  1. (1 other version)Rousseau's Failure to Build a Free Society and the Premises of Freedom.Uri Zilbersheid - 2018 - Archiv Fuer Rechts Und Sozialphilosphie 104 (2):232-252.
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    Soviet Socialism in Light of Marx’s Theory.Uri Zilbersheid - 2022 - Archiv für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie 108 (4):518-545.
    This study analyses Soviet socialism by applying Marx’s theory. The Soviet system did not realize Marx’s notion of non-instrumental production (abolition of labor) and hence inevitably developed into a new form of exploitation. Soviet socialism represented a revival of the ancient Asiatic mode of production, characterized by Marx as exploitation based on the negation of private property. Marx shows that Asiatic despotism was brought to Russia by the Mongolian conquest. The Mongols had adopted this despotism earlier, upon conquering China, an (...)
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    The vicissitudes of the Marxian idea of abolition of the state - can the idea be revived?Uri Zilbersheid - 2012 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 38 (7):701-723.
    The abolition of the state is a central element in Marx’s vision of human emancipation. However, at a later stage of his intellectual development Marx seems to have retreated from this idea. Marx’s theory should be defined as the primacy of labor: labor, or instrumental productive activity, brings about, as its unintended, as-if-natural results, different social relations, including the state. At the core of communism, as first envisaged by Marx, is the abolition of labor and its unintended social results . (...)
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