Results for 'Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church'

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  1.  10
    Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church in the context of Uniate Churches.N. M. Madey - 2001 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 17:79-88.
    Throughout history, the nature of the UGCC is at the center of the attention of researchers. Until now, they are divided into "Westerners" - supporters of Romanization of the church, that is, its purely Catholic nature, and "Byzantines" - those who defend its eastern rite. In addition, the study of the history of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church can be divided into two groups: negativist works and apologetic works. The first group is primarily represented (...)
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  2.  22
    Issues of war and defense of the motherland in the catechisms of the modern Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church.Оlgа Nedavnya - 2023 - Filosofska Dumka (Philosophical Thought) 1:86-96.
    The article examines the provisions of the catechisms of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church regarding the war and its challenges, as well as the defense of the Motherland. A comparative analysis of relevant thematic instructions in the Catechism “Christ is our Easter” (published in 2011), the Catechism for youth “We walk with Christ” (published in 2021) and the “Catechism of the Christian Warrior” (published in 2022) was carried out. It was determined that the provisions of the (...)
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    Doctrine of Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church about government election as a way to social change.Volodymyr Moroz - 2015 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 73:244-252.
    Author analyses the teaching of the Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church over importance of democratic elections. The principles, which Church proposes as background to participation in elections, are explored.
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    Havryil Kostelnyk and discussion about the status of thomism in theological culture of Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church.Ihor Zahrebelnyi - 2018 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 86:66-73.
    The article of Ihor Zahrebelnyi «Havryil Kostelnyk and discussion about the status of thomism in theological culture of Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church» addresses attitude to Thomistic methods of theology within Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church of Inter-War Period. First of all, it razes the cliché that Greek Catholic philosopher and theologian Havryil Kostelnyk belonged to Neo-Thomism. And further it analyzes specific character of Anti-Thomistic position of Kostelnyk and reaction of other (...) Catholic intellectuals and bishops, first of all ‒ Josyf Slipyi ‒ to it. It proves that attempts of Slipyi to substantiate Thomism as element of Ukrainian intellectual culture were justified. (shrink)
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    Joseph Slipy as a builder of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church in the diaspora.Lesya Skubko - 2013 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 66:262-266.
    In his research, the author focuses on the role played by Joseph Slipy in spiritual and religious education and the unification of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Diaspora, as he affirmed understanding of the role and place of Ukrainian religious art and enlightenment as an indispensable component of the Eastern Christian tradition.
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    Methodological peculiarities of study of polyvector history of parishes, monasteries and eparchies of Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church.Yaroslav Stockiy - 2014 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 71:161-171.
    Jaroslav Stotskyi. Methodological peculiarities of study of polyvector history of parishes, monasteries and eparchies of Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church. The article reveals investigation methodology of history of eparchy main activity constituents, namely history of establishment, development, integral parts of eparchy transformations – parishes, monasteries, parish communities, brotherhoods, catechetic processes, monastery religious and social institutions etc.
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    Features of contemporary institualisational processes in the communities of consecrated life of Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church.Olga Nedavnya - 2015 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 73:350-357.
    The article considers the dynamics of various religious orders and other institutes of consecrated life in the UGCC and the characteristics of their institutionalization in the context of the needs of Ukrainian society.
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  8.  11
    Ecumenism in the views of the hierarchs of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church.Maryana Mischuk - 2013 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 66:459-466.
    An important factor in the socio-political life in the process of the formation of an independent Ukrainian state was the need to create its own state ideology, which would be based on the moral principles of Christianity. The problems of the moral and peaceful functioning of any society, including the Ukrainian one, today occupy a prominent place in the whole complex of economic, social-political and spiritual transformations. In this context, the role played by the ecumenical ideas of the (...)
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  9.  7
    Greek-Catholic Church in Eastern Galicia early XX century: features of spiritual and cultural identity through the prizm of uniate activities of L. Fedorov.Ulyana Bezpalko - 2015 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 73:129-136.
    The paper analyzes the features of internal development and life of the Greek-Catholic Church in Eastern Galicia in the early of XX century. through the prism of personal experience of L. Fedorov, and his collaboration with Andrey Sheptyts’kyi.
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  10.  10
    The problem of uniting Ukrainian Orthodox and Greek Catholic churches in the works of Metropolitan Ilarion.O. I. Panko - 2001 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 19:62-70.
    The ecumenical movement originates from Protestant ecumenical initiatives, which resulted in world Christian conferences of the first half of the twentieth century. As Metropolitan Ilarion rightly pointed out, these conferences "stirred up the Christian thought and sent it to a combination of churches. The conferences have explained how this combination can now be ".
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  11.  23
    The Five decrees of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith which impacted on the processes of Greek Catholic Church formation in Canada.Nadiia Volik - 2016 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 80:62-67.
    In the Nadiia Volik article «The Five decrees of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith which impacted on the processes of Greek Catholic Church formation in Canada » the main documents of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith which were aimed to the regulating the activities of the Greek Catholic clergy in emigration, specifically in Canada have been analyzed by the author.
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  12.  24
    Nykyta Budka the first bishop of the Ruthenian Greek Catholic Church in Canada: the election process.Nadiia Volik - 2017 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 83:139-147.
    Nadiia Volik. «Nykyta Budka the first bishop of the Ruthenian Greek Catholic Church in Canada: the election process». The circumstances and process of appointment a bishop for Greek Catholic communities in Canada are outline. Proved that the election and approval of the bishop were necessary to preserve the identity of the Rusyns, their culture and language, and also contributed of Greek Catholic Church formation in Canada and its further development.
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  13.  8
    Territorial Realization of the Universe of the Ukrainian Catholic Church of the Byzantine Rite.S. Kyiak - 2002 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 25:97-105.
    The Ukrainian Catholic Church of the Byzantine Rite, as the heir to the Kyiv Church and as the local Eastern Catholic Church, by which history affirmed the name of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church, preserving the Eastern Christian Tradition, and developing national church traditions. This dual unity of the OCHS has been and remains a testament to its universal character, which is inherent in the entire Catholic Church.
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  14.  13
    Ethno-denominational and national problems of the Greek Catholic Church.Nadiya G. Stokolos - 2002 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 23:34-44.
    Born in 1918, Poland - the Second Commonwealth - was a multinational and multi-denominational state. In 1931, out of 32, 1 million of its Poles were 65%. The largest national minority was Ukrainians, followed by Jews, Belarusians, Germans. Other national groups accounted for about 1% of the total population.
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  15.  12
    The identity of the Ukrainian Catholic Church of the Byzantine rite in the context of its universality.S. Kyiak - 2002 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 24:75-85.
    The Ukrainian Catholic Church of the Byzantine rite, which secured the name of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church, as the heir to the Kiev Church and as the Eastern Catholic Church, serves today and served in the past as an example of the harmonious inculturation of Christianity in Ukrainian society, which it has promoted. evangelism in communist and post-communist times.
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  16.  10
    Greek-Catholic and Roman Catholic Relations in the Austro-Hungarian Empire: the Problem of Latinization and Ukrainization.Nadiya Stokolos - 2000 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 16:31-40.
    Although the Greek Catholic Church was not a decisive factor in national self-determination in Galicia, it made a significant contribution to overcoming the crisis of national identity in the nineteenth century. The Eastern rite was one of the most advanced factors that distinguished Greek Catholics from Roman Catholics, Ukrainians from the Poles. Language differences were not so great as to distinguish Galician Ukrainians from Galician Poles. Both languages ​​borrowed so much from one another over centuries that (...)
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  17.  11
    Symbiosis okcydental and oriental greek-catholic group as a identity of the UGCC.M. Kobryn - 2014 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 69:49-59.
    In the article Kobryn Mykhaylo «Symbiosis okcydental and oriental greek-catholic group as a identity of the UGCC» has been investigated the evolution of Okcydental and Oriental identity groups within the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church. The concept of «religious identity» has been determined. The interaction and relationship of Okcydental and Oriental Greek- Catholic groups has been analyzed. The method of combining pro-Western and pro-Eastern identity groups in the creation of a common identity of (...)
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  18.  14
    Feature of institutionalization processes in Ukrainian Greek Catholicism in modern conditions.Olga Nedavnya - 2013 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 66:301-308.
    The development of each Church is denoted by one or another landmark, most of which are well-known to all, although there are also few known or those whose influence on the evolution of the Church is not evident. The Second Vatican Council is an event that, without exaggeration, can be a determinant of the time "before" and "after", not only for the Catholic Church, where it took place. Since this Cathedral was a significant stage of qualitative (...)
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  19.  17
    Roman Catholic Church in interconfessional relations in the Right-Bank Ukraine: history and modern state.Oleksandr Buravskyy - 2013 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 66:181-189.
    In the socio-economic, social and political life of the Right-Bank Ukraine, Orthodox, Roman Catholic and Greek-Catholic denominations were involved in one or another way.
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  20.  12
    The place of Greek Catholicism in the self-identification of Ukrainians in their civilizational environment.Olga Nedavnya - 1999 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 12:106-114.
    Among the significant religious factors that influenced and influence the cultural orientation of the Ukrainian nation, the phenomenon of Ukrainian Greek Catholicism is a unique place. In recent years, researchers of this phenomenon have focused their efforts primarily on identifying the national and consoli- datory role of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church in identifying the opportunities and achievements of the Greek-Catholic denomination in identifying Ukrainian Greek Catholics in their identity (...)
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  21.  22
    Ukrainian Reformed Church: an attempt to implement the idea of a national church.R. Soloviy - 1999 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 11:51-56.
    Patriotic religion reveals a great interest in the problem of the Ukrainian national church, the forms of its implementation in Ukrainian history and modern times. In the field of attention, in particular, the adequacy of the idea of ​​the national church to the historical development and spiritual traditions of the Orthodox and Greek Catholic churches. At the same time, the Ukrainian mentality of the Protestant churches, their significance as a national preservation factor remains (...)
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  22.  18
    The fruit of the Brest Union in the context of the axiological interests of Ukrainians.Olga Nedavnya - 2017 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 81:223-225.
    Obviously, it is about the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church. I, the author of the article, suggest looking at her, taking into account all her hypostasis, its ritual and organizational peculiarities, but to focus on how this Church performs one of the functions that are inherent in religious systems and organizations: a value-controlling function, and how this performance correlates with the national interests of Ukrainians.
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  23. Митрополит андрей шептицький у москві.Hryhoriy Serhiichuk - 2015 - Схід 3 (135).
    The article tells about Andrey Sheptytsky relationships with the Greek Catholics of Moscow, its role in the approval of this religious denomination. The second half of the nineteenth century the Russian Empire began to spread the movement by joining the Apostolic Vatican. Most consistently argued this line famous Russian philosopher Vladimir Solovyov. Acquainted with him at the end of1887 inMoscow, then a student of law Andrey Sheptytsky understood better his other concept, which began to implement after taking the throne (...)
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  24.  15
    The Idea of Patriarchate of the UGCC in the Ukrainian Diaspora on the Eve of the Second Vatican Council.Anatolii Babynskyi - 2020 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 90:71-87.
    The article covers the development of the idea of ​​patriarchal status in 1945-1962 within the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church in the diaspora, focusing mainly on the third wave of Ukrainian emigration. After the Second World War, about 250,000 Ukrainian refugees found themselves in Western Europe, from where in 1947-1955, they moved to the countries of North and South America, Western Europe and Australia. The growing role of the Church, which continued to play a (...)
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  25.  16
    Foundations and history of the formation of the social doctrine of Ukrainian Catholicism.S. R. Kyiak - 2005 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 33:85-96.
    The problem of becoming a social doctrine of Ukrainian Christianity, in particular Ukrainian Catholicism, has become especially relevant today in theological, philosophical and religious sciences, since objective study contributes to the production of not only a true picture of the Church-theological identity of the Ukrainian Orthodox ), which entrenched the historically and theologically not justified name - Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church, but also the place and role of Christianity in modern times. to (...)
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  26.  27
    The Greek-Catholic Church In Romania Facing The Challenges Of The Post-Modern Society.Ciprian Ghisa - 2014 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 13 (38):195-219.
    Starting mostly with the second half of the 20th century, the churches and the religious communities are facing the challenges raised by the process of secularization, which is considered by some sociologists of religion as irreversible. The most affected ones were / are the traditional churches and the most obvious area where this phenomenon has become very visible is the Western Europe. This study aims to analyze the situation of the traditional churches in Romania, with a special focus on the (...)
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  27.  12
    Reception of the Second Vatican Council in the Mukachevo Greek Catholic Diocese.Mariya Mayoroshi - 2013 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 66:309-317.
    The idea of ​​this very formulation of the topic arose under the influence of the words of Pope Benedict XVI, which he made in his message to the participants of the International Conference "The Second Vatican Council: Perspectives of the Third Millennium" held in Peru in 2006. The Pontiff called the Cathedral the most important church event of the 20th century and called for the correct interpretation of its documents. They have "the source of genuine renewal", which can be (...)
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  28. Львівський собор 1946 року очима світової спільноти.Natalia Kontsur-Karabinovych - 2015 - Схід 7 (139):21-24.
    The Lviv Union in 1946 became one of culmination episodes of the process of the abolishment of UGCC but it couldn't provide definite turn of the Greek-Catholic clergy and the faithful to Orthodox religion. The attempts to give church-canonic legacy failed. In the work you can see rupture of the union and the process of "reunion" with Russian Orthodox Church, repressive mechanisms of the state influence on hierarchy, priests and the faithful of UGCC, sacrificial readiness of (...)
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  29.  10
    Світський фактор в богословській освіті галичини першої половини XX століття.Roman Paholok - 2013 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 66:267-272.
    The traditions of theological education in Ukraine have been around for more than a millennium. Whatever version of the adoption of Christianity in Russia was not accepted - "Saint-Andrew", "Korsun", "Bulgarian" or "Great Moravian", after Christianity became an official religion in our territories, in the monasteries and cathedrals functioning institutions that were preparing frames for pastoral labor. At all times in Ukraine, future priests were taught and educated exclusively by mentors of the spiritual dignity. In 1929, when the Lviv Theological (...)
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  30.  15
    Феномен конфесійної ідентичності в українському суспільстві.N. M. Madey - 2009 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 50:216-222.
    Any study of the religious situation in Ukraine always faces one problem - the lack of detailed information on the number of believers of a particular denomination. The most recent census did not include the question of denominational affiliation, as it was considered a violation of the principle of freedom of conscience. The only officially recognized statistical unit we have is the religious community. Approximate number of adherents of a particular denomination is given by the results of sociological research. However, (...)
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  31.  15
    UGCC on "Greater" Ukraine: Problems, Problems, Prospects.Olga V. Nedavnya - 2002 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 23:56-66.
    The transfer of the governing seat of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church to the capital of Ukraine, though not equal to the Church's exit to “Greater” Ukraine, but prompts an analysis of the respective possibilities of the heir to the baptism of Vladimir. This is what the Head of her Church calls her, emphasizing essentially the main motive behind the decision to move her residence. In his "Address on the Construction of the Temple of (...)
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  32.  18
    Christian unity: the search for ways to achieve.Yu Ye Reshetnikov - 2001 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 18:91-100.
    Last year, the anniversary of all Christianity, witnessed a number of significant events caused by a new interest in understanding the problem of the unity of the Christian Church on the turn of the millennium. Due to the confidentiality of Ukraine, some of these events have or will have an immediate impact on Christianity in Ukraine and on the whole Ukrainian society as a whole. Undoubtedly, the main event, or more enlightened in the press, is a new impetus (...)
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  33.  21
    The religious and legal dimension of the russian war against Ukraine against the background of social and state transformations xx—xxi centuries.Oleg Buchma - 2023 - Filosofska Dumka (Philosophical Thought) 1:45-58.
    The article defines the nature of the Russian war against Ukraine in the context of social and state transformations of the 20th — 21st centuries. It is emphasized that this is a war of different worlds, mentalities, worldviews, ways of life, values, etc., which has been going on for many centuries in various forms (direct and mediated, open and veiled, hot and cold). The role of the religious-legal factor in the Russian war against Ukraine at various stages of Ukrainian (...)
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  34.  12
    Ukrainian Christian Conservative Tradition: The Answers of Nationwide Thinkers of the Past to the Challenges of the 21st Century.P. Yamchuk - 2013 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 67:144-152.
    In the Ukrainian reality of the twenty-first century. The search for the dominant spiritual and national identity is one of the leading places. The dialogue between Catholicism, which is represented by the spiritual phenomenon of the Vatican, and by Ukraine, one of the countries not only of the Greek Catholic, but also of the Orthodox tradition, with a distinct national-cultural specificity, is, in our opinion, the semiosphere where the answers to many challenges of the present and the (...)
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  35.  13
    The UOC-Moscow Patriarchate did not condemn Russian fascism.Anatolii M. Kolodnyi - 2014 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 69:43-48.
    I am reading an April 4 issue of the newspaper "Day" in an interview with the Director of the UOC of the Moscow Patriarchate Anthony. It reminds me of a well-known Ukrainian national comparison: it is yorking like a scar on a skillet. The Bishop's questions sound clear: Does your Church condemn the aggression of Russia and its annexation of Crimea? Why did not you condemn the aggressive actions of Russia Your Moscow Patriarch Kirill? No answer. The (...) of the Kyiv Patriarchate or the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church in the mouth of its predecessors has clearly said: We have aggression against Muscovy, we condemn it. Even my fellow countryman, the Cherkasy eparch of the UOC MP Metropolitan Sofroni called Putin a bandit. And Bishop Antony spoke so much that the elephant could be wrapped up in his printed interview, but the conqueror of the invader still failed. Therefore, the authorities of the Orthodox Church of Moscow jurisdiction do not hear the Ukrainian people, which all are inclined to go to the ranks of the National Guard to defend our independence. Even I in my 77 agreed to this. (shrink)
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  36.  19
    Фіаско пошуків компромісу римо- і греко-католицьких церков із більшовицькою владою.Yaroslav V. Stockiy - 2008 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 47:128-138.
    The problem of relations between the Apostolic Capital and the Soviet state in the interwar period and the interstate Bolshevik authorities and the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church in 1944-1945 has been widely and comprehensively covered in Ukrainian and foreign historiography. The author, in order to reproduce the two vectors of one problem in a holistic way, synthesized them into a single complex, setting up specific aspects: state – Church – relations. And when, in the (...)
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  37.  7
    Problems of state-confessional relations, religious freedom and human dignity in the context of the Second Vatican Council.Svyatoslav Kuyak - 2013 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 66:46-55.
    Two decades of independence of Ukraine and the free development of Ukrainian Christianity in Kyiv traditions indicate that the time of the underground life of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church and the communist past of Ukrainian Christians in general left deep marks in their souls and mentality and throughout Ukrainian society. New social problems, especially of a social and economic nature, have generated in this society a number of new spiritual and social negative (...)
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  38.  13
    Український греко-католицизм: Прогнози розвитку.Olga V. Nedavnya - 2008 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 48:182-197.
    The assessment of the prospects for the development of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church in the spiritual field of modern Ukraine should first of all be based on the achievements and problems of this Church that it has today. According to studies of the modern UGCC, it demonstrates a relative stabilization of development. Despite the persistence of self-identity seeking for Ukrainian Greek Catholicism, which is not difficult, the evolution of Greek Catholicism as (...)
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  39.  34
    Проблема охорони довкілля та природоохоронні інституції галичини.Haydukevych Olena - 2017 - Схід 1 (147):46-52.
    The article highlights the issues of nature protection in Halychyna region that have been arising since ancient times till1939. Inthe 20-30s of the XXth century the solution of this problem was considered in the search of separate valuable objects of nature, their expropriation from the sphere of economic usage and complete protection. In the hard interwar period, the Polish government, scientists and some land owners were doing their best to protect nature. This intense activity had a significant public basis, as (...)
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  40. Функціональні принципи соціального вчення української греко-католицької церкви (1991-2011): Історико-релігієзнавчий аналіз. [REVIEW]Volodymyr Moroz - 2014 - Схід 4 (130).
    The functional principles on which the Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church (the UGCC) proposed to ground social relations during 1991-2011 are exercised. Principles of the common good, subsidiarity and solidarity are considered. Understanding and practice of usage of these principles are explored. Author demonstrates how he UGCC used the principle of common good as an instrument to examine social reality and society as a complete system. It is investigated why the Church threw off the conception of common (...)
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  41.  10
    Діяльність греко-католиків у другій половині 1960-х – першій половині 1980-х рр. як вияв антирадянської опозиції в суспільстві західних областей україни. [REVIEW]R. Yu Boyko - 2009 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 49:215-224.
    One of the components of anti-Soviet opposition in post-war Ukraine is resistance of believers to the policies of Soviet power. Particularly specific is the resistance of Greek Catholics formed under the conditions of prohibition of the activities of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church. Despite the government's harassment, the church continued to operate underground. Of interest to researchers is the period of the second half of the 1960s - the first half of the 1980s - (...)
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  42.  31
    Духовенство угкц північно-західної гуцульщини у 1836-1935 рр.Volodymyr Klapchuk & Oksana Tymofii - 2018 - Схід 2 (154):77-81.
    У статті вперше встановлено хронологію діяльності парохів Української греко-католицької церкви в північно-західній частині Гуцульщини. На цій території діяло дев'ять парафій, що об'єднували близько 20 церков у 17 населених пунктах. Відомості про духовенство північно-західної частини Гуцульщини взяті з шематизмів, фондів Центрального державного історичного архіву України, приватного архіву родини Клапчуків у Делятині. Перші відомості про священиків відомі з середини XVII ст. Установлено, що впродовж століття в північно-західній частині Гуцульщини парохами було 74 священики. Середній час праці на парафії у Білих Ославах, Красні, Ланчині, (...)
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  43.  16
    Виховна діяльність української греко-католицької церкви в 20-30-х роках хх ст.Vitaliy Pereveziy - 1997 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 6:26-32.
    The main purpose of the educational activities of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church in the 20-30th years of the twentieth century. was the upbringing of the younger generation. The Church's Church created a holistic system of its activities, which was intended to broaden the Christian upbringing.
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  44.  10
    Yosyp Slipyi in remembrance of him.Mychailo Cherenkov - 2017 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 83:124-126.
    "Memorial" of Metropolitan Joseph Slipyj is an important document of the confessional history of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church. It is also a valuable source for anyone interested in the history of religion, the spiritual culture of Ukraine, the course of Orthodox-Catholic and church-state relations in the Soviet era. The author himself calls himself "a silent witness of the Silent Church". In this confession, there is an indescribable tragedy of the personal destiny of (...)
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  45.  10
    The position of the Catholic denominations in Ukraine in 1953–1964 gg: historiographical review of the problem.Taras Diduh - 2014 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 71:171-177.
    In the article of Diduh T. H. ―The position of the Catholic denominations in Ukraine in 1953–1964 gg: historiographical review of the problem‖ analyzed the works of domestic researchers on the history of Catholic denominations in Ukraine. Focuses on the analysis of historiographical works, which cover the position of the Roman Catholic and Greek Catholic churches in the area of the western regions of Ukraine for 1953–1964 years.
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  46. Towards an Ecclesial Self-Identity for the Ukrainian Greco-Catholic Church,‖ in.Andriy Chirovsky - 1994 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 35 (1-4):83-124.
  47. Еволюція уявлень про державу в середовищі українських православних інтелектуалів другої половини XVII ст.Nataliia Shalashna - 2015 - Схід 3 (135).
    The article describes evolutionary process of the ideas about the state, which were formed by Ukrainian Orthodox intellectuals in the end of the XVI - the first half of the XVII century. Established, that on the development of these ideas had considerable influenced political circumstances of Ukrainian Cossack state in the second half of the XVII century. Varied Nation orientations available in Ukrainian political elite caused at that time the political split of Ukrainian society which reflected (...)
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  48.  16
    Lessons in the Tragic History of Church-Religious Life in Ukraine.Nadiya G. Stokolos - 2002 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 22:84-94.
    As the massacre of the Greek Catholic Church was going on, as the Lviv Cathedral was held in March 1946, much has been written by historians, religious scholars, publicists, and theologians. The archival documents that became available for research cover not only new facts pertaining to this event, but also reveal the strategic and tactical plans of the senior state and party leadership of the USSR, their direct participation in the implementation of this action.
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    Ivan Muzychka in his service to the Church and Ukraine.Anatolii M. Kolodnyi - 2013 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 68:149-167.
    Doctor of theology, father-professor Ivan Muzychka. As for him, and many scholars, writers, artists, and clerics who liked him in exile, many of them, talented and faithful to Ukraine, have not long been "only" aware that they are in the overwhelming majority of them, like "Ukrainian bourgeois nationalists ", is supposedly the worst enemies of his people. However, the first meetings and conversations with them completely disperse these versions of the communist era. There is an aversion to what was (...)
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  50.  14
    Metropolitan Andrey Sheptytsky: Towards the Problem of Formation of National-Political and Religious Views.Ya Bilas - 2002 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 25:64-72.
    Andrey Sheptytsky - Metropolitan of the Greek Catholic Church, belongs to the key figures of Ukrainian history of the first half of the twentieth century. Its influence on the spiritual and national-political life of Ukrainians of that time, the processes of crystallization of national consciousness, as well as on the sphere of practical politics, cannot be overestimated. A. Sheptytsky's life path is an object of constant attention of historians, but it would still be early to assert (...)
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