jianyun Wei - 2025 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 17 (2):348-364.
    The Song Dynasty represents a period of profound cultural and artistic flourishing in Chinese history, where court and folk music coexisted to create a richly diverse musical tradition. Beyond its artistic significance, Song music also carried deep spiritual, philosophical, and ritualistic meanings, reflecting Confucian ideals, Daoist cosmology, and Buddhist influences. By examining _Goryeo History – Music_, this study explores the overseas transmission and reception of Song Dynasty music in Goryeo, shedding light on the religious and (...)
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    Spiritual Discipline, Emotions, and Behavior during the Song Dynasty: Zhu Xi's and Qisong's Commentaries on the Zhongyong in Comparative Perspective.Diana Arghirescu - 2020 - Philosophy East and West 70 (1):1-26.
    The present study subscribes to efforts undertaken by recent scholarship that focus on bringing out the connections between Song Neo-Confucian and Chan thoughts and practices. It proposes a new exploratory approach in the realm of philosophical ethics, namely a comparative hermeneutics of two Song-dynasty commentaries on the Confucian classic the Zhongyong. This study also puts forward a new Song-dynasty perspective on this text, a point of view common to both the Neo-Confucian and Chan schools, as (...)
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    Research on the Aesthetic Value of Costume Creation in the Song Dynasty.Hong Zhang & Zeming Fang - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:1017-1034.
    The objective of the study is to trace the evolution of costume design in the Song Dynasty, highlighting key aesthetic influences, materials, and techniques employed in clothing creation and to explore the underlying aesthetic principles and thoughts that guided costume creation in the Song Dynasty, including notions of beauty, harmony, and symbolism. This study try to investigate the specific materials and techniques used in creating Song Dynasty costumes and their impact on the overall aesthetic (...)
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    Clan Ethics of Chinese Society since the Song Dynasty.Cheng Wu - 2005 - Modern Philosophy 4:014.
    Qin Dynasty Confucian ethics is an ethical elite, there is such a universal ethical issues. From the Song Dynasty of China post-social, ethical Chinese society began to truly grass-roots family or clan ethics that ethics form, thus has a universal significance, and, to some extent and it is Abraham, ethical and religious system its universality is considerable. Specifically, this ethics is to achieve or expand the clan as a platform, on this platform, to stand by the family (...)
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    (1 other version)A Study on Chinese Confucian Classics and Neo‐Confucianism in the Song‐Ming Dynasties, Volumes 1 and 2. By Cai Fanglu.Pan Song & Chung-Ying Cheng - 2014 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 41 (S1):757-761.
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    Monstrosity and Chinese Cultural Identity: Xenophobia and the Reimagination of Foreignness in Vernacular Literature since the Song Dynasty. By isaac Yue.Wilt L. Idema - 2022 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 142 (2).
    Monstrosity and Chinese Cultural Identity: Xenophobia and the Reimagination of Foreignness in Vernacular Literature since the Song Dynasty. By isaac Yue. Amherst, NY: Cambria Press, 2020. Pp. xii + 199. $110 ; $40.
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    Review of Structures of Governance in Song Dynasty China, 960–1279 CE. [REVIEW]Hilde de Weerdt - 2024 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 144 (3):679-680.
    Structures of Governance in Song Dynasty China, 960–1279 CE. By Charles Hartman. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2023. Pp. xiv + 452. $150, £115.
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  9. Theory and method in the philosophy of religion in China's Song dynasty.Leah Kalmanson - 2023 - In Nathan R. B. Loewen & Agnieszka Rostalska, Diversifying philosophy of religion: critiques, methods and case studies. New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
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    The study of foreign languages in the Chosŏn dynasty (1392-1910).Ki-Jung Song - 2001 - Seoul: Jimoondang International.
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    The Engraved Model-Letters Compendia of the Song Dynasty.Amy McNair - 1994 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 114 (2):209-225.
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  12.  45
    Images of Women in Chinese Thought and Culture: Writings from the Pre-Qin Period through the Song Dynasty (review). [REVIEW]Xiufen Lu - 2005 - Philosophy East and West 55 (3):496-502.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Images of Women in Chinese Thought and Culture: Writings from the Pre-Qin Period through the Song DynastyXiufen LuImages of Women in Chinese Thought and Culture: Writings from the Pre-Qin Period through the Song Dynasty. Edited by Robin R. Wang. Indianapolis: Hackett Publishing Company, 2003. Pp. xiv + 449.Images of Women in Chinese Thought and Culture: Writings from the Pre-Qin Period through the Song (...), edited by Robin R. Wang, is an excellent collection of English translations from the Classical Chinese of writings on women. As the title indicates, the book starts with writings from before the founding of the Qin, China's first bureaucratic state, in 221 B.C.E., and ends with the Tang and Song dynasties (618-1279 C.E.), a period that has been considered the richest in Chinese history in terms of literature and art production.The anthology includes fifty-four selections arranged in five parts based on a conventionally accepted chronology of the texts. There is a brief introduction at the beginning of each selection that helps familiarize the reader with the texts and the historical and cultural context out of which women's issues have arisen. The first two parts include selections from oracle-bone inscriptions, the earliest Chinese writings ever discovered; texts from the major ancient philosophical schools, such as Confucianism, Daoism, Mohism, and Legalism; and folk literature together with poems by some of the best-known poets of their time. These writings not only encompass the intellectual foundations of Chinese civilization but also provide valuable sources for understanding how perceptions of gender relations have been shaped by the Chinese cosmological and philosophical view of the world. In text number 3, the Classic of Changes (Yijing), women and men are understood as the highest embodiments of yin and yang, the two fundamental forces that characterize the development of the universe. Since these forces are understood as both hierarchical—as they are manifested in the interrelation between the earth and sky—and, more importantly, complementary to each other, women's roles in family and society are thus recognized as distinct from, yet complementary to, those of men.In part 3, the reader is led through the Han (202 B.C.E.-220 C.E.), China's longest-lived dynasty. Writings from this period reveal the processes by which the ancestral wisdom, especially the Confucian Classics, were codified through government-sponsored scholarship. The writings of Dong Zhongshu (195-115 B.C.E.) and The Comprehensive Discussion in the White Tiger Hall (Baihu tong) were two of the texts responsible for the establishment of the official Confucian ideology of the Han. Texts drawn from this period also include works by Ban Zhao (45-114 C.E.), China's first and most influential female historian and scholar. Her writings were originally intended as moral guidance for women and were regarded in Chinese society as key texts in women's education up to the twentieth century.The six selections included in part 4 are comparatively less well known to English readers, except for The Ballad of Mulan, which became popular in the West after the story of Mulan was made into an animated movie in 1998. The other writings in this part have only been translated into English since the 1970s. Among them, [End Page 496] English versions of Family Instructions to the Yan Clan and Women in the Standard Histories were prepared especially for this volume. These writings reveal how Neo-Confucianism and Neo-Daoism became the principal approaches to comprehending the social reality and gender relations following the chaotic disintegration of the Han dynasty, and they help explain the increasing dominance of Confucian ideology and its implications for women.Finally, in part 5, there are included among other selections some well-crafted love stories written in the classical language by eminent men of letters and works by several great poets (both men and women) of the Tang and Song periods. In this section there are writings by some of the most familiar names of the period, such as Bojuyi (772-846 C.E.), Yuan Zhen (779-831 C.E.), and Li Qingzhao (1081-1151 C.E.). These authors have... (shrink)
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    China reconstructs?: Asaf Goldschmidt: The evolution of Chinese medicine: Song dynasty, 960-1200. Routledge, Oxford, 2009, viii + 261 pp, ₤85.00 Hbk.Philippa Martyr - 2010 - Metascience 19 (1):87-88.
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    Research of the Neo-Confucianism and the development of Landscape painting in Song Dynasty. 장완석 - 2011 - THE JOURNAL OF KOREAN PHILOSOPHICAL HISTORY 32 (32):309-336.
    본 연구는 성리학과 문화예술이 밀접한 관계에 있다는 데에서 출발하며, 특히 송대에 흥성한 산수화의 발전에 이론적 근거가 되었음을 연구하였다. 성리학은 고대 동양사회의 정치, 경제, 사상, 문화 예술 심지어 생활에 전반에 걸쳐 근간을 이루어 왔던 유학의 새로운 경향이다. 성리학은 중국의 북송(北宋)대 다섯 학자인 주돈이, 소옹, 장재, 정호, 정이가 그 기틀을 새우고 남송(南宋)의 주희가 집대성한 학문이다. 중국의 원(元)나라를 통해 고려후기에 우리나라에 전래되어 조선의 건국의 기틀이 되었고, 퇴계 이황, 율곡 이이를 거쳐 ‘문화 전반’에 미치지 않은 곳이 없게 되었다. 본 연구에서는 성리학과 예술론과 관계하여 격물치지, (...)
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    Review of Bronze and Stone: The Cult of Antiquity in Song Dynasty China. [REVIEW]Yunshuang Zhang - 2023 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 143 (3):697-699.
    Bronze and Stone: The Cult of Antiquity in Song Dynasty China. By Yunchiahn C. Sena. Seattle: University of Washington Press, 2019. Pp. xiii + 220. $60.
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    Review of The Rise of the West Lake: A Cultural Landmark in the Song Dynasty[REVIEW]Qian Jia - 2023 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 143 (2):446-447.
    The Rise of the West Lake: A Cultural Landmark in the Song Dynasty. By Xiaolin Duan. Seattle: University of Washington Press, 2020. Pp. xi + 247. $30.
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    The Feature of the Studies on Spring and Autumn Annals (春秋) in the Song Dynasty by HuAnGuo Interpretation. 김동민 - 2015 - THE JOURNAL OF ASIAN PHILOSOPHY IN KOREA 43 (43):53-85.
    호안국은 理學이라는 송대의 철학 사조를 근간으로 하는 자신만의 독특한 『춘추』 해석을 시도하였다. 그는 天理와 人欲의 대립이라는 구도 속에서 『춘추』 전체를 관통하는 『춘추』의 大義를 밝히고, 그것을 바탕으로 인간 세계의 올바른 윤리를 정립하려고 했다. 그는 『춘추』 속에 기록된 인간 세계의 혼란을 人欲에 의한 天理의 몰락으로 규정하고, 그것을 극복하는 방향으로 나아가는 것, 즉 인욕의 억제를 통해서 천리를 보존하는 것이 『춘추』가 지향하는 최고의 이상이라고 파악했다. 이를 통해 군신관계로 대표되는 인간세계의 다양한 관계 양상을 비판적으로 분석함으로써 인간이 추구해야 할 인륜의 법칙을 확립하려고 했다. 이러한 호안국의 『춘추』해석은 (...)
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    Die Rezeption des (Zhouyi) Zhouyi in der chinesischen Philosophie, von den Anfängen bis zur Song-Dynastie.Hermann G. Bohn - 1998 - München: Utz.
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    On the system of five mountains and ten monasteries in Song Dynasty [J].Liu Changdong - 2004 - Journal of Religious Studies (Misc) 2:017.
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    Neo-Konfuzianisches Herrscherideal und politische Wirklichkeit in der Südlichen Song-Dynastie (1127-1279): Moral und Macht: Zhu Xis Memoranden aus dem Jahr 1194 und die Politik am Kaiserhof.Wolfgang Ommerborn - 2020 - Bochum: Projekt Verlag.
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    Hu Hong, Zhang Jiucheng and Yu Yunwen counterattacked the trends of thought in that criticized Mencius in The Song Dynasty.Zhou Shuping - 2007 - Modern Philosophy 5:013.
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    Reading Chan Encounter Dialogue during the Song Dynasty: The Record of Linji, the Lotus Sutra, and the Sinification of Buddhism.Ben Van Overmeire - 2017 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 37:209-221.
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    Theory of Jeong, Sin-bo(鄭臣保論) - With regard to the Introduction of Neo-Confucianism to Korean Dynasty from Southern Song Dynasty.Young-Sung Choi - 2013 - THE JOURNAL OF KOREAN PHILOSOPHICAL HISTORY 36:7-42.
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    Analysis on the Change of the Concept of “Learning” in Han and Song Dynasties —Based on the Notes in the First Chapter of The Analects of Confucius.徐 阳 - 2022 - Advances in Philosophy 11 (6):1917.
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    Troubles both foreign and domestic: A comparative study of the political geography of the Song Dynasty.Yu Wei - 2022 - Chinese Studies in History 55 (1-2):90-107.
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    The concept of ‘theory of Ren(仁)’ and ‘li-yi-fenshu(理一分殊)’ by Neo-confucianists during Song Dynasty.Kang-Hee Lee - 2021 - THE JOURNAL OF ASIAN PHILOSOPHY IN KOREA 56:119-147.
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    The Political Meaning of Premier's Assignation to and Resignation from Roles in Taoist Temple during Emperor Gao's Era in Southern Song Dynasty.Zheng Jinglan - 2000 - Journal of Religious Studies (Misc) 1:018.
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    A Study on the Zhexue(浙學) during the Southern Song Dynasty. 임명희 - 2016 - Journal of Eastern Philosophy 88 (88):179-203.
    본 논문은 절강유학의 정의, 유파, 사상적 특징에 대해 고찰한 것이다. 절강유학은 남송대 주자학과의 대립, 갈등, 쟁론의 심화를 통해 다채로운 학문적 특징을 보유할 수 있었다. 본 문에서는 장학성의 「절동학술」에 나타난 “절동유학”의 정의를 비판적으로 고찰하는 것을 시작으로, 남송시기 절강 지역에서 활동한 다양한 학문 유파를 개괄하였으며, 그 사상적 특징을 주자학과의 대립이라는 관점에서 살펴보았다. 최근 들어 중국철학사 연구는 그간 정주학과 육왕학에 집중되어 있던 편협한 시각에서 벗어나 여조겸과 진량, 섭적 등의 학문을 새롭게 조망하고 있으며, 그에 따라 금화학파, 영가학파, 영강학파 등 남송대의 다양한 학문 유파를 둘러싼 (...)
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    The transformation of the content of Dao-tong during the Tang and Song Dynasties. 임명희 - 2013 - THE JOURNAL OF KOREAN PHILOSOPHICAL HISTORY 36 (36):293-317.
    본 논문은 당송 시기 도통 내용의 전환 과정에 관한 소고이다. 본 문은 당송 시기 도통 내용의 변천 과정을 다음의 세 단계로 나누어 살펴보고자 한다. 첫째, 한유는 인의(仁義)를 도통의 내용으로 삼았다. 둘째, 손복 등 북송 초 유학자들은 보다 광범위한 의미상의 유가적 도를 도통의 내용으로 규정했다. 셋째, 계숭 및 북송 도학가들은 집중(執中)이 도통의 내용이 되어야 한다고 주장했다. 북송 도학가에 의해 유학의 도통론은 심성론 중심의 철학 논의로 그 성격이 변모되었다.
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    The open and closed nature of channels for information: An examination of institutional culture from the perspective of the “Yanlu” of the Song Dynasty.Deng Xiaonan - 2022 - Chinese Studies in History 55 (1-2):40-68.
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    ›‹What is the Meaning of› War‹ in an Age of Cultural Efflorescence? Another Look at the Role of War in Song Dynasty China (960–1279). [REVIEW]Harriet T. Zurndorfer - 2010 - In Marco Formisano & Hartmut Böhme, War in Words: Transformations of War From Antiquity to Clausewitz. de Gruyter. pp. 19--89.
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    The context of Songdok: Two purposes of traditional Korean education.Sujin Song & Sanghyun Kim - 2024 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 56 (1):33-41.
    This study explores the educational meaning of Songdok in traditional Korean education. Songdok refers to the act of memorizing text completely while reading it aloud; however, in traditional Korean education, it used to symbolize ‘learning’ itself. Historically, Songdok was regarded in extreme terms: being criticized as low-level memorization or encouraged as a religious ritual. In the Goryeo Dynasty, when civil service exams were introduced, Songdok was performed to memorize Confucian textbooks solely for passing the exam. However, its status changed (...)
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    The Thought of Concentrating Kyoung (敬) and its Contemporary Meaning of Dongchundang Songjoongil (1606-1672).In-Chang Song - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 9:291-302.
    Dongchundang Songjoongil (1606-1672) was a scholar who represented Gihoyeahak and Sanlim (山林) influencing the society of Chosŏn dynasty since the middle of 17th century. This report focus on its contemporary purport and reconciliation spirit on the Kyoung (敬) of Dongchundang. The Kyoung is the core idea that elucidates Dongchundang's philosophy and its characteristic. Dongchundang tried to continue to live the life of 'according knowledge and action' (知行一致) and dreamed the world of 'harmonization but not same' (和而不同) which indicates the (...)
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    Sage and great person in Zhang Zai’s thought.Yunwoo Song - 2022 - Asian Philosophy 32 (2):189-200.
    The idea of the Confucian sage-king can be politically dangerous if the implication is that anyone can become a sage through learning. But Confucians after the Han dynasty generally saw the task of...
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    Transcend the "Doubting of Antiquity" and Leave Behind the State of Perplexity.Song Jian - 2002 - Contemporary Chinese Thought 34 (2):50-57.
    The State Council's decision to implement the "Project for Determining the Historical Periods of the Xia, Shang, and Zhou Dynasties" as a key project for the Ninth Five-Year Plan period is meeting with enthusiastic support in historical and archaeological circles. I am aware that my knowledge of history is very meager and that I have little to say in this matter. However, I also feel that China's ancient civilization belongs to the entire nation and to all generations of the Chinese (...)
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    Song Ming dao xue xin lun: ben ti lun jian gou yu zhu ti xing zhuan xiang = Newly research of Song and Ming dynasties' philosophy: construction of ontology and turn of subjectivity.Xiaofan Fu - 2005 - Beijing Shi: She hui ke xue wen xian chu ban she.
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    The Influence of Qing Dynasty Editorial Work on the Modern Interpretation of Mathematical Sources: The Case of Li Rui's Edition of Li Ye's Mathematical Treatises.Charlotte-V. Pollet - 2014 - Science in Context 27 (3):385-422.
    ArgumentRecent studies in Sinology have shown that Qing dynasty editors acted as philologists. This paper argues that the identification of their philological methods and editorial choices suggests that their choices were not totally neutral and may have significantly shaped the way modern historians interpreted specific works edited by mathematicians of that dynasty. A case study of the re-edition in 1798 of a Song dynasty treatise, theYigu yanduan(1259), by a Qing dynasty mathematician will illustrate this point. (...)
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    Inscriptions tombales des dynasties T'ang et Song (d'après le fonds d'inscriptions possédées par l'École Française d'Extrême-Orient)Inscriptions tombales des dynasties T'ang et Song.Paul W. Kroll & Jao Tsung-I. - 1985 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 105 (1):174.
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    Characteristics of lixue in Qing Dynasty.Gong Shuduo - 2007 - Frontiers of Philosophy in China 2 (1):1-24.
    The lixue 理学 (learning of the Neo-Confucian principles) of the Qing Dynasty followed the tradition of lixue in the Song, Yuan and Ming dynasties, but it had its own characteristics. First, there was no primary direction and core train of ideas. Second, there was no creativity and the emphasis was made on ethics. Third, after the Opium War, the lixue of the Qing Dynasty was influenced by Western culture, partly resisting and partly integrating with the latter. Fourth, (...)
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  40. Song-Ming Confucianism.Justin Tiwald - 2020 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    An overview of Confucianism in the Song, Yuan, and Ming dynasties, which many regard as second only to the classical period in philosophical importance and influence. This piece canvasses the major thinkers and schools, competing views on the metaphysics of li (pattern, principle) and qi (vital stuff), criticisms of Buddhism and Daoism, and debates about the heartmind, virtue, knowledge, and governance.
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    The Christian interpretations on the nature of heaven’s mandate in late Ming and early Qing dynasties.Qinghe Xiao - 2024 - HTS Theological Studies 80 (3):10.
    This paper aims to examine in detail the Christian interpretations on the Confucian concept of the nature of the heaven’s mandate [天命之性] during the late Ming and early Qing dynasties from historical and textual perspective. Neo-Confucians of the Song Dynasty interpret the nature of the heaven’s mandate as human nature, believing that heaven endowed humans with reason, known as the heavenly principle [天理]. In the late Ming period, Christian missionaries such as Jesuits in China used Confucian classics to (...)
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    Philosophical Reflections on the Evolution and Symbolic Influence of Landscape Elements in Meticulous and Colourful Paintings of the Ming and Qing Dynasties.Yuxian Zhang & Miao Shan - 2024 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 16 (4):349-361.
    Traditional Chinese landscape painting serves as a profound cultural and spiritual expression, reflecting the Chinese people's reverence for nature through symbolic representation, aesthetic philosophy, and artistic craftsmanship. Since its emergence during the Tang Dynasty, landscape painting evolved into a distinct art form characterized by spiritual contemplation and cultural symbolism. Its development through the Song, Yuan, Ming, and Qing dynasties led to the establishment of northern and southern schools, each with its unique techniques and philosophical underpinnings. In modern society, (...)
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    Confucians' Repulsion to Buddhism in the Song and Ming Dynasties.Xi Liuqin - 2010 - Journal of Religious Studies (Misc) 3:027.
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    Grandes heures de la pensée chinoise: de la dynastie Song au XXe siècle.Jean-Claude Pastor (ed.) - 2019 - Paris: Les Indes savantes.
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    Ethical emotions appeared in the understanding of Book of Songs during Han Dynasty - mainly on the ‘Theory of Praise-Criticism’. 이난수 - 2011 - Journal of Eastern Philosophy 65 (65):315-344.
    본 연구는 한대(漢代) 경학(經學)의 발전에 따른 유가적 윤리관이 인간의 정서에 미친 영향을 『시경(詩經)』의 연구를 통해 살펴보는데 목적이 있다. 경학은 한나라 왕권의 정당성과 정통성의 수립이라는 국가적 이념의 명분으로 등장한 학풍이다. 이처럼 경학은 사회적 흐름에 따라 생성된 사상이 아니라 국가적 이념의 명분으로 등장한 사회적 규범이라는 시대적 요청으로 형성된 것이다. 이 과정에서 『시(詩)』가 『시경』으로 변모하게 되었으며, 인간의 정서를 윤리성과 결부시켰다. 즉 경학의 영향에 의한 유가적 윤리관이 시의 정서 속에서도 관찰된 것이다. 그리고 시의 정서는 윤리적 가치와의 관련성으로 사회적 공용성을 획득하게 되면서, 『시경』에 대한 학파가 (...)
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    A study of Shang dynasty aesthetic consciousness.Zhirong Zhu - 2025 - Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge. Edited by Zhirong Zhu.
    This book explores the aesthetic consciousness of the Shang Dynasty and its influence on Chinese aesthetic development and contemporary aesthetic creation. The Shang Dynasty is the first era in China with authentic historical documentation. Its artifacts and inscriptions have great aesthetic value and serve as vivid and rich records of aesthetic concepts. By examining the production and use of pottery, jade, bronze, and oracle bone inscriptions, the book sheds light on the functions of these creations as media for (...)
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    Shi tong yu xue tong de diao shi: Song Yuan liang Zhe Zhuzi xue yan jiu = Research on the school of Zhu Xi in Liangzhe during the Song and Yuan dynasties.Yu Wang - 2019 - Beijing Shi: She hui ke xue wen xian chu ban she.
    本書將由啟發學者明道的經典系統構成的“學統”,將由親相授受的師徒傳授系統構成的“師統”。朱熹深鑒於二程門人不能準確全面傳承二程思想的歷史教訓,認識到“師統”與“學統”二者不可偏廢,既重視面對面的講學授 徒,更重視學術著作的文本建設。但在他去世後出現了極端崇拜“師統傳道”的現象,以及“學統傳道”論者針對此種極端崇拜的反擊,“師統”與“學統”的互動和張力,貫穿于宋元朱子學升沉消長的始終,勾畫了生機勃勃、 千峰競秀的學術思想圖景。.
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    Representative Figures and Classical Knacks of Yin-Yang Dual Cultivation of the Southern School in the Song and Yuan Dynasties.Zhu Yueli - 2010 - Journal of Religious Studies (Misc) 2:002.
  49. Song xue gai yao.Junyu Xia - 2021 - Xinbei Shi: Hua Xia Chu Ban You Xian Gong Si.
    'Song xue gai yao' zhi zai wan cheng yi bu yi Song xue nei rong wei zhu, yu Huang Zongxi xian sheng 'Song yuan xue an' bing xing de song xue zhu zuo, yi mi bu qi zhu duo bu zu, wei hou shi xue zhe zhao dao yan jiu Song xue de men jing he tong lu. Zuo zhe xuan dao du zhe bu yao yi fu gu yan guang kan Song xue, bu (...)
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    Examining Tang and Song Yingtang image halls from a clan sacrificial perspective.Wanli Cheng - 2023 - Trans/Form/Ação 46 (3):229-248.
    Resumen: En las dinastías Tang y Song, los clanes zongzu oficiales comunes dominaron gradualmente la comunidad de clanes, lo que interrumpió el riguroso sistema de sacrificios orientado a los estratos. Por lo tanto, como una forma emergente de sacrificio ancestral privado, la sala de imágenes yingtang apareció en las mansiones de los funcionarios comunes o en las casas de la gente común. Cuando la estatua anterior dio paso a una imagen, este nuevo signo cultural llevó a cada ejecutor del (...)
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