Results for 'Ta‘lîmiyya'

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  1. Tâǵ eddîn es-Subkiʻs Muʻîd en -niʻam wa mubîd en-niqam (über die moralischen Pflichten der verschiedenen islamischen Bevölkerungsklassen).Tāj al-Dīn ʻAbd al-Wahhāb ibn ʻAlī Subkī - 1925 - Konstantinopel:
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  2. Hulum gedétā naw.Yamāna Berhān Gétānah - 1960 - [Addis Ababa]: Tensāʼé zagebāʼé mātamiyā bét.
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    Mafhūm al-taʼalluh ʻinda ābāʼ al-Kanīsah.Makārī al-Qummuṣ Tādrus - 2021 - [Cairo]: Maṭrānīyat Shubrā al-Khaymah wa-tawābiʻuhā lil-Aqbāṭ al-Arthūdhuks.
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  4. Wei wu pien cheng fa ta kang.Ta Li - 1978
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  5. Risalah al-Sanjariyyah fī al-kāʼināt al-ʻunsuriyyah / taʼlīf Zayn al-ʻĀbidīn ʻUmar ibn Sahlan Sāwujī ; Risālah-ʼi āsār-i ʻulvī.taʼlīf-I. Sharaf al-Dīn Muḥammad Masʻūd Marvazī - 1958 - In ʻUmar Ibn Sahlān al-Sāwī, Dū risālah darʹbārah-ʼi ās̲ār-i ʻulvī. Tihrān: Farhang-i Īrānʹzamīn.
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  6. Ta chung li tse hsüeh.Ta-chʻi Chʻen - 1978
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  7. Tāmbā darśana: adhyayana ra vahasa = Tamba darshan.Amr̥ta Yoñjana-Tāmāṅa - 2015 - Kāṭhamāḍauṃ: Cāilḍaspesa Phāuṇḍeśana Nepāla.
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    Coercive care: the ethics of choice in health and medicine.Torbjörn Tännsjö - 1999 - New York: Routledge.
    Coercive Care: The Ethics of Choice in Health and Medicine asks probing and challenging questions regarding the use of coercion in health care and social services. This book combines philosophical analysis with comparative studies of social policy and law in a large number of industrialized countries and proposes an ideal of judicial security on a global scale.
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  9. Taking Life: Three Theories on the Ethics of Killing.Torbjörn Tännsjö - 2015 - New York: Oxford University Press USA.
    When and why is it right to kill? When and why is it wrong? Torbjörn Tännsjö examines three theories on the ethics of killing in this book: deontology, a libertarian moral rights theory, and utilitarianism. The implications of each theory are worked out for different kinds of killing: trolley-cases, murder, capital punishment, suicide, assisted death, abortion, killing in war, and the killing of animals. These implications are confronted with our intuitions in relation to them, and our moral intuitions are examined (...)
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  10. We Were Eight Years in Power: An American Tragedy.Ta-Nehisi Coates - 2017
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  11. Śrī Tāmraparṇīya.Tāmraparṇi Ācārya - 1959 - In Jagannāthadāsa, Śrī Majjagannātha Dāsārya viracita Śrī Harikathāmr̥tasāra aidu ṭīkā. Lingasuguru: Śrī Varadēndra Haridāsa Sāhitya Maṇḍala.
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    Saṃskr̥ta vāṅmaya meṃ Dharma mīmāṃsā.Prabhāta Kumāra Siṃha, Ajaya Yādava & Saumya Kr̥shṇa (eds.) - 2020 - Dillī: Parimala Pablikeśansa.
    Contributed research papers on theoretical and practical aspect of Dharma in Vedic and classical Sanskrit literature.
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  13. Kumārilabhaṭṭakr̥ta tantravārttika kā smr̥tipāda.Vinītā Sinhā - 1989 - Dillī, Bhārata: Īsṭarna Buka Liṅkarsa.
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  14. Coercive Care: Ethics of Choice in Health & Medicine.Torbjörn Tännsjö - 1999 - New York: Routledge.
    Coercive Care asks probing and challenging questions regarding the use of coercion in health care and the social services. The book combines philosophical analysis with comparative studies of social policy and law in a large number of industrialized countries.
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    Metaphors of Elementary School Students Related to The Lesson and Teachers of Religious Culture and Moral Knowledge.Halil TAŞ - 2019 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 23 (1):29-51.
    This study seeks to investigate the perceptions of elementary school 4th grade students related to the lesson and teachers of religious culture and moral knowledge via metaphors. In this study, the phenomenological design, one of the qualitative research designs, was used. Data was analysed through content analysis, and the study group was comprised of 234 elementary school 4th grade students. The sampling of the study was determined through criterion sampling, which is one of the purposeful samplings. The data of the (...)
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  16. The Development of “Most” Comprehension and Its Potential Dependence on Counting Ability in Preschoolers.Len Taing & Jeffrey Lidz - unknown
    Quantifiers are a test case for an interface between psychological questions, which attempt to specify the numerical content that supports the semantics of quantifiers, and linguistic questions, which uncover the range of possible quantifier meanings allowable within the constraints of the syntax. Here we explore the development of comprehension of most in English, of particular interest as it calls on precise numerical content that, in adults, requires an understanding of large exact numerosities (e.g., 23 blue dots and 17 yellow is (...)
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  17. Risālatān fī al-taṣawwur wa-al-taṣdīq.Quṭb al-Taḥtānī & Muḥammad ibn Muḥammad - 1995 - Qum: Muʼassasat Ismāʻīlīyān. Edited by Mahdī Sharīʻatī, Ṣadr al-Dīn Shīrāzī & Muḥammad ibn Ibrāhīm.
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    Theory of Active Intellect in Ikhw'n as-Saf' Philosophy.Nusret Taş - 2023 - Beytulhikme An International Journal of Philosophy 13 (13:1):67-86.
    İhvân-ı Safâ, X. yüzyılda yaşayan, yazdıkları Resâilu İhvâni’s-Safâ adlı dinî ve felsefî içerikli eserleriyle tanınan, ilk İslam felsefecileri arasında yer alan bir grup düşünürün ortak ismidir. Bu çalışmanın amacı, din ile felsefeyi uzlaştırmaya çalışan İhvân-ı Safâ’nın Faal Akıl teorisini değerlendirmektir. Sudûr teorisini benimseyen İhvân-ı Safâ’ya göre insani akıl ve Faal Akıl olmak üzere iki tür akıl vardır. Zorunlu varlık olan Yüce Yaratıcı, varlık âlemini, kendi nurundan taşırarak var etmektedir. Aynı zamanda planlı ve programlı bir yaratma fiili olan taşırma (feyezan) eyleminde (...)
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    Conservatism for our time.Torbjörn Tännsjö - 1990 - New York: Routledge.
    1 THE CONSERVATIVE ATTITUDE THE HARD CORE OF THE CONSERVATIVE IDEOLOGY What is conservatism? It may seem a hopeless task to characterize a timeless concept ...
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    The relevance of metaethics to ethics.Torbjörn Tännsjö - 1976 - Stockholm: Almqvist & Wiksell International.
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    Changes in United States Latino/a High School Students’ Science Motivational Beliefs: Within Group Differences Across Science Subjects, Gender, Immigrant Status, and Perceived Support.Ta-Yang Hsieh, Yangyang Liu & Sandra D. Simpkins - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
    Science motivational beliefs are crucial for STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) performance and persistence, but these beliefs typically decline during high school. We expanded the literature on adolescents’ science motivational beliefs by examining: 1) changes in motivational beliefs in three specific science subjects, 2) how gender, immigrant generation status, and perceived support from key social agents predicted differences in adolescents’ science motivational beliefs, and 3) these processes among Latino/as in the United States, whose underrepresentation in STEM is understudied. We (...)
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    Osmanlı Dönemi Batıcılık, İslamcılık, Türkçülük Fikir Akımları ve Din.Prof Dr Kemaleddin Taş & Betül Göksüçukur - 2019 - Dini Araştırmalar 22 (56):463-488.
    Türkiye’de modernleşme süreci Avrupa’da ve dünyada yaşanan modernleşme sürecine paralel şekilde gelişmiştir. Bu sürecin anlaşılması, son dönem Osmanlı tarihinden günümüze kadar uzun soluklu bir okuma çabası ve detaylı bir bakış açısı gerektirmektedir. Bu çalışmada başlangıcından itibaren sürecin daha iyi anlaşılabilmesi için modernite kavramları, tarihsel dinamikleri ve Osmanlı modernleşmesinin tarihsel dönemleri ele alınarak modernleşmenin ve modernleşme sürecinde din anlayışlarının oluşum süreci değerlendirilmiştir. Bu doğrultuda araştırmada Osmanlı’nın küresel bir güç olmaktan uzaklaşması, yenilik girişimleri, modernleşme sürecinde öne çıkan akımlar, temsilcileri ve din anlayışları, (...)
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    Yahudi Asıllı Mühtedî Bilgin Samuel bin Yahy' el-Mağribî’nin (ö. 1175) Yahudiliğe Reddiyesi: İfh'mu'l-Yehûd.Fatıma Betül Taş - 2016 - Dini Araştırmalar 18 (47).
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    Ahiṃsā: non-violence in Indian tradition.Unto Tähtinen - 1976 - London: Rider.
    Ahiṃsā or non-violence. is a key concept which permeates Indian ethics. In this book the author compares, for the first time, the different meanings of ahiṃsā in Jainism, Buddhism and Vedism.
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    Technology and Complexity.Subrata Dasgup-ta - 1997 - Philosophica 59 (1).
  26. Felsefenā yāwāqiwoč makatā nāt.Tādala ʼAlana - 1965 - ʼAdis ʼAbabā:
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  27. Modernization and de-modernization-conflict of values.Ta Brindley - 1979 - Journal of Thought 14 (3):209-215.
  28. Kʻung Chʻiu shih fan ko ming fu pi ti tsu shih yeh.Ta-che Ching - 1974
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    A transzcendentális illúzió keletkezése és története: három színtézis harca egy egységes valóságért.György Czétány - 2015 - Budapest: Magyar Filozófiai Társaság.
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    Do amor: ensaio de enigma.Artur da Távola - 1991 - Lisboa: Pergaminho.
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    Mēness virs vin̦a mājas: millennium: eseja par zīmi.Helēna Dendrīta - 2003 - Rīga: V. Belokon̦a izdevniecība.
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  32. Hsüeh hsi shih chien lun.Ta Li & Zedong Mao (eds.) - 1951 - [n.p.]:
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  33. Lun li shêng huo.Ta-chʻun Lin - 1968
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  34. Tsʻun tsai chu i yü jên shêng wên tʻi.Ta-shêng Li - 1971
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  35. Matching behavior in self-stimulating rats-computational implications.Ta Mark & Cr Gallistel - 1992 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 30 (6):442-442.
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    Hē Ischys kai to Dikaio.Stergios Mētas, Kōnstantinos N. Stratēlatēs & Achilleus K. Aimilianidēs (eds.) - 2019 - Leukōsia, Kypros: Nomikes Ekdoseis Hippasus.
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    Revogação em matéria tributária.Tárek Moysés Moussallem - 2005 - [São Paulo, Brazil]: Editora Noeses.
    Sumário - Capítulo I. Cultura, realidade, linguagem e lógica; Capítulo II. Premissas epistemológico - jurídicas; Capítulo III. Problemas de teoria geral do direito; Capítulo IV. Sobre a revogação; Capítulo V. Alguns casos concretos de revogação no direito tributário.
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    al-Daʻwah ilá al-jamāʻah wa-al-iʼtilāf wa-al-nahy ʻan al-tafarruq wa-al-ikhtilāf.ʻAbd Allāh ibn Muḥammad Muʻtāz - 2004 - al-Riyāḍ: Dār al-Salām lil-Nashr wa-al-Tawzīʻ.
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    AI jidai no hōgaku nyūmon: gakusaiteki apurōchi.Shōzō Ōta & Takehiko Kasahara (eds.) - 2020 - Tōkyō-to Chiyoda-ku: Kōbundō.
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  40. Asu nani ga saku ka.Toshio Ōta - 1977
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    Bijinesu ronrigaku.Akio Ōta - 1991 - Kyōto-shi: Keibunsha.
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  42. Chikara ni tsuite.Yoshio Ōta - 1953
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  43. Ekorojī kyōikugaku: shinjinrui e no shinka no michi.Ryū Ōta - 1989 - Tōkyō: Shinsensha.
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  44. Gojō naigi shō.Tsugio Ōta (ed.) - 1977
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    Gendai no shisōteki kadai.Akio Ōta - 1990 - Kyōto-shi: Keibunsha. Edited by Sōjirō Yasui.
  46. Igirisu shakai tetsugaku no seiritsu.Yoshio Ōta - 1948
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  47. Ienaga Toyokichi to Meiji kensei shiron =.Masao Ōta (ed.) - 1996 - Tōkyō: Shinsensha.
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  48. Jinseikan, sekaikan no hanashi.Kazuhiko Ōta - 1961
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    Kokoro no rikiryō: iryōjin shakaijin no ningengaku.Yasuyo Ōta - 2012 - Kanagawa-ken Hadano-shi: Tōkai Daigaku Shuppankai.
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    Kyōiku to wa nani ka.Takashi Ōta - 1990 - Tōkyō: Iwanami Shoten.
    自然破壊、核の脅威など人類が直面している課題に対して、教育は有効な営みとなっているのだろうか。地球上に美しい水や空気を取り戻し、虫や獣とも共存できる生き方を実現するために、教育に何ができるのか。子ども と若者の未来に強い関心を抱く著者が、祖先からの子育ての知恵をも振り返りつつ現代における教育の意味と役割を問い直す。.
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