Results for 'Tarmo Pikner'

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  1.  20
    Understanding Urban Policy: A Critical Approach.Tarmo Pikner - 2013 - Ethics, Policy and Environment 16 (2):216 - 218.
    Allan Cochrane, Malden, MA, Blackwell Publishing, 2007, x+178 pp., cloth, $114.27 paper, $36.25, ISBN: 978-0-631-21121-1 As cities grow and change, the problems related to urban areas have become a...
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    The Great Mother.Tarmo Pasto - 1958 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 17 (1):128-129.
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  3. Ideas of man in the conceptions of the religions =.Tarmo Kulmar & Rüdiger Schmitt (eds.) - 2012 - Münster: Ugarit.
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    Heideggers Schwarze Hefte - ein wissenschaftlicher Skandal oder: Viel Lärm um Nichts.Tarmo Kunnas - 2016 - Heidegger Studies 32:65-89.
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    Nietzsche, ou, L'Esprit de contradiction: étude sur la vision du monde du poète-philosophe.Tarmo Kunnas - 1980 - Paris: Nouvelles Editions Latines.
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    Berenson's criteria and the space-frames of braque and picasso: A comparison.Tarmo A. Pasto - 1966 - British Journal of Aesthetics 6 (4):346-348.
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    Notes on the space-frame experience in art.Tarmo A. Pasto - 1965 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 24 (2):303-307.
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    The Cambridge Companion to Augustine's “Confessions”.Tarmo Toom (ed.) - 2020 - Cambridge University Press.
    This Cambridge Companion serves as an authoritative guide to Augustine's Confessions - a literary classic and one of the most important theological/philosophical works of Late Antiquity. Bringing together new essays by leading scholars, the volume first examines the composition of the text, including its structure, genre, and intended audience. Subsequent essays explore a range of themes and concepts, such as God, creation, sin, grace, happiness, and interiority, among others. The final section of the Companion deals with its historical relevance. It (...)
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    The space-frame experience in art.Tarmo Pasto - 1964 - New York,: A.S. Barnes.
    Using examples of the work of some of the world's great artists, the author supports his theories of how great masterpieces were created.
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  10. Subjekti- ja vabadusekäsituse muutused Jean-Paul Sartre’i fenomenoloogias ja eksistentsialismis.Tarmo Tirol - 2016 - Studia Philosophica Estonica 9 (2):48-79.
    Artikkel uurib muutusi ja arenguid Jean-Paul Sartre’i subjektikäsituses, mis leidsid aset tema fenomenoloogilise ja eksistentsialistliku mõtlemise perioodidel, keskendudes valdavalt tema filosoofilistele töödele, rõhuasetusega subjekti üldist struktuuri puutuval problemaatikal. Suurimat tähelepanu pälvivad vabadusega seonduvad transformatsioonid, sest selles vallas on Sartre’i seisukohtade erinevused kõige märgatavamad ja ühtlasi kõige olulisemad, kuid jõudumööda pööratakse pilk ka nüansseeritumatele teisendustele. Artikkel tutvustab põgusalt nimetatud muutuste ja nende taga seisvate arengute sisu, püüab Sartre’i mõtlemise perioode klassifitseerida, loob võrdlusi varasemate ja hilisemate teoste vahel ning polemiseerib autoritega, kes (...)
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    Augustine’s Case for the Multiplicity of Meanings.Tarmo Toom - 2014 - Augustinian Studies 45 (2):183-201.
    Augustine was a convinced proponent of the multiplicity of meanings. He had both theoretical and theological reasons for affirming the phenomenon of polysemy. This article deduces seven themes from Augustine’s exegetical practice and from his discussions of the principles of his exegesis, and employs these as Augustine’s arguments for the multiplicity of meanings. Augustine acknowledges the legitimacy of the many senses of the Word of God. Because scripture is an ambiguous linguistic reality, it constitutes a system of signs and it (...)
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  12.  9
    Augustine in Context.Tarmo Toom (ed.) - 2017 - Cambridge University Press.
    Augustine in Context assesses the various contexts - historical, literary, cultural, spiritual - in which Augustine lived and worked. The essays, written by an international team of scholars especially for this volume, provide the background against which Augustine's treatises should be read and interpreted. They are organized according to a rationale which moves from an introduction to the person to the contexts of Augustine's works and ideas, starting from the intellectual setting and extending to the socio-political realm. Collectively the essays (...)
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  13.  46
    Augustine on Ambiguity.Tarmo Toom - 2007 - Augustinian Studies 38 (2):407-433.
  14.  11
    Tyconius’ Liber regularum as a Hermeneutical Treatise.Tarmo Toom - forthcoming - Augustinian Studies.
    Tyconius’ Liber regularum is a late fourth century treatise, often dubbed as “the first (extant) Latin treatise on hermeneutics.” This article investigates the following issue: What does Liber regularum as an introductio to hermeneutics amount to in the context of the other introductiones mentioned in Cassiodorus, Inst. 1.10? What has been presupposed by the author, what exactly is contended, and why has his treatise been called “the first Latin treatise on hermeneutics” when it is not limited to interpretative matters and (...)
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  15. Agustín aprende a expresarse:" Confesiones" 1, 13.Tarmo Toom - 2011 - Augustinus 56 (220):214 - 218.
    El artículo presenta el contexto epistemológico general de las observaciones y comentarios de Agustín sobre el aprendizaje del lenguaje ostensivo, especialmente, en algunos textos de las Confesiones.
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    Augustine on the “Communicative Gaps” in Book Two of De doctrina Christiana.Tarmo Toom - 2003 - Augustinian Studies 34 (2):213-222.
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    Appealing to Creed: Theodore of Mopsuestia and Cyril of Alexandria.Tarmo Toom - 2021 - Heythrop Journal 62 (2):290-301.
  18. Agustín y la resurrección del 'totus homo'.Tarmo Toom - 2008 - Augustinus 53 (210):429-442.
    El artículo aborda la cuestión de la resurrección según la entiende Agustín, para quien ésta implica el 'totus homo', la resurrección del ser humano completo, cuerpo y alma. Muestra también que para Agustín la redención del 'totus homo' debe incluir las relaciones redimidas de las personas individuales con los otros seres vivos.
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    Necesidad de la semiótica: Agustín y la interpretación bíblica.Tarmo Toom - 2007 - Augustinus 52 (204):225-231.
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    The potential of a condemned analogy: Augustine on and.Tarmo Toom - 2007 - Heythrop Journal 48 (2):205–213.
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    Agustín y la resurrección del ‘totus homo’.Enrique Eguiarte & Toom Tarmo - 2008 - Augustinus 53 (210-211):429-442.
    The article examines that for Augustine, resurrection means the resurrection of ‘totus homo’, the resurrection of the whole human being, body and soul. It also shows that for Augustine the redemption of ‘totus homo’ must comprise the redemption of the relationships of individual persons with other living beings.
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    Gottschalk and a Medieval Predestination Controversy. [REVIEW]Tarmo Toom - 2010 - Augustinian Studies 41 (2):520-522.
  23.  13
    TOOM, TARMO (Ed.). (2020) The Cambridge Companion to Augustine’s Confessions. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. ISBN: 1108449816. Número de páginas: 340 pp. [REVIEW]Alfonso Flórez Flórez - 2021 - Universitas Philosophica 38 (76):245-259.
    Review of Tarmo Toom, The Cambridge Companion to Augustine’s Confessions, Cambridge University Press, 2020, 340 pp.
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  24. Tarmo Kunnas, "Nietzsches Lachen. Eine Studie über das Komische in Nietzsches Werken". [REVIEW]Walter Leszl - 1987 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 42 (4):811.
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    T & T Clark Companion to Augustine and Modern Theology ed. by C. C. Pecknold and Tarmo Toom.Joshua Gonnerman - 2016 - Nova et Vetera 14 (2):702-707.
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    Nietzsche ou l'esprit de contradiction Tarmo Kunnas Paris: Editions Latines. 1980. 257 p.Ernest Joos - 1982 - Dialogue 21 (1):150-153.
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    The Cambridge Companion to Augustine’s ‘Confessions’. Edited by Tarmo Toom. Pp. xiv, 340, Cambridge University Press, 2020, $89.99, £69.99. Wisdom’s Friendly Heart: Augustinian Hope for Skeptics and Conspiracy Theorists by Jennifer Hockenbery. Pp. xvi, 180, Eugene, Oregon, 2020, $25.00. [REVIEW]Terrance Klein - 2021 - Heythrop Journal 62 (4):783-784.
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    The T & T Clark Companion to Augustine and Modern Theology. Edited by C. C. Pecknold and Tarmo Toom. Washington D.C., Catholic University of America Press, 2014, $160.00. [REVIEW]Alexander H. Pierce - 2021 - Heythrop Journal 62 (4):747-748.
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    Nietzsches Lachen: Eine Studie über das Komische in Nietzsches Werken Tarmo Kunnas Munich: Edition Wissenschaft und Literatur, 1982. 158 p. [REVIEW]Heinz Weinmann - 1985 - Dialogue 24 (3):551-.
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    Nietzsche im Exil: Übergänge in gegenwärtiges Denken.Rüdiger Schmidt-Grépály & Steffen Dietzsch (eds.) - 2001 - Weimar: Verlag Hermann Böhlaus Nachfolger.
    In diesem Band werden verschiedene Horizonte des Nachdenkens über Nietzsche eröffnet, so wie es sich nach 1933 in den unterschiedlichsten Exil-Ländern um Deutschland herum darstellte. In den Beiträgen wird mit dem zentralen Bild vom EXIL bei Nietzsche sowohl auf die prinzipielle Distanz seines Denkes gegenüber jeder Form des Totalitarismus als auch auf dessen lebendigen Impetus von Philosophie als Unterwegs-Sein hingewiesen. Autoren sind u. a. der Nestor deutscher Nietzsche-Forschung Eugen Biser, aus Finnland Tarmo Kunnas, aus Israel Dominique Bourel, Milos Havelka (...)
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