Results for 'The Vagabond'

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  1. The Vagabond Queen of Craigslist.Bonnie Friedman - 2013 - In Melvin McLeod (ed.), The best Buddhist writing 2013. Boston: Shambhala.
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    Human Values and the Legal Articulation of ‘Vagabond’.Avishek Ray - 2016 - Journal of Human Values 22 (3):194-201.
    How law perceives the world is often grounded in systems of values and beliefs adopted by the legal practitioners: their interpretive frameworks, prejudices and dispositions, which shape the very ‘paradigms’ upon which they choose to see the ‘facts’ and frame their methods of inquiries. In other words, ‘truth’ in the eyes of the law is but ex post facto (re)construction of ‘reality’ achieved through narratorial articulation of relevant events and chosen facts. Taking off from here, this article sets out to (...)
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    A Nostalgic Return to the Future: The Utopian Dialectic in Hao Jingfang’s Vagabonds.Guangzhao Lyu - 2021 - Utopian Studies 32 (3):636-651.
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    Insane women and vagabonds in the asylums of the Seine-Inférieure (1880-1914). [REVIEW]Frédéric Carbonel - 2010 - Clio 32:233-252.
    L’article étudie le mouvement vers un« grand renfermement » des « folles », notamment des « hystériques », qui culminaau tournant des xixe et xxe siècles. Les mesures de placement étaient de la responsabilité des maires et du préfet qui les confiaient aux aliénistes des asiles rouennais. La psychiatrisation des « vagabondes » contribuait ainsi au maintien de l’ordre à l’intérieur de la ville deRouen mais aussi à atténuer la « nocivité » des migrations des femmes aliénées indigentes, journalières ou (...)
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  5. Chapter 4. Vagabond Reverie.RobertHG Wokler - 2012 - In Rousseau, the Age of Enlightenment, and Their Legacies. Princeton University Press. pp. 68-79.
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    Feminism and Vegetal Freedom in Agnès Varda’s Le Bonheur (1965) and Vagabond (1985).Graig Uhlin - 2022 - Philosophies 7 (6):130.
    This essay examines French filmmaker Agnès Varda’s Le Bonheur (1965) and Vagabond (1985) for their critical invocation of the persistent and patriarchal association of women with plants. Both women and plants are thought within the metaphysical tradition to have a deficient or negative relation to freedom. Varda’s films, however, link the liberation of women in postwar France to the liberation of vegetal being; her female protagonists pursue their liberation by accessing the vegetal freedom that subtends human freedom. In Le (...)
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    The ironic humanist.Charles Milton Perry - 1924 - Iowa City, Ia.,: The Milland Press.
    Metamorphoses of Satan.--The obligation of being immortal.--The spiritual vagabond.--The moral zodiac.--The fighting chance for peace.--Absolution for heretics.--Providence by accident.
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    The task of urban black public theology.Vuyani S. Vellem - 2014 - HTS Theological Studies 70 (3):01-06.
    Twenty years after the demise of apartheid, a typical South African city remains bifurcated. The mushrooming of squatter camps, mekhukhu, in our big cities, symptomises a history that defined the majority of South Africans as sojourners and vagabonds in their motherland. Destined to die in the rural reserves after the extraction of their labour and confined to 'locations' in-between the 'city' and the rural 'home', black experience in the post-1994 city continues to be a manifestation of a life disintegrated from (...)
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  9. Men Without Masters: Marginal Society During the Pre-Industrial Era.Bronislaw Geremek - 1977 - Diogenes 25 (98):28-54.
    The interest shown in marginal groups is explained by a diversity of factors. On the threshold of the modern era appeared an abundant literature devoted to a description of the world of delinquency. More particularly, these were treatises on the mysteries of the forbidden quarters of the cities of the time and on the behavior and way of life of social groups living by swindling or fraud. This being drawn to the exotic and the unusual in society, which was not (...)
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  10. Greek Returns: The Poetry of Nikos Karouzos.Nick Skiadopoulos & Vincent W. J. Van Gerven Oei - 2011 - Continent 1 (3):201-207.
    continent. 1.3 (2011): 201-207. “Poetry is experience, linked to a vital approach, to a movement which is accomplished in the serious, purposeful course of life. In order to write a single line, one must have exhausted life.” —Maurice Blanchot (1982, 89) Nikos Karouzos had a communist teacher for a father and an orthodox priest for a grandfather. From his four years up to his high school graduation he was incessantly educated, reading the entire private library of his granddad, comprising mainly (...)
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    Roaming ideas and and odysseys of the thinker: the dynamics of inspiration.Marianne Massin - 2013 - Methodos 13.
    L’iconologie traditionnelle a fixé la représentation d’un être « inspiré », immobilisé par une soudaine et visible illumination, main levée ou en suspens, regard fixe et aimanté. À l’inverse de cette image arrêtée, on souhaite mettre en valeur la dynamique d’une quête, d’un « voyage des idées ». L’idée même d’inspiration témoigne de glissements notionnels, de reprises et de refontes ; plus encore, elle permet de reconsidérer la métaphore du voyage — voyage des idées et par les idées. En soulignant (...)
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    Making a fortune in the Sahara (Mauritania, 1940-1970).Céline Lesourd - 2015 - Clio 41:265-284.
    Femmes de grandes tribus commerçantes, filles de bonnes familles ou de groupes statutairement méprisés, héritières rebelles ou épouses prospères, ou encore amoureuses vagabondes, les quatre businesswomen présentées dans ce travail sont, sans doute, les pionnières de la classe d’affaires féminine mauritanienne. De la fin de la période coloniale aux premiers pas de la Mauritanie indépendante, l’analyse des trajectoires professionnelles et des itinéraires personnels de ces Dames – constitués d’une multitude d’opportunismes et de pieds de nez à l’ordre social établi – (...)
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    Entre peregrinação, turismo e liminaridade: a busca por lugares.Júlio Cézar Adam - 2018 - Horizonte 16 (49):66-87.
    This article reflects on the anthropological aspect of the pilgrimage, the human journey, as a metaphor for life, as a way of relating and understanding religion, spirituality, life itself and tourism as forms of pilgrimage. The pilgrimages of the Christian tradition will be analyzed, seeking to understand them of the anthropology of Victor Turner, analyzing the pilgrimage as a state of liminality and liminoid. Concretely we will look at the case of the Romarias da Terra in Brazil, as an example (...)
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    Liquid Modernity, Complexity and Turbulence.Antony Bryant - 2007 - Theory, Culture and Society 24 (1):127-135.
    The main ideas underlying Bauman’s liquid modernity are explained and then extended to incorporate current ideas about complexity and turbulence. This combination is used to argue that although Bauman himself refuses to offer any resolution to the paradoxes of liquid modernity, complexity theory may be useful: in particular the argument that the seemingly chaotic may actually result in some sort of order. The section also points to the ways in which liquid modernity provides a constant reminder of the underside of (...)
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    Phrasing, Steining.Jan Mieszkowski - 2022 - Philosophy Today 66 (2):327-344.
    The thesis of this essay is that Gertrude Stein plays an important role in The Differend, the brevity of her appearance in the book notwithstanding. Scarcely one and a half pages long, Lyotard’s discussion of a string of quotations from Stein is the most sustained consideration of a female author in his text. Lyotard is intrigued by Stein’s efforts to conceive of la phrase less as a form or building block than an event—or rupture—of language. Characterizing her work as écriture (...)
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  16. Filosofia del Viaggio. Modi, tempi, spazi, sensi del viaggiare.Rudi Capra - 2024 - Mimesis.
    Perhaps due to the familiarity with the experience of travel, travel has remained a partial “unthought” in the history of philosophy. By bringing philosophy, literature, sociology and anthropology into dialogue, the volume addresses travel in its dual meaning of concept and experience, attempting on the one hand, to explore it as a cultural constant, and on the other, to describe its multiple manifestations, with particular attention to contemporaneity, in which the practices of mass tourism, virtual tourism, flânerie and urbex gain (...)
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    Citizenship, Public Culture and Insecurity.Koen Raes - 1995 - Ethical Perspectives 2 (4):199-219.
    An examination of the studies of the French historian of religion Jean Delumeau on the subject of ‘angst’ and awareness of guilt as a collective mode of being, characteristic of Europeans from the 13th to the 18th century, will not only provide the reader with a nuanced picture of the influence of the so-called Renaissance and Reform Movement on the liberation of the human person, but he or she will also find it difficult to resist the temptation to draw parallels (...)
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    Podmiotowość ponowoczesna: wieloznaczność tożsamości czy tożsamość wieloznaczności. Propozycja Zygmunta Baumana.Sebastian Richert - 2010 - Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Philosophica. Ethica-Aesthetica-Practica 23:103-118.
    In my research I will try to analyse Zugmunt Bauman reflection about human subject. This author applies rather identity than human subject, but I think we may admit Apple subjectivity instead of identity. Bauman's concept of model personality like a pilgrim on one hand and a stroller, vagabond and player on the other hand, link these categories of human subject. Identity of human subject is continually made "liquid" and has constant potency to change. In consequence, identity is an infinite (...)
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    Written Images: Søren Kierkegaard's Journals, Notebooks, Booklets, Sheets, Scraps and Slips of Paper.Bruce H. Kirmmse (ed.) - 2003 - Princeton University Press.
    Søren Kierkegaard was an almost unbelievably prolific writer. At his death he left not only a massive body of published work, but also a sprawling mass of unpublished writings that rivaled the size of the published corpus. This book tells the story of the peculiar fate of this portion of Kierkegaard's literary remains, which flowed ceaselessly from his steel pen from his late teens to a week before his death. It is the story of packets and sacks of paper covered (...)
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    Written Images: Søren Kierkegaard's Journals, Notebooks, Booklets, Sheets, Scraps and Slips of Paper.Niels Jørgen Cappelørn - 2003 - Princeton University Press. Edited by Joakim Garff & Johnny Kondrup.
    Søren Kierkegaard (1813-55) was an almost unbelievably prolific writer. At his death he left not only a massive body of published work (25 volumes in the recently completed Princeton University Press edition), but also a sprawling mass of unpublished writings that rivaled the size of the published corpus. This book tells the story of the peculiar fate of this portion of Kierkegaard's literary remains, which flowed ceaselessly from his steel pen from his late teens to a week before his death. (...)
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  21. On Glocalization: or Globalization for some, Localization for some Others.Zygmunt Bauman - 1998 - Thesis Eleven 54 (1):37-49.
    Globalization cuts both ways. Not only does it valorize the local in a cultural sense, it constructs the local as the tribal. Processes of geopolitical fragmentation give those in power even more room to manoeuvre. Glocalization involves the reallocation of poverty and stigma from above without even the residual responsibility of noblesse oblige. Geographical and social mobility are dichotomized; populations are refigured as tourists and vagabonds. Globalization thus reinforces already existing patterns of domination, while globalization indicates trends to dispersal and (...)
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    (1 other version)Pragmatism on Solidarity, Bullshit, and other Deformities of Truth.Cheryl Misak - 1981 - In Felicia Ackerman (ed.), Midwest Studies in Philosophy. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. pp. 111–121.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Introduction The Jamesian/Rortyian Pragmatist Account of Truth The Peircean Account of Truth Genuine Belief and Deformed Belief References.
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    Paracelsus (1493-1541).Alexandre Koyré - 2003 - Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 24 (1):169-208.
    In so curious, lively, and passionate an epoch as that of Theophrastus Paracelsus, the life and work of few other persons generated as much admiration, as many repercussions and so much influence as did his. At the same time, few others caused as much animosity and hostility. And yet, there are few others about whose work and thought we are less informed. Who was this infamous vagabond? Was he a profound scientist, whose struggles against Aristotelian physics and classical medicine (...)
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    John Woodward;, Robert Jütte . Coping with Sickness: Medicine, Law, and Human Rights—Historical Perspectives. xii + 211 pp., bibl., index. Sheffield, England: European Association for History of Medicine and Health Publications, 2000. £24.95. [REVIEW]Donald Critchlow - 2002 - Isis 93 (2):292-293.
    These essays, first presented at a conference, “Coping with Sickness,” held in Italy in 1997, address ethical and regulatory medical issues within a historical context. Many of the essays, while addressing interesting topics, combine policy analysis and critical cultural theory. Critical cultural theory can be intellectually engaging at times but is generally irrelevant to public officials concerned with specific policy issues.Coping with Sickness is the third and final volume derived from a series of conferences cosponsored by the European Science Foundation (...)
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  25. VI. Remains : The Finding Aid Folder: Seeking Order in the Archives of the Order.The Meta-Archival Working Group - 2021 - In D. Graham Burnett, Catherine L. Hansen & Justin E. H. Smith (eds.), In search of the third bird: exemplary essays from the proceedings of ESTAR(SER), 2001-2021. London: Strange Attractor Press.
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    The Frankfurt School and its Critics.the Late Tom Bottomore - 2002 - Routledge.
    The Institute of Social Research, from which the Frankfurt School developed, was founded in the early years of the Weimar Republic. It survived the Nazi era in exile, to become an important centre of social theory in the postwar era. Early members of the school, such as Adorno, Horkheimer and Marcuse, developed a form of Marxist theory known as Critical Theory, which became influential in the study of class, politics, culture and ideology. The work of more recent members, and in (...)
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  27. The Person and World Crisis.The Editor The Editor - 1941 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 22 (4):341.
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  28. The holy catholic church.The Editor The Editor - 1937 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 18 (3):231.
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    The Prospect for Process Studies.The Editors - 1971 - Process Studies 1 (1):3-8.
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  30. The second dimension of time.The Editor The Editor - 1946 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 27 (2):117.
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    The heart is noble: changing the world from the inside out.Ogyen Trinley Dorje The Karmapa - 2013 - Boston, Massachusetts: Shambhala. Edited by Diana Finnegan & Karen Derris.
    Sixteen American college students spent a month in India with His Holiness the Seventeenth Karmapa. Together, they discussed topics ranging from food justice to gender identities to sustainable compassion. The Karmapa's teachings in this book are the product of those meetings. For those who wish to take up its challenge, this book can serve as a guide to being a friend to this planet and to all of us who share it. The Karmapa describes how to see the world as (...)
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    Introduction to the Symposium.The Editors - 2015 - Journal of Military Ethics 14 (2):104-106.
    ABSTRACTIn this volume, we include four commentaries to Larry Minear's important article ‘Conscience and Carnage in Iraq and Afghanistan’ from our 2014 volume, as well as a response from the author. The commentaries and the author's response ponder various aspects of the challenge of conscientious objection to military service. Is there room for such objection within an all-volunteer force? Do such objectors serve an important role in our society – and in the military? May one object to some wars conscientiously, (...)
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  33. Life the essence of being.The Editor The Editor - 1927 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 8 (3):170.
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  34. The cosmic reality of human values.The Editor The Editor - 1926 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 7 (2):81.
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  35. The measure of a man.The Editor The Editor - 1944 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 25 (1):5.
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    The Sequence of Philosophic Studies.The Editor - 1927 - Modern Schoolman 4 (3):44-44.
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    The Allocution of Pope Pius XII on the Fourth Centenary of the Gregorianum.The Editors - 1954 - Franciscan Studies 14 (2):204-209.
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  38. The need and illusion of absolutes.The Editor The Editor - 1940 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 21 (2):119.
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  39. The Role of Philosophy in World Understanding.The Editor The Editor - 1949 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 30 (1):5.
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    The Sequence of Philosophic Studies.The Editor - 1927 - Modern Schoolman 4 (3):32-33.
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  41. The place of imponderables in a democracy.The Editor The Editor - 1943 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 24 (1):5.
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  42. The Race with Catastrophe.The Editor The Editor - 1941 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 22 (1):5.
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    To the Reader.The Editors - 1986 - The Acorn 1 (1):2-2.
  44. A Report of the Meeting of the North Central Association of Teachers of Psychology in Normal Schools and Colleges.The Secretary Of Thation The Secretary Of Thation - 1909 - Journal of Philosophy 6 (11):295.
  45. The Mills of God.The Editor The Editor - 1947 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 28 (2):117.
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  46. At the turning of the year.The General Editorial Committee - 1946 - Synthese 5 (7-8):284-285.
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  47. The Nachtigall Convolute: A Previously Unknown Ottoman Protocol, Turkish Practices in the 1940s, and Possible Links between the Order of the Third Bird and the Work of Erich Auerbach.The Niblach Working Group - 2021 - In D. Graham Burnett, Catherine L. Hansen & Justin E. H. Smith (eds.), In search of the third bird: exemplary essays from the proceedings of ESTAR(SER), 2001-2021. London: Strange Attractor Press.
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  48. On the relativity of moral obligation.The Editor The Editor - 1931 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 12 (2):93.
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    The Present State of ?sthetics in This Country.The Earl Of Listowel - 1935 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 35:195 - 208.
  50. The Fitzwilliam Schism: Practical Criticism and Practical Aesthesis in Britain and Beyond, 1925-1975.The Sevens Working Group - 2021 - In D. Graham Burnett, Catherine L. Hansen & Justin E. H. Smith (eds.), In search of the third bird: exemplary essays from the proceedings of ESTAR(SER), 2001-2021. London: Strange Attractor Press.
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