Results for 'Tuua Ruutiainen'

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  1.  33
    Expanding Access to Testicular Tissue Cryopreservation: An Analysis by Analogy.Tuua Ruutiainen, Steve Miller, Arthur Caplan & Jill P. Ginsberg - 2013 - American Journal of Bioethics 13 (3):28-35.
    Researchers are developing a fertility preservation technique?testicular tissue cryopreservation (TTCP)?for prepubescent boys who may become infertile as a result of their cancer treatment. Although this technique is still in development, some researchers are calling for its widespread use. They argue that if boys do not bank their tissue now, they will be unable to benefit from any therapies that might be developed in the future. There are, however, risks involved with increasing access to an investigational procedure. This article examines four (...)
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    Response to Open Peer Commentaries on “Expanding Access to Testicular Tissue Cryopreservation: An Analysis by Analogy”.Tuua Ruutiainen, Steve Miller, Arthur Caplan & Jill P. Ginsberg - 2013 - American Journal of Bioethics 13 (5):W9-W9.
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    Eimiski-kunst. Nihilistlikust loomest eesti luule näitel.Leo Luks - 2009 - Studia Philosophica Estonica 2 (1):85-111.
    Artiklis käsitletakse nihilistliku kirjandusloome võimalusi eesti luule näitel. Nihilismi ei mõisteta artiklis väärtusprobleemina, vaid ontoloogilise probleemina. Nihilistlikku kirjandusloomet käsitletakse taotlusena tuua sõnasse teine, eimiski. Artikli teoreetiline raamistik toetub põhiliselt Gianni Vattimo languse ontoloogia kontseptsioonile, aga ka Friedrich Nietzsche, Martin Heideggeri ja Maurice Blanchot' töödele. Samuti analüüsitakse artikli teoreetilises osas eimiski väljendamise võimalusi eesti keeles, tuginedes Uku Masingu ning Jaan Kaplinski mõttekäikudele. Luuletajatest käsitletakse artiklis enim Jaan Oksa ja Juhan Liivi. Analüüsi käigus tuuakse esile järgmised eimiskiga seotud poeetilised figuurid: ootus (...)
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    Four ways of triadic ‘sign-ness’ on two semiotic squares.Herman Tamminen - 2017 - Sign Systems Studies 45 (1-2):162-180.
    The article deals with semiosis and its dimensions as a theoretical construct to show some elementary differences between spheres of semiotic activity. In essence, one sign will be dissected into four categories of existence to show it may have different relations depending on the dimension it happens to be in. The general framework is that of human consciousness and its two distinct states: awake cognition and asleep dreaming with emphasis on the latter. From our point of view, the concepts of (...)
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