Results for 'Sotiris Hartzavalos'

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  1. Panoptic geography: man and nature under surveillance.Sotiris Lycourghiotis & George Poulados - 2022 - In Jennifer Mateer, Simon Springer, Martin Locret-Collet & Maleea Acker (eds.), Energies beyond the state: anarchist political ecology and the liberation of nature. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield.
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    An attempt at clarifying Maximus the Confesor’s remarks on (the fate of) sexual difference in Ambiguum 41.Sotiris Mitralexis - 2021 - Filozofija I Društvo 32 (2):194-203.
    Maximus the Confessor?s Ambiguum 41 contains some rather atypical observations concerning the distinction of sexes in the human person. There is a certain ambiguity as to whether the distinction of the sexes was intended by God and is?by nature? or a product of the Fall. Namely, Christ is described three times as?shaking out of nature the distinctive characteristics of male and female?,?driving out of nature the difference and division of male and female? and?removing the difference between male and female?. Different (...)
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  3. Maximus the Confessor's theory of time : a Christianization of the Aristotelian legacy?Sotiris Mitralexis - 2018 - In Sotiris Mitralexis & Marcin Podbielski (eds.), Christian and Islamic philosophies of time. Wilmington, Delaware: Vernon Press.
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    Slavoj Zizek and Christianity.Sotiris Mitralexis & Dionysios Skliris (eds.) - 2018 - New York: Routledge.
    Slavoj Zizek's critical engagement with Christian theology goes much further than his seminal The Fragile Absolute, or his The Puppet and the Dwarf, or even his discussion with noted theologian John Milbank in The Monstrosity of Christ. His reading of Christianity, utilising his signature elements of Lacanian psychoanalysis and Hegelian philosophy with modern philosophical currents, can be seen as a genuinely original contribution to the philosophy of religion. This book focuses on these aspects of Zizek's thought with either philosophy and (...)
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  5. NEWS-Rebellion of Greek Youth.Panagiotis Sotiris - 2009 - Radical Philosophy 154:65.
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    A philosophy for communism: rethinking Althusser.Panagiotis Sotiris - 2020 - Boston: Brill.
    In A Philosophy for Communism: Rethinking Althusser Panagiotis Sotiris attempts a reading of the work of the French philosopher centered upon his deeply political conception of philosophy. Althusser's endeavour is presented as a quest for a new practice of philosophy that would enable a new practice of politics for communism, in opposition to idealism and teleology. The central point is that in his trajectory from the crucial interventions of the 1960s to the texts on aleatory materialism, Althusser remained a (...)
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  7. Thinking Beyond the Lockdown: On the Possibility of a Democratic Biopolitics.Panagiotis Sotiris - 2020 - Historical Materialism 28 (3):3-38.
    COVID-19 is not only a health emergency but also a strategic challenge for any politics of resistance, struggle and transformation. Understanding the social and political dynamics associated with morbidity and mortality and the many ‘ecologies of disease’ associated with the pandemic is necessary if we want to think beyond the limits of the lockdown strategy. It is here that the possibility of a democratic biopolitics emerges as part of a broader strategy for communism.
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    Guest Editors’ Note.Sotiris Mitralexis & Georgios Steiris - 2015 - Forum Philosophicum: International Journal for Philosophy 20 (2):119-120.
    We are most thankful to Forum Philosophicum, and its Editor-in-Chief Marcin Podbielski, for the invitation to act as guest editors in a special issue dedicated to looking at Maximus the Confessor from a philosophical perspective—by which we mean both the philosophical efflorescence of Maximus’ thought per se, approached within its historical context, and the attempt to find Maximian solutions to contemporary philosophical problems or to engage Maximus’ thought in dialogue with modern philosophy. In many ways, this special issue is a (...)
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    Maximus the Confessor’s “Intelligible Creation”.Sotiris Mitralexis - 2014 - Forum Philosophicum: International Journal for Philosophy 19 (2):241-249.
    Saint Maximus the Confessor’s voluminous corpus constitutes a coherent and lucid philosophical and theological system, notwithstanding the existence of obscure, difficult, and at times even contradictory passages. A question stemming from Maximus’ work is whether the “intelligible creation” is imperishable or corruptible, which would have important implications for a number of other issues like the created / uncreated distinction, Maximus’ relationship to Neoplatonism, et al. However, Maximus provides us with contradictory passages concerning this subject, characterizing the noēte ktisis as both (...)
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    (1 other version)Humanists, Technologists and The Gap Within.Sotiris C. Kitsopoulos - 1986 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 6 (2):328-330.
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    Mustard seeds in the public square: between and beyond theology, philosophy, and society.Sotiris Mitralexis (ed.) - 2017 - Wilmington, Delaware: Vernon Press.
    This volume seeks to explore the intersection of theology, philosophy and the public sphere not by referring the social and political to ethics and deontology as is often the case, but rather to ontology itself, to the very nature of beings. The meaning of history and historicity is most pertinent to this enquiry and is approached here both from the perspective of social reality and from the perspective of ontology. Joining together contributions focusing on theory of the public sphere and (...)
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  12.  42
    Making Sense of Maximus the Confessor’s Understanding of Temporality.Sotiris Mitralexis - 2018 - Ancient Philosophy 38 (2):435-449.
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    Parallel, additional or alternative histories of philosophy? Questions on the theory and methodology of the history of philosophy.Sotiris Mitralexis - 2018 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 26 (6):1222-1233.
    ABSTRACTMethodologies and theories for writing histories of philosophy are particularly relevant today due to the abounding challenges to the discipline that have emerged: e.g. the problem concerning the precise mode of the inclusion of non-Western philosophies in the history of philosophy, the response to postcolonial considerations at large, the transformative impact of new media and the question whether the history of philosophy is primarily a philosophical, rather than merely historical, enterprise. À propos the relative scarcity that is to be witnessed (...)
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    (2 other versions)Maximus the Confessor's ‘Aeon’ as a Distinct Mode of Temporality.Sotiris Mitralexis - 2016 - Heythrop Journal 57 (6).
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    Rethinking Structure and Conjuncture in Althusser.Panagiotis Sotiris - 2014 - Historical Materialism 22 (3-4):5-51.
    The relation between structure and conjuncture has been one of the biggest challenges facing social theory and Louis Althusser’s writings provide some of the most important interventions on this subject. Contrary to an image of Althusser first embracing and then abandoning structuralism, Althusser tried from the beginning to articulate the theory of structural causality with an insistence on the singularity of historical conjunctures. Althusser’s theoretical trajectory, despite his shortcomings, still offers a necessary starting point for a materialist conception of the (...)
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  16. Panoptic geography: man and nature under surveillance.Sotiris Lycourghiotis & George Poulados - 2022 - In Jennifer Mateer, Simon Springer, Martin Locret-Collet & Maleea Acker (eds.), Energies beyond the state: anarchist political ecology and the liberation of nature. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield.
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    Christian and Islamic philosophies of time.Sotiris Mitralexis & Marcin Podbielski (eds.) - 2018 - Wilmington, Delaware: Vernon Press.
    This volume constitutes an attempt at bringing together philosophies of time--or more precisely, philosophies on time and, in a concomitant way, history--emerging from Christianity's and Islam's intellectual histories. Starting from the Neoplatonic heritage and the voice of classical philosophy, the volume enters the Byzantine and Arabic intellectual worlds up to Ibn Al-Arabi's times. A conscious choice in this volume is not to engage with, perhaps, the most prominent figures of Christian and Arabic philosophy, i.e., Augustine on the one hand and (...)
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    Gramsci and Althusser Encountering Machiavelli: Hegemony and/as New Practice of Politics.Panagiotis Sotiris - 2020 - Jus Cogens 3 (2):119-139.
    Antonio Gramsci and Louis Althusser encountered Machiavelli’s work and they both attempted to rethink the very possibility of political practice through their respective readings of the Florentine thinker. In a certain way for both Gramsci and Althusser, the reading of Machiavelli was the experimental site where they elaborated their own conceptions of politics, either in the form of Gramsci’s quest for the ‘modern Prince’, the political and organizational form of a potential hegemony of the subaltern, or in the form of (...)
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  19. Louis Althusser Louis Althusser and the Traditions of French Marxism Althusser: The Detour of Theory.Panagiotis Sotiris - 2009 - Historical Materialism 17 (4):121-142.
    In the past few years there has been a renewed interest in the work of Louis Althusser, although, in some cases, this interest has been one-sided, focusing mainly on his later writings on aleatory materialism. The three books reviewed in this article, however, offer balanced and insightful overviews of the totality of Althusser's work, placing it in the wider context of Marxist political and theoretical debates and stressing both its originality and strengths, but also its contradictions.
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  20. Is a ‘Left Populism’ Possible?Panagiotis Sotiris - 2019 - Historical Materialism 27 (2):3-39.
    This article deals with theories and political projects that can be defined as ‘left populism’. It begins with a reading and critique of the work of Ernesto Laclau on the theory of populism and then moves to recent debates about the possibility of left-populist movements. In contrast to these positions it attempts to present an alternative theoretical framework based on Gramscian notions, in order to rethink the notion of the people in ways that do not de-link it from class analysis (...)
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    Revisiting the Passive Revolution.Panagiotis Sotiris - 2022 - Historical Materialism 30 (3):3-45.
    Passive revolution is one of the most debated notions to come out of the Prison Notebooks. It belongs to the notions that have been used as ‘established’ descriptions of historical and political sequences. However, a reading of Gramsci’s texts suggests that passive revolution is not a ‘historical phase’ and is not limited to the historical interpretation of a particular historical period. Nor is it part of an historical ‘canon’ that would suggest that, in the absence of a ‘proper’ Jacobin revolution, (...)
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    From Traces of Communism to Islets of Communism: Revisiting Althusser’s Metaphors.Panagiotis Sotiris - 2021 - Filozofski Vestnik 41 (1).
    Promises of communism, traces of communism, outlines of communism, islets of communism: Althusser’s metaphors for communism emerging at the margins of existing social forms point towards important open questions for any rethinking of a strategy for communism: Is communism just a political project or a political design for a post-capitalist society or is the projection, elaboration, and expansion of social forms already appearing within contemporary capitalist society as a result of collective struggles, resistances, and experimentations that bring out the collective (...)
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    Introduction to the Symposium on Massimiliano Tomba’s Insurgent Universality: An Alternative Legacy of Modernity.Panagiotis Sotiris - 2023 - Historical Materialism 30 (4):55-61.
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    Beyond Simple Fidelity to the Event: The Limits of Alain Badiou’s Ontology.Panagiotis Sotiris - 2011 - Historical Materialism 19 (2):35-59.
    *This article attempts a Marxist critique of Alain Badiou’s positions. The importance of Badiou’s ontology as an affirmation of the possibility of radical-historical novelty is stressed, but also its limits. These limits have to do with Badiou’s abandonment of a dialectical-relational conception of social reality, his refusal of any causal connection between social reality, political decision and event, and the absence of a theory of ideology and hegemony in his work. Consequently, Badiou’s notion of a ‘subtractive’ politics cannot be considered (...)
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    Neither an Instrument nor a Fortress.Panagiotis Sotiris - 2014 - Historical Materialism 22 (2):135-157.
    Peter Thomas has written an important book that brings forward the full importance of Gramsci’s strategic concepts and the pertinence they have for current theoretical and political debates. Based upon this interpretation of Gramsci, this text attempts a critical reading of the contradictory stance of the Althusserian School towards his work. Using Althusser’s own ambivalence towards Gramsci as a starting-point, the main aim of this article is to reconstruct Poulantzas’s direct and indirect dialogue with Gramsci. Despite Poulantzas’s reservations and criticisms (...)
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    Philosophy of the Encounter: Later Writings, 1978–1987.Panagiotis Sotiris - 2008 - Historical Materialism 16 (3):147-178.
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    Struggle, Not Destiny.Panagiotis Sotiris - 2015 - Historical Materialism 23 (2):157-175.
    On the occasion of the publication of the translation of Pierre Raymond’s text on Althusser’s materialism, we attempt an introduction to his theoretical trajectory. We begin with his conception of the conflict between materialism and idealism inLe passage au matérialismein 1973 and his thinking on the question of the history of sciences inL’histoire & les sciences, before turning our attention to his elaboration on the question of a history of mathematics and in particular of the emergence of probabilistic reasoning. Then (...)
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    Uncertainties in aetiology and treatment of infantile autism — assumptions and evidence.Sotiris Kotsopoulos - 2000 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 3 (2):175-178.
    Uncertainty in the field of child psychiatry may at times lead to groundless assumptions about the aetiology and pathology of psychiatric disorders of childhood. Treatment based on non-validated assumptions may be ineffective and may cause more harm than good. The case is presented of infantile autism which was at first attributed by clinicians to a specific negative effect of parents on their children. Evidence grounded on research did subsequently refute the assumption implicating the parents in the aetiology of this disorder. (...)
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    Introduction: Refrains of Freedom.Constantin V. Boundas & Panagiotis Sotiris - 2016 - Deleuze and Guatarri Studies 10 (3):281-288.
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    Compliance checking on first-order knowledge with conflicting and compensatory norms: a comparison among currently available technologies.Livio Robaldo, Sotiris Batsakis, Roberta Calegari, Francesco Calimeri, Megumi Fujita, Guido Governatori, Maria Concetta Morelli, Francesco Pacenza, Giuseppe Pisano, Ken Satoh, Ilias Tachmazidis & Jessica Zangari - 2024 - Artificial Intelligence and Law 32 (2):505-555.
    This paper analyses and compares some of the automated reasoners that have been used in recent research for compliance checking. Although the list of the considered reasoners is not exhaustive, we believe that our analysis is representative enough to take stock of the current state of the art in the topic. We are interested here in formalizations at the _first-order_ level. Past literature on normative reasoning mostly focuses on the _propositional_ level. However, the propositional level is of little usefulness for (...)
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    Postcards from the Future: The Greek Debt Crisis, the Struggle against the EU‐IMF Austerity Package and the Open Questions for Left Strategy.Spyros Sakellaropoulos & Panagiotis Sotiris - 2014 - Constellations 21 (2):262-273.
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  32. The Problem of Modern Greek Identity: from the Εcumene to the Nation-State.Georgios Steiris, Sotiris Mitralexis & George Arabatzis - 2016 - Cambridge Scholars Press.
    The question of Modern Greek identity is certainly timely. The political events of the previous years have once more brought up such questions as: What does it actually mean to be a Greek today? What is Modern Greece, apart from and beyond the bulk of information that one would find in an encyclopaedia and the established stereotypes? This volume delves into the timely nature of these questions and provides answers not by referring to often-cited classical Antiquity, nor by treating Greece (...)
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    Between Being and Time: From Ontology to Eschatology.Andrew T. J. Kaethler & Sotiris Mitralexis (eds.) - 2019 - Lanham: Fortress Academic.
    This book explores the relationship between being and time —between ontology and history— in the context of both Christian theology and philosophical inquiry. Each chapter tests the limits of this thematic vis-à-vis a variety of sources — ancient, modern and contemporary.
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    Early and Mid-Term Implications of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Physical, Behavioral and Mental Health of Healthcare Professionals: The CoPE-HCP Study Protocol.Mohammed Y. Khanji, Carmela Maniero, Sher Ng, Imrana Siddiqui, Jaya Gupta, Louise Crosby, Sotiris Antoniou, Rehan Khan, Vikas Kapil & Ajay Gupta - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    IntroductionThe COVID-19 pandemic has led to unprecedented strain to healthcare systems worldwide and posed unique challenges to the healthcare professionals and the general public.ObjectivesThe aim of this study is to evaluate the impact of COVID-19 on the mental health, behavioral, and physical wellbeing of HCPs in the early and mid-term periods of the pandemic in comparison to non-HCPs. Thus, facilitating and guiding optimum planning and delivery of support to HCPs.Methods and AnalysisAn observational cross-sectional survey and cohort study aiming to enroll (...)
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    Complexity in Industry 4.0 Systems and Networks.Dimitris Mourtzis, Nikolaos Papakostas & Sotiris Makris - 2019 - Complexity 2019:1-2.
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    (1 other version)Lockdown Politics: A Response to Panagiotis Sotiris.Gareth Dale - forthcoming - Historical Materialism.
    In ‘Thinking Beyond the Lockdown’, Panagiotis Sotiris argues that lockdowns are repressive and should be opposed. In this response I take issue with his analysis. He posits the existence of a ‘lockdown strategy’ which has little relation to reality. He identifies lockdowns with neoliberalism, flirts with the Great Barrington project, and calls for anti-lockdown resistance – without so much as a glance at the right-wing libertarian camps that are also staked out on this terrain. On these points, and in (...)
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    The Oxford Handbook of Maximus the Confessor. Edited by Pauline Allen and Bronwen Neil. Pp. xxviii, 611, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2017, £30.00. Maximus the Confessor: Jesus Christ and the Transfiguration of the World. By Paul M. Blowers. Pp. xvi, 367, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2016, £65.00. Maximus the Confessor as a European Philosopher. Edited by Sotiris Mitralexis, Georgios Steiris, Marcin Podbielski, and Sebastian Lalla. Pp. xxiv, 341, Eugene, OR, Cascade Books, 2017, £32.00. [REVIEW]Norman Russell - 2021 - Heythrop Journal 62 (2):408-410.
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  38. Space-Time in the 7th Century: Book Review- "Ever-Moving Repose: A Contemporary Reading of Maximus the Confessor's Theory of Time" by Sotiris Mitralexis. [REVIEW]Emma Brown Dewhurst - 2019 - Expository Times 130:280-281.
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    Maximus the Confessor as a European Philosopher. Edited by Sotiris Mitralexis, Georgios Steiris, Marcin Podbielski, and Sebastian Lalla. [REVIEW]Dimitrios A. Vasilakis - 2019 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 93 (3):579-583.
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    Editors’ Note.Andrew T. J. Kaethler & Marcin Podbielski - 2016 - Forum Philosophicum: International Journal for Philosophy 21 (1):5-9.
    In the Summer of 2015 Sotiris Mitralexis and Andrew T. J. Kaethler organized a conference held in Delphi, Greece, titled “Ontology and History: A Challenging and Auspicious Dialogue for Philosophy and Theology.” The conference brought together over sixty scholars from various parts of the globe, representing Orthodoxy, Catholicism, and Protestantism—truly an ecumenical affair. The topic of the conference, which is well represented in this volume of Forum Philosophicum, was purposefully broad because it is a question that remains open and (...)
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    Six Poems.George Kalogeris - 2021 - Arion 28 (3):57-62.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content: Six Poems GEORGE KALOGERIS The Atomists To see what the matter is, in all of its dense, Teeming particulars, and not through the lens Of a microscope but by the most lucid, precise, Leap of imagination: the first was Leucíppus. But it was his student, Democritus, who stated That human understanding was truly futile, Given the random collisions of atoms. Still, He blinded himself to keep from being (...)
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