Results for 'Thomas Scheffler'

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  1.  28
    Resolving Scheffler and Chomsky’s Problems on Quine’s Criterion of Ontological Commitments.Jolly Thomas - 2019 - Journal of the Indian Council of Philosophical Research 36 (2):229-245.
    This paper resolves the problems raised by Israel Scheffler and Noam Chomsky against Quine’s criterion of ontological commitment. I call Scheffler’s and Chomsky’s problems as (1) the problem of inexorable ontological commitments and (2) the problem of false existential inferences. I extend their problems to a third one, which is called as the problem of extended inexorable ontological commitments to rival entities. In order to present the third problem, two ontological disputes are considered: Russell–Meinong dispute from the context (...)
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  2. Consequentialism and its critics.Samuel Scheffler (ed.) - 1988 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    In this anthology, distinguished scholars--Thomas Nagel, T.M. Scanlon, John Rawls, Robert Nozick, Samuela Scheffler, Conrad D. Johnson, Bernard Williams, Peter Railton, Amartya Sen, Philippa Foot, and Derek Parfit-- debate arguments for and against the moral doctrine of consequentialism to present a complete view of this important topic in moral philosophy.
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    The Rejection of Consequentialism Samuel Scheffler Don Mills: Oxford University Press, 1982. Pp. viii, 129.Thomas Hurka - 1984 - Dialogue 23 (1):165-167.
  4.  9
    Analytic philosophy and human life.Thomas Nagel - 2023 - New York, NY, United States of America: Oxford University Press.
    This book collects Thomas Nagel's recent philosophical reflections on topics of fundamental interest: ethics, moral psychology, science and religion, death and the holocaust, and the metaphysics of mind. Among the figures discussed are Peter Singer, Alvin Plantinga, Christine Korsgaard, Elizabeth Anscombe, Philippa Foot, Iris Murdoch, T. M. Scanlon, Ronald Dworkin, Samuel Scheffler, Daniel Kahneman, Jonathan Haidt, Joshua Greene, and Daniel Dennett. Nagel consistently defends a realist interpretation of moral truth and resists reductive attempts to subsume ethics to psychology (...)
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  5. Internal Reasons and Contractualist Impartiality.Alan Thomas - 2002 - Utilitas 14 (2):135.
    This paper interprets Bernard Williams's claim that all practical reasons must meet the internal reasons constraint. It is argued that this constraint is independent of any substantive Humean claims about reasons and its rationale is a content scepticism about the capacity of pure reason to supply reasons for action. The final sections attempt a positive reconciliation of the internal reasons account with the motivation for external reasons, namely, securing practical objecitivy in the form of a commitment to impartiality. Impartiality is (...)
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    Vision and revolution: A postscript on Kuhn.Israel Scheffler - 1972 - Philosophy of Science 39 (3):366-374.
    In Chapter 4 of Science and Subjectivity, I offered several arguments critical of Professor Thomas Kuhn's views as expressed in his influential book The Structure of Scientific Revolutions. His recent replies to these criticisms seem to me so inadequate as to suggest that he, and therefore others as well, may have failed to grasp their full import. Accordingly, I shall, in the first part of this paper, briefly recapitulate my earlier arguments and offer a short rejoinder to Professor Kuhn's (...)
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    Potential congruence.Samuel Scheffler - 2008 - In Paul Bloomfield, Morality and Self-Interest. New York: Oxford University Press.
    Morality can hardly perform a function, which is discussed in this chapter, unless it offers directives that not only can but frequently do differ from those of self-interest itself. The idea of potential congruence asserts that the relation between morality and the interests of the individual agent is characterized by a high degree of mutual accommodation, so that the frequency and severity of conflict between these two perspectives is significantly reduced. Conflicts are nevertheless possible in principle, but the extent to (...)
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    Equality and Tradition: Questions of Value in Moral and Political Theory, Samuel Scheffler , 352 pp., $49.95 cloth. [REVIEW]Thomas Porter - 2011 - Ethics and International Affairs 25 (3):387-389.
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    The Language of Education. By Scheffler Israel. (Thomas, Springfield, Illinois, 1960, pp. 113.).Richard Peters - 1963 - Philosophy 38 (144):189-.
  10. Kuhn, Scheffler, and objectivity in science.Jack W. Meiland - 1974 - Philosophy of Science 41 (2):179-187.
    In his valuable book [3], Israel Scheffler presents an extended critique of Thomas Kuhn's philosophy of science. Scheffler argues against Kuhn's “main thesis,” namely that “... paradigm change in science is not generally subject to deliberation and critical assessment”. Scheffler does recognize, though, that there are important elements of Kuhn's view that themselves seem to conflict with this “main thesis.” For these elements seem to make possible deliberation, critical assessment, and objectivity in the discussion of scientific (...)
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  11.  12
    Europäische Und Islamisch Geprägte Länder Im Dialog: Gewalt, Religion Und Interkulturelle Verständigung.Christoph Wulf, Jacques Poulain & Fathi Triki (eds.) - 2006 - Akademie Verlag.
    Soll das Ausmaß manifester, struktureller und symbolischer Gewalt in den Beziehungen zwischen der islamischen und der europäischen Welt verringert werden, so müssen neue Perspektiven des wechselseitigen Verstehens und der Kooperation entwickelt werden. Glaube und Religion spielen eine zentrale Rolle für die Entwicklung von Hass und Misstrauen. Beide können dazu führen, den Anderen abzulehnen, können aber auch dazu beitragen, Gemeinsamkeiten zu entdecken und sich im Spiegel des Anderen zu verstehen. Im Rahmen der Globalisierung gilt es, kulturelle Vielfalt zuzulassen und mit ihrer (...)
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  12.  67
    Hybrid Ethical Theory and Cohen’s Critique of Rawls’s Egalitarian Liberalism.Jamie Buckland - 2024 - Moral Philosophy and Politics 11 (2):227-251.
    This article examines G. A. Cohen’s endorsement of a hybrid ethical theory and its relationship to his critique of John Rawls’s egalitarian liberalism. Cohen claimed that Rawls’s appeal to special incentives was a distortion of his own difference principle. I argue that Cohen’s acceptance of a personal prerogative (the central element of Samuel Scheffler’s version of a hybrid ethical theory) has several untoward consequences. First, it illuminates how any reasonable challenge to Rawls’s liberalism must recognise Thomas Nagel’s arguments (...)
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  13. Death and the Afterlife.Samuel Scheffler - 2013 - New York, NY: Oup Usa. Edited by Niko Kolodny.
    We normally take it for granted that other people will live on after we ourselves have died. Even if we do not believe in a personal afterlife in which we survive our own deaths, we assume that there will be a "collective afterlife" in which humanity survives long after we are gone. Samuel Scheffler maintains that this assumption plays a surprising - indeed astonishing - role in our lives.
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  14. Human morality.Samuel Scheffler - 1992 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Some people believe that the demands of morality coincide with the requirements of an enlightened self-interest. Others believe that morality is diametrically opposed to considerations of self-interest. This book argues that there is another position, intermediate between these extremes, which makes better sense of the totality of our moral thought and practice. Scheffler elaborates this position via an examination of morality's content, scope, authority, and deliberative role. Although conflicts between morality and self-interest do arise, according to this position, nevertheless (...)
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  15. After Virtue: A Study in Moral Theory.Samuel Scheffler - 1983 - Philosophical Review 92 (3):443.
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  16.  61
    Why Worry About Future Generations?Samuel Scheffler - 2018 - Oxford University Press.
    Why should we care what happens to future generations? Samuel Scheffler argues that we are more invested in the fate of our descendants than we may realize. Implicit in our own attachments are powerful reasons for wanting the chain of human generations to persist into the indefinite future under conditions conducive to human flourishing.
  17. What is Egalitarianism?Samuel Scheffler - 2003 - Philosophy and Public Affairs 31 (1):5-39.
  18. Reason and Teaching.Israel Scheffler - 1973 - London, England: Routledge.
    This title, first published in 1973, brings together a variety of papers by Israel Scheffler, one of America’s leading educational philosophers. The essays each stress the importance of critical thought and independent judgement to the organization of educational activities. In the first section, Scheffler adopts a metaphilosophical approach, emphasizing the role of philosophy in educational thought. A number of key concepts are dealt with next, including the study of education and its relation to theoretical disciplines, philosophical interpretations of (...)
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  19.  12
    An Inscriptional Approach to Indirect Quotation.I. Scheffler - unknown - Oxford University Press.
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  20. Boundaries and Allegiances: Problems of Justice and Responsibility in Liberal Thought.Samuel Scheffler - 2001 - Oxford University Press.
    This book is a collection of eleven essays by one of the most interesting moral philosophers currently writing. It examines challenges to liberal thought posed by the changing circumstances of the modern world such as the conflicting tendencies toward global integration, and greater ethnic and communal identification. The author considers whether liberal principles of justice can accommodate social and global interdependencies while reaffirming the importance of individual responsibility and acknowledging the significance of people's diverse personal and communal allegiances.
  21. Morality Through Thick and Thin: A Critical Notice of E thics and the Limits of Philosophy.Samuel Scheffler - 1987 - Philosophical Review 96 (3):411-434.
    Scheffler discusses the role of thick concepts in the context of Williams’s main ethical book. He is critical of Williams’s distinction between thick and thin concepts, pointing out that with great problems, justice cannot be said to be either thick or thin.
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  22.  85
    The Anatomy of Inquiry : Philosophical Studies in the Theory of Science.Israel Scheffler - 1963 - New York, NY, USA: Routledge.
    First published in 1963, this title considers the philosophical problems encountered when attempting to provide a clear and general explanation of scientific principles, and the basic confrontation between such principles and experience. Beginning with a detailed introduction that considers various approaches to the philosophy and theory of science, Israel Scheffler then divides his study into three key sections – Explanation, Significance and Confirmation – that explore how these complex issues involved have been dealt with in contemporary research. This title, (...)
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  23. Relationships and Responsibilities.Samuel Scheffler - 1997 - Philosophy and Public Affairs 26 (3):189-209.
  24.  87
    The Rejection of Consequentialism.Samuel Scheffler - 1984 - Journal of Philosophy 81 (4):220-226.
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  25. Choice, circumstance, and the value of equality.Samuel Scheffler - 2005 - Politics, Philosophy and Economics 4 (1):5-28.
    Many recent political philosophers have attempted to demonstrate that choice and responsibility can be incorporated into the framework of an egalitarian theory of distributive justice. This article argues, however, that the project of developing a responsibility-based conception of egalitarian justice is misconceived. The project represents an attempt to defuse conservative criticism of the welfare state and of egalitarian liberalism more generally. But by mimicking the conservative’s emphasis on choice and responsibility, advocates of responsibility-based egalitarianism unwittingly inherit the conservative’s unsustainable justificatory (...)
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  26. (1 other version)Science and Subjectivity.Israel Scheffler - 1968 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 19 (2):176-177.
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  27. (1 other version)In Praise of the Cognitive Emotions : And Other Essays in the Philosophy of Education.Israel Scheffler - 1974 - New York: Routledge.
    First published in 1991, _In Praise of Cognitive Emotions_ comprises fourteen of Scheffler's most recent essays - all of which challenge contemporary notions of education and rationality. While defending the ideal of rationality, he insists that rationality not be identified with a mental faculty or a mechanism of inference but taken rather as the capactity to grasp principles and purposes and to evaluate them in the light of relevant reasons. Examining a broad range of issues - from computers in (...)
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  28.  83
    Conditions of knowledge.Israel Scheffler - 1965 - Chicago,: Scott, Foresman.
  29. The language of education.Israel Scheffler - 1960 - Springfield, Ill.,: Thomas.
  30. Equality and tradition: questions of value in moral and political theory.Samuel Scheffler - 2010 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Valuing -- Morality and reasonable partiality -- Doing and allowing -- The division of moral labour : egalitarian liberalism as moral pluralism -- Is the basic structure basic? -- Cosmopolitanism, justice, and institutions -- What is egalitarianism? -- Choice, circumstance, and the value of equality -- Is terrorism morally distinctive? -- Immigration and the significance of culture -- The normativity of tradition -- The good of toleration.
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  31. Immigration and the significance of culture.Samuel Scheffler - 2007 - Philosophy and Public Affairs 35 (2):93–125.
  32. Conceptions of Cosmopolitanism.Samuel Scheffler - 1999 - Utilitas 11 (3):255.
    Lately there has been a renewal of interest among political philosophers and theorists in the idea of cosmopolitanism. However, there is little consensus among contemporary theorists about the precise content of a cosmopolitan position. This article calls attention to two different strands in recent thinking about cosmopolitanism. One strand presents it primarily as a doctrine about justice. The other presents it primarily as a doctrine about culture and the self. Although both forms of cosmopolitanism have some appeal, each is sometimes (...)
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  33. (1 other version)Agent-centred restrictions, rationality, and the virtues.Samuel Scheffler - 1985 - Mind 94 (375):409-419.
  34.  39
    Of human potential: an essay in the philosophy of education.Israel Scheffler - 1985 - Boston: Routledge & Kegan Paul.
    The concept of potential plays a prominent role in the thinking of parents, educators and planners the world over. Although this concept accurately reflects central features of human nature, its current use perpetuates traditional myths of fixity, harmony and value, calculated to cause untold mischief in social and educational practice. First published in 1985, Israel Scheffler's book aims to demythologise the concept of potential. He shows its roots in genuine aspects of human nature, but at the same time frees (...)
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  35. Membership and Political Obligation.Samuel Scheffler - 2018 - Journal of Political Philosophy:3-23.
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  36. Consequentialism and its critics.Samuel Scheffler - 1989 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 179 (1):129-130.
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  37. Morality and Reasonable Partiality.Samuel Scheffler - 2010 - In Brian Feltham & John Cottingham, Partiality and impartiality: morality, special relationships, and the wider world. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
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  38. The Anatomy of Inquiry.Israel Scheffler - 1966 - Philosophy of Science 33 (1):82-84.
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  39. Families, Nations, and Strangers.Samuel Scheffler - unknown
    This is the text of The Lindley Lecture for 1994, given by Samuel Scheffler, an American philosopher.
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  40. XIV—Partiality, Deference, and Engagement.Samuel Scheffler - 2022 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 122 (3):319-341.
    The partiality we display, in so far as we form and sustain personal attachments, is not normatively fundamental. It is a by-product of the deference and responsiveness that are essential to our engagement with the world. We cannot form and sustain valuable personal relationships without seeing ourselves as answerable to the other participants in those relationships. And we cannot develop and sustain valuable projects without responding to the constraints imposed on our activities by the nature and requirements of those projects (...)
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  41. (1 other version)Beyond the letter: a philosophical inquiry into ambiguity, vagueness, and metaphor in language.Israel Scheffler - 1979 - Boston: Routledge & Kegan Paul.
    Ambiguity, vagueness and metaphor are pervasive features of language, deserving of systematic study in their own right. Yet they have frequently been considered mere deviations from ideal language or obstacles to be avoided in the construction of scientific systems. First published in 1979, Beyond the Letter offers a consecutive study of these features from a philosphical point of view, providing analyses of each and treating their relations to one another. Addressed to the fundamental task of logical and semantic explanation, the (...)
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    Equality and Tradition: Selected Essays.Samuel Scheffler - 2010 - New York: Oup Usa.
    This collection of essays combines the discussion of abstract questions in moral and political theory with an attention to the normative dimension of current social and political controversies. There are essays on immigration, terrorism, toleration, political equality, the role of partiality in ethics, and the importance of tradition.
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  43. Responsibility, reactive attitudes, and liberalism in philosophy and politics.Samuel Scheffler - 1992 - Philosophy and Public Affairs 21 (4):299-323.
  44. Conditions of Knowledge.Israel Scheffler - 1968 - Critica 2 (5):103-112.
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  45. Rawls and Utilitarianism.Samuel Scheffler - 2003 - In Samuel Freeman, The Cambridge companion to Rawls. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 426--59.
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  46. Doing and allowing.Samuel Scheffler - 2004 - Ethics 114 (2):215-239.
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  47. Is the Basic Structure Basic?Samuel Scheffler - 2006 - In Christine Sypnowich, The Egalitarian Conscience: Essays in Honour of G. A. Cohen. Oxford University Press.
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  48. The Language of Education.Israel Scheffler - 1963 - Philosophy 38 (144):189-190.
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    In Praise of the Cognitive Emotions.Israel Scheffler - 1981 - Thinking: The Journal of Philosophy for Children 3 (2):16-23.
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  50. Distributive Justice, the Basic Structure and the Place of Private Law.Samuel Scheffler - 2015 - Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 35 (2):213-235.
    In John Rawls’s theory, the role of the principles of justice is to regulate the basic structure of society—its major social, political and economic institutions—and to specify the fair terms of cooperation for free and equal persons. Some have interpreted Rawls as excluding contract law, and perhaps the private law as a whole, from the basic structure. However, this interpretation of Rawls is untenable, given the motivations for his emphasis on the basic structure and the highly inclusive characterisations he gives (...)
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