Results for 'Stanislav S. Pkhydenko'

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  1.  17
    Severin Boetsii: A Logical Interpretation of the Trinitarian Problem.Stanislav S. Pkhydenko - 2006 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 38:20-31.
    Among the many outstanding personalities of the Middle Ages, Severin Boethius, a brilliant representative of early Christian culture, stands out. The great connoisseur, sympathizer and popularizer of Aristotle Boethius' classical antique logic culture was, in fact, the first and last thinker of his time to understand so deeply the role and importance of his father's work of logic. He translated into Latin almost all his logical works, which, unfortunately, medieval theology and philosophy could not properly use.
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    Mitochondria in complex psychiatric disorders: Lessons from mouse models of 22q11.2 deletion syndrome.Prakash Devaraju & Stanislav S. Zakharenko - 2017 - Bioessays 39 (2).
    Mitochondrial ATP synthesis, calcium buffering, and trafficking affect neuronal function and survival. Several genes implicated in mitochondrial functions map within the genomic region associated with 22q11.2 deletion syndrome (22q11DS), which is a key genetic cause of neuropsychiatric diseases. Although neuropsychiatric diseases impose a serious health and economic burden, their etiology and pathogenesis remain largely unknown because of the dearth of valid animal models and the challenges in investigating the pathophysiology in neuronal circuits. Mouse models of 22q11DS are becoming valid tools (...)
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    Anselm Canterbury: Features of the Rationalization of God and the World.S. S. Pkhydenko - 2004 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 29:77-85.
    An in-depth analysis of medieval philosophy has lately attracted scholars and theologians alike. The historical stratum of human culture and spirituality, which has been around for almost a dozen centuries, has not unduly aroused scientific interest. One of the reasons for this attitude is hidden in the unique phenomenon of a special kind of philosophy - scholasticism, generated at the intersection of two cultures - religious-Christian and philosophical. Scholasticism was perceived by scientists as something of no value, insignificant and empty. (...)
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    A rational interpretation of God in Anselm of Canterbury.S. S. Pkhydenko - 2004 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 30:23-34.
    Anselm Canterbury is rightly one of the philosophers who boldly set out to theologize through the use of ample possibilities of reason for rational interpretation of the most complex problems. This aspect of his work is covered differently, but without proper depth, in the scientific literature. The main purpose of this study is to carry out a deeper analysis of the rational approaches of this scholastic philosopher to the main problem of Christianity - the problem of God.
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    Rational Foundations of Augustine Theology.S. S. Pkhydenko - 2001 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 19:3-14.
    Aurelius Augustine - one of the four doctors of the Catholic Church - known as the brightest representative of Western patristics, one of the most recognized creators of the doctrine of the role and significance of the church.
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    Світоглядна політика в освітянсько-виховному процесі україни 70-х – першої половини 80-х рр. хх століття. [REVIEW]I. S. Pkhydenko - 2000 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 16:57-64.
    The central place in the educational and educational process of society belongs to the school, which encompasses the overwhelming majority of the population at a young age. The school is one of the most important factors in the development of the personality. In it the process of systematic mastery of ideological knowledge is carried out.
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  7. Field Creativity and Post-Anthropocentrism.Stanislav Roudavski - 2016 - Digital Creativity 27 (1):7-23.
    Can matter, things, nonhuman organisms, technologies, tools and machines, biota or institutions be seen as creative? How does such creativity reposition the visionary activities of humans? This article is an elaboration of such questions as well as an attempt at a partial response. It was written as an editorial for the special issue of the Digital Creativity journal that interrogates the conception of Post-Anthropocentric Creativity. However, the text below is a rather unconventional editorial. It does not attempt to provide an (...)
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    Notes on the Computational Aspects of Kripke’s Theory of Truth.Stanislav O. Speranski - 2017 - Studia Logica 105 (2):407-429.
    The paper contains a survey on the complexity of various truth hierarchies arising in Kripke’s theory. I present some new arguments, and use them to obtain a number of interesting generalisations of known results. These arguments are both relatively simple, involving only the basic machinery of constructive ordinals, and very general.
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    Towards Higher Moral and Economic Goals in Renewable Energy.Stanislav Škapa & Marek Vochozka - 2020 - Science and Engineering Ethics 26 (3):1149-1158.
    The European Union’s funding of electricity made of biogas that is obtained from purpose-grown plants accelerated the global boom of renewable energy two decades ago. Tens of thousands of biogas plants were built in EU farms soon after. As this specific trend toward renewable energy globally spreads, it has the potential to alter the features of agriculture in the future. Such conceptual changes are related to a variety of socio-economic and environmental implications that manifest itself over a large time scale. (...)
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  10. Respect for Old Age and Dignity in Death: The Case of Urban Trees.Stanislav Roudavski - 2020 - Proceedings of the Society of Architectural Historians Australia and New Zealand: 37, What If? What Next? Speculations on History’s Futures.
    How can humanist principles of respect, dignity, and care inform and improve design for non-human lifeforms? This paper uses ageing and dying urban trees to understand how architectural, urban, and landscape design respond to nonhuman concerns. It draws on research in plant sciences, environmental history, ethics, environmental management, and urban design to ask: how can more-than-human ethics improve multispecies cohabitation in urban forests? The paper hypothesises that concepts of dignity and respect can underline the capabilities of nonhuman lifeforms and lead (...)
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  11. Towards More-than-Human Heritage: Arboreal Habitats as a Challenge for Heritage Preservation.Stanislav Roudavski & Julian Rutten - 2020 - Built Heritage 4 (4):1-17.
    Trees belong to humanity’s heritage, but they are more than that. Their loss, through catastrophic fires or under business-as-usual, is devastating to many forms of life. Moved by this fact, we begin with an assertion that heritage can have an active role in the design of future places. Written from within the field of architecture, this article focuses on structures that house life. Habitat features of trees and artificial replacement habitats for arboreal wildlife serve as concrete examples. Designs of such (...)
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    An extension of Kracht's theorem to generalized Sahlqvist formulas.Stanislav Kikot - 2009 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 19 (2):227-251.
    Sahlqvist formulas are a syntactically specified class of modal formulas proposed by Hendrik Sahlqvist in 1975. They are important because of their first-order definability and canonicity, and hence axiomatize complete modal logics. The first-order properties definable by Sahlqvist formulas were syntactically characterized by Marcus Kracht in 1993. The present paper extends Kracht's theorem to the class of ‘generalized Sahlqvist formulas' introduced by Goranko and Vakarelov and describes an appropriate generalization of Kracht formulas.
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  13. Insider and the Academia: the Past and the Future of “Going Native in Reverse” in the Study of Esotericism.Stanislav Panin - 2015 - Aliter (5):3-9.
    The concept of “going native in reverse” reflects the fact that nowadays more and more people involved in new religious movements and esoteric groups participate in academic activities related to the study of religion in general and particularly in the study of their movements. On the one hand, these people bring insider’s perspective in the academia. On the other hand, they bring academic knowledge and critical mind in esoteric community and change it. This situation seems to be a positive tendency (...)
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    "Homo currens": the experience of philosophical research of ego texts of modern Russian fans of stayer running.Stanislav Vladimirovich Kannykin - forthcoming - Philosophy and Culture (Russian Journal).
    The current stage of the development of amateur stayer running practices can be characterized as personality-building, since the main goals of runners (especially marathon runners and super marathon runners) are not so much related to strengthening health, as to the sphere of personal improvement and self-knowledge: the development of will, character, testing yourself in an extreme situation, testing previously inaccessible emotions and states of consciousness. The object of the study is ego texts (books for a wide audience, including the online (...)
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    The Vienna Circle: A Paradoxical Heritage.Stanislav M. Gavrilenko - 2024 - Epistemology and Philosophy of Science 61 (1):35-43.
    The proposed text develops a number of provisions of N.I. Kuznetsova’s article “Oxymoron of the Vienna Circle”. Special attention is paid to the intellectual heritage of the Vienna Circle, which is in many ways paradoxical – rejected and simultaneously operational.
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    The ‘School of Structural Analysis’ in Modern Russian Sinology.Stanislav Rykov - 2016 - Journal of World Philosophies 1 (1):26-40.
    The second half of the twentieth century was marked by the appearance of a new and original school in Russian sinology which uses the so-called methodology of ‘structural analysis’ in studying Chinese classics and attempts to find an authentic methodology among Chinese philosophers themselves. Its most influential representatives are V.S. Spirin, A. M. Karapetyants, A. I. Kobzev and A. A. Krushinsky. The main thesis of Russian ‘structuralists’ is that the composition of the ancient Chinese text influences its content directly. A (...)
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  17. Eranos strikes back: alternatives to the Hanegraaff’s approach in the study of esotericism.Stanislav Panin - 2014 - European Journal of Science and Theology 10 (6):1-7.
    In this article, the author analyzes dominating contemporary approaches to the study of esotericism including those of W. Hanegraaff that is popular today among European scholars and its alternatives developing in the USA and the United Kingdom. The author argues that these methodologies should be understood as competitive „research programmes‟ inside the complex field of the academic study of esotericism and can‟t be described in terms of „old‟ and „new‟ paradigms like Hanegraaff tends to do it.
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    Environmental Justice and Rawlsian Social Contract Theory.Stanislav Myšička - 2015 - Filosofie Dnes 7 (1):39-60.
    Contemporary social and political theory is not wholly sufficient for dealing with environmental issues unless it will be more informed by political theories of justice. I present the view that environmental justice can be fruitfully approached from the point of view of contemporary social contract theory, mainly the one inspired by the work of John Rawls. Healthy natural environment is indispensable for many reasons for every human society; however, nature possesses also value going beyond pure instrumentality for human beings. Because (...)
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  19. The Return of Russian Philosophy.Stanislav Dzhimbinov - 1993 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 32 (2):7-20.
    In order to understand what happened to Russian philosophy in our country, let us perform a thought experiment: let us imagine that the same thing happened to Russian literature. That is, that we were left with only "revolutionary democrats" and the writers in agreement with them—the materialist atheists. To keep the experiment pure and simple, let us take only the greatest names. Thus we will publish, esteem, and study only "progressive" writers in the above sense. Only two writers would perhaps (...)
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  20.  19
    Technoscience, Biopolitics and Biobanking.Stanislav M. Gavrilenko - 2020 - Epistemology and Philosophy of Science 57 (1):38-44.
    The author considers two additions to analysis of technoscience, suggested by Olga Koshovets and Igor Frolov. First, technoscience is not just regime of knowledge production, which brings into play enormous technological and organizational resources, but is a regime, regulated by mandatory requirement to produce knowledge, which should be transformed into endowed with market value goods and services (technoobjects). Second, technoscience is an ever-faster colonization of natural and social worlds by technoobjects. In the author's view, the main problem with technoscience is (...)
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  21.  16
    Technický obraz a logická stavba : Flusser a Wittgenstein.Stanislav Hubik - 2007 - Flusser Studies 5 (1).
    Both Wittgenstein and Flusser tried to find an answer to the question: how are media possible? Although Wittgenstein does not ask this question explicitly it can be detected in his Tractatus. Because of this fundamental similarity between both thinkers, it is possible to read Wittgenstein's theory of logical form from the point of view of Flusser's concept of techno-image and to interpret Flusser's notion of medium from the point of view articulated in Wittgenstein's Tractatus. At the same time, it is (...)
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    Franciscan Scientific Efforts in Ljubljana.Stanislav Južnič - 2011 - Franciscan Studies 69:491-507.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:1. IntroductionThe scientific efforts of Jesuits were the hot topics of the history of science. It was said that you could find a Jesuit behind most of the scientific accomplishments of the seventeenth or eighteenth centuries. The idea was not far from the truth because Athanasius Kircher of Rudjer Josip Bošković proved to be among the best. But Jesuit studies seem to have passed their peak and it is (...)
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    Two Remarks on Partitions of ω with Finite Blocks.Stanislav Krajči - 1999 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 45 (3):415-420.
    We prove that all algebras P/IR, where the IR-'s are ideals generated by partitions of W into finite and arbitrary large elements, are isomorphic and homogeneous. Moreover, we show that the smallest size of a tower of such partitions with respect to the eventually-refining preordering is equal to the smallest size of a tower on ω.
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    Ethical and legal doctrines in Russian neo-Kantianism (P.I. Novgorodtsev and B.A. Kistyakovsky).Stanislav Kushner - 2021 - Studies in Transcendental Philosophy 2 (3).
    The article is devoted to the analysis of the legal theories of P.I. Novgorodtsev and B.A. Kistyakovsky, based on the moral philosophy of I. Kant in comparison with the psychological theory of law of L.I. Petrazhitsky. The unity of the positions of Novgorodtsev and Kistyakovsky in focusing on the ethical aspects of law, as well as highlighting morality as the highest principle, is revealed. Attention is paid to the disclosure of neo-Kantian motives in the philosophy of law and in the (...)
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  25.  11
    God save Ukraine.Stanislav Shyrokoradyuk - 2015 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 74:244-251.
    They are right all who would say nothing, all right. But the Church, whatever it does, will always be criticized. If it becomes very popular with all the protesters, it will go to the Maidan, it will fall under the hail of criticism from the authorities. He will not go away - she is also criticized with the words: "How is this, she became aloof when such problems are solved, is it not the church anyway, how people live, why it (...)
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    Dějiny jako factum brutum. Dvě poznámky ke glose Ondřeje Švece o filosofii dějin.Stanislav Sousedík - 2022 - Reflexe: Filosoficky Casopis 2022 (62):159-164.
    Discussion on Two Remarks on Ondřej Švec’s Note regarding Philosophy of History.
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    G. Frege.Stanislav Sousedík & Karel Šprunk - 2008 - Studia Neoaristotelica 5 (1):51-80.
    This paper is a Czech translation and critical interpretation of 'Dialog s Pünjerem' by G. Frege.
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    Kauzalita a kontingentní sebedeterminace?Stanislav Sousedik - 2021 - Filosofie Dnes 13 (1).
    Petr Dvořák hájí ve své knize Kauzalita činitele libertariánské pojetí svobody lidské vůle. Vůli považuje za duševní schopnost člověka a její svobodu spatřuje v možnosti její sebedeterminace. Tuto tezi autor tohoto příspěvku kritizuje. Dokazuje, že sebedeterminující schopnost je contradictio in terminis. Libertariánsky pojatá svobodná vůle je možná jen, pokud není schopností. Takovou vůlí je pouze vůle Boží (za předpokladu, že Bůh existuje). Autor připojuje historické upozornění, že autorem omylu zaměňujícího lidskou vůli s Boží je renezanční teolog Ludvík Molina, že k (...)
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    Les réparations des vaincus, les dettes des vainqueurs: le cas de la France et du Royaume des Serbes, Croates et Slovènes/Yougoslavie.Stanislav Sretenovic - 2009 - Filozofija I Društvo 20 (1):223-243.
    S'appuyant sur l'analyse historique des relations entre la France et le Royaume des Serbes, Croates et Slov?nes/Yougoslavie apr?s la Premi?re Guerre mondiale, l'auteur traite de l'application des d?cisions du trait? de Versailles en mati?re?conomique et financi?re, et montre comment elle pesa sur les relations, non seulement entre les Alli?s et leurs anciens ennemis, mais aussi entre les Alli?s eux-m?mes. Il conclut que la mise en place d'un ordre juste d?pendait de tout un ensemble de solutions concr?tes que les faiblesses du (...)
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  30.  19
    K problému existence ve Fregeho dialogu s Pünjerem.Stanislav Sousedik - 2008 - Organon F: Medzinárodný Časopis Pre Analytickú Filozofiu 15 (4):489-492.
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    It’s also a kind of adrenalin competition” – selected aspects of the sex trade as viewed by clients.Stanislav Ondrášek, Zuzana Řimnáčová & Alena Kajanová - 2018 - Human Affairs 28 (1):24-33.
    The main goal of the article is to describe selected aspects of the sex trade as viewed by clients who make use of the services provided by sex workers. We use data obtained through a content analysis of selected topics discussed on an erotic forum called The topics were: Can a person stop “screwing”?; what was your first contact with the sex trade and how can a person hide their visits to sex workers? In the course of the analysis, (...)
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  32. Slavery and the form it takes in Plato's philosophy.Stanislav Mysicka - 2010 - Filosoficky Casopis 58 (4):527-548.
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  33. Dialektika otrazhenii︠a︡ i vzaimodeistvii︠a︡ v evoli︠u︡t︠s︡ii materii.Stanislav Nikolaevich Smirnov - 1974 - Moskva: "Nauka,".
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  34. A note on J. Vacha's contribution about hylomorphism.Stanislav Sousedik - 2013 - Filosoficky Casopis 61 (3):427-433.
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  35. Is the mind identical with the brain? Critical comment on Tomas Hribek's post.Stanislav Sousedik - 2012 - Filosoficky Casopis 60 (6):913-916.
  36.  8
    Latin church's modern trends of development in the eastern Ukraine.Stanislav Shyrokoradyuk - 2015 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 73:51-53.
    Not so long ago, that is 20 years ago, when I arrived in Kyiv, the development of the Catholic Church was very relevant. The great gift that we have received is freedom of religion. Thanks to this gift, all denominations have equal rights, although not equal opportunities. But not much was known about the Catholic Church, and then, then, there were also pressing questions about whether this Church has a prospect of development, and whether it needs, for example, in Kyiv, (...)
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    Utilitarianism ako praktická voľba s empirickou podporou v etike Joshuu Greena – kritická reflexia.Stanislav Spodniak - 2021 - Filozofia 76 (6):451-464.
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  38. Ervin Laszlo's akashic field and the dilemmas of modern consciousness research.Stanislav Grof - 2006 - World Futures 62 (1 & 2):86 – 102.
    Ervin Laszlo's revolutionary concept of the Akashic Field and his connectivity hypothesis offer elegant solutions for the baffling paradoxes associated with "anomalous phenomena" - otherwise unexplainable observations which many scientific disciplines encountered in the course of the 20th century. This article explores the ground-breaking contributions that Laszlo's work has made to psychology by providing a plausible conceptual framework for a large number of observations and experiences amassed by modern consciousness research, which challenge the most fundamental assumptions of the traditional scientific (...)
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    Primirenie ideĭ i idei︠a︡ primirenii︠a︡ v filosofii vseedinstva Vl. Solovʹeva.Stanislav Borisovich Rot︠s︡inskiĭ - 1999 - Moskva: Izd-vo RAGS.
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    Pisma pedagogiczne.Stanislav Teofilovich Shat︠s︡kiĭ - 1973 - Wrocław,: Zakład Narodowy im. Ossolińskich.
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    Reasoning about Arbitrary Natural Numbers from a Carnapian Perspective.Leon Horsten & Stanislav O. Speranski - 2019 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 48 (4):685-707.
    Inspired by Kit Fine’s theory of arbitrary objects, we explore some ways in which the generic structure of the natural numbers can be presented. Following a suggestion of Saul Kripke’s, we discuss how basic facts and questions about this generic structure can be expressed in the framework of Carnapian quantified modal logic.
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  42.  5
    A teacher's experience: a collection.Stanislav Teofilovich Shat︠s︡kiĭ - 1981 - Moscow: Progress Publishers.
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    Religiosity and Attitudes towards Robots: Results from a Global Survey.Craig Webster & Stanislav Ivanov - 2024 - Scientia et Fides 12 (2):197-215.
    Religion is one lens in which people understand the world around them and interpret the world around them. However, it is unclear whether religion has an impact upon attitudes towards robots around the world. In this article, the authors investigate how an individual’s religiosity impacts upon perceptions of robots. The article investigates how an individual’s religiosity impacts attitudes towards robots, using data from a large-scale global survey of attitudes towards robots (N=1263). In order to investigate how religion impacts upon such (...)
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    Hintikka’s Independence-Friendly Logic Meets Nelson’s Realizability.Sergei P. Odintsov, Stanislav O. Speranski & Igor Yu Shevchenko - 2018 - Studia Logica 106 (3):637-670.
    Inspired by Hintikka’s ideas on constructivism, we are going to ‘effectivize’ the game-theoretic semantics for independence-friendly first-order logic, but in a somewhat different way than he did in the monograph ‘The Principles of Mathematics Revisited’. First we show that Nelson’s realizability interpretation—which extends the famous Kleene’s realizability interpretation by adding ‘strong negation’—restricted to the implication-free first-order formulas can be viewed as an effective version of GTS for FOL. Then we propose a realizability interpretation for IF-FOL, inspired by the so-called ‘trump (...)
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    Co-production and Managing Uncertainty in Health Research Regulation: A Delphi Study.Isabel Fletcher, Stanislav Birko, Edward S. Dove, Graeme T. Laurie, Catriona McMillan, Emily Postan, Nayha Sethi & Annie Sorbie - 2020 - Health Care Analysis 28 (2):99-120.
    European and international regulation of human health research is typified by a morass of interconnecting laws, diverse and divergent ethical frameworks, and national and transnational standards. There is also a tendency for legislators to regulate in silos—that is, in discrete fields of scientific activity without due regard to the need to make new knowledge as generalisable as possible. There are myriad challenges for the stakeholders—researchers and regulators alike—who attempt to navigate these landscapes. This Delphi study was undertaken in order to (...)
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    Teachers Between Job Satisfaction and Burnout Syndrome: What Makes Difference in Czech Elementary Schools.Irena Smetackova, Ida Viktorova, Veronika Pavlas Martanova, Anna Pachova, Veronika Francova & Stanislav Stech - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
    As has been shown by several studies, teaching is a highly stressful occupation (Johnson et al., 2005), and most teachers experience work stress. Long-term stress decreases job satisfaction and can result in chronic exhaustion which can develop into burnout syndrome. Implications of burnout syndrome are strongly negative both for the personal and professional life of teachers. As burnout syndrome puts teachers’ well-being, quality of the teaching process and relationships with students at risk, it is important to seek ways to avoid (...)
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    Psychological Defense Mechanisms of Military Service Members as a Personality Stabilization Regulatory System for Combat Mission Effectiveness.Kateryna Kravchenko, Oleg Khairulin, Serhii Danchevskyi, Stanislav Pavlushenko & Larysa Chernobai - 2023 - Journal of Military Ethics 22 (1):72-84.
    This study's objective is to explore the psychological defense mechanisms of Ukrainian service members as a regulatory system for personality stabilization that influences combat mission effectiveness. The study was carried out during 2019–2020. The respondents were 270 military personnel of the ground forces, who had gained experience in the Anti-Terrorist Operation hostilities in the East of Ukraine in 2017–2020. We used psychodiagnostic methods such as the Lifestyle Index by Plutchik, Kellerman, and Conte; Lazarus’s Coping Test; and Leontiev’s Meaningful Life Orientations (...)
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    Harvey and Gurvir’s Law: Ontario Bill for Quality Prenatal Information about Down Syndrome: Terminology, Feasibility, and Ethical Issues.Marie-Eve Lemoine, Anne-Marie Laberge, Marie-Françoise Malo, Stéphanie Cloutier, Marie-Christine Roy, Stanislav Birko, Andréa Daigle & Vardit Ravitsky - 2023 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 51 (3):651-657.
    Harvey and Gurvir’s Law is a bill proposed to the Legislative Assembly of Ontario (Canada) to reduce stigma and bias associated with Down syndrome, by developing and disseminating quality information about Down syndrome in the context of prenatal testing.
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    Mir detstva v pedagogicheskom nasledii S.T. Shat︠s︡kogo: k 125-letii︠u︡ so dni︠a︡ rozhdenii︠a︡ pedagoga-novatora: Rossiĭskai︠a︡ nauchno-prakticheskai︠a︡ konferent︠s︡ii︠a︡, 10 okti︠a︡bri︠a︡ 2003 goda.V. I. Beli︠a︡ev, L. V. Mardakhaev & Stanislav Teofilovich Shat︠s︡kiĭ (eds.) - 2004 - Moskva: Rossiĭskiĭ gos. sot︠s︡ialʹnyĭ universitet.
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    Stanislav Orikhovsky on religious tolerance.R. Mnozhynska - 2004 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 30:68-79.
    Stanislav Orikhovsky - one of the most prominent Latin-speaking Ukrainian-Polish humanists of the first half of the 16th century. For a long time he was known almost exclusively as a Polish figure. We now have every reason to include him in our culture, above all because he was a conscious Ukrainian - he invariably added the term "Ukrainian" to his last name. this is frankly stated ". In Western Europe it was called "Ukrainian Demosthenes" and "modern Cicero." His teachers (...)
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