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  1.  50
    Innovation in Multistakeholder Settings: The Case of a Wicked Issue in Health Care.Edwin Rühli, Sybille Sachs, Ruth Schmitt & Thomas Schneider - 2017 - Journal of Business Ethics 143 (2):289-305.
    In this article, we offer an approach of how participative stakeholder innovation can be evaluated in complex multistakeholder settings that address wicked issues. Based on the principle of mutual value creation, we present an evaluation framework that accounts for the social interaction process during which stakeholders integrate their resources and capabilities to develop innovative products and services. To assess this evaluation framework, we collected multiple data from the case study of the Swiss Cardiovascular Network, which represents a multistakeholder setting related (...)
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    The Impact of Stakeholder Identities on Value Creation in Issue-Based Stakeholder Networks.Thomas Schneider & Sybille Sachs - 2017 - Journal of Business Ethics 144 (1):41-57.
    In this conceptual paper, we draw on social identity theory as a means to bridge individuals’ memberships in social groups with value creation in stakeholder networks defined by a socio-economic issue. To address recent calls for microfoundations of stakeholder theory, we introduce a reconceptualization of stakeholders as social groups to examine how value is defined and interpreted in intergroup processes embedded in an issue-based stakeholder network. We establish a theoretical model of value creation that links individuals’ identification with stakeholder groups (...)
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  3.  31
    Complexity of hybrid logics over transitive frames.Martin Mundhenk, Thomas Schneider, Thomas Schwentick & Volker Weber - 2010 - Journal of Applied Logic 8 (4):422-440.
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    The complexity of hybrid logics over equivalence relations.Martin Mundhenk & Thomas Schneider - 2009 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 18 (4):493-514.
    This paper examines and classifies the computational complexity of model checking and satisfiability for hybrid logics over frames with equivalence relations. The considered languages contain all possible combinations of the downarrow binder, the existential binder, the satisfaction operator, and the global modality, ranging from the minimal hybrid language to very expressive languages. For model checking, we separate polynomial-time solvable from PSPACE-complete cases, and for satisfiability, we exhibit cases complete for NP, PS pace , NE xp T ime , and even (...)
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    John Stuart Mill’s “Religion of Humanity” Revisited.Üner Daglier & Thomas E. Schneider - 2007 - Critical Review: A Journal of Politics and Society 19 (4):577-588.
    ABSTRACT John Stuart Mill’s posthumously published Three Essays on Religion have been seen as standing in a problematical relationship with his better‐known works, especially On Liberty, which emphasize the negative sides of Mill’s approach to religion. The Three Essays are less easy to characterize. A careful reading shows Mill’s concern to subject religious views to rational scrutiny, but also to acknowledge the important and largely beneficent role religion has played, and presumably will continue to play, in human affairs. This role (...)
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  6.  19
    The Complexity of Monotone Hybrid Logics over Linear Frames and the Natural Numbers.Stefan Göller, Arne Meier, Martin Mundhenk, Thomas Schneider, Michael Thomas & Felix Weiß - 1998 - In Marcus Kracht, Maarten de Rijke, Heinrich Wansing & Michael Zakharyaschev (eds.), Advances in Modal Logic. CSLI Publications. pp. 261-278.
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    The Complexity of Monotone Hybrid Logics over Linear Frames and the Natural Numbers.Stefan Göller, Arne Meier, Martin Mundhenk, Thomas Schneider, Michael Thomas & Felix Weiß - 1998 - In Marcus Kracht, Maarten de Rijke, Heinrich Wansing & Michael Zakharyaschev (eds.), Advances in Modal Logic. CSLI Publications. pp. 261-278.
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    The complexity of satisfiability for fragments of hybrid logic—Part I.Arne Meier, Martin Mundhenk, Thomas Schneider, Michael Thomas, Volker Weber & Felix Weiss - 2010 - Journal of Applied Logic 8 (4):409-421.
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    Die Einheit des Menschen.Theodor Schneider - 1973 - Münster,: Verlag Aschendorff.
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    Economics of Radiation Protection: Equity Considerations.Thierry Schneider, Caroline Schieber, Louis Eeckhoudt & Christian Gollier - 1997 - Theory and Decision 43 (3):241-251.
    In order to implement cost-benefit analysis of protective actions to reduce radiological exposures, one needs to attribute a monetary value to the avoided exposure. Recently, the International Commission on Radiological Protection has stressed the need to take into consideration not only the collective exposure to ionising radiation but also its dispersion in the population. In this paper, by using some well known and some recent results in the economics of uncertainty, we discuss how to integrate these recommendations in the valuation (...)
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  11.  14
    J.S. Mill and Fitzjames Stephen on the American Civl War.Thomas Schneider - 2007 - History of Political Thought 28 (2):209-304.
    Stephen's critique of Mill is best known in the form given to it in Liberty, Equality, Fraternity (1873). Nevertheless, the two men's journalistic writings from the 1860s- - the decade of the American Civil War-- already reveal divergent views of human progressiveness. Both supported the North, but Mill's hope for a moral regeneration of the American people seemed to Stephen to endanger the legal case for Unionism and to threaten further violence. More broadly, Mill's progressivism reflected a mistaken view of (...)
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    Lincoln's Lyceum speech as model od democratic rhetoric.Thomas Schneider - 2011 - History of Political Thought 32 (3):499-522.
    Abraham Lincoln's 1838 Lyceum speech is of interest for its explicit argument - that extra-legal violence is not a legitimate inference from popular sovereignty - but especially for the manner in which Lincoln led his listeners to this conclusion, which many of them would have resisted. His defence of American political institutions relies on informal, non- institutional, rhetorical means. By employing such means, Lincoln addressed a gap in the American framers' view of a representative's duty: he sought to change public (...)
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  13.  34
    Stakeholder Identities, Trust and Cooperation: A Social Identity Perspective.Thomas Schneider - 2013 - Proceedings of the International Association for Business and Society 24:214-225.
    I introduce a conceptualization of stakeholders as social groups and of stakeholder relationships as intergroup processes. Drawing on instrumental stakeholdertheory and social identity theory, I argue that salient stakeholder identities affect trust and cooperation in issue-based stakeholder relationships differently. Two web-based experimental studies are presented to support this claim. Study 1 provides evidence for the negative impact of salient specific stakeholder identities on trust and cooperation among stakeholders in the context of a complex issue. Study 2 introduces the concept of (...)
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  14.  9
    Selected Writings of James Fitzjames Stephen: On Society, Religion, and Government.Thomas E. Schneider (ed.) - 2015 - Oxford University Press UK.
    James Fitzjames Stephen is remembered as a judge, legal historian, and the author of Liberty, Equality, Fraternity, a reply to J. S. Mill's late works. He is less well remembered for his journalism, though it earned him a reputation among his contemporaries as one of the most trenchant writers on topics ranging across the social, religious, political, moral, and philosophical questions debated in his time. It was largely in his journalistic writing that Stephen set forth his views on these questions. (...)
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  15.  10
    Thomas Hobbes' Leviathan: zur Logik des politischen Körpers.Thomas Schneider - 2003 - Springe: Zu Klampen!.
  16.  60
    Twenty-five Years of Delila and Molecular Information Theory.Thomas D. Schneider - 2006 - Biological Theory 1 (3):250-260.
    A brief personal history is given about how information theory can be applied to binding sites of genetic control molecules on nucleic acids. The primary example used is ribosome binding sites in Escherichia coli. Once the sites are aligned, the information needed to describe the sites can be computed using Claude Shannon’s method. This is displayed by a computer graphic called a sequence logo. The logo represents an average binding site, and the mathematics easily allows one to determine the components (...)
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