Results for 'Teresa Marlene Muñoz Gallardo'

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  1.  17
    Mindfulness Enhancing Concentration in English Foreign Language Reading Comprehension.Teresa Marlene Muñoz Gallardo & Martha Magdalena Guamán Luna - 2024 - Resistances. Journal of the Philosophy of History 5 (10):e240147.
    The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) Learning Compass 2030 for teachers emphasizes that cognitive, metacognitive skills, and emotional intelligence skills such as compassion, attentiveness, critical thinking, creativity, and communication are indirectly important to developing reading comprehension. Reading is a challenge for EFL students who have difficulties understanding written texts because of the lack of concentration, stress, and anxiety. Mindfulness appears as a practice that may offer some benefits. Recent studies show that mindfulness training can alleviate anxiety and stress, (...)
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    ALFONSO DE CARTAGENA: El Duodenarium (c. 1442). Cultura castellana y letras latinas en un proyecto inconcluso. Estudio, edición y traducción de Luis Fernández Gallardo y Teresa Jiménez Calvente. Prólogo de Á. Gómez Moreno. Córdoba. Editorial Almuzara, 2015, 515 pp. [REVIEW]Francisco Castilla Urbano - 2016 - Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval 23:400.
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    Marlene Ruck Simmonds 79.Marlene Ruck Simmonds - forthcoming - Journal of Thought.
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    Brixton Black Women's Centre: Organizing on Child Sexual Abuse.Marlene T. Bogle - 1988 - Feminist Review 28 (1):132-135.
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  5. Case 4: research on aboriginal people; Ethics of aboriginal research.Marlene Brant Castellano - 2014 - In Wanda Teays, John-Stewart Gordon & Alison Dundes Renteln, Global Bioethics and Human Rights: Contemporary Issues. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield.
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  6. Women's agency in the context of neoliberalism.Marlene Ferreras - 2020 - In Philip Clayton, James W. Walters & John Martin Fischer, What's with free will?: ethics and religion after neuroscience. Eugene, Oregon: Cascade Books, an imprint of Wipf and Stock Publishers.
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    Neglect dyslexia: Attention and word recognition.Marlene Behrmann - 1994 - In Martha J. Farah & Graham Ratcliff, Neuropsychology of High Level Vision: Collected Tutorial Essays : Carnegie Mellon Symposium on Cognition : Papers. Lawrence Erlbaum. pp. 173.
  8. 5. Sacred Textiles:The Hidden Wonders of the Armenian Apostolic Church Collections of Istanbul.Marlene R. Breu - 2004 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 7 (2).
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    The Discipline of Culturology: A New 'Ready-Made Thought' for Russia.Marlène Laruelle - 2004 - Diogenes 51 (4):21-36.
    ‘Culturology’ is an integral, often compulsory, part of Russian university courses; the discipline has largely replaced chairs in Marxist-Leninism and dialectical materialism, and bookshops are full of texts on the subject. This article is based on analysis of more than ten university textbooks recommended to first-year students. Marlène Laruelle examines why culturology has become so important, the place claimed for it within the human sciences, and what it means for changing Russian ideas of identity and nation.
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    The Measure of Investigators' Reputations.Marlene S. Wagner - 1985 - IRB: Ethics & Human Research 7 (4):8.
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    PR Professionals as Organizational Conscience.Marlene S. Neill & Minette E. Drumwright - 2012 - Journal of Mass Media Ethics 27 (4):220-234.
    Scholars have long asserted that public relations (PR) professionals should play the role of organizational conscience, but little research has focused on why and how they play this role effectively. We found that PR professionals who played the role of organizational conscience had broadened conceptions of their roles and responsibilities, including a fervent duty to the public interest. This often put them in the position of providing criticism to powerful organizational players. Rather than raising their ethical concerns as persuasive orators, (...)
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  12. Jāmī and the Wine of Love: Akbarian Sparks of Divine Light.Marlene DuBois - 2022 - In Mohammed Rustom, William C. Chittick & Sachiko Murata, Islamic thought and the art of translation: texts and studies in honor of William C. Chittick and Sachiko Murata. Boston: Brill.
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  13. Of Safe (r) Spaces and'Right'Speech: Feminist Histories, Loyalties, Theories, and the Dangers of Critique.Marlene M. Hantzis & Devoney Looser - 1995 - In Jeffrey Williams, PC wars: politics and theory in the academy. New York: Routledge. pp. 222--49.
  14.  29
    O mal estar das mulheres: construções pessoais/sociais das crenças de saúde/doença; Women´ s social/personal constructions of beliefs about health and illness.Marlene Neves Strey - 2000 - Aletheia: An International Journal of Philosophy 12:83-89.
  15.  6
    Survivors of crime.Marlene A. Young - 1991 - In Diane Sank & David I. Caplan, To Be a Victim: Encounters with Crime and Injustice. Plenum. pp. 27--42.
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    Public Relations Professionals Identify Ethical Issues, Essential Competencies and Deficiencies.Marlene S. Neill - 2020 - Journal of Media Ethics 36 (1):51-67.
    The 2017 Commission on Public Relations Education report found new professionals are not meeting employers’ expectations regarding ethics knowledge, skills and abilities. This mixed-method s...
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  17. The shameless truth: Shame and friendship in Aristotle.Marlene K. Sokolon - 2013 - European Journal of Political Theory 12 (4):447-465.
    Does shame have a limited moral role because it is associated with a loss of self-respect or is it an important emotional support for socially beneficial behaviours? Aristotle supports the latter position. In his ethical theory, he famously claims that shame is a semi-virtue essential in the habituation of moral norms. He clarifies this role in the Rhetoric’s lesser-known distinction between true and conventional shame, which implies human beings make subjective evaluations of those appropriated cultural norms. Importantly, he locates this (...)
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  18.  38
    Flexible Goals Require that Inflexible Perceptual Systems Produce Veridical Representations: Implications for Realism as Revealed by Evolutionary Simulations.Marlene D. Berke, Robert Walter-Terrill, Julian Jara-Ettinger & Brian J. Scholl - 2022 - Cognitive Science 46 (10):e13195.
    How veridical is perception? Rather than representing objects as they actually exist in the world, might perception instead represent objects only in terms of the utility they offer to an observer? Previous work employed evolutionary modeling to show that under certain assumptions, natural selection favors such “strict‐interface” perceptual systems. This view has fueled considerable debate, but we think that discussions so far have failed to consider the implications of two critical aspects of perception. First, while existing models have explored single (...)
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    The influence of working memory mechanisms on false memories in immediate and delayed tests.Marlène Abadie, Christelle Guette, Amélie Troubat & Valérie Camos - 2024 - Cognition 252 (C):105901.
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  20. Distributed circuits, not circumscribed centers, mediate visual recognition.Marlene Behrmann & David C. Plaut - 2013 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 17 (5):210-219.
  21.  6
    Conservatism and illiberalism in contradistinction.Marlene Laruelle - forthcoming - Studies in East European Thought:1-6.
    This brief paper explores the contradistinctions between conservatism and illiberalism. These concepts are fluid and need to be investigated in a specific time and space, as well as situationally in their interaction with other competing political concepts such as liberalism, itself plural and multifaceted. In today’s world, conservatism and illiberalism do not simply overlap: they may share some components in their ontological philosophy of mankind but they diverge in their relationship to the liberal democratic framework and in their strategies for (...)
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  22. Actions Necessary to Prevent Childhood Obesity: Creating the Climate for Change.Marlene B. Schwartz & Kelly D. Brownell - 2007 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 35 (1):78-89.
    After years of near total neglect, the problem of childhood obesity is now in the limelight. Terms like “epidemic,” “crisis,” and “emergency” are used frequently when describing the trend. Progress is defined with strong language and fueled by statistics such as the observation that this generation of children will be the first to live shorter lives than their parents. Multi-disciplinary journals such as the Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics have dedicated symposiums to the issue, and conferences have been convened (...)
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    Harry Frankfurt's metaphysics of care: Towards an ethics without reason.Marlène Jouan - 2008 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 34 (7):759-797.
    Harry Frankfurt's conception of care and love has largely been considered a seductive theory of personality, but an untenable and irresponsible theory of moral normativity. Contrary to that interpretation, this article aims at showing that it is possible to remain faithful to Frankfurt's metaphysical premises while not falling into some moral relativism. First, by comparing Frankfurt's and Heidegger's conceptions of care, I show that Frankfurt's subordination of ethics to carology apparently commits him to a neutral foundationalism. In the next step, (...)
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    Concealed Around-the-Ear EEG Captures Cognitive Processing in a Visual Simon Task.Marlene Pacharra, Stefan Debener & Edmund Wascher - 2017 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11.
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    Some Relationships between Music and Hallucinogenic Ritual. The “Jungle Gym” in Consciousness.Marlene Dobkin De Rios & Fred Katz - 1975 - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology 3 (1):64-76.
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    Het onverantwoordelijke gebaar - of ga terug naar waar jij vandaan komt.Marlene Dumas - 2019 - Diemen: Uitgeverij EW.
    Dit boek bevat de uitgebreide, geannoteerde en geïllustreerde versie van de 48ste Huizinga-lezing die Marlene Dumas vrijdagavond 6 december 2019 heeft uitgesproken in de Pieterskerk in Leiden. Dumas spreekt onder meer over het onderscheid tussen de kunstenaar en diens werk, het nadeel van een titel en de naaktheid van mannen in de kunst. 0Het boek bevat tevens een interview met Marlene Dumas, een schets van het leven en werk van Johan Huizinga, de naamgever van de lezing, en een (...)
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  27. Estudio sobre los efectos del etanol a nivel de sinapsis neuronal.Marlene García Gutiérrez, Georgina González Ponce, Sandra Navarro Soriano, Luis Francisco Cota Escudero, José Carlos Olvera Carrillo, Adolfo Sepúlveda Medina & Marcela Jiménez Lara - 2006 - Episteme 2 (8-9).
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    Embodied Motivations for Metaphorical Meanings.Marlene Johansson Falck & Raymond W. Gibbs Jr - 2012 - Cognitive Linguistics 23 (2):251-272.
    This paper explores the relationship between people's mental imagery for their experiences of paths and roads and the metaphorical use of path and road in discourse. We report the results of two studies, one a survey examining people's mental imagery about their embodied experiences with paths and roads, with the second providing a corpus analysis of the ways path and road are metaphorically used in discourse. Our hypothesis is that both people's mental imagery for path and road, and speakers' use (...)
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    La discipline de la culturologie : un nouveau « prêt-à-penser » pour la Russie?Marlène Laruelle - 2003 - Diogène 204 (4):25-45.
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    Challenging sovereignty? The USA and the establishment of the International Criminal Court.Marlene Wind - 2009 - Ethics and Global Politics 2 (2):83-108.
    Does the establishment of a permanent InternationalWar Crimes Tribunal (International Criminal Court - ICC) constitute a challenge to national sovereignty? According to previous US governments and several American observers, the answer is yes. Establishing a world court that acts independently of the states that gave birth to it renders the idea of sovereignty meaningless. This article analyzes the American objections to the ICC and the conception of sovereignty and international law underlying these objections. It first considers the structure and intent (...)
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  31.  29
    Aristotle and Xenophon on Democracy and Oligarchy. Translations, Introduction, andCommentary by J. M. Moore.Marlene K. Sokolon - 2013 - The European Legacy 18 (2):254-256.
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    “Every subject's soul is his own”:Henry Vand power in the academy.Marlene Springer - 1996 - The European Legacy 1 (4):1634-1640.
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    A straw man on a dead horse: Studying adaptation then and now.Marlene Zuk - 2002 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 25 (4):533-534.
    Although Gould and Lewontin's (1979) paper stimulated an extraordinary response, the current study of adaptation is – and should be – more than a defense against their criticisms. Adaptations are studied by biologists in new and exciting ways, including experimental manipulations of populations in the field and laboratory, comparative analyses of taxa with known evolutionary relationships, and quantitative genetics. These techniques go beyond ascertaining whether or not a trait is an adaptation.
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    Breaking Away From the Male Stereotype of a Specialist: Gendered Language Affects Performance in a Thinking Task.Marlene Kollmayer, Andreas Pfaffel, Barbara Schober & Laura Brandt - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    A Pilot Study of the Effects of Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy on Positive Affect and Social Anxiety Symptoms.Marlene V. Strege, Deanna Swain, Lauren Bochicchio, Andrew Valdespino & John A. Richey - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Drug Tourism in the Amazon.Marlene Dobkin DeRios - 1994 - Anthropology of Consciousness 5 (1):16-19.
  37.  49
    A code of ethics for nurse educators: Revised.Marlene M. Rosenkoetter & Jeri A. Milstead - 2010 - Nursing Ethics 17 (1):137-139.
    Nurse educators have the responsibility of assisting students and their colleagues with understanding and practicing ethical conduct. There is an inherent responsibility to keep codes current and relevant for existing nursing practice. The code presented here is a revision of the Code of ethics for nurse educators originally published in 1983 and includes changes that are intended to provide for that relevancy.
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    Objectively Speaking: Ayn Rand Interviewed.Marlene Podritske & Peter Schwartz (eds.) - 2009 - Lexington Books.
    Beginnings : a Russian émigré's first interviews (1932-1949) -- Russian girl jeers at U.S. for depression complaint, Oakland Tribune, 1932 -- True picture of Russian girls' love life tragic, Boston Post, 1936 -- The woman of tomorrow, WJZ radio, 1949 -- On campus : Ayn Rand talks with future intellectuals (1962-1966) -- Objectivism versus conservatism -- The campaign against extremism -- The robber-barons -- Myths of capitalism -- The political structure of a free society -- The American Constitution -- Objective (...)
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    Attentional Filter Training but Not Memory Training Improves Decision-Making.Marlen Schmicker, Patrick Müller, Melanie Schwefel & Notger G. Müller - 2017 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11:241295.
    Decision-making has a high practical relevance for daily performance. Its relation to other cognitive abilities such as executive control and memory is not fully understood. Here we asked whether training of either attentional filtering or memory storage would influence decision-making as indexed by repetitive assessments of the Iowa Gambling Task (IGT). The IGT was developed to assess and simulate real-life decision-making (Bechara et al., 2005). In this task, participants gain or lose money by developing advantageous or disadvantageous decision strategies. On (...)
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  40.  19
    The Impact of Crucibles in Developing Public Relations’ Character and Competencies as Servant Leaders.Marlene S. Neill & Juan Meng - 2022 - Journal of Media Ethics 37 (3):208-222.
    Crucible experiences are essential in the development of leaders. Crucibles refer to trials and challenges that test and mold the character, values and behavior of leaders. Through in-depth interviews with 32 public relations leaders, we examined how crucible experiences specifically shaped them to practice servant leadership. Through the narratives they constructed about these experiences, we were able to learn specific details about these experiences, the lessons they gleaned and how they shaped and transformed their character, virtues and leadership style. These (...)
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  41.  44
    Herméneutique et restitution.Marlène Zarader - 2007 - Archives de Philosophie 4 (4):625-639.
    Ce texte avance une hypothèse sur ce qui fait la spécificité de l’herméneutique, et sur la façon dont elle peut être située dans le paysage de pensée contemporain. Les deux auteurs convoqués sont Gadamer et Derrida. Partant d’une certaine position de Derrida relativement à la question de l’interprétation, on s’efforce d’en évaluer la pertinence à la lumière de Gadamer. Les perspectives de pensée ouvertes par Gadamer se laissent-elles ranger dans le cadre dessiné par Derrida, ou peuvent-elles servir d’instruments pour ébranler (...)
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    The Influence of Crucibles of Experience in Moral Development & Psychology of Public Relations Exemplars.Marlene S. Neill - 2024 - Journal of Media Ethics 39 (3):190-205.
    This study conducted life story interviews with 40 members of the PRSA College of Fellows to examine the influence of crucibles (i.e. trials, challenges or growth opportunities) in the moral development and psychology of public relations exemplars. The outcomes were the development of an illustration of their moral and leader development journey drawing on Rest’s four-component model of ethical decision making, and a moral psychology profile of the key characteristics of public relations exemplars. The profile that emerged is that of (...)
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    From ecological cognition to language: When and why do speakers use words metaphorically?Marlene Johansson Falck - 2018 - Metaphor and Symbol 33 (2):61-84.
    ABSTRACTThe idea that metaphorical meaning is guided by speakers’ experiences of the world is central to Conceptual Metaphor Theory. Yet little is known about the ways in which speakers’ understandings of objects in the world around them influence how they use words in metaphorical and non-metaphorical ways. This article is a corpus linguistic analysis of the collocational patterns of metaphorical and non-metaphorical bridge instances from the Corpus of American English Corpus of Contemporary American English. The study shows that metaphorical and (...)
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    Philosophie aktuell: Public Philosophy – brauchen wir das?Andrea Marlen Esser - 2023 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 71 (1):119-121.
    In recent years, calls for philosophy to interact more with the public have grown louder in the German-speaking world as well as elsewhere. Public philosophy, as it were, has a long-standing tradition, reaching back to Enlightenment-era German “Popularphilosophie” and of course to Socrates and the Sophists. This section presents four short articles on some current aspects of the public-philosophy debate: on the overall conditions for transferring content from academic philosophy to the public in Germany; on the relations between philosophers’ mediatic (...)
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    RETRACTION NOTICE: Sustainability and eco – efficiency.Marlén Deyanira Melo Zamora & Mónica Alexandra Zarta Campos - 2023 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 21 (2):1-12.
    Retraction note: Melo Zamora, M. D. & Zarta Campos, M. A. (2022). Sustainability and eco – efficiency: A regional business model with a global vision (Colombia). HUMAN REVIEW. International Humanities Revista Internacional De Humanidades, 14(4), 1–12. The Editorial Office of Eurasia Academic Publishing Group has retracted this article. An investigation carried out by our Research Integrity Department has found a group of articles, among which this one is found, that are not within the thematic scope of the journal. We (...)
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    The Object Orientation Effect in Exocentric Distances.Marlene Weller, Kohske Takahashi, Katsumi Watanabe, Heinrich H. Bülthoff & Tobias Meilinger - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Le nouvel esprit du capitalisme aux prises avec les nouvelles radicalités professionnelles.Marlène Benquet - 2010 - Actuel Marx 47 (1):80-99.
    How the new spirit of capitalism confronts the new modes of workplace radicalism The period 2008-2009 has seen a spate of workplace conflicts obeying a common logic in terms of the modes of mobilisation. The conflicts emerge inside the sphere of production. They occur in the wake of the announcement of a partial or total suspension of production and their stated goal is to save jobs and/or to negotiate redundancy payments going beyond the legal entitlement. The aim of the article (...)
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  48. Diretrizes Curriculares, Currículos e Formação dos profissionais de História.Marlene Cainelli - forthcoming - História: Fronteiras.
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  49. Jāmī and the Wine of Love: Akbarian Sparks of Divine Light.Marlene DuBois - 2022 - In Mohammed Rustom, William C. Chittick & Sachiko Murata, Islamic thought and the art of translation: texts and studies in honor of William C. Chittick and Sachiko Murata. Boston: Brill.
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    Afriphobia in a Zionist and Antisemitic Feminist Context.Marlene Ellis - 2020 - Feminist Review 126 (1):188-193.
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