Results for 'Supper of the Lord'

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    The Supper of the Lord 1533.J. F. Mozley - 1966 - Moreana 3 (2):11-16.
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  2. The Supper of the Lord: The New Testament, Ecumenical Dialogues, and Faith and Order on Eucharist.John Reumann - 1985
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    Calvin's Doctrine of the Lord's Supper.Wim Janse - 2012 - Perichoresis 10 (2):137-163.
    Calvin's Doctrine of the Lord's Supper In order to pinpoint its proprium, it is necessary to understand John Calvin’s Eucharistic theology within the wider context of the intra-Protestant debates of his time. As a second- generation Reformer, Calvin developed his ideas explicitly in reaction to and as a middle way between the Lutheran and Swiss Reformed discussions of the 1520’s. To that end this essay first focuses on the main developments from the Middle Ages onwards, and then presents (...)
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  4. The Problem of the Lord's Supper According to the Scholarly Research of the Nineteenth Century and the Historical Accounts.Albert Schweitzer & John Reumann - 1982
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  5. The Mystery of the Lord's Supper: Sermons on the Sacrament Preached in the Kirk of Edinburgh in A.D. 1589.Robert Bruce & Thomas F. Torrance - 1958
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    Covenants as an echo of the Eucharist. Typos of Lord’s Supper in the Old Testament.Sergiy Victorovich Sannikov - 2020 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 91:11-44.
    The article uses typological understanding of the Lord's Supper to analyze Old Testament text. Intertextual hermeneutics, which connects the lexical units of various parts of texts for comprehensive understanding allowed to see an echo of the Eucharist in Old Testament. One of the most expressive prototypes or typos of the Lord's Supper in the Old Testament is the idea of the Covenants and changing of the covenants. The author analyzes the concept of testament and all cases (...)
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    Subversive Meals: An Analysis of the Lord’s Supper under Roman Domination during the First Century. By R. Alan Street. Pp. xi, 327, Cambridge, James Clarke, 2016, £25.00. [REVIEW]Nicholas King - 2021 - Heythrop Journal 62 (2):381-381.
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    The Power of the Table-Revising the Theology, Form and Place of the Lord's Supper in the Worship of the Christian Church.Ervin Budiselić - 2012 - Kairos: Evangelical Journal of Theology 6 (2):135-161.
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    The Origin of the Lord's Supper.Arthur Wright - 1894 - The Classical Review 8 (08):375-.
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    Exemplary Penance: The Franciscan "Meditations on the Supper of Our Lord".Denise L. Despres - 1987 - Franciscan Studies 47 (1):123-137.
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    The Origin of the Lord's Supper: A Reply.Percy Gardner & J. B. Mayor - 1894 - The Classical Review 8 (6):267-270.
  12. Sacrament and Sacrifice. I. A Protestant View of the Lord's Supper.H. H. Rowley - 1941 - Hibbert Journal 40:181.
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  13. Making a Meal of It: Rethinking the Theology of the Lord's Supper.Ben Witherington - 2007
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  14. The Altar Fire, Reflections on the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper.Olive Wyon - 1954
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    Worship and the Lord’s Supper in Assemblies of God, and other selected Pentecostal churches in Nigeria.Williams O. Mbamalu - 2015 - HTS Theological Studies 71 (3).
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    Making a Meal of It: Rethinking the Theology of the Lord's Supper. By Ben Witherington III. Pp. xi, 160, Waco, TX, Baylor University Press, 2007, £10.99, $19.95, €15.99. Liturgy and the Beauty of the Unknown: Another Place. By David Torevell. Pp. viii, 20. [REVIEW]Paul Brazier - 2014 - Heythrop Journal 55 (2):307-309.
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    “Thynk on God, as we doon, men that swynke”: The Cultural Locations ofMeditations on the Supper of Our Lordand the Middle English Pseudo-Bonaventuran Tradition.Ryan Perry - 2011 - Speculum 86 (2):419-454.
    “Awak, and thenk on Cristes passioun!” So exclaims John the carpenter in the Miller's Tale, simultaneously performing the sign of the cross in his frantic efforts to stir Nicholas from a feigned trance. Then, babbling folk charms and prayers, John continues his attempts to wrestle the young astronomer free from supernatural forces, the “elves” and “wightes” he supposes have afflicted his boarder. Here the text of the urbane late-fourteenth-century Chaucer apparently reflects upon a tradition often considered characteristic of fifteenth-century devotional (...)
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  18. Polemic against stillness in the Hymns on the Lord‘s Supper.Karen B. Westerfield Tucker - 2006 - Bulletin of the John Rylands Library 88 (2):101-119.
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    "Awe-Inspiring, in Truth, Are the Mysteries of the Church": Eucharistic Mystagogy and Moral Exhortation in the Preaching of St. John Chrysostom.Daria Spezzano - 2024 - Nova et Vetera 22 (2):413-434.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:"Awe-Inspiring, in Truth, Are the Mysteries of the Church":Eucharistic Mystagogy and Moral Exhortation in the Preaching of St. John ChrysostomDaria SpezzanoWe entrust to You, loving Master, our whole life and hope, and we ask, pray, and entreat: make us worthy to partake of your heavenly and awesome Mysteries from this holy and spiritual Table with a clear conscience; for the remission of sins, forgiveness of transgressions, communion of the (...)
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    Luther on Thomas Aquinas: The Angelic Doctor in the Thought of the Reformer by Denis R. Janz.Anders Tune - 1991 - The Thomist 55 (1):145-148.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:BOOK REVIEWS 145 Luther on Thomas Aquinas: The Angelic Doctor in the Thought of the Reformer. By DENIS R. JANZ. Veroffentlichungen des Instituts fiir Europiiische Geschichte Mainz, Abt. Religionsgeschichte, Bd. 140. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag, 1989. Pp. ii + 124. DM 38 {cloth). As Denis Janz, specialist in the late medieval context of Luther's thought (Luther and Late Medieval Thomism, 1983), points out in the "Prospectus," a study of (...)
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  21. Thoughts on Some Problems of the Day a Charge Delivered at His Primary Visitation.William Temple & Edwin James Palmer - 1931 - Macmillan.
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    A gift of presence: the theology and poetry of the Eucharist in Thomas Aquinas.Jan Heiner Tück - 2018 - Washington, D.C.: Catholic University of America.
    Jan-Heiner Tück presents a work that explores the sacramental theology, lived spirituality, and Eucharistic poetry of the Church’s doctor communis, St. Thomas Aquinas. Although Aquinas’ Eucharistic poetry has long occupied an important place in the Church’s liturgical prayer and her repertoire of sacred music, the depth of these poems remains hidden until one grasps the rich sacramental theology underlying it. Consequently, Tück first offers a detailed but approachable primer of Aquinas’ theology of the sacraments, before diving deeply into the Angelic (...)
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    The Wedding Feast of the Lamb: Eros, the Body, and the Eucharist.Emmanuel Falque - 2016 - New York: Fordham University Press.
    Emmanuel Falque’s The Wedding Feast of the Lamb represents a turning point in his thought. Here, Falque links philosophy and theology in an original fashion that allows us to see the full effect of theology’s “backlash” against philosophy. By attending closely to the incarnation and the eucharist, Falque develops a new concept of the body and of love: By avoiding the common mistake of “angelism”—consciousness without body—Falque considers the depths to which our humanity reflects animality, or body without consciousness. He (...)
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    The Holy of Holies: Pentecostal Spirituality and the Breaking of Bread.Jonathan Black - 2020 - Journal of Spiritual Formation and Soul Care 13 (1):62-87.
    The Lord’s Supper is not widely considered a distinguishing mark of Pentecostal spirituality, and yet the Breaking of Bread has been at the very centre of British Pentecostal worship and devotion from the very beginnings of the movement. This article examines key features of Pentecostal eucharistic spirituality through a consideration of Pentecostal writing on the sacrament as well as the songs and practices of Pentecostal eucharistic worship. It is argued that a Pentecostal spirituality of the Supper rooted (...)
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    The Ongoing Creation of Loving Community: Christian Ritual and Ethics.Jay T. Rock - 2000 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 20 (1):90-92.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Buddhist-Christian Studies 20 (2000) 90-92 [Access article in PDF] Christian Views on Ritual Practice The Ongoing Creation of Loving Community: Christian Ritual and Ethics Jay T. RockNational Council of Churches of ChristAt the center of Christian practice is an ethical imperative: "This is my commandment," Jesus says; "Love one another as I have loved you" (John 15:12). This principle of active love lies at the heart of Christian living.The (...)
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    'For he who eats and drinks in an unworthy manner, eats and drinks judgment to himself': Interpreting 1 Corinthians 11:27-30 in light of the denial and avoidance of the Holy Communion in some churches in Nigeria[REVIEW]Solomon O. Ademiluka - 2022 - HTS Theological Studies 78 (4):1–7.
    Christians all over the world celebrate the Eucharist as an important aspect of their faith. Arising from Paul's warning in 1 Corinthians 11:27-30 that persons who eat the Lord's Supper unworthily bring judgment upon themselves, some churches in Nigeria restrict the Communion to supposedly holy members. This article examined the text with a view to appraising this attitude towards the Communion. It applied the historical exegesis and the analytical approach. The article found that the restriction of the Eucharist (...)
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  27. Proceedings of the British Academy, Volume 73.Clashfern Lord Mackay of - 1987
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    Accountability and the Fear of the Lord.C. Stephen Evans - 2021 - Studies in Christian Ethics 34 (3):316-323.
    Why did the Biblical writers see the fear of the Lord as a virtue that is conducive to human flourishing? It is difficult for contemporary readers to understand how fear of anything can be virtuous. I propose that the fear of the Lord should be understood as accountability to God. I defend the claim that someone who displays excellence in an accountability relationship does display a virtue, and that this virtue is particularly valuable when exercised in relation to (...)
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  29. Proceedings of the British Academy, Volume 139, 2005 Lectures.Cornhill Lord Bingham Of - 2006
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    Handmaidens of the Lord: Pentecostal Women Preachers and Traditional Religion.Lesley A. Sharp - 1991 - Anthropology of Consciousness 2 (3-4):29-30.
    Elaine J. Lawless. Handmaidens of the Lord: Pentecostal Women Preachers and Traditional Religion. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1988. ISBN 0812212657. Paper, $18.95. ISBN 0812281004. Hardcover, $41.95. Pp. xx+272.
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    The Fear of the Lord.Janina Duerr - 2010 - In Fritz Allhoff & Nathan Kowalsky (eds.), Hunting Philosophy for Everyone. Wiley‐Blackwell. pp. 134–148.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Nothing Wants to Die An Eye for an Eye, a Tooth for a Tooth Solution 1: Keep Your Powder Dry Solution 2: Pretend It Wasn't You Solution 3: Give, and Ye Shall Receive Solution 4: Take Only What You Need Solution 5: Cheat Death The Keepers of the Game as a Moral Authority Notes.
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    Lutheran perspectives on the unity of the church.Dieter H. Reinstorf - 2017 - HTS Theological Studies 73 (1).
    From personal experience, this article shares to what degree the Faculty of Theology at the University of Pretoria was and continues to be a gateway to the future, challenging among others the divisions that characterise the Church of Christ worldwide. The article argues that for the 16th-century Reformers the unity of the church was a given and that the confessions were written to establish such a unity through agreement in confession and joint rejection of false doctrines. However, such statements of (...)
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  33. The Conscience of Huckleberry Finn.Jonathan Bennett - 1974 - Philosophy 49 (188):123-134.
    In this paper1 I shall present not just the conscience of Huckleberry Finn but two others as well. One of them is the conscience of Heinrich Himmler. He became a Nazi in 1923; he served drably and quietly, but well, and was rewarded with increasing responsibility and power. At the peak of his career he held many offices and commands, of which the most powerful was that of leader of the S.S. - the principal police force of the Nazi regime. (...)
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  34. True Christianity, Vol. 2: The Portable New Century Edition.Jonathan S. Rose (ed.) - 2011 - New Century Edition.
    In the final years of his life, Emanuel Swedenborg wrote _True Christianity_, an opus that served both to contextualize his theology within contemporary Christianity and to serve as a road map for the new spiritual age that would follow. This second volume covers topics such as freedom of choice, repentance, the transformation of a person’s inner being during spiritual awakening, the rites of baptism and the Holy Supper, and the second coming of the Lord. This new translation is (...)
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    The Reformation and the Ten Commandments.David C. Steinmetz - 1989 - Interpretation: A Journal of Bible and Theology 43 (3):256-266.
    Disagreement in the sixteenth century on the meaning of the First Commandment prompted dissension over such related issues as the nature of the Lord's Supper, the authority of the Old Testament for the church and the pace of ecclesiastical reform—issues that are still in dispute.
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    The Community as Sacrament.Daniel Liderbach - 1991 - Philosophy and Theology 5 (3):221-236.
    I argue that the late twentieth century relies more upon the symbolic than upon the causal power of events acknowledged as sacraments. Since this is the case with the Eucharist no less than with other sacraments, the symbolic meaning of the Eucharist must be refocused. This may be accomplished through the concept of the numinous dimension of the Lord’s Supper.
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  37. People of the Lord: The History, Scriptures, and Faith of Ancient Israel.Harry M. Buck - 1966
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    The candle of the Lord.William Cecil De Pauley - 1937 - Freeport, N.Y.,: Books for Libraries Press.
    Benjamin Whichcote.--Benjamin Whichcote and Jeremy Taylor.--John Smith.--Ralph Cudworth.--Henry More.--Richard Cumberland.--Nathanael Culverwel.--George Rust.--Edward Stillingfleet.--Additional notes: John Calvin.--Lancelot Andrewes: Excerpt on the candle of the Lord.--William Laud: Excerpt on Scripture.
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    Light of the Lord (Or Hashem) by Hasdai Crescas.Daniel Frank - 2021 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 59 (1):146-147.
    With Maimonides’s Guide of the Perplexed and Gersonides’s Wars of the Lord, Hasdai Crescas’s Light of the Lord deserves a place on any shortlist of medieval Jewish philosophical classics. Apart from partial translations by Warren Harvey and Harry Wolfson, the English-speaking student of medieval Jewish philosophy has had limited access to the text. Thanks to Roslyn Weiss’s felicitous new translation, this is no longer the case.Light of the Lord [=Light] has of course its own internal philosophical dynamic, (...)
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    Transubstantiation and the Real Presence.Christopher Hughes Conn - 2003 - Philosophy and Theology 15 (2):333-351.
    This paper is concerned with metaphysical issues surrounding the doctrines of transubstantiation and the real presence. In particular, I am concerned with the nature of the eucharistic change, and with the manner in which Christ is believed to be present in the Blessed Sacrament. My primary goal is to give an account of these doctrines (i) which does not involve the thesis that upon consecration one substance has become identical with another, previously existing substance, (ii) which is consistent with a (...)
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    Tax Law, Religion and Justice: An Exploration of Theological Reflections on Taxation .Allen Calhoun - 2021 - Routledge.
    Equity and efficiency -- A society within a society -- Thomas Aquinas : the interplay of natural and positive law -- William of Ockham : repudiation of power and wealth -- Martin Luther's redistributive theology of the Lord's supper -- John Calvin and the challenge of inequality -- Triumph of the economy.
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    The Implicit Theology of the Lord’s Prayer: A Biblical and Theological Investigation.Jan Muis - 2020 - Lanham, Maryland: Fortress Academic. Edited by Allan J. Janssen.
    This book interprets and reflects on the conception of God that is implied by the Lord’s Prayer. It explains the epistemic status and ontological implications of the Christian faith in God and proposes a non-essentialist account of central identity-defining attributes of God.
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    The Glory of the Lord: A Theological Aesthetics. Vol. VI: Theology: The Old Covenant by Hans Urs Von Balthasar.Donald J. Keefe - 1994 - The Thomist 58 (1):139-146.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:BOOK REVIEWS The Glory of the Lord: A Theological Aesthetics. Vol. VI: Theology: The Old Covenant. By HANS Uns VoN BALTHASAR. Trans. Brian McNeil, C.R.V. and Erasmo Leiva-Merikakis. Ed. John Riches. San Francisco: Ignatius Press, 1991. Pp. 443. In this penultimate-volume of The Glory of the Lord, von Balthasar sets forth a " biblical aesthetics " in which the manner of the emergence of the Glory of (...)
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    Précis of The Importance of Being Rational.Errol Lord - 2020 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 100 (2):452-456.
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  45. The Lord’s Supper in the Reformed Tradition: An Essay on the Mystical True Presence.[author unknown] - 2015
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    Light of the Lord (or Hashem).Ḥasdai Crescas - 2018 - Oxford: Oxford University Press. Edited by Roslyn Weiss.
    This is the first complete English translation of Hasdai Crescas's Light of the Lord, a seminal work of medieval Jewish philosophy. Crescas challenges the Aristotelian underpinnings of medieval thought, introduces alternative physical and metaphysical theories, and presents service to the God of love and benefaction as the goal for humankind.
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    Song of the Lord: Gītā in Yoga-Vāsiṣṭha: With the Commentary Tātparya-Prakāśa of Ananda-Bodhendra Saraswati.Swami Vedabhāratī (ed.) - 2013 - Published by D.K. Printword in Association with Ahymsin Publishers.
    Critical study of selected portion of Yogavāsiṣṭha, treatise on Vedanta philosophy; includes translation of text and commentary.
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  48. The Lord's Supper. A Biblical Interpretation.Scott McCormick - 1966
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    “The Ten Commandments of the Lord” An Edition and English Translation of Robert Grosseteste’s Sermon Ìï.Michael W. Dunne - 2013 - In John Flood, James R. Ginther & Joseph W. Goering (eds.), Robert Grosseteste and His Intellectual Milieu: New Editions and Studies. Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies. pp. 294-316.
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  50. The Lord's Supper in the New Testament.A. J. B. Higgins - 1952
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