Results for 'Teuvo Kohonen'

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  1.  15
    Notes on neural computing and associative memory.Teuvo Kohonen - 1990 - In J. McGaugh, Jerry Weinberger & G. Lynch (eds.), Brain Organization and Memory: Cells, Systems, and Circuits. Guilford Press. pp. 323--337.
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  2. Teuvo kohonen.Associative Memory - 1990 - In J. McGaugh, Jerry Weinberger & G. Lynch (eds.), Brain Organization and Memory: Cells, Systems, and Circuits. Guilford Press. pp. 323.
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  3. La mort et l'oubli: 12 ans de thanatologie et le regard de deux photographes, Teuvo Lehti et Jonathan Watts.Bernard Crettaz & Teuvo Lehti (eds.) - 1995 - Genève: Musée d'ethnographie.
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  4. A Note on Factors Affecting the Position of Accusative Objects and Complements in Aelfric's Catholic Homilies I.Viljo Kohonen - 1976 - In Nils Erik Enkvist & Viljo Kohonen (eds.), Reports on text linguistics: approaches to word order. Åbo: [Åbo Akademi]. pp. 175--196.
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    Approaches to word order: reports on text linguistics.Nils Erik Enkvist & Viljo Kohonen (eds.) - 1982 - Åbo: Distribution, Tidningsbokhandeln.
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  6. Reports on text linguistics: approaches to word order.Nils Erik Enkvist & Viljo Kohonen (eds.) - 1976 - Åbo: [Åbo Akademi].
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  7.  51
    Nurses’ attitudes towards euthanasia in conflict with professional ethical guidelines.Anja Terkamo-Moisio, Tarja Kvist, Mari Kangasniemi, Teuvo Laitila, Olli-Pekka Ryynänen & Anna-Maija Pietilä - 2017 - Nursing Ethics 24 (1):70-86.
    Background: Despite the significant role of nurses in end-of-life care, their attitudes towards euthanasia are under-represented both in the current literature and the controversial debate that is ongoing in several countries. Research questions: What are the attitudes towards euthanasia among Finnish nurses? Which characteristics are associated with those attitudes? Research design: Cross-sectional web-based survey. Participants and research context: A total of 1003 nurses recruited via the members’ bulletin of the Finnish Nurses Association and social media. Ethical considerations: Ethical approval was (...)
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  8.  26
    Building an Open Source Classifier for the Neonatal EEG Background: A Systematic Feature-Based Approach From Expert Scoring to Clinical Visualization.Saeed Montazeri Moghadam, Elana Pinchefsky, Ilse Tse, Viviana Marchi, Jukka Kohonen, Minna Kauppila, Manu Airaksinen, Karoliina Tapani, Päivi Nevalainen, Cecil Hahn, Emily W. Y. Tam, Nathan J. Stevenson & Sampsa Vanhatalo - 2021 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15:675154.
    Neonatal brain monitoring in the neonatal intensive care units (NICU) requires a continuous review of the spontaneous cortical activity, i.e., the electroencephalograph (EEG) background activity. This needs development of bedside methods for an automated assessment of the EEG background activity. In this paper, we present development of the key components of a neonatal EEG background classifier, starting from the visual background scoring to classifier design, and finally to possible bedside visualization of the classifier results. A dataset with 13,200 5-minute EEG (...)
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  9.  23
    The Use of the Kohonen Neural Network for Comparing the Declared and Actual State of Knowledge Regarding Reproductive Health and the Impact of Selected Lifestyle Components on Reproductive Health.Robert Milewski, Adrianna Zańko, Marcin Milewski, Jędrzej Jan Warpechowski & Marcin Warpechowski - 2021 - Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 66 (3):573-586.
    Infertility is a global problem affecting 48 to 186 million couples of reproductive age. In Poland, it concerns approx. 1.5 million couples, which amounts to 20% of the population capable of reproducing. One of the factors influencing the incidence of fertility disorders may be lifestyle, understood as a multi-disciplinary accumulation of everyday behaviours and habits. In the study, a group of 201 young adults, students of medical and related faculties, were surveyed in order to check the actual level of knowledge (...)
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    Analyzing Outcomes of Intrauterine Insemination Treatment by Application of Cluster Analysis or Kohonen Neural Networks.Anna Justyna Milewska, Dorota Jankowska, Urszula Cwalina, Teresa Więsak, Dorota Citko, Allen Morgan & Robert Milewski - 2013 - Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 35 (1):7-25.
    Intrauterine insemination is one of many treatments provided to infertility patients. Many factors such as, but not limited to, quality of semen, the age of a woman, and reproductive hormone levels contribute to infertility. Therefore, the aim of our study is to establish a statistical probability concerning the prediction of which groups of patients have a very good or poor prognosis for pregnancy after IUI insemination. For that purpose, we compare the results of two analyses: Cluster Analysis and Kohonen (...)
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  11.  16
    Iina Kohonen. Picturing the Cosmos: A Visual History of Early Soviet Space Endeavor. 205 pp., notes, figs., bibl. Bristol/Chicago: Intellect, 2017. $36.50 . ISBN 9781783207428. [REVIEW]W. Henry Lambright - 2019 - Isis 110 (3):655-656.
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  12.  20
    Adaptive Shadow and Highlight Invariant Colour Segmentation for Traffic Sign Recognition Based on Kohonen SOM.Al-Hasanat R. M. Bin Mumtaz & Hasan Fleyeh - 2011 - Journal of Intelligent Systems 20 (1):15-31.
    This paper describes an intelligent algorithm for traffic sign recognition which converges quickly, is accurate in its segmentation and adaptive in its behaviour. The proposed approach can segment images of traffic signs in different lighting and environmental conditions and in different countries. It is based on using Kohonen's Self-Organizing Maps as a clustering tool and it is developed for Intelligent Vehicle applications. The current approach does not need any prior training. Instead, a slight portion, which is about 1% of (...)
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  13.  38
    Winner‐relaxing and winner‐enhancing Kohonen maps: Maximal mutual information from enhancing the winner.Jens Christian Claussen - 2003 - Complexity 8 (4):15-22.
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  14.  26
    Оцінка фінансового стану підприємства сфери послуг із використанням карт кохонена.Vitaliy Lazorenko - 2018 - Схід 2 (154):13-18.
    Статья посвящена исследованию финансового состояния предприятия сферы услуг. Стабилизация финансового состояния является приоритетным направлением отдельно взятого предприятия и экономической системы в целом. Предлагается решить обеспечение стабильности финансовой деятельности предприятия с помощью нейронной сетевой модели кластеризации - самоорганизующихся карт Кохонена - мощного механизма кластеризации, что позволяет отобразить результаты финансового анализа в виде компактных и удобных для интерпретации двумерных карт. В работе проанализированы услуги предприятия и проведена сегментация базы посетителей, построены профили пользователей услуг путем выявления их похожего поведения в плане частоты, типа (...)
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  15. The relationship between connectionist models and a dynamic data-oriented theory of concept formation.Renate Bartsch - 1996 - Synthese 108 (3):421 - 454.
    In this paper I shall compare two models of concept formation, both inspired by basic convictions of philosophical empiricism. The first, the connectionist model, will be exemplified by Kohonen maps, and the second will be my own dynamic theory of concept formation. Both can be understood in probabilistic terms, both use a notion of convergence or stabilization in modelling how concepts are built up. Both admit destabilization of concepts and conceptual change. Both do not use a notion of representation (...)
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  16.  71
    Memória humana e teatro.Edna de Souza Alves & Marcos Antônio Alves - 2001 - Trans/Form/Ação 24 (1):91-100.
    A memória humana é essencial para a atividade teatral. Isso por um motivo óbvio: é ela que possibilita aos atores gravarem suas falas e ao público compreender a mensagem passada pela peça. Neste trabalho, investigamos as noções de memória propostas por Descartes, Hume e Kohonen. Para eles, a memória é imprescindível na obtenção e desenvolvimento do conhecimento. A nosso ver, o estudo da memória é de grande importância para o teatro, à medida que este não seria possível sem aquela.
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  17.  53
    Classification system for serial criminal patterns.Kamal Dahbur & Thomas Muscarello - 2003 - Artificial Intelligence and Law 11 (4):251-269.
    The data mining field in computer science specializes in extracting implicit information that is distributed across the stored data records and/or exists as associations among groups of records. Criminal databases contain information on the crimes themselves, the offenders, the victims as well as the vehicles that were involved in the crime. Among these records lie groups of crimes that can be attributed to serial criminals who are responsible for multiple criminal offenses and usually exhibit patterns in their operations, by specializing (...)
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  18.  24
    Modeling of attack detection system based on hybridization of binary classifiers.Beley O. I. & Kolesnyk K. K. - 2020 - Artificial Intelligence Scientific Journal 25 (3):14-25.
    The study considers the development of methods for detecting anomalous network connections based on hybridization of computational intelligence methods. An analysis of approaches to detecting anomalies and abuses in computer networks. In the framework of this analysis, a classification of methods for detecting network attacks is proposed. The main results are reduced to the construction of multi-class models that increase the efficiency of the attack detection system, and can be used to build systems for classifying network parameters during the attack. (...)
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  19. Механізм управління трудовими ресурсами підприємства в сучасних умовах господарювання.Olena Plakhotnik - 2014 - Схід 5 (131):41-45.
    The matter of enterprise labor resource management explaining the enterprise's staff potential increase or reduction is considered. That is to say the problem of efficiency of staff potential employment is researched. The author determines a general aim of the enterprise staff potential management in current terms of functioning, which refers to the purposeful performance of certain steps resulting in effective appliance. Factors of degree of staff potential and its effective appliance are determined as followed: qualified staff development; involvement of qualified (...)
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  20.  30
    Cascading SOFM and RBF Networks for Categorization and Indexing of Fly Ashes.C. N. Ravikumar, M. C. Nataraja & M. A. Jayaram - 2011 - Journal of Intelligent Systems 20 (1):61-77.
    The objective of this work is to categorize the available fly ashes in different parts of the world into distinct groups based on its compositional attributes. Kohonen's self-organizing feature map and radial basis function networks are applied in a cascading fashion for the classification of fly ashes in terms of its chemical parameters. The basic procedure of the methodology consists of three stages: apply self-organizing neural net to ascertain possible number of groups, delineate them and identify the group sensitive (...)
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