Results for 'Ségolène Guinard'

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    L’existence capsulaire.Ségolène Guinard - 2021 - Multitudes 85 (4):139-148.
    En représentant la promesse de répliquer certaines fonctions écosystémiques et de permettre la vie dans l’invivable, certaines technologies spatiales nourrissent un imaginaire de la catastrophe qui laisse penser que tout puisse continuer comme avant. Au travers d’une enquête sur des systèmes de support de vie biorégénératifs développés dans le contexte des programmes spatiaux habités, cet essai examine un mode d’existence capsulaire qui nie les planétarités concrètes en proposant d’habiter des sphères à l’atmosphère contrôlée. Il étudie aussi quelques trajectoires singulières qui (...)
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  2. Couleur et restauration.Ségolène Bergeon - 1996 - Techne 4:17-28.
  3. La recherche en conservation-restauration: pour l'émergence d'une discipline.Ségolène Bergeon, Marie Berducou & Pierre-Emmanuel Nyeborg - 1997 - Techne 6:104-110.
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    Attention Guides the Motor-Timing Strategies in Finger-Tapping Tasks When Moving Fast and Slow.Ségolène M. R. Guérin, Juliette Boitout & Yvonne N. Delevoye-Turrell - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Human beings adapt the spontaneous pace of their actions to interact with the environment. Yet, the nature of the mechanism enabling such adaptive behavior remains poorly understood. The aim of the present contribution was to examine the role of attention in motor timing using time series analysis, and a dual task paradigm. In a series of two studies, a finger-tapping task was used in sensorimotor synchronization with various tempi and motor complexity. Time series analyzes indicated that two different timing strategies (...)
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  5. La technique de la peinture française de xviie et xviiie siècles.Ségolène Bergeon & Elisabeth Martin - 1994 - Techne 1:65-78.
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    MOBILITY THEN AND NOW - (C.) Moatti, (E.) Chevreau (edd.) L'expérience de la mobilité de l'Antiquité à nos jours, entre précarité et confiance. (Scripta Antiqua 148.) Pp. 376, ill., maps. Bordeaux: Ausonius, 2021. Paper, €25. ISBN: 978-2-35613-425-7. [REVIEW]Ségolène Maudet - 2023 - The Classical Review 73 (1):172-175.
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    A need for ethics in archaeology?Ségolène Vandevelde & Béline Pasquini - 2019 - Canadian Journal of Bioethics / Revue canadienne de bioéthique 2 (3):1-8.
    This introductory text provides a summary of the Archaeo-Ethics Conference held in Paris on May 25-26 2018. It also introduces the texts in this special issue devoted to ethics in archaeology, proceedings of the Conference. The texts have been separated into five parts:"What collaborations between archaeologists and local populations?", "appropriation or instrumentalization of archaeological research?",“What collaborations between professional archaeologists and heritage enthusiasts?”, "Human remains, archaeological remains unlike any other", and "Archaeology in the face of a management imperative: what consequences for (...)
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  8. Des bleus profonds chez les Primitifs italiens.Elisabeth Martin & Ségolène Bergeon - 1996 - Techne 4:74-89.
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    Ethics in Archaeology: New Proposals.Béline Pasquini & Ségolène Vandevelde - 2019 - Canadian Journal of Bioethics / Revue canadienne de bioéthique 2 (3):243-250.
    In this conclusion of the special issue “Archaeo-Ethics”, we summarise the findings and analyses of several texts in this issue, as well as the most common solutions suggested by the authors.
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    In focus. Has patient autonomy gone to far? Geneticists' views in 36 nations.Dorothy C. Wertz, John C. Fletcher, Irmgard Nippert, Gerhard Wolff & Segolene Ayme - 2001 - American Journal of Bioethics: Ajob 2 (4):W21 - W21.
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    Translating land justice through comparison: a US–French dialogue and research agenda.Megan Horst, Nathan McClintock, Adrien Baysse-Lainé, Ségolène Darly, Flaminia Paddeu, Coline Perrin, Kristin Reynolds & Christophe-Toussaint Soulard - 2021 - Agriculture and Human Values 38 (4):865-880.
    In this discussion piece, eight scholars in geography, urban planning, and agri-food studies from the United States (US) and France engage in a bi-national comparison to deepen our collective understanding of food and land justice. We specifically contextualize land justice as a critical component of food justice in both the US and France in three key areas: access to land for cultivation, urban agriculture, and non-agricultural forms of food provisioning. The US and France are interesting cases to compare, considering the (...)
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    Sexism in Archaeology Doesn’t Exist.Laura Mary, Béline Pasquini & Ségolène Vandevelde - 2019 - Canadian Journal of Bioethics / Revue canadienne de bioéthique 2 (3):215-242.
    Archaeologists are confronted with many ethical issues in their daily practice; these questions also concern their practices and their behaviour towards their peers. The highlighting of gender discrimination, sometimes combined with other elements such as ethnicity, sexual orientation, social origin, physical abilities or religious beliefs, should thus be a fundamental element in reflections on professional ethics in archaeology. The “Archaeo-Sexism” exhibition presented here, a joint initiative of the Archaeo-Ethics Association and Paye Ta Truelle, is an example of such reflection.
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    L'opinion et la participation : la campagne présidentielle de Ségolène Royal.Rémi Lefebvre - 2008 - Hermes 52:, [ p.].
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  14.  61
    Isabelle Saint-Martin, Voir, savoir, croire. Catéchismes et pédagogie par l'image au XIXe siècle. préface de Ségolène Le Men, Paris, Honoré Champion Éditeur, 2003,614 p., 25 pl. en coul. et 107 fig. en n. et bl. [REVIEW]François Bœspflug - 2005 - Revue des Sciences Religieuses 79:417-428.
    Ce livre est la version remaniée d'une thèse dont l'Auteure est désormais maître de conférence à l'EPHE et travaille également à l'Institut Européen en Sciences des Religions récemment fondé sur la recommandation de Régis Debray. Isabelle Saint-Martin évoque un monde en voie de disparition, celui des images pieuses qui ont contribué à la formation religieuse des chrétiens de la génération de nos grands et arrière-grands-parents. Publié pour la première fois vers le milieu des années 1880 et c..
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    Partie de campagne : Militer en ligne au sein de « désirs d'avenir » : Paroles publiques: Communiquer dans la cité.Godefroy Beauvallet - 2007 - Hermes 47:155.
    Dans la « campagne participative » nationale de Ségolène Royal et de son association « Désirs d'avenir », le formatage des activités par les interfaces numérisées joue un rôle crucial dans l'appropriation de pratiques politiques innovantes, ainsi que dans le régime d'implication des militants. L'épaisseur sémiotique de la campagne influence la dynamique organisationnelle. Elle contribue à légitimer les positions de la candidate; elle facilite également la rectification de ses propos. Ces pratiques reposent sur des micro-dispositifs logiciels très rustiques, souvent (...)
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  16. A Private Affair?Peter Singer - unknown
    In the French presidential election, both candidates tried to keep their domestic life separate from their campaign. Ségolène Royal is not married to François Hollande, the father of her four children. When asked whether they were a couple, Royal replied, “Our lives belong to us.” Similarly, in response to rumors that President-elect Nicholas Sarkozy’s wife had left him, a spokesman for Sarkozy said, “That’s a private matter.” The French have a long tradition of respecting the privacy of their politicians’ (...)
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    Ignorance-unmasking questions in the Royal–Sarkozy presidential debate: A resource to claim epistemic authority.Andrzej Zuczkowski, Ilaria Riccioni, Ramona Bongelli & Laura Vincze - 2016 - Discourse Studies 18 (4):430-453.
    The article presents an analysis of the ways in which knowledge is displayed, contested and renegotiated in the 2007 French presidential debate between Ségolène Royal and Nicolas Sarkozy. Knowledge displays can be achieved through a series of ‘neutral’ resources, such as informing, explanation or comment, or through face-damaging resources, such as questioning an unknowledgeable interlocutor to prove his inferior epistemic status and boost one’s own. The article focuses on this latter type of knowledge display where a knowledgeable participant engages (...)
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