Results for 'Valerij Sofronievski'

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  1.  7
    Gorgija. Plato & Valerij Sofronievski - 2004 - Skopje: Bigoss. Edited by Valerij Sofronievski.
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    Criminal Law Without Punishment: How Our Society Might Benefit From Abolishing Punitive Sanctions.Valerij Zisman - 2023 - De Gruyter.
    How can criminal punishment be morally justified? Zisman addresses this classical question in legal philosophy. He provides two maybe surprising answers to the question. First, as for a methodological claim, it argues that this question cannot be answered by philosophers and legal scholars alone. Rather, we need to take into account research from social psychology, economy, anthropology, and so on in order to properly analyze the arguments in defense of criminal punishment. Second, the book argues that when such research is (...)
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    The Missing Alternative Objection to Criminal Law Abolitionism.Valerij Zisman - 2023 - Diametros 21 (79):10-23.
    Criminal law abolitionists claim that legal punishment cannot be morally justified and that we should therefore abolish criminal law. While this is still a minority position in the current debate, the number of proponents has been increasing, and even opponents have developed a certain degree of sympathy for such claims in recent years. Yet one of the reasons many remain hesitant regarding the abolition of criminal law appears to be the lack of a thought-through alternative, in addition to abolitionists disagreeing (...)
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    The Problems of Empirically-Informed Arguments for and against Retributivism.Valerij Zisman & Paul Rehren - forthcoming - Review of Philosophy and Psychology:1-27.
    In recent years, a number of philosophers and social scientists have argued in favor of or against retributive theories of criminal punishment based on empirical findings about folk punitive judgment and decision-making. In this paper, we will argue that these arguments do not succeed. We will raise two objections. First, there are serious gaps between the empirical findings these authors cite and the descriptive premises these findings are meant to support. Second, in many cases, the existing research does not support (...)
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  5. Kant's Multiplicity.Valerijs Vinogradovs - 2014 - Proceedings of the European Society for Aesthetics.
    Because of the transcendental emphasis of his critical works, Immanuel Kant has been criticised for not being able to accommodate the notion of multiplicity. This paper outlines a complex argument designed as a means to the rescue of Kant from this repudiation. To this end, the paper proposes a new, strong reading of the doctrine of aesthetic ideas that unveils the idiosyncratic play of the mental powers, constituted of two separate acts, that equips one to intuit an unnameable mark that (...)
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    Die Sprache der Wissenschaft als ein Element der Kultur.Valerij Demjankov - 2015 - Paragrana: Internationale Zeitschrift für Historische Anthropologie 24 (2):123-130.
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  7. Elitistskaja teorija demokratii i sovremennij rossiiskij politiceskij process.Valerij Elisarov - 1999 - Polis 1.
  8. [no title].Valerij Goušchin & Peter J. Rhodes - unknown
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    Pisistratus’ leadership in A. P. 13.4 and the establishment of the tyranny of 561/60 b.c.1.Valerij Goušchin - 1999 - Classical Quarterly 49 (1):14-23.
    It is well known from the sources that three Athenian factions were organized after Solon's reforms. Herodotus writes as follows: In the course of time there was a feud between the Athenians of the coast under Megacles son of Alcmeon and the Athenians of the plain under Lycurgus son of Aristolaides. Pisistratus then, having an eye to the sovereign power, raised up a third faction. He collected partisans and pretended to champion the hillmen.
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    Aesthetic conception of Russian Formalism.Valerij Gretchko - 2003 - Sign Systems Studies 31 (2):523-531.
    At present the theory of Russian Formalism becomes actual once again owing to the rapid development of cognitive science. Aesthetic theories recently put forward within the framework of cognitive science turned out to be consonant with the Formalist’s views on the general principles of artistic activity. In my paper I argue that (1) the theory of Russian Formalism contains a number of methodological assumptions that are close to a cognitive approach; (2) some of the main principles of the Formalist theory (...)
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    Vene formalismi esteetiline kontseptsioon.Valerij Gretchko - 2003 - Sign Systems Studies 31 (2):532-532.
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    Topologii︠a︡ strasti: Merab Mamardashvili: sovremennostʹ filosofii.Valerij Aleksandrovič Podoroga - 2020 - Moskva: ROOI "Reabilitat︠s︡ii︠a︡".
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    Die mimetische Ressource der Fotografie.Valerij Wladimirowitsch Savchuk - 2014 - Paragrana: Internationale Zeitschrift für Historische Anthropologie 23 (2):147-152.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Paragrana Jahrgang: 23 Heft: 2 Seiten: 147-152.
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    Kommunikationstheorie und soziale Praktiken.Valerij Tjupa - 2015 - Paragrana: Internationale Zeitschrift für Historische Anthropologie 24 (2):171-176.
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    Kant’s Phenomenology of Humiliation.Valerijs Vinogradovs - 2019 - Journal of Value Inquiry 53 (2):193-211.
    This paper presents a new reading of Kant's moral feeling: in lieu of highlighting a positive feeling of respect, I am interested in a thorough phenomenological interpretation of a negative feeling of humiliation. The paper's tone is set by underscoring that human moral Gesinnung is that which is necessarily cultivated, which entails that the striving moral agent, among other things, learns to identify and confront inclinations. It is argued, then, that one's mindfulness of the various kinds of pain of humiliated (...)
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  16.  44
    The Guillotine as an Aesthetic Idol and Kant’s Loathing.Valerijs Vinogradovs - 2016 - Sophia 55 (1):101-113.
    Kant’s doctrine of aesthetic ideas, along with his brief treatment of ugliness, has been the focus of some recent literature. In this paper, I employ an original approach, which nonetheless draws from Kant’s oeuvre, to pin down the phenomenological complexity of a spectacular event that took place at the inception of the French Terror—the decapitation of Louis the XVI. To this end, the first section of the essay fleshes out an interpretative framework explicating how seeing the guillotine as an aesthetic (...)
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    Esej o znanosti i GMO-u.Valerije Vrček - 2010 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 30 (1-2):231-235.
    Prikazani su elementi koji olakšavaju orijentaciju u prostoru »kontaminiranom« znanstvenim prisvajanjem istina, vrijednosti, »krunskih« dokaza i konačnih interpretacija. Iz spektra modernih disciplina »izvučena« je molekulska biologija kao model za razumijevanje mehanizama kojim prirodne znanosti privatiziraju sadržaje i područja koja pripadaju široj zajednici, odnosno čitavome društvu. U bogatome arsenalu molekulske biologije posebno se ističe metoda rekombinantne DNK koja je omogućila razvoj GMO-a.GMO-i su »klasična« znanstvena kontroverza u kojoj jedna strana prepoznaje »mutante« kao nepotrebne i defektne izume, dok ih druga strana predstavlja (...)
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    Jean Harkins and Anna Wierzbicka , Emotions in Crosslinguistic Perspective.Valerij Dem’Jankov - 2004 - Pragmatics and Cognition 12 (2):413-420.
  19.  12
    Valerij Goušchin – Peter J. Rhodes (Hgg.), Deformations and Crisis of Ancient Civil Communities, Stuttgart (Franz Steiner) 2015, 194 S., 5 s/w abb., ISBN 978-3-515-11162-1 (brosch.), € 44,–Deformations and Crisis of Ancient Civil Communities. [REVIEW]Bernhard Smarczyk - 2015 - Klio 102 (1):370-375.
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  20. The Abolition of Punishment: Is a Non-Punitive Criminal Justice System Ethically Justified?Przemysław Zawadzki - 2024 - Diametros 21 (79):1-9.
    Punishment involves the intentional infliction of harm and suffering. Both of the most prominent families of justifications of punishment – retributivism and consequentialism – face several moral concerns that are hard to overcome. Moreover, the effectiveness of current criminal punishment methods in ensuring society’s safety is seriously undermined by empirical research. Thus, it appears to be a moral imperative for a modern and humane society to seek alternative means of administering justice. The special issue of Diametros “The Abolition of Punishment: (...)
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