Results for 'South American'

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  1. South American meditations on hell and heaven in the soul of man.Hermann Keyserling - 1932 - London,: Harper & brothers. Edited by Theresa Duerr.
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    South American Environmental Philosophy.Thomas Heyd - 2012 - Environmental Ethics 34 (4):451-454.
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  3. South American perspectives on animals.Carlos M. Naconecy - 2013 - In Andrew Linzey & Desmond Tutu (eds.), The global guide to animal protection. Urbana, Illinois: University of Illinois Press.
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    South American Fieldwork/Cytogenetic Knowledge: The Cytogenetic Research Program of Sally Hughes-Schrader and Franz Schrader.Marsha L. Richmond - 2020 - Perspectives on Science 28 (2):127-169.
    The marriage of Sally Peris Hughes (1895–1984) and Franz Schrader (1891–1962) in November 1920 launched a highly successful scientific collaboration that lasted over four decades. The Schraders were avid naturalists, adroit experimentalists, and keen theoreticians, and both had long, productive, and fruitful careers in zoology. They offer an extraordinarily rich case study that provides an insightful view of the work carried out in several areas of the life sciences from the 1920s to the 1960s—fieldwork, cytology, cytogenetics, and entomology—as well as (...)
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    Revolutionary Christianity: The 1966 South American Lectures by John Howard Yoder, and: John Howard Yoder: Spiritual Writings by John Howard Yoder.John C. Shelley - 2015 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 35 (2):210-213.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Revolutionary Christianity: The 1966 South American Lectures by John Howard Yoder, and: John Howard Yoder: Spiritual Writings by John Howard YoderJohn C. ShelleyRevolutionary Christianity: The 1966 South American Lectures John Howard Yoder. Edited by Paul Martens, Mark Thiessen Nation, Matthew Porter, and Myles Werntz eugene, or: cascade books, 2011. 193 pp. $18.00John Howard Yoder: Spiritual Writings John Howard Yoder. Selected with an Introduction by (...)
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    Becoming-practice: Deleuze and South American Transvestite Theory.Matías Soich - 2021 - Comparative and Continental Philosophy 13 (1):6-20.
    ABSTRACT Argentina has a rich history of social movements, of which the transgender is one of the most notorious and resilient. In this work, I present South American Transvestite Theory, its latest theoretical development, in the light of Deleuzian thought. Although Deleuze is not an actual source for this current, both can be productively connected as sharing several themes and concerns, such as the tight relation between creative thought and political practice, the ontological and practical consequences of the (...)
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  7. Contemporary Catholic Social Ethics and International Relations: A North-South American Perspective.Vittorio D. Falsina - 1996 - Dissertation, The University of Chicago
    Focusing on the tradition of Roman Catholic social teaching, this dissertation examines and compares two contemporary models of theological-ethical reflection: the neoliberal model represented by the United States bishops' conference, and the structuralist model espoused by the Latin American bishops' conference, both focusing on their understanding of political economy in the context of North-South American relations. ;The thrust of this dissertation is that the study of theological ethics in general, and in this particular case of the tradition (...)
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    The Problem of Organized Crime in the South American Tri-Border Area: Paraguay, Brazil and Argentina.Stanisław Kosmynka - 2020 - International Studies. Interdisciplinary Political and Cultural Journal 25 (1):9-28.
    The paper shows mechanisms and manifestations of the challenges for the security in the South American Tri-Border Area. It analyses the background of the activity of chosen organized crime and terrorist groups in this region. The article refers to some social and economic conditions for the spread of violence and illegal business in the area. It is focused on the most important dimensions of these problems and on the strategy implemented by South American governments to fight (...)
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    Building a Continental Policy: The South American Secretariat of the Communist International (1925–34).Mariana Massó & Manuel Quiroga - 2022 - Historical Materialism 30 (3):236-272.
    This paper analyses the history of the South American Secretariat of the Communist International. The objective is to carry out a critical study of the policies and strategy of the Secretariat, considering how its relationship with the Comintern and the South American Communist Parties changed over time. Our hypothesis is that during its first years of existence (1925–8) the Secretariat developed a policy based on the United Front. This changed during a transition period (July 1928–July 1929) (...)
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    Personal Values & Professional Ethics.Kenneth Kipnis & David B. South - 2000 - Journal of Forestry 98 (7):11-14.
    The Society of American Foresters has, proposed another revision of the Society's Code of Ethics. Changing a profession's code of conduct might cause considerable controversy. Some will support the current wording and oppose change, and others will see great merit in the new wording. Regardless, what we need is a code that articulates the core professional values of all foresters. A first step, then, is distinguishing our personal values from the core values of forestry.
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  11. A Note on the Pronunciation of the Manchu Vowel e.W. South Coblin - 2005 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 125 (3):403.
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    A disciplinary and epistemological discussion about geopolitics and its application to the South American case.Lester Cabrera-Toledo - 2019 - Cinta de Moebio 66:366-379.
    Resumen: Este artículo tiene por objetivo establecer las bases para una comprensión disciplinaria y epistemológica de la geopolítica, considerando su ubicación como campo de estudio y el principal debate entre la perspectiva clásica y crítica de la misma en América del Sur. En este sentido, se efectúa un abordaje histórico sobre la evolución de la geopolítica, decantando en la manera en cómo el conocimiento geopolítico se ha dado en la región mencionada, al tiempo que se señalan las dificultades y propuestas (...)
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    Odor Learning and Its Experience-Dependent Modulation in the South American Native Bumblebee Bombus atratus.Florencia Palottini, María C. Estravis Barcala & Walter M. Farina - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Microevolution of the South American Aymara People. By Manuela Dittmar. Pp. 535. (Hansel-Hohenhausen, Egelsbach, 1994.) Dm. 110.00. [REVIEW]D. F. Roberts - 1996 - Journal of Biosocial Science 28 (1):124-126.
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    Franz Kuhnert and the Phonetics of Late Nineteenth-Century Nankingese.W. South Coblin - 2008 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 128 (1):131.
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  16. Freedom and the shaping of national culture in South American representations of the Renaissance: Marcelino Menéndez Pelayo, José Ingenieros and Alejandro Korn.Silvia Manzo - 2025 - In Mario Meliadò & Cecilia Muratori (eds.), Dissident renaissance: rewriting the history of early modern philosophy as political practice. Boston, Massachusetts: Brill.
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    A Study Of The Old Tibetan Shangshu Paraphrase, Part I.W. South Coblin - 1991 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 111 (2):303-322.
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    (1 other version)A Study Of The Old Tibetan Shangshu Paraphrase, Part Ii.W. South Coblin - 1991 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 111 (3):523-539.
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    Chinese.W. South Coblin & Jerry Norman - 1990 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 110 (1):110.
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  20. DF Roberts reviews Microevolution of the South American Aymara People.M. Dittmar - 1996 - Journal of Biosocial Science 28:124-125.
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    A matter of asylum: European and South American perspectives.Linda S. Frey & Marsha L. Frey - 1995 - History of European Ideas 20 (1-3):81-88.
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    The Loloish Tonal Split Revisited.W. South Coblin & James A. Matisoff - 1974 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 94 (4):522.
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    The Dead-Bridegroom Motif in South American Folklore.Rudolph Arbesmann - 1944 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 19 (1):95-111.
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    Trance and shamanic cure on the south american continent: Psychopharmacological and neurobiological interpretations.Francois Blanc - 2010 - Anthropology of Consciousness 21 (1):83-105.
    This article examines the neurobiological basis of the healing power attributed to shamanic practices in the Andes and Brazil in light of the pharmacology of neurotransmitters and the new technological explorations of brain functioning. The psychotropic plants used in shamanic psychiatric cures interfere selectively with the intrinsic neuromediators of the brain. Mainly they may alter: (1) the neuroendocrine functioning through the adrenergic system by controlling stressful conditions, (2) the dopaminergic system in incentive learning and emotions incorporation, (3) the serotoninergic system (...)
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    The Church in the South American Republics. [REVIEW]M. R. Madden - 1934 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 9 (3):513-514.
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    The Languages of China.W. South Coblin & S. Robert Ramsey - 1988 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 108 (4):644.
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    188059515X. Blondel, Maurice. The Idealist Illusion and Other Essays. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2000. Pp. 154. Hard Cover $79.00, ISBN: 0792366549_. [REVIEW]Bernard Bosanquet, South Bend & Susan Buck-Morss - 2001 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 75 (1).
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    Francisco Varo and the Sound System of Early Qīng MandarinFrancisco Varo and the Sound System of Early Qing Mandarin.W. South Coblin - 1998 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 118 (2):262.
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    Children’s interaction in an urban face-to-face society: The case of a South-American plaza.Jürgen Streeck & Kathryn E. Harrison - 2015 - Pragmatics and Society 6 (3):305-337.
    This paper reports on a micro-ethnography of social interaction in an urban plaza in Colombia, focusing on the plaza’s role as an arena for the acquisition of interaction skills. We investigate how children of different ages initiate and sustain interactions with same-age and older peers and the efforts they make to be recognized and ‘visible’. We interpret our data in light of three theories of socialization: Corsaro’s conception of childhood as “interpretive reproduction”, Vygotsky’s model of the “zone of proximal development”, (...)
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    The Chiehyunn System and the Current State of Chinese Historical Phonology.W. South Coblin - 2003 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 123 (2):377.
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  31. Decolonial Feminism in Abya Yala: Caribbean, Meso, and South American Contributions and Challenges.Yuderkys Espinosa Miñoso, Maria Lugones & Nelson Maldonado-Torres (eds.) - 2022 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    This book provides an introduction to the key arguments in decolonial feminism, particularly, the coloniality of gender, the critique of white and Eurocentric feminisms, the imbrication between gender, race, and colonialism, feminicides, and the coloniality of democracy and public institutions.
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    Archaeological Research on the Central Amazonas. A Contribution to the Early History of the South-American Lowlands.Herbert Wilhelmy - 1968 - Philosophy and History 1 (2):243-243.
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    St. Teresa of Avila’s South American Brothers.Mary T. Loughlin - 1944 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 19 (2):303-315.
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    Book Review: Sexuality, Culture and Politics: A South American Reader. [REVIEW]Claire House - 2018 - Feminist Review 119 (1):168-169.
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    Inner Asian Words for Paper and Silk.Jerry Norman ☦, Tsu-lin Mei & W. South Coblin - 2015 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 135 (2):309-317.
    This paper attempts to show that the Shianbei word for ‘paper’ was *qaɣVdu, which is cognate to Written Mongolian qaɣudasu ‘tree bark, sheet of paper’, and that *qaɣVdu was subsequently borrowed into other languages as Sogdian kāγaδā, Persian kaġad, kaġid, Old Turkic qaɣat/qaɣaz and Turkish kâğĭd. The etymology of Greek Séres “China” is also discussed.
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    Environmental justice in the American south: an analysis of black women farmworkers in Apopka, Florida.Anne Saville & Alison E. Adams - 2020 - Agriculture and Human Values 38 (1):193-204.
    Research has established that the burdens of externalities associated with industrial production are disproportionately borne by socially and politically vulnerable groups, and this is particularly true for farmworkers who are at high risk for environmental exposures and illnesses. The impacts of these risks are often compounded by farmworker communities’ social vulnerability. Yet, less is known about how the intersection of race, class, and gender can position some farmworkers to be at higher risk for particular types of oppressions. We extend the (...)
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  37. American looks at south Africa-hybrid of democracy and a police state.S. Erikson - 1973 - Journal of Thought 8 (2):106-116.
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    Taming Tiger Dads: Hegemonic American Masculinity and South Korea’s Father School.Karen Pyke & Allen Kim - 2015 - Gender and Society 29 (4):509-533.
    How do non-Western men interact with and understand the form of Western masculinity associated with global dominance? Is their experience of Western hegemonic masculinity’s denigration of their national/ethnic masculinity similar to what occurs among subordinated nonwhite and lower-class men in Western countries? We take up this subject in our study of the South Korean Father School movement, which trains Korean men to become more involved and loving family men. Our analysis of the discursive practices of Father School organizational leadership (...)
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    On the Disadvantages of “Global South” for Latin American Studies.Pablo Palomino - 2019 - Journal of World Philosophies 4 (2):22-39.
    This article reconstructs the genealogy of the figure of the “global south” from the 1970s to current uses in policy, academic, and political discourses in several countries, to point out its limitations and its unintended ideological consequences. It discusses its connections with similar earlier figures like Antonio Gramsci’s “southern question” and the “third world,” establishing continuities and differences. After tracing the uses of the “global south” in several disciplinary fields, it contrasts them, through specific examples, with the way (...)
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  40. Native American cultures along the Atlantic littoral of South America, 1499-1650.Neil L. Whitehead - 1993 - In Whitehead Neil L. (ed.), The Meeting of Two Worlds: Europe and the Americas 1492–1650. pp. 197-231.
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  41. The policy of american-universities towards divestment in south-Africa.Dc Bok, H. Calkins, Rm Macdougall, Cp Slichter, Rg Stone, H. Kalven, Jh Franklin, Gj Kolb, G. Stigler & J. Getzels - 1986 - Minerva 24 (2-3):246-343.
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    Science in the american south through the eyes of four natural historians, 1750–1850.Edward J. Larson - 1991 - Annals of Science 48 (3):231-240.
    SummaryA national scientific community developed in the United States following the American Revolution. The independent scientific societies, journals and other institutions that formed the basis of this community were, however, centred in the North. An analysis of the work of four leading natural historians of the Southern tidewater (two from before the Revolution and two from after it) suggests that their region participated in this development by shifting scientific ties and allegiances from Europe to the North rather than by (...)
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    Screening the American South: Images of the Region since the 1940s.Waldemar Zacharasiewicz - 2016 - In Waldemar Zacharasiewicz & Ludwig Nagl (eds.), Ein Filmphilosophie-Symposium Mit Robert B. Pippin: Western, Film Noir Und Das Kino der Brüder Dardenne. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 129-142.
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    Advertising Ethics: South Korean and American Perceptions and Ideology.Debbie M. Treise, Michael F. Weigold & Hyunsoo Park - 1999 - Journal of Mass Media Ethics 14 (2):95-106.
    This study compares the perceptions and ethical evaluations of select advertising controversies between U.S. and South Korean cultures. In addition, the utility of using ethical ideologies, as measured by the Ethics Perception Questionnaire, is examined. Results suggest a surprising level of similarity between the two cultures regarding perceptions of advertising practices. The role of ideology factors strongly into theses evaluations as measured by the EQP.
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    Radical Caring in an Ethnic Shelter: South Asian American Women Workers at Apna Ghar, Chicago.Sharmila Rudrappa - 2004 - Gender and Society 18 (5):588-609.
    The author examines South Asian American women caregivers in two domestic violence organizations, namely Apna Ghar, the Chicago shelter for battered immigrant women, and Saheli, a support group for abuse survivors in Austin, Texas. Through informal interviews with Apna Ghar workers and Saheli volunteers and participant observation at Apna Ghar, she outlines the concept of “radical caring.” Radical caring emerges at the conjunction of individual and organizational motivations. However, radical caring is inherently contradictory; first, the caregivers’ traditional gender (...)
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  46. Negotiating Tradition, Becoming American: Family, Gender and Autonomy for Second Generation South Asians.[author unknown] - 2014
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    Evolution education in the American South: culture, politics, and resources in and around Alabama.Christopher D. Lynn, Amanda L. Glaze, William A. Evans & Laura K. Reed (eds.) - 2017 - New York, NY: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    This volume reaches beyond the controversy surrounding the teaching and learning of evolution in the United States, specifically in regard to the culture, politics, and beliefs found in the Southeast. The editors argue that despite a deep history of conflict in the region surrounding evolution, there is a wealth of evolution research taking place—from biodiversity in species to cultural evolution and human development. In fact, scientists, educators, and researchers from around the United States have found their niche in the (...), where biodiversity is high, culture runs deep, and the pace is just a little bit slower. (shrink)
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  48. South America: Toward an Alternative Future.Noam Chomsky - unknown
    The former Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet died even as leaders of South American nations concluded a two-day summit meeting in Cochabamba, Bolivia, hosted by President Evo Morales, at which the participants and the agenda represented the antithesis of Pinochet and his era.
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    Caught at the Clinic: African American Men, Stigma, and STI Treatment in the Deep South.Bronwen Lichtenstein - 2004 - Gender and Society 18 (3):369-388.
    The literature on gender and health typically addresses behavioral patterns when discussing men’s attitudes to health. Few of these studies explore men’s anxieties or presentations of self in relation to health problems, particularly for stigmatizing conditions such as sexually transmitted infections. Through direct observation and focus group interviews of health workers, clients, and students, this study explores African American men’s attitudes toward attending STI clinics in the Deep South. The men’s concerns about STI clinics center on realistic health (...)
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    Pragmatist Philosophy and Dance: Interdisciplinary Dance Research in the American South by Eric Mullis.Aili Bresnahan - 2022 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 57 (3):402-405.
    Eric Mullis' Pragmatist Philosophy and Dance is a thoroughly multi-disciplinary and transdisciplinary book that is centered on and deeply engaged in the experimental and lived experience of Pentecostal dance in the American and Appalachian South. The focal point for Mullis' research is not observation and critique of dance as embodied religious practice from a critical distance but from the inside, embedding his own person and body into the environment with all the resources of the unifying self that he (...)
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