Results for 'Stuart Jordan'

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    Nature vs. nurture: The controversy continues.Jordan Stuart - 2003 - Free Inquiry 23 (3).
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    Science and religion-are they compatible?Jordan Stuart - 2003 - Free Inquiry 23 (4).
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  3. Two paths for America.Jordan Stuart - 2004 - Free Inquiry 24 (2).
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  4. Robert M. Baird and Stuart E. Rosenbaum, eds., Punishment and the Death Penalty Reviewed by.Jordan Steiker - 1996 - Philosophy in Review 16 (1):3-5.
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    Stuart J. Borsch, The Black Death in Egypt and England: A Comparative Study. Austin, Tex.: University of Texas Press, 2005. Pp. xii, 195; tables, graphs, diagrams, and maps. $50. [REVIEW]William Chester Jordan & Justin Stearns - 2006 - Speculum 81 (4):1163-1165.
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  6. Moral nerve and the error of literary verdicts.John Furneaux Jordan - 1901 - London,: K. Paul, Trench, Trübner, and co..
    Mind and matter.--Moral nerve.--Herbert Spencer as a moralist.--Huxley as a moralist.--Substitutional morals: the principle of punishment.--Literary and scientific verdicts.--The genesis of modern kindliness.--Stuart Mill.--Thomas Carlyle.--The French revolution.--Epoch-making incidents and persons.--The slow change in the fundamental characteristics of peoples and individuals.--Emerson on Napoleon.--Goldwin Smith.--Material prosperity and religion.--Nerve forces as totalities.--The evolution of the direct man (direct brain).
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    Brain Storm: The Flaws in the Science of Sex Differences.Rebecca M. Jordan-Young - 2010 - Harvard University Press.
    1. Sexual Brains and Body Politics 2. Hormones and Hardwiring 3. Making Sense of Brain Organization Studies 4. Thirteen Ways of Looking at Brain Organization 5. Working Backward from “Distinct‘ Groups 6. Masculine and Feminine Sexuality 7. Sexual Orienteering 8. Sex-Typed Interests 9. Taking Context Seriously 10. Trading Essence for Potential.
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  8. Recursive distributed representations.Jordan B. Pollack - 1990 - Artificial Intelligence 46 (1-2):77-105.
  9. Knowing Yourself and Being Worth Knowing.Jordan Mackenzie - 2018 - Journal of the American Philosophical Association 4 (2):243-261.
    Philosophers have often understood self-knowledge's value in instrumentalist terms. Self-knowledge may be valuable as a means to moral self-improvement and self-satisfaction, while its absence can lead to viciousness and frustration. These explanations, while compelling, do not fully explain the value that many of us place in self-knowledge. Rather, we have a tendency to treat self-knowledge as its own end. In this article, I vindicate this tendency by identifying a moral reason that we have to value and seek self-knowledge that is (...)
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    Long-axis specialization of the human hippocampus.Jordan Poppenk, Hallvard R. Evensmoen, Morris Moscovitch & Lynn Nadel - 2013 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 17 (5):230-240.
  11.  49
    Giving the terminally ill access to euthanasia is not discriminatory: a response to Reed.Jordan MacKenzie - 2024 - Journal of Medical Ethics 50 (2):123-123.
    Philip Reed argues that laws that grant people access to euthanasia on the basis of terminal illness are discriminatory. In support of this claim, he offers an argument by analogy: it would be discriminatory to offer a person access to euthanasia because they are women or because they are disabled, as such restricted access would send the message ‘that life as a woman or as a disabled person is (very often) not worth living’.1 And so it must also be discriminatory (...)
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  12. On the evidence of testimony for miracles: A bayesian interpretation of David Hume's analysis.Jordan Howard Sobel - 1987 - Philosophical Quarterly 37 (147):166-186.
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  13. Partition-theorems for causal decision theories.Jordan Howard Sobel - 1989 - Philosophy of Science 56 (1):70-93.
    Two partition-theorems are proved for a particular causal decision theory. One is restricted to a certain kind of partition of circumstances, and analyzes the utility of an option in terms of its utilities in conjunction with circumstances in this partition. The other analyzes an option's utility in terms of its utilities conditional on circumstances and is quite unrestricted. While the first form seems more useful for applications, the second form may be of theoretical importance in foundational exercises. Comparisons are made (...)
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    Hume, Holism, and Miracles.David Johnson - 1999 - Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press.
    David Johnson seeks to overthrow one of the widely accepted tenets of Anglo-American philosophy—that of the success of the Humean case against the rational credibility of reports of miracles. In a manner unattempted in any other single work, he meticulously examines all the main variants of Humean reasoning on the topic of miracles: Hume's own argument and its reconstructions by John Stuart Mill, J. L. Mackie, Antony Flew, Jordan Howard Sobel, and others. Hume's view, set forth in his (...)
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    Recognizing Decentered Intersubjectivity in Social Experience.Jordan McKenzie - 2015 - Emotion Review 7 (1):73-78.
    This article will argue that a decentering process occurs in the intersubjective connections between individuals, and that through the acknowledgement of this process researchers can better understand the potential for distortions to occur in the development of self-understanding. The concept of decentered intersubjectivity discussed in this article is the result of prior research on happiness and contentment, yet a range of emotions such as trust, guilt, shame, and disappointment could also be considered. In each case, the concept of a decentered (...)
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  16.  23
    The Value of Patient Perspectives in an Ethical Analysis of Recruitment and Consent for Intracranial Electrophysiology Research.Jordan P. Richardson, Irena Balzekas, Brian Nils Lundstrom, Gregory A. Worrell & Richard R. Sharp - 2021 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 12 (1):75-77.
    We commend Mergenthaler and colleagues for bringing the topic of patient recruitment and consent in intracranial electrophysiology research to the attention of the neuroethics community. Mergenthal...
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  17. Poverty and the Peril of Particulars.Jordan Arthur Thomson - 2020 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 37 (4):661-677.
    Moral extremists argue for a demanding duty of poverty relief by leveraging powerful intuitions about our duties to rescue those close at hand. I clear the way for a less demanding duty by arguing that this argumentative strategy commits the extremist to a conception of our duty in the face of global poverty that is deeply at odds with our convictions about how we may discharge that duty. These convictions reveal that global poverty and easy rescue cases give rise to (...)
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  18. The Aptness of Envy.Jordan David Thomas Walters - 2025 - American Journal of Political Science 69 (1):330-340.
    Are demands for equality motivated by envy? Nietzsche, Freud, Hayek, and Nozick all thought so. Call this the Envy Objection. For egalitarians, the Envy Objection is meant to sting. Many egalitarians have tried to evade the Envy Objection.. But should egalitarians be worried about envy? In this paper, I argue that egalitarians should stop worrying and learn to love envy. I argue that the persistent unwillingness to embrace the Envy Objection is rooted in a common misunderstanding of the nature of (...)
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  19. Happiness Vs Contentment? A Case for a Sociology of the Good Life.Jordan McKenzie - 2016 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 46 (3):252-267.
    Despite the enormous growth in happiness research in recent decades, there remains a lack of consistency in the use of the terms happiness, satisfaction, contentment and well-being. In this article I argue for a sociologically grounded distinction between happiness and contentment that defines the former as positive affect and the latter as positive reflection. Contentment is therefore understood as a fulfilling relationship with the self and society and happiness involves pleasurable experiences. There is a history of similar distinctions in philosophy (...)
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  20.  44
    (1 other version)The Question of the Teacher.Jordan Glass - 2016 - Symposium: Canadian Journal of Continental Philosophy/Revue canadienne de philosophie continentale 20 (1):129-149.
    The following paper traces the relevance of teaching and pedagogy in Levinas’s philosophy of transcendence and ethics. By turning to his philosophy of language—including his posthumously published lectures on the phenomenology of sound and the voice—this paper addresses some dif????iculties with the attempt to develop a philosophy of education departing from his work. Education appears to be the uniquely well-suited site for an ethical philosophy, and yet any claims about education and attempts to teach ethics risk hypocrisy as a structural (...)
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  21.  25
    To Procure or Not to Procure: Hospitals Face Significant Ethical Dilemmas Regarding Organ Donation During the COVID-19 Pandemic.Jordan Potter, Jessica Ginsberg, Jason Lesandrini & Amy Andrelchik - 2020 - American Journal of Bioethics 20 (7):193-195.
    Volume 20, Issue 7, July 2020, Page 193-195.
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    The Principle of Double Effect in End-of-Life Care.Jordan Potter - 2015 - The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly 15 (3):515-529.
    In Catholic moral theology, the principle of double effect has been an effective normative tool for centuries, and it can be used to determine the ethicality of actions that contain both good and evil consequences. The principle of double effect is especially useful in end-of-life care, because many end-of-life treatment options inherently have both good and evil conse­quences. The principle of double effect can be used to make both practical and moral distinctions between the acts of euthanasia, physician-assisted suicide, palliative (...)
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    The prefrontal cortex stores structured event complexes that are the representational basis for cognitively derived actions.Jordan Grafman & Frank Krueger - 2009 - In Ezequiel Morsella, John A. Bargh & Peter M. Gollwitzer (eds.), Oxford handbook of human action. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 197--213.
  24. To My Critics with Appreciation: Responses to Taliaferro, Swinburne, and Koons.Jordan Howard Sobel - 2006 - Philosophia Christi 8 (2):249 - 292.
    This response to critics includes elaboration of ideas and arguments in ’Logic and Theism’ regarding cumulative arguments for theism, probabilities, ’fine-tuning’ and many worlds, and Gödel’s ontological proof probabilities subjective and objective, and Mackiean doubts concerning the latter, are explained. There is discussion of ’dividing the evidence’ in Bayesian confirmation exercises, with some of it allowed to target ’priors’ of hypotheses, and there is a note on my problems with old evidence. Tentatively explored are Gödel’s considered modal opinions, which may (...)
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    Relational happiness through recognition and redistribution: Emotion and inequality.Jordan McKenzie & Mary Holmes - 2019 - European Journal of Social Theory 22 (4):439-457.
    This article develops a model of relational happiness that challenges popular individualized definitions and emphasizes how it can enhance the sociological analysis of inequality. Many studies of happiness suggest that social inequalities are closely associated with distributions of happiness at the national level, but happiness research continues to favour individual-level analyses. Limited attention has been given to the intersubjective aspects of happiness and the correlations between it and higher social equality. Conversely, key theoretical debates about inequalities, such as Axel Honneth (...)
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  26. Online Deliberation: Design, Research, and Practice.Todd Davies & Seeta Peña Gangadharan (eds.) - 2009 - CSLI Publications/University of Chicago Press.
    Can new technology enhance purpose-driven, democratic dialogue in groups, governments, and societies? Online Deliberation: Design, Research, and Practice is the first book that attempts to sample the full range of work on online deliberation, forging new connections between academic research, technology designers, and practitioners. Since some of the most exciting innovations have occurred outside of traditional institutions, and those involved have often worked in relative isolation from each other, work in this growing field has often failed to reflect the full (...)
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    Neuropsychology Behind the Plate.Jordan Edmund DeLong - 2017 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 11 (3):385-395.
    In baseball, plate umpires are asked to make difficult perceptual judgments on a consistent basis. This chapter addresses some neuro-psychological issues faced by umpires as they call balls and strikes, and whether it is ethical to ask fallible humans to referee sporting events when faced with technology that exposes “blown” calls.
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    Nietzsche on Evolution and Progress.Jordan A. Conrad - 2024 - Nietzsche Studien 53 (1):203-225.
    The thesis that humanity progresses in a lawlike manner from inferior states (of wellbeing, cognitive skills, culture, etc.) to superior ones dominated eighteenth- and nineteenth- century thought, including authors otherwise as diverse as Kant and Ernst Haeckel. Positioning himself against this philosophically and scientifically popular view, Nietzsche suggests that humanity is in a prolonged state of decline. I argue that Nietzsche’s rejection of the thesis that progress is inevitable is a product of his acceptance of Lamarck’s use-and-disuse theory of evolution (...)
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  29. Jean-Philippe Toussaint, Unfinished.Jordan Stump - 2006 - Substance 35 (3):95-111.
  30. Fundamental Divisions: Preparing a Form of Education for a Modern Democratic Society.Jordan Snow - forthcoming - Philosophy.
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  31. A Psycho-ontological Analysis of Genesis 2-6.Jordan B. Peterson - 2007 - Archive for the Psychology of Religion 29 (1):87-125.
    Individuals operating within the scientific paradigm presume that the world is made of matter. Although the perspective engendered by this presupposition is very powerful, it excludes value and subjective experience from its fundamental ontology. In addition, it provides very little guidance with regards to the fundamentals of ethical action. Individuals within the religious paradigm, by contrast, presume that the world is made out of what matters. From such a perspective, the phenomenon of meaning is the primary reality. This meaning is (...)
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    Towards an Affective Geopolitics.Jordan P. Howell & Todd Sundberg - 2015 - Environment, Space, Place 7 (2):97-120.
    Affective geographies examine the emotional dimensions of space and spatial relationships; geopolitics seeks to understand the role of space and geography in international relations. In this paper, we consider a hybridization of these concepts in the context of the Nordic countries, and in particular Denmark. Nordic countries have shifted attention to the wielding of “soft power” as a tool in seeking to achieve international relations and economic goals. We argue that in the case of Denmark, these soft power tools bear (...)
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    The mark of the mental in the fourteenth century: Volitio, cognitio, and Adam Wodeham’s experience argument.Jordan Lavender - 2023 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 31 (6):1128-1150.
    This paper presents an original interpretation of the fourteenth-century debate over whether every volitio is a cognitio. This debate, I argue, was at its heart a debate about what constitutes the mark of occurrent mental states. Three participants in this debate – Adam Wodeham, Richard FitzRalph, and John of Ripa – articulated three distinct accounts of the mark of the mental. In doing so, they also developed several philosophical accounts of the intentionality of occurrent affective states.
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    The Beatific Vision and the Metaphysics of Conscious Experience in John of Ripa.Jordan Lavender - 2022 - Res Philosophica 99 (2):187-212.
    Does human happiness consist in God, as the widespread medieval view that God is the last end of human beings would suggest, or does it consist in the experience of God, the view suggested by medieval readings of Aristotle? In response to this theological problem, the important fourteenth-century philosopher John of Ripa developed one of the most innovative and subtle late medieval theories of the metaphysics of awareness. This article provides an account of Ripa’s theory of awareness and shows how (...)
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    Index marks the spot? The photo-diagram's referential system.Jordan Bear - 2012 - Philosophy of Photography 2 (2):315-334.
    This article explores the genealogy of a paradox in the evidentiary logic of the press photograph. While such photographs are supposed to gain their special authority from their unmediated relationship to the events they represent, they are often illegible without supplementary graphical material. The picture press of the 1920s and 1930s, saturated with re-creations of brutal crimes and messy accidents, fashioned an elaborate system of arrows, daggers, circles and crosses added by hand in paint or ink to help guide the (...)
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    La transvaloración de todos los valores de Nietzsche.Jordan Berzal - 2020 - Aranjuez (Madrid): Ediciones Doce Calles.
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    Validation.Jordan Churchill - 1959 - Journal of Philosophy 56 (5):200-208.
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    The Learning Process.E. Jordan - 1912 - Philosophical Review 21 (5):612-614.
  39.  22
    A Black and White History of Psychiatry in the United States.Jordan A. Conrad - 2022 - Journal of Medical Humanities 43 (2):247-266.
    Histories of psychiatry in the United States can shed light on current areas of need in mental health research and treatment. Often, however, these histories fail to represent accurately the distinct trajectories of psychiatric care among black and white populations, not only homogenizing the historical narrative but failing to account for current disparities in mental health care among these populations. The current paper explores two parallel histories of psychiatry in the United States and the way that these have come to (...)
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    (1 other version)Concerning philosophy.E. Jordan - 1942 - Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association 16:97.
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  41. (1 other version)The Aesthetic Object.E. Jordan - 1939 - Philosophy 14 (54):246-246.
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  42. The Good Life.E. Jordan - 1949 - Ethics 60 (3):188-197.
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  43. Theory of Legislation, an Essay on the Dynamics of Public Mind.E. Jordan - 1955 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 145:243-245.
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  44. Action and mental representation. The prefrontal cortex stores structured event complexes that are the representational basis for cognitively-derived actions.Jordan Grafman & Frank Krueger - 2009 - In Ezequiel Morsella, John A. Bargh & Peter M. Gollwitzer (eds.), Oxford handbook of human action. New York: Oxford University Press.
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  45. Volition and the human prefrontal cortex.Jordan Grafman & Frank Krueger - 2009 - In Natalie Sebanz & Wolfgang Prinz (eds.), Disorders of Volition. Bradford Books.
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    Aufbruch zur Vernunft: ein Naturforscher zur deutschen Besinnung.Pascual Jordan - 1976
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    ‘Be Not a Copy if Thou Canst Be an Original’: German Philosophy, Republican Pedagogy, Benthamism and Saint-Simonism in the Political Thought of Gioacchino di Prati.Alexander Jordan - 2015 - History of European Ideas 41 (2):221-240.
    SummaryBorn to a noble family in the Italian Trentino, Prati studied philosophy in Austria and Germany. Returning to Italy, he joined the carbonari, a network of revolutionary secret societies. Forced into exile in Switzerland, he worked as an educator alongside Pestalozzi. Following his expulsion from Switzerland, Prati sought refuge in Britain, becoming acquainted with Coleridge, the Benthamite utilitarians, and the Owenites. Following the July Revolution, Prati went to Paris, where he became a Saint-Simonian. Returning to Britain, he sought to convert (...)
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    Case-Based argumentation infrastructure for agent societies.Jaume Jordán, Stella Heras & Vicente Julián - 2012 - In Emilio Corchado, Vaclav Snasel, Ajith Abraham, Michał Woźniak, Manuel Grana & Sung-Bae Cho (eds.), Hybrid Artificial Intelligent Systems. Springer. pp. 13--24.
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    Feigel, F. K., Der französische Neokritizismus und seine religionsphilosophischen Folgerungen.Bruno Jordan - 1920 - Kant Studien 24 (1).
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    Pragmatic Arguments.Jeffrey Jordan - 1997 - In Charles Taliaferro & Philip L. Quinn (eds.), A Companion to Philosophy of Religion. Cambridge, Mass.: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 425–433.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Pascal's Wager Other Prominent Pragmatic Arguments Pragmatic Arguments and the Ethics of Belief Works cited.
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