  1.  78
    Je li svijest rodno određena?Sophie-Grace Chappell - 2023 - European Journal of Analytic Philosophy 19 (1):8-13.
    Možemo se pitati postoji li nešto specifično za to kako je biti žensko ili muško (pitanje o spolu). I možemo se pitati postoji li nešto specifično za to kako je to biti ženstven ili muževan (pitanje o rodu). Mislim da je odgovor na oba pitanja "Očito da". Zašto da? I zašto očito? Svijest je rodno određena i očito rodno određena, jer su političke stvarnosti onoga kako je to biti muževan i kako je to biti ženstven, različite. Osim toga, svijest je (...)
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    Agamemnon at Aulis: On the Right and Wrong Sorts of Imaginative Identification.Sophie-Grace Chappell - 2024 - Topoi 43 (2):557-573.
    Williams’ discussion of dilemmas in his classic paper “Ethical consistency” famously focuses on an example that has not bothered commentators on and respondents to Williams as much as it should have bothered them: the example of Agamemnon in Aeschylus’ play. In this paper I try to pick apart what Williams wants to say from what is really going on in the text that he unfortunately chooses for his example. I compare with Williams’ discussion of Agamemnon four other commentators on this (...)
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    The Cross.Sophie-Grace Chappell - 2018 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 26 (3):478-498.
    ABSTRACTMy aim is a philosophical understanding of sacrifice, and especially of the Christian conception of sacrifice. Initially distancing myself a little from the strictly ritual notion of sacrifice, I work with a concept of sacrifice as 1) a voluntary choice to forgo or lose or give away something costly, perhaps supremely costly, as an expressive action, where what is so expressed typically is or includes devotion or loyalty to something exalted. I consider three historical examples of political sacrifices, sacrifices made (...)
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