Results for 'The Handmaid’s Tale, Atwood, feminism, textual distortion'

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  1. Platonic Corruption in The Handmaid's Tale.Andy Lamey - 2024 - In Garry L. Hagberg, Fictional Worlds and the Political Imagination. Palgrave-Macmillan.
    The Handmaid’s Tale depicts a United States taken over by a fundamentalist dictatorship called Gilead that also resembles Plato’s ideal city. Attempts to explain Gilead’s debt to Plato face two challenges. First, aspects of Gilead that recall Plato also contain features that differ, at times dramatically, from the Platonic original. Second, Gilead invokes distorted versions of ideas from philosophies other than Plato’s. I explore two ways of making sense of Gilead’s distorted philosophical appropriations. The explanations differ over whether such (...)
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    Deny None of It: A Biocultural Reading of Margaret Atwood’s The Handmaid’s Tale.Gry Faurholt - 2021 - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture 5 (1):13-22.
    Margaret Atwood’s The Handmaid’s Tale has predominantly been read as a critique of patriarchy, a feminist dystopia. This article amends the feminist analysis by applying a biocultural approach to the novel, taking as its point of departure three problems that have troubled the feminist reading: Offred’s perceived passivity, the novel’s subtly critical stance towards its feminist characters, and the open ending. By taking into account the environmental context-a fertility crisis-the biocultural reading is able to analyze char­acter in terms of (...)
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  3. Reproducing Whiteness: Feminist Genres, Legal Subjectivity and the Post-racial Dystopia of The Handmaid’s Tale (2017-).Karen Crawley - 2018 - Law and Critique 29 (3):333-358.
    This article investigates the critical potential of a contemporary dystopia, The Handmaid’s Tale (Miller 2017-), a U.S. television series adapted from a popular novel by Canadian author Margaret Atwood (1985). The text is widely understood as a feminist intervention that speaks to ongoing struggles against gender oppression, but in this article I consider the invitations that the show offers its viewers in treating race the way that it does, and consider what it means to refuse these invitations in pursuit (...)
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    Disempowerment and Bodily Agency in Margaret Atwood’s The Testaments and The Handmaid’s Tale TV Series.Julia Kuznetski - 2021 - The European Legacy 26 (3-4):287-302.
    ABSTRACT This article seeks to draw parallels between today’s transmodern reality and the events recounted in Margaret Atwood’s The Testaments and in The Handmaid’s Tale Hulu TV series, particularly Seasons 2 and 3. Addressing issues such as controlled reproduction, violence, corporeal subjection of women, and environmental injustice, I focus on the body as a site of social construction, vulnerability and control. Drawing on the work of various scholars, I argue that the body is simultaneously a site of vulnerability and (...)
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  5. Oppression, Speech, and Mitsein in Margaret Atwood’s The Handmaid's Tale.Robert Luzecky - 2017 - Clio: A Journal of Literature, History, and the Philosophy of History 3 (46).
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    Vestir Identidades: Uma Leitura de The Handmaid’s Tale, de Margaret Atwood.Márcia Lemos - 2012 - E-Topia 13.
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    From Episodic Novel to Serial TV: The Handmaid’s Tale, Adaptation and Politics.Jeroen Gerrits - 2021 - Open Philosophy 5 (1):209-230.
    This article analyzes the changes in The Handmaid’s Tale’s moral and political outlook as it tracks different forms of complexity in the novel, the film, and the TV series. While the sense of female empowerment increases with each adaptation of this tale of forced sexual servitude in fictional theocratic state of Gilead, the essay argues that Hulu’s TV series develops an intriguing interaction between the interiority of Margaret Atwood’s 1985 novel and the exteriority emphasized in Volker Schlöndorff’s 1990 film. (...)
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    Handmaids' Tales of Washington Power: The Abject and the Real Kennedy White House.Christine Sylvester - 1998 - Body and Society 4 (3):39-66.
    A considerable amount of academic attention has been paid to John Kennedy and to his group of advisors during the Cuban missile crisis. Next to no attention has been accorded other bodies of the Kennedy White House that had daily access to a President's most private moments and possibly to his important deliberations. Drawing on Richard Reeves' account of President Kennedy: Profile of Power, I revisit the early 1960s looking for bodies of power that are culturally sexed female by others (...)
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    Representing Abortion.Jennifer Scuro & R. A. Hurst - 2020 - Routledge.
    Chapter 15: "'What you do hurts all of us!' When women confront women through pro-life rhetoric." -/- In this chapter, I articulate a specific problem in the way the rhetoric and ideology of pro-life politics operates as a form of confrontation between women. This is a dilemma that emerges when women engage in the appearance of concern and solicitude while passively coercing other women as they may be ambivalent and vulnerable in forcing anti-abortion outcomes. This in a reinvestment in the (...)
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    Activist-Mothers Maybe, Sisters Surely? Black British Feminism, Absence and Transformation.Joan Anim-Addo - 2014 - Feminist Review 108 (1):44-60.
    This article, drawing on selected feminist magazines of the 1980s, particularly Feminist Arts News (FAN) and GEN, offers a textual ‘braiding’ of narratives to re-present a history of Black British feminism. I attempt to chart a history of Black British feminist inheritance while proposing the politics of (other)mothering as a politics of potential, pluralistic and democratic community building, where Black thought and everyday living carry a primary and participant role. The personal—mothering our children—is the political, affording a nurturing of (...)
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    Distorted communications: Feminism’s dispute with Habermas.Pauline Johnson - 2001 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 27 (1):39-62.
    The paper reviews the extent to which main formulations in Habermas's recent major work, Between Facts and Norms, make ground against feminist objections to the Habermasian project. Although the later work does not tamper with the core project of Habermas's theory of modernity, the terms in which the procedural norms of democratic interaction are now conceived clarify the sympathetic relevance of Habermas's project to feminism's own vital concerns. There is reason to suppose Habermas's construction of the motivations that prompt and (...)
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  12. The Handmaid’s Tale: Reproductive Labour and the Social Embeddedness of Markets.Janelle Pötzsch - 2021 - Open Philosophy 5 (1):31-43.
    In episode 6 of the first season of The Handmaid’s Tale, the Republic of Gilead welcomes a trade delegation of the United Mexican States. Offred’s hope that the ensuing trade agreement between Gilead and Mexico would eventually bring the sexual exploitation she and the other handmaids suffer to public are quickly dashed. During a chance encounter at the house of Offred’s master, the Mexican ambassador Mrs Castillo confides in Offred that Mexico is suffering a fertility crisis just like Gilead. (...)
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    Banners, Banter and Boys: Feminism and Historical Distortion in Iron Jawed Angels.Julia Stanski - 2022 - Constellations 13 (1&2).
    This paper investigates the relationship between the 2004 film Iron Jawed Angels and the historic events and figures it purports to represent. As a major film on the national women’s suffrage movement in the US, Iron Jawed Angels had great potential in terms of educating viewers on the lives and accomplishments of America’s suffragists. However, this paper argues that in modifying the character and story of activist Alice Paul to appeal to female, conservative, and American audiences, the movie diminishes Paul’s (...)
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    El cuento de la criada, los símbolos y las mujeres en la narración distópica.María Paulina Moreno Trujillo - 2016 - Escritos 24 (52):185-211.
    The symbols of the Feminine throughout the dystopian novel The Handmaid’s Tale are the object of study of the article. It is argued that feminine symbology is a unifying thread that makes possible an analysis of the main features of dystopian societies and the possibility of a critical dystopia. The category of analysis is the symbol understood from the perspective of Ricoeur’s hermeneutics of symbols, which proposes that the understanding of a text should be based on what they pretend (...)
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    A Distorting Mirror: Educational Trajectory After College Sexual Assault.Claire Raymond & Sarah Corse - 2018 - Feminist Studies 44 (2):464.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:464 Feminist Studies 44, no. 2. © 2018 by Feminist Studies, Inc. Claire Raymond and Sarah Corse A Distorting Mirror: Educational Trajectory After College Sexual Assault This article focuses on the broad and specific impacts of college sexual assault on student-survivors’ academic performance, academic trajectory, and their sense of self in relation to the university community. We frame this study with, and relate our findings to, the historic and (...)
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    Entre el malson i la realitat. Reflexions distòpiques sobre la societat contemporània.Elisabetta Di Minico - 2021 - Quaderns de Filosofia 7 (2):143.
    Between Nightmare and Reality: Dystopian Reflections on the Contemporary Society Resum: Per mitjà de la narració de fantasia i de ciència ficció, la utopia i la distopia promouen una anàlisi crítica de la realitat. En particular, la distopia ens alerta de les possibles conseqüències catastròfiques derivades de problemes sociopolítics existents i contribueix a la reflexió constructiva sobre les amenaces antidemocràtiques que posen en perill la nostra societat. Aquest article examina la representació de l’autoritat, la coacció, la propaganda, la plasmació, l’espai (...)
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    Emancipatory Alternatives, Sites of Resistance.Roger Savage - 2017 - Social Imaginaries 3 (2):191-211.
    Social opposition to instituted policies and practices marks the sites of resistance that populate the contemporary political landscape. Animated by the prospects of a better and more just world, the emancipatory ambitions of social and political movements bring to the fore discrepancies between ideologically congealed power relations and habits of thought and the subversive function of utopian expectations. Paul Ricoeur reminds us that our participation in society is invariably punctuated by our experiences of reality’s noncongruence with imaginative alternatives we can (...)
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    Popular culture and reproductive politics: Juno, Knocked Up and the enduring legacy of The Handmaid's Tale.Heather Latimer - 2009 - Feminist Theory 10 (2):211-226.
    This article takes the recent rash of unwanted pregnancy films, such as 2007's Juno and Knocked Up, as an opportunity to revisit Margaret Atwood's influential 1985 novel, The Handmaid's Tale. It argues that the novel deals with the same themes the films evoke during a pivotal time for reproductive politics, generally, and abortion politics, specifically. It argues that the novel offers several lessons and warnings on the nature of reproductive politics that are still relevant today. These lessons are connected to (...)
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    Sexual Selection: A Tale of Male Bias and Feminist Denial.Griet Vandermassen - 2004 - European Journal of Women's Studies 11 (1):9-26.
    Today the modern Darwinian theory of evolution is the unifying theory within the biological sciences. A consideration of its implications for feminism is, however, impossible without a critical evaluation of its history of male bias. The aim of this article is therefore threefold. First, to explain what sexual selection entails. Second, to discuss male bias in and feminist reactions to Darwinian theory in general and sexual selection theory in particular. Third, to demonstrate that it would be a loss for feminism (...)
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    Feminism as Critique in a Neoliberal Age: Debating Nancy Fraser.Pauline Johnson - 2017 - Critical Horizons 19 (1):1-17.
    Neoliberalism, we are told, has “seduced” feminism. What is meant is that the libertarian and democratic hopes that have scoped this radical social movement have been reconfigured and re-energised by neoliberal project that models all our freedoms upon the market. Misgivings about “seductions” and “betrayals” require that feminist theory adopts the role of the arbiter on goals and meanings and this puts strains upon its deep commitment to democratic epistemologies. The following paper finds that the leading theorist of feminism as (...)
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  21. A "purist" feminist epistemology?Emily Tilton - 2023 - Dissertation, University of British Columbia
    An intuitive conception of objectivity involves an ideal of neutrality—if we’re to engage in objective inquiry, we must try to sideline our prejudices, values, and politics, lest these factors taint inquiry and unduly influence our results. This intuition underlies various “purist” epistemological frameworks, which grant epistemic significance only to “epistemic factors” like evidence or the truth of a belief. Feminist epistemologists typically condemn purist frameworks as inimical to feminist aims. They argue that purist epistemology is divorced from the ineliminably social (...)
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  22. Spinoza, Feminism, and Domestic Violence.Christopher Yeomans - 2003 - Iyyun 52 (1):54-74.
    In this paper I discuss two related ideas and cross-reference them, as it were, on the common ground of the Spinozistic text. First, I want to construct a Spinozistic account of domestic violence and a Spinozistic response to such violence. This will involve attempting to explicate the phenomenon (or at least one aspect of it, to be defined) through the terms and conceptual structure of Spinoza's Ethics. Second, I want to discuss a feminist reading (interpretation) of Spinoza, that of Luce (...)
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    Does Feminism Discriminate Against Men?: A Debate.Warren Farrell & James P. Sterba - 2008 - Oup Usa.
    Does feminism give a much-needed voice to women in a patriarchal world? Or is the world not really patriarchal? Has feminism begun to level the playing field in a world in which women are more often paid less at work and abused at home? Or are women paid equally for the same work and not abused more at home? Does feminism support equality in education and in the military, or does it discriminate against men by ignoring such issues as male-only (...)
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    Poststructuralism, feminism, and religion: triangulating positions.Carol Wayne White - 2002 - Amherst, N.Y.: Humanity Books.
    In this brilliant assessment of the relation between poststructuralism and feminism to current religious thought, philosopher of religion Carol Wayne White convincingly demonstrates that postmodernist continental and feminist philosophies—far from being antithetical to religious concerns—in fact enrich our understanding of religion and its relevance to debates about contemporary culture. By triangulating these three unique perspectives on culture she expands prevailing views of cultural criticism and opens up the discussion to new creative solutions that arise from the intersecting interests of poststructuralist, (...)
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    Sexual Selection Revisited — Towards a Gender-Neutral Theory and Practice: A Response to Vandermassen's `Sexual Selection: A Tale of Male Bias and Feminist Denial'.Malin Ah-King - 2007 - European Journal of Women's Studies 14 (4):341-348.
    In a recent issue of this journal, Vandermassen suggested that feminists should include sexual selection theory and evolutionary psychology in a unifying theory of human nature. In response, this article aims to offer some insight into the development of sexual selection theory, to caution against Vandermassen's unreserved assimilation and to promote the opposite ongoing integration — an inclusion of gender perspectives into evolutionary biology. In society today, opinions about maintaining traditional sex roles are often put forward on the basis of (...)
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    Radical-cum-Relation: Bridging Feminist Ethics and Native Individual Autonomy.Shay Welch - 2013 - Philosophical Topics 41 (2):203-222.
    For the purpose of advancing the feminist commitment to inclusion and nonliberal articulations of pluralism, in this essay I conceptualize the Native account of individual autonomy that itself evolves from a commitment to pluralism. I demonstrate that Native individual autonomy is concurrently strong and feminist in nature—what I call “radical-cum-relational.” That is, Native autonomy is more radical than the traditional liberal conception and is simultaneously grounded in relationality, which is the basis of much of feminist ethics. I demonstrate that the (...)
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    Feminist Epistemology.Helen E. Longino - 1999 - In John Greco & Ernest Sosa, The Blackwell Guide to Epistemology. Malden, Mass.: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 325–353.
    Feminist epistemology is both a paradox and a necessity. Epistemology is a highly general inquiry – into the meaning of knowledge claims and attributions, into conditions for the possibility of knowledge, into the nature of truth and justification, and so on. Feminism is a family of positions and inquiries characterized by some common sociopolitical interests centering on the abolition of sexual and gender inequality. What possible relation could there be between these two sets of activity? Furthermore, feminist inquiry results in (...)
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    Hegel's real habits.Andreja Novakovic - 2019 - European Journal of Philosophy 27 (4):882-897.
    Hegel frequently identifies ethical life with a “second nature.” This strategy has puzzled those who assume that second nature represents a deficient appearance of ethical life, one that needs to be overcome, supplemented, or constantly challenged. I argue that Hegel identifies ethical life with a second nature because he thinks that a social order only becomes a candidate for ethical life, if it provides a context conducive to the development of what I call “real habits.” First, I show that a (...)
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    The Handmaid’s Tale as Philosophy: Autonomy and Reproductive Freedom.Rachel Robison-Greene - 2022 - In David Kyle Johnson, The Palgrave Handbook of Popular Culture as Philosophy. Palgrave-Macmillan. pp. 185-209.
    In The Handmaid’s Tale and The Testaments, Margaret Atwood vividly portrays a dystopia from a woman’s point of view. The themes she explores are familiar, they are not shocking fictional devices designed to keep readers surprised and engaged. Instead, the stories describe how our own world might have been or, even worse, how it might be. It explores the dangers of treating women’s bodies as resources to be regulated and commodified. The series emphasizes the value of autonomy and highlights (...)
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    Fire-raising feminists: Embodied experience and activism in academia.Gyða Margrét Pétursdóttir - 2017 - European Journal of Women's Studies 24 (1):85-99.
    Sexual violence of various forms, be it sexual harassment or sexual abuse, perpetrated by male professors against their female students has gained societal visibility through media broadcasts. This article tells the tale of the 2013 recruitment to the University of Iceland of a former political party leader, minister and ambassador. He was publicly called out in 2012 for his alleged sexual offences, perpetrated some years earlier. The story is told from two different viewpoints: from that of the media and from (...)
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    Alzheimer's Disease, Aging, Chance, and Race.Atwood D. Gaines - 2006 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 13 (1):83-85.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Alzheimer's Disease, Aging, Chance, and RaceAtwood D. Gaines (bio)KeywordsAlzheimer’s disease, chance, mild cognitive impairment, racism, social constructionsThomas Kirkwood's comments are a welcome, articulate detailing of how and why we age with special reference to the brain. As well, his paper indicates clearly that processes reified as pathology and disease, such as Alzheimer's disease (AD), are in fact common and inevitable as the human brain ages. Doubtless, this is the (...)
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    Building a Mystery: Alzheimer's Disease, Mild Cognitive Impairment, and Beyond.Atwood D. Gaines & Peter J. Whitehouse - 2006 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 13 (1):61-74.
    In this paper, we suggest some of the dimensions of the problematic concept of Alzheimer Disease as a natural disease discerned by increasingly sophisticated medical scientific progress. Taking a page from Max Weber concerning unique events, we show some of the conceptual building blocks and social processes that have coalesced into the perception of certain phenomena as abnormalities that are seen as implicated in the development of a degenerative disease distinct from the process of normal, but variable, brain aging. We (...)
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    Defense, Redemption, Care: Black Feminist and Queer Studies.James Bliss - 2021 - Feminist Studies 47 (1):34-61.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:34 Feminist Studies 47, no. 1. © 2021 by Feminist Studies, Inc. James Bliss Defense, Redemption, Care: Black Feminist and Queer Studies Literary theory continues to be received by some as if it were an alien or antagonistic presence from whose leaden and reductive grasp it is imperative to keep literature protected. It is rare, however, that it is the literary, as such, that is being protected, rather than (...)
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    Feminist Epigenet(h)ics: Maternal Waters, Gestational Forms and Mitochondrial Eves in Lucile Hadžihalilović’s Evolution.Katie Goss - 2024 - Film-Philosophy 28 (3):504-533.
    This article takes Catherine Malabou’s provocative insistence on an alliance between plasticity and feminism to initiate an exploration of gestation and its representation in the context of the postgenomic age. I argue that Malabou’s attention to epigenetic schemas of life and becoming can inform and, in turn, be enriched by feminist film-philosophy which locates the maternal as an alternative schema of embodied subjectivity – simultaneously displacing essentialising over-reliance on gender/sex binaries without entirely metaphorising or abstracting the material processes which subtend (...)
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    For all that lives.Ann Atwood - 1975 - New York: Scribner. Edited by Erica Anderson & Albert Schweitzer.
    The meaning of life and man's alienation from himself and his natural environment is examined in brief selections, illustrated with photographs, from the works of Albert Schweitzer.
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  36. “Trust Me—I’m a Public Intellectual”: Margaret Atwood’s and David Suzuki’s Social Epistemologies of Climate Science.Boaz Miller - 2015 - In Michael Keren & Richard Hawkins, Speaking Power to Truth: Digital Discourse and the Public Intellectual. Athabasca University Press‎. pp. 113-128.
    Margaret Atwood and David Suzuki are two of the most prominent Canadian public ‎intellectuals ‎involved in the global warming debate. They both argue that anthropogenic global ‎warming is ‎occurring, warn against its grave consequences, and urge governments and the ‎public to take ‎immediate, decisive, extensive, and profound measures to prevent it. They differ, ‎however, in the ‎reasons and evidence they provide in support of their position. While Suzuki ‎stresses the scientific ‎evidence in favour of the global warming theory and the (...)
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    Infidelity to an Impossible Task’: Postmodernism, Feminism and Lyn Hejinian's ‘My Life.Nicky Marsh - 2003 - Feminist Review 74 (1):70-80.
    This paper locates the work and critical reception of the experimental poet Lyn Hejinian within the emerging debates of ‘third-wave’ feminist critique. It centrally argues that Hejinian's writing at once illuminates and undermines the apparent tensions between a feminist and an anti-foundationalist critical position. It specifically focuses on Hejinian's use of autobiography, as at once gesturing to the limitations of the theoretically naive self-knowing subject, steeped in the discredited assumptions of modernity, and the continuing cultural validity of and desire for (...)
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    Coyote Politics: Trickster Tales and Feminist Futures.Shane Phelan - 1996 - Hypatia 11 (3):130 - 149.
    This essay is a first attempt at thinking through the ways in which Native American Coyote stories can illuminate options for lesbian and feminist politics. I follow the metaphors of trickery and shape-shifting common to the stories and recommend the laughter they evoke as we engage in feminist politics and philosophy.
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    Power Trips and Other Journeys: Essays in Feminism as Civic Discourse.Jean Bethke Elshtain - 1990 - Univ of Wisconsin Press.
    Each chapter of this book treats a particular historical or contemporary topic of civic concern. Some are centered on current family crises and issues (the "family wage," child abuse, the "new eugenics") while others look to the wider national and international polity. Yet each, insistently, returns to common themes: the many faces and forms of power; struggles for autonomy; the need for human sociality and community. Elshtain's essays on controversial domestic subjects demonstrate her independence of mind, her understanding of politics (...)
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    “My Monster Self”: Violence and Survival in Margaret Atwood’s Moral Disorder.Nahid Fakhrshafaie & Alireza Bahremand - 2021 - Text Matters - a Journal of Literature, Theory and Culture 11:263-278.
    Margaret Atwood’s novels are usually celebrated for their blunt feminism. However, in Moral Disorder—a series of interconnected stories that forms a novel—feminist concerns are replaced with worries about territory and survival. The protagonist is an insider whose sole concern is to survive and to protect her territory. The confrontation between the narrator as the insider and the outsiders does not occur directly but could be inferred by her cruelty toward other characters and her violence against the animals under her care. (...)
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  41. What stories make worlds, what worlds make stories : Margaret Atwood's Oryx and Crake.Sam McBean - 2014 - In Mary Evans, Clare Hemmings, Marsha Henry, Hazel Johnstone, Sumi Madhok, Ania Plomien & Sadie Wearing, The SAGE handbook of feminist theory. Thousand Oaks, California: SAGE reference.
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  42. Mary Astell's Machiavellian moment? Politics and feminism in Moderation truly Stated.Jacqueline Broad - 2011 - In Jo Wallwork & Paul Salzman, Early Modern Englishwomen Testing Ideas. Ashgate. pp. 9-23.
    In The Women of Grub Street (1998), Paula McDowell highlighted the fact that the overwhelming majority of women’s texts in early modern England were polemical or religio-political in nature rather than literary in content. Since that time, the study of early modern women’s political ideas has dramatically increased, and there have been a number of recent anthologies, modern editions, and critical analyses of female political writings. As a result of Patricia Springborg’s research, Mary Astell (1668-1731) has risen to prominence as (...)
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    G. A. Cohen’s Historical Materialism: A Feminist Critique.Paula Casal - 2020 - Journal of Political Ideologies 25 (3):316-333.
    Forty years on, G. A. Cohen’s reconstruction and defence of Marx’s theory of history is still widely, and justifiably, considered the best of its kind, and it remains unsurpassed in clarity, argumentation and textual support. This article presents an under-explored critique of the theory that arises once we recognize that it is meant to apply to the circumstances of women as well as men. The article argues that, when extended to women, the reconstructed theory’s predictions fail to materialize, its (...)
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    Experiencing Selfhood Is Not "A Self".Robert D. Stolorow & George E. Atwood - 2016 - International Journal of Psychoanalytic Self Psychology 11:183-187.
    Kohut’s lasting and most important contribution to psychoanalytic clinical theory was his recognition that the experiencing of selfhood is always constituted, both developmentally and in psychoanalytic treatment, in a context of emotional interrelatedness. The experiencing of selfhood, he realized, or of its collapse, is context-embedded through and through. The theoretical language of self psychology with its noun, “the self,” reifies the experiencing of selfhood and transforms it into a metaphysical entity with thing-like properties, in effect undoing Kohut’s hard-won clinical contextualizations. (...)
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  45. Audre Lorde’s Erotic as Epistemic and Political Practice.Caleb Ward - 2023 - Hypatia 38 (4):896–917.
    Audre Lorde’s account of the erotic is one of her most widely celebrated contributions to political theory and feminist activism, but her explanation of the term in her brief essay “Uses of the Erotic” is famously oblique and ambiguous. This article develops a detailed, textually grounded interpretation of Lorde’s erotic, based on an analysis of how Lorde’s essay brings together commitments expressed across her work. I describe four integral elements of Lorde’s erotic: feeling, knowledge, power, and concerted action. The erotic (...)
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  46. A Tale of Two Sets: Public Reason in Equilibrium.Gerald Gaus - 2011 - Public Affairs Quarterly 25 (4):305-25.
    Public reason liberalism is a family of theories according to which liberal political institutions, social structures, and/or basic social rules are politically or morally justified if and only if they can be endorsed from the perspective of each and every free and equal "reasonable and rational" person. Let us call these persons "the members of the justificatory public." Public reason liberalism idealizes the members of the justificatory public in three senses. First, the members of the justificatory public are assumed to (...)
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  47. Tales from an apostate.Kristie Dotson - 2019 - Philosophical Issues 29 (1):69-83.
    Here I outline an often under-appreciated position within Anglo-analytic epistemology, that of the apostate to operative metaphilosophical constraints. To help identify and promote awareness of metaphilosophical apostacy, here, I describe the form of metaphilosophical apostacy that I practice in Anglo-analytic epistemology (AAE). My apostasy with respect to AAE begins with significant, metaphilosophical divergences or deep senses of incongruence. A metaphilosophical divergence, on my account, refers to conflict at the level of inquiry-shaping assumptions, constraints, aims, and/or commitments. In this paper, I (...)
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  48. ‘A tunnel full of mirrors’: Some perspectives on Christa Wolf's Medea.Stimmen.Gisela Weingartz - 2010 - Myth and Symbol 6 (2):15-43.
    The story of Medea has exerted a powerful influence on creative artists since the time of Euripides. It is a tale that has been told in many ways and in several genres. This article offers a discussion of Christa Wolf's 1996 novel, Medea.Stimmen (Medea. Voices), a modern retelling through the voices, and conflicting perspectives, of the major characters involved with Medea, including Jason, Agameda, Akamas, Leukon, Glauce and Medea herself.Medea's role within feminist literary reception and women's literature cannot be overlooked (...)
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    Women's Friendships, Feminist Friendships.Judith Kegan Gardiner - 2016 - Feminist Studies 42 (2):484.
    Abstract:This article analyzes contrasting descriptions and prescriptions for women’s friendships in six recent books in comparison with earlier Second Wave idealizations. “A History” of “the Social Sex,” “Tales of Sisterhoods and Fierce Friendships,” and “In Solidarity: Friendship, Family, and Activism Beyond Gay and Straight” provide optimistic, progressive pictures in comparison with skepticism about “Postfeminist Sisterhood,” while a memoir chronicles a “Yearlong Search for a New Best Friend” and a self-help book tells us how to choose, lose, and keep up with (...)
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  50. "On White Privilege and Anesthesia: Why Does Peggy McIntosh's Knapsack Feel Weightless," In Feminists Talk Whiteness, eds. Janet Gray and Leigh-Anne Francis.Alison Bailey (ed.) - forthcoming - London: Taylor and Francis.
    It is no accident that white privilege designed to be both be invisible and weightless to white people. Alison Bailey’s “On White Privilege and Anesthesia: Why Does Peggy McIntosh’s Knapsack Feel Weightless?” extends a weighty invitation white readers to complete the unpacking task McIntosh (1988) began when she compared white privilege to an “invisible and weightless knapsack.” McIntosh focuses primarily making white privilege visible to white people. Bailey’s project continues the conversation by extending a ‘weighty invitation’ to white readers to (...)
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