Results for 'Tomonobu Iimamichi'

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  1.  38
    La tradition métaphysique en Asie orientale et sa signification présente.Tomonobu Iimamichi - 2008 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 87 (4):431.
    Il s’agit d’une comparaison entre la pensée occidentale et la pensée orientale, à travers l’étude de différents concepts. La thèse de l’auteur est de prouver que l’esthétique comme philosophie morale et l’esthétique comme métaphysique du beau doivent être l’expression d’une axiologie transcendante.— This text is a comparison between Western thought and Eastern thought through the study of different concepts. The author’s thesis is to prove that aesthetics as a moral philosophy and aesthetics as a metaphysics of the beautiful have to (...)
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  2. Bigakushi ronsō: Imamichi Tomonobu Kyōju kanreki kinen.Tomonobu Imamichi (ed.) - 1983 - Tōkyō: Hatsubaijo Keisō Shobō.
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    Bi ni tsuite.Tomonobu Imamichi - 1973
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  4. Chūsei no tetsugakushatachi.Tomonobu Imamichi (ed.) - 1980
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  5. Seiyō bigaku no essensu.Tomonobu Imamichi (ed.) - 1987 - Tōkyō: Perikansha.
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    Towards Cosmopolitanism in East and West.Tomonobu Imamichi - 2012 - Journal of Philosophical Research 37 (9999):191-196.
    The numbers of unfortunate deaths in the twentieth century were the highest compared with any previous century. Such an increase obviates any excuses The idea of technological possibility itself is one of the most basic causes of the destruction of nature in our new human milieu today, the technological conjuncture. But we human beings are also a part of nature. Therefore, without a new ethics understood as eco-ethica nature itself cannot fulfill the necessary conditions for the survival of human beings. (...)
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  7.  22
    The Metaphysical Tradition of East Asia and its Actual Relevance.Tomonobu Imamichi - 1998 - Filosoficky Casopis 46:403-408.
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  8. Tōyō no bigaku.Tomonobu Imamichi - 1980
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  9. Tenkanki no rinri.Tomonobu Itō (ed.) - 1979
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  10. In search of wisdom: one philosopher's journey.Tomonobu Imamichi - 2004 - Tokyo: International House of Japan. Edited by Mary E. Foster.
  11. Bi no isō to geijutsu.Tomonobu Imamichi - 1971
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  12. Dōitsusei no jiko sosei.Tomonobu Imamichi - 1971
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  13. Geijutsu no shosō.Tomonobu Imamichi (ed.) - 1984 - Tōkyō: Tōkyō Daigaku Shuppankai.
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    An Introduction to Eco-Ethica.Tomonobu Imamichi - 2009 - Upa.
    This book discusses the new field of eco-ethica, explores issues arising from a technology-mediated environment and our changing moral consciousness, and presents an ethics that transcends interpersonal ethics so as to also encompass companies and governments.
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  15. Bigaku no rekishi.Tomonobu Imamichi (ed.) - 1984 - Tōkyō: Tōkyō Daigaku Shuppankai.
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  16. Bigaku no shōrai.Tomonobu Imamichi (ed.) - 1985 - Tōkyō: Tōkyō Daigaku Shuppankai.
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    Bigaku no shudai.Tomonobu Imamichi (ed.) - 1984 - Tōkyō: Tōkyō Daigaku Shuppankai.
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  18. Kōza bigaku =.Tomonobu Imamichi (ed.) - 1984 - Tōkyō: Tōkyō Daigaku Shuppankai.
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  19. Tōzai no tetsugaku.Tomonobu Imamichi - 1981
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  20. Geijutsu to kaishaku.Tomonobu Imamichi (ed.) - 1976
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  21. Tetsugaku ronbunshū.Tomonobu Imamichi (ed.) - 1967
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  22.  17
    Zukunft und Aufgabe der Weltwissenschaft Metaphysik.Tomonobu Imamichi - 1991 - Perspektiven der Philosophie 17:101-114.
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  23.  25
    KM システムへの Web マイニング技術の応用: 利用者の操作意図を反映した Web Usage マイニング実験.Ozaki Tomonobu Shimazu Keiko - 2002 - Transactions of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence 17 (3):330-342.
    KM (Knowledge Management) systems have recently been adopted within the realm of enterprise management. On the other hand, data mining technology is widely acknowledged within Information systems' R&D Divisions. Specially, acquisition of meaningful information from Web usage data has become one of the most exciting eras. In this paper, we employ a Web based KM system and propose a framework for applying Web Usage Mining technology to KM data. As it turns out, task duration varies according to different user operations (...)
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  24. Roma 1990 (Coletti), 291 pp. [REVIEW]Rudolph Berlinger, Eugen Fink, Tomonobu Imamichi & Wiebke Schrader - 1991 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 22:401-403.
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    From Tomonobu Imamichi to Peter Kemp.Manuel B. Dy - 2023 - Eco-Ethica 11:1-12.
    This article attempts to trace the continuity of Tomonobu Imamichi’s understanding of nature and its relationship with human beings in Peter Kemp’s insights on nature in the context of a cosmopolitan Philosophy of Education. The first part deals with Tomonobu Imamichi’s synthesis of the past and present relationship of the human being with nature. The second part describes Peter Kemp’s inclusion of animal nature in a cosmopolitan understanding of Nature. The article concludes with lessons learned from both philosophers (...)
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  26.  13
    This Trembling World.Peter McCormick - 2023 - Eco-Ethica 11:133-143.
    As its founder Imamichi Tomonobu repeatedly stressed, eco-ethics focuses on comprehending what a new ethics for our new times requires. Today, under very dark totalitarian skies, I suggest here several points for further eco-ethical critical discussion on three cardinal themes for such an ethics: human rights, a common good, and social justice. After a short introductory section elucidating my figurative title, I propose in each of the three following sections a summary question and a tentative working hypothesis. The titles (...)
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    Techno-esthétique et pensée critique.Pierre-Antoine Chardel - 2015 - Symposium 19 (2):22-36.
    Dans la présente contribution, nous nous efforçons de voir comment une certaine proximité entre Félix Guattari et le philosophe japonais Tomonobu Imamichi intervient dans l’élaboration d’une pensée critique qui nous incite à interroger les fondements ontologiques de nos sociétés industrielles. Les crises écologiques que ces dernières connaissent sont d’une ampleur telle qu’elles nous imposent non seulement de réformer notre manière de produire et de consommer, mais elles nous somment également de nous pencher sur nos équilibres subjectifs. Nous devons prendre (...)
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  28.  12
    Ethics and the European Cultural Environment.Peter McCormick - 2016 - Eco-Ethica 5:133-151.
    Moral naturalism in Europe and elsewhere today is the view that only the natural sciences can satisfactorily analyze the ethical value of persons. Many thoughtful people appear still to believe that the natural sciences can “reduce” the distinctive ethical value of persons ultimately to microphysical terms. Such an apparently widespread belief in part of the EU cultural environment today, however, raises serious questions. - In this EU context and in the Symposium contexts of Tomonobu Imamichi’s (1922-2012) eco-ethical concerns about (...)
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    A History of Modern Japanese Aesthetics.Michael F. Marra - 2001 - University of Hawaii Press.
    This collection of essays constitutes the first history of modern Japanese aesthetics in any language. It introduces readers through lucid and readable translations to works on the philosophy of art written by major Japanese thinkers from the late nineteenth century to the present. Selected from a variety of sources (monographs, journals, catalogues), the essays cover topics related to the study of beauty in art and nature. The translations are organized into four parts. The first, "The Introduction of Aesthetics," traces the (...)
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    Ethics, or, Moral philosophy.Guttorm Fløistad (ed.) - 2013 - Dordrecht: Springer.
    This volume examines a variety of philosophical approaches that seek to formulate practical guidelines or norms for human actions and behavior in different areas of society, including politics, cultural traditions, the environment, business management, architecture, and medicine. Written by a team of international authors, this volume features thirteen surveys. It begins with an exploration of ethics in politics and cultural traditions. From genocide to the unequal distribution of wealth, it examines many of the harms that currently affect societies throughout the (...)
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  31.  22
    A neo-communitarian approach on human rights as a cosmopolitan imperative in East Asia.Akihiko Morita - 2012 - Filosofia Unisinos 13 (3).
    In my view, human rights must find an appropriate philosophical foundation/justification to be incorporated into non-Western societies and such a foundation/justification must be attractive and inspiring for ordinary citizens in those societies and be based on their own intellectual resources, including local languages. In contemporary Japan, ‘KEN RI (??)’ is considered as the Japanese term corresponding to human rights. However, Fukuzawa Yukichi, the most influential intellectual leader of the early Meiji period, introduced human rights as ‘KEN RI TSUU GI (????)’. (...)
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  32.  12
    The Nature in Human Nature in advance.Peter McCormick - forthcoming - Eco-Ethica.
    One persisting problem in political philosophy today is explaining clearly enough for effective remedies the problematic notion of “the lack of political will.” Failures of political will underestimate a cardinal element in the basically contested notion of so-called political will, namely social egoisms. This is what the founder of Eco-ethics, Tomonobu Imamichi, described by analogy with “egoism” as “nosism.” I try to elaborate here Imamichi’s analogy of individual egoism and social “nosism” in terms of the still elusive fundamental notion (...)
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