Results for 'Ulyana Marchuk'

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  1.  13
    Libertad de pensamiento durante el confinamiento.Ulyana Marchuk - 2021 - Claridades. Revista de Filosofía 13 (2):263-268.
    En este trabajo, defendido en la VIII Olimpiada de filosofía de Málaga, organizada por FICUM, se presenta la reflexión de una joven filósofa sobre su experiencia durante el confinamiento y cómo dicho confinamiento hace despertar en los jóvenes la pregunta filosófica por la libertad de pensamiento.
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    Greek-Catholic Church in Eastern Galicia early XX century: features of spiritual and cultural identity through the prizm of uniate activities of L. Fedorov.Ulyana Bezpalko - 2015 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 73:129-136.
    The paper analyzes the features of internal development and life of the Greek-Catholic Church in Eastern Galicia in the early of XX century. through the prism of personal experience of L. Fedorov, and his collaboration with Andrey Sheptyts’kyi.
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    Unitarian activity of Metropolitan Andrey Sheptytsky in the context of the Vatican's Eastern policy.Ulyana Bezpalko - 2013 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 66:228-238.
    The urgency of the topic of the article: determined by the need for coverage and scientific reflection on the socio-historical preconditions for the convening of the Second Vatican Council; determined by the need to study the problems and perspectives of establishing and church dialogue at the present stage. The study of the uniative activity of Metropolitan A. Sheptytsky in the context of the Vatican's Eastern policy in the early 20th century. makes it possible to understand the tendencies and peculiarities of (...)
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    Assertiveness of Discursive Self-referential Identity: Postmodern Paradigm.Larysa Marchuk & Olena Yatsyna - 2020 - Postmodern Openings 11 (1):211-224.
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    Communication Opportunities of Civil Society Institutions in Countering the Challenges of Post-Pandemic Postmodernity.Vasyl Marchuk, Liudmyla Pavlova, Hanna Ahafonova, Sergiy Vonsovych & Anna Simonian - 2021 - Postmodern Openings 12 (1Sup1):335-345.
    The modern world space, which is affected by the post-pandemic consequences, is noted by the globalization of society, the increasing role of citizenship in making important state and international decisions has become possible in the context of the information revolution and has its own characteristics of communication in information and communication networks. The importance and need for a thorough study of the chosen topic is that the widespread use of various forms and methods of civil communication, free access of citizens (...)
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  6.  29
    Practices of Informal Education as a Resource for Self-Realization of Self-Referential Identities in a Pandemic and Post-Pandemic Period.Larysa Marchuk & Olena Yatsyna - 2020 - Postmodern Openings 11 (2):99-104.
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  7.  16
    The Appointment of the History Philosophy in Comprehending Modern Civilizational Challenges in a Post-Pandemic Society.Vasyl Marchuk, Ivan Novoselshyi, Vasyl Melnychuk, Vasyl Chorooyskyi & Tetiana Shlemkevych - 2020 - Postmodern Openings 11 (1Sup2):74-84.
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  8.  15
    The Development of a System of Local Self-Government in the Countries of the Visegrad Group in the Conditions of Postmodern Society.Vasyl Marchuk, Vasyl Hladiy, Nataliia Holubiak, Vasyl Dudkevych & Vasyl Melnychuk - 2021 - Postmodern Openings 12 (2).
    The development of the countries of Eastern Europe as a democratic legal state is primarily determined by how rational and efficient the organization of state power is. Recently, one can observe a tendency for riveted attention to change from central to local government, which is represented by local authorities. Local self-government is one of the fundamental democratic foundations of the constitutional system in postmodern society. That is why its modern transformation is being updated by the role of the most important (...)
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  9.  14
    The System of Media Critics in the Journalistic Environment in Postmodern Conditions.Hanna Marchuk, Galyna Prystai, Solomiia Khorob, Nataliya Marchuk & Nataliia Shoturma - 2021 - Postmodern Openings 12 (1):141-151.
    Media criticism is an area of modern journalism that provides critical cognition and assessment of socially significant, relevant aspects of information production in the media. Media criticism studies and evaluates the mobile complex of the diverse relationships of the print and electronic press with the media audience and society as a whole, contributes to the introduction of social and professional adjustments to the activities of the print and electronic press. Modern media criticism covers not only aspects of the functioning of (...)
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  10.  14
    Valuable potencies of religious faith in the context of scientific knowledge.M. G. Marchuk - 2000 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 14:3-11.
    For thousands of years, religion through the universal system of its values ​​actively influenced the formation of the worldview in all its most important aspects, including in purely scientific, helping or, conversely, interfering with the actualization of the spiritual and practical potential of culture. And although intensive scientific and technological development significantly influenced the fate of religion itself, leading to a "re-evaluation" of its individual values, the latter did not lose their own, without exaggeration, a leading role in the life (...)
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  11.  5
    Filosofii︠a︡ humanitarnoho znanni︠a︡--pisli︠a︡ Vilʹhelʹma Dilʹtei︠a︡--materialy: miz︠h︡narodnoï naukovoï konferent︠s︡iï 16-17 z︠h︡ovtni︠a︡ 2009 r., m. Chernivt︠s︡i.Mykhaĭlo Marchuk (ed.) - 2009 - Chernivt︠s︡i: Chernivet︠s︡ʹkyĭ nat︠s︡ionalʹnyĭ universytet.
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  12.  33
    The "Meek" and "Proud" Types of Female Images in the Works of F.M. Dostoevsky: A Study of the Question of Virtue.Alexandra A. Kosorukova & Ulyana V. Zubkova - 2021 - RUDN Journal of Philosophy 25 (1):59-71.
    The article analyzes the types of "meek" and "proud" female images in the works of F.M. Dostoevsky in connection with the typologies of the images of the writer among the literary critics N.A. Dobrolyubov, V.F. Pereverzev and A.A. Gizetti. The article refers to the classical authors of the early critical understanding of Dostoevsky's works, who divided female images into two opposite types of the "meek" and "proud". At the same time, the article emphasizes the idea that in Dostoevsky's polyphonic world (...)
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  13.  34
    The Alushta schools as a phenomenon of Ukrainian philosophical thought at the turn of the 20th-21st centuries.Tetiana Gardashuk, Kostiantyn Maleiev, Myhailo Marchuk, Sergii Proleiev, Halyna Orendarchuk, Maryna Stoliar & Nataliia Viatkina - 2023 - Sententiae 42 (2):151-167.
    Materials of the discussion about informal philosophical schools held in Alushta (1987–1989, 1991, 1993). The context of the Ukrainian SSR in the 1980s and the impact of Schools on Ukrainian philosophy during the period of independence are analyzed.
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  14.  19
    Exploring the Experience of the World's Leading Countries in Inclusive Growth as Part of the Post-Industrial Economy: Challenges and Perspectives.Zoriana Gontar, Vasyl Marchuk, Olena Durman, Nataliia Denkovych & Vasyl Dudkevych - 2020 - Postmodern Openings 11 (2supl1):222-237.
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  15. State Management Mechanisms for the Exchange of Information Regarding Cyberattacks, Cyber Incidents and Information Security Incidents.Myroslav Kryshtanovych, Igor Britchenko, Peter Lošonczi, Tetiana Baranovska & Ulyana Lukashevska - 2022 - IJCSNS International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security 22 (4):33-38.
    The main purpose of the study is to determine the key aspects of the mechanisms of state management of the exchange of information about cyberattacks, cyber incidents, and information security incidents. The methodology includes a set of theoretical methods. Modern government, on the one hand, must take into account the emergence of such a new weapon as cyber, which can break various information systems, can be used in hybrid wars, influence political events, pose a threat to the national security of (...)
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  16.  15
    Methods of philosophical practice (philosophical counseling and companionship) in the student audience: an educational experiment. Part II. Existential experience.Ekaterina Milyaeva, Regina Penner & Ulyana Sidorova - 2019 - Sotsium I Vlast 2:118-131.
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  17.  9
    Vek Lavrentʹeva.N. L. Dobret︠s︡ov, G. I. Marchuk & N. A. Primvit︠s︡ (eds.) - 2000 - Novosibirsk: Izd-vo SO RAN.
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  18.  4
    The role of holy wives' representations in the Medieval Rus' icons (XV–XVI centuries) with the main figure of St. Nicholas of Myra and the chosen saints.Пшеничный П.В - 2024 - Philosophy and Culture (Russian Journal) 7:17-30.
    In the ancient Russian art of the XV–XVI centuries, there are often works with the image of St. St. Nicholas of Myra, represented in various iconographic types and accompanied by images of holy wives. These monuments have a similar compositional structure. Among them, the most significant are those icons where the image of the Myrlician saint is placed in the centerpiece, and the figures of selected saints are represented in the margins. The subject of the study in this work is (...)
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