Results for 'Vasile Frăteanu'

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    Vasile Frãteanu, Tratat de metafizicã/ Treatise of Metaphysics.Vianu Muresan - 2003 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 2 (5):209-214.
    Vasile Frãteanu, Tratat de metafizicã Editura Dacia, Cluj-Napoca, 2002.
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    Logic and metalogic.Nicolas A. Vasil'év - 1993 - Axiomathes 4 (3):329-351.
  3. A World Unto Itself: Human Communication as Active Inference.Jared Vasil, Paul B. Badcock, Axel Constant, Karl Friston & Maxwell J. D. Ramstead - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:480375.
    Recent theoretical work in developmental psychology suggests that humans are predisposed to align their mental states with those of other individuals. One way this manifests is in cooperative communication ; that is, intentional communication aimed at aligning individuals’ mental states with respect to events in their shared environment. This idea has received strong empirical support. The purpose of this paper is to extend this account by proposing an integrative model of the biobehavioral dynamics of cooperative communication. Our formulation is based (...)
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  4. G. E. Moore and theory of moral/right action in ethics of social consequences.Vasil Gluchman - 2017 - Ethics and Bioethics (in Central Europe) 7 (1-2):57-65.
    G. E. Moore’s critical analysis of right action in utilitarian ethics and his consequentialist concept of right action is a starting point for a theory of moral/right action in ethics of social consequences. The terms right and wrong have different meanings in these theories. The author explores different aspects of right and wrong actions in ethics of social consequences and compares them with Moore’s ideas. He positively evaluates Moore’s contributions to the development his theory of moral/right action.
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    (1 other version)Metaphysics of cosmological models.Vasile Chira - 2022 - HTS Theological Studies 78 (1):8.
    This article aims to address the metaphysical dimension of cosmological models, be they mythological, philosophical, religious or modern scientific, using multidisciplinary and transdisciplinary methodology. Such an approach is a novelty, both in the theological field and in the philosophical field and secular sciences, which studies the origin of man and the universe. Contribution: The originality of this article consists in introducing the concept of transcendental cosmology, which, along with spiritual cosmology can be a serious theological and philosophical reply to the (...)
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    Prima Justiniana im Titel des bulgarischen Erzbischofs von Achrida.Vasil N. Zlatarski - 1929 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 30 (1).
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    Spiritul științific modern în viziunea lui G. Bachelard: o viziune epistemologică constructivistă și estetizantă Vasile Tonoiu.Vasile Tonoiu - 1974 - București: Editura științifică.
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  8. The GOOGLE and XPRIZE award for how to use quantum computers practically: The problem of the “P” versus “NP” outputs of any quantum computer and the pathway for its resolving.Vasil Penchev - 2025 - Quantum Information Ejournal (Elsevier: Ssrn) 4 (26):1-80.
    The GOOGLE and XPRIZE $5,000,000 for the practical and socially useful utilization of the quantum computer is the starting point for ontomathematical reflections for what it can really serve. Its “output by measurement” is opposed to the conjecture for a coherent ray able alternatively to deliver the ultimate result of any quantum calculation immediately as a Dirac -function therefore accomplishing the transition of the sequence of increasingly narrow probability density distributions to their limit. The GOOGLE and XPRIZE problem’s solution needs (...)
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    The literary works as a code of ethics in Great Moravia.Vasil Gluchman - 2019 - Ethics and Bioethics (in Central Europe) 9 (3-4):106-118.
    The author studies selected fundamental literary records from Great Moravia of the 9th century (The rules of the holy fathers [Zapovědi svatych otcov], Judicial law for laymen [Zakon sudnyj ljudem], Nomocanon [Nomokanon], Adhortation to rulers [Vladykam zemle Božie slovo velit]) presumably compiled, translated or created by Constantine (Cyril) and Methodius, the Thessaloniki brothers. In the context of defining early and medieval Christian ethics, the author concluded that the texts in question contain elements of the Christian code of ethics, by means (...)
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    Slovo, semantika, tekst: sbornik nauchnykh trudov, posvi︠a︡shchennyĭ i︠u︡bilei︠u︡ professora Very Vasilʹevny Stepanovoĭ.Vera Vasilʹevna Stepanova & V. D. Cherni︠a︡k (eds.) - 2002 - Sankt-Peterburg: Izd-vo RGPU im. A.I. Gert︠s︡ena.
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    Dialectica raportului conștiință morală--conștiință politică: o perspectivă filosofică.Vasile Boari - 1987 - București: Editura Politică.
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    Der erfüllte Augenblick.Vasile Hristea - 2017 - In Jörg Dierken & Arnulf Scheliha, Der Mensch Und Seine Seele: Bildung – Frömmigkeit – Ästhetik. Akten des Internationalen Kongresses der Schleiermacher-Gesellschaft in Münster, September 2015. De Gruyter. pp. 325-338.
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  13. Ideologii︠a︡ta.Vasil Ivanov - 1974
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  14. Dobro i dŭlzhimo.Vasil Momov (ed.) - 1975
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  15. Problemi na teorii︠a︡ta i upravlenieto na ideologicheskii︠a︡ prot︠s︡es: [uch. pomagalo za uchastite se ot AONSU].Vasil Momov - 1980 - Sofii︠a︡: AONSU pri T︠S︡K na BKP. Edited by Vasil Prodanov.
    t. 1. Teoretiko-metodologichni problemi.--t. 2. Lichnost i ideologicheski prot︠s︡es.
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    Încercare asupra gândirii românești: schița unui profil istoric.Vasile Muscă - 2002 - Cluj-Napoca: "Grinta".
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  17. Ethics and politics of Great Moravia of the 9th century.Vasil Gluchman - 2018 - Ethics and Bioethics (in Central Europe) 8 (1-2):15-31.
    The author studies the role of Christianity in two forms of 9th century political ethics in the history of Great Moravia, represented by the Great Moravian rulers Rastislav and Svatopluk. Rastislav’s conception predominantly uses the pre-Erasmian model of political ethics based on the pursuit of welfare for the country and its inhabitants by achieving the clerical-political independence of Great Moravia from the Frankish kingdom and, moreover, by utilising Christianity for the advancement of culture, education, literature, law and legality, as well (...)
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  18. The Symmetries of Quantum and Classical Information. The Ressurrected “Ether" of Quantum Information.Vasil Penchev - 2021 - Philosophy of Science eJournal (Elsevier: SSRN) 14 (41):1-36.
    The paper considers the symmetries of a bit of information corresponding to one, two or three qubits of quantum information and identifiable as the three basic symmetries of the Standard model, U(1), SU(2), and SU(3) accordingly. They refer to “empty qubits” (or the free variable of quantum information), i.e. those in which no point is chosen (recorded). The choice of a certain point violates those symmetries. It can be represented furthermore as the choice of a privileged reference frame (e.g. that (...)
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    Human Dignity as the Essence of Nussbaum’s Ethics of Human Development.Vasil Gluchman - 2019 - Philosophia 47 (4):1127-1140.
    Martha C. Nussbaum, in the context of ancient philosophy, formulated ethics of human development based on 10 basic human capabilities as a precondition of meaningful human development, i.e. the ability to live a dignified human life. The paper, thus, deals with a capabilities approach with the aim of analysing the content of the idea of human dignity in Nussbaum’s understanding and its place in the conception of ethics of human development, since human dignity is the very core of the conception (...)
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    The Slovak ethos of plebeian resistance and the First World War.Vasil Gluchman & Marta Gluchmanová - forthcoming - Studies in East European Thought:1-16.
    The authors examine the Slovak ethos of plebeian resistance to the First World War in several of its forms. First, they examine intellectual forms of resistance against war, against its Christian justification. Several Slovak authors emphasized that the First World War was in direct contradiction to Christian ethics, asserting that it served as proof of the failure of all European nations and their elites, who were proud of their humanity and ability to solve problems peacefully. Secular authors who based their (...)
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  21. Kant and Consequentialism (Reflections on Cummiskey’s Kantian Consequentialism).Vasil Gluchman - 2018 - Studia Philosophica Kantiana 7 (1):18-29.
    In his article, the author considers possible forms of relationship between Kant’s ethics and consequentialism. In this context, he analyses David Cummiskey’s views which are expressed in his book, Kantian Consequentialism (1996). He demonstrates the possibility of justifying the consequentialism on the basis of Kant’s ethics and its values. Likewise, several other authors (such as Scott Forschler, Philipp Stratton-Lake, Michael Ridge) are of the opinion of the possible compatibility of Kant’s ethics and consequentialism. On the other hand, however, Christine M. (...)
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  22. Hilbert mathematics versus (or rather “without”) Gödel mathematics: V. Ontomathematics!Vasil Penchev - 2024 - Metaphysics eJournal (Elsevier: SSRN) 17 (10):1-57.
    The paper is the final, fifth part of a series of studies introducing the new conceptions of “Hilbert mathematics” and “ontomathematics”. The specific subject of the present investigation is the proper philosophical sense of both, including philosophy of mathematics and philosophy of physics not less than the traditional “first philosophy” (as far as ontomathematics is a conservative generalization of ontology as well as of Heidegger’s “fundamental ontology” though in a sense) and history of philosophy (deepening Heidegger’s destruction of it from (...)
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  23. Stop calculating: it is about time to start thinking!Vasil Penchev - 2024 - Metaphysics eJournal (Elsevier: SSRN) 17 (14):1-61.
    The paper is a partly provocative essay edited as a humanitarian study in philosophy of science and social philosophy, reflecting on the practical, “anti-metaphysical” turn taken place since the 20th century and continuing until now. The article advocates that it is about time it to be overcome because it is the main obstacle for the further development of exact and natural sciences including mathematics therefore restoring the unity of philosophy and sciences in the dawn of modern science when the great (...)
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    Philosophical Optimism and Philosophy of Historical Progress in Slovak Lutheran Ethics in the First Half of the 19th Century.Vasil Gluchman - 2022 - Neue Zeitschrift für Systematicsche Theologie Und Religionsphilosophie 64 (1):124-138.
    SummaryThe author studies the form of philosophical optimism in Slovak Lutheran ethics in the first half of the 19th century in the views of Ján Kollár and Ján Chalupka. Herder’s philosophy of history and his philosophy of historical progress significantly influenced Slovak Lutheran ethics of the given period. In the author’s view, Kollár and Chalupka mainly appreciated human history as progress in all parts of life and refused glorification of the past. However, they did not limit their assessment to a (...)
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    Explanations and Causal Judgments Are Differentially Sensitive to Covariation and Mechanism Information.Ny Vasil & Tania Lombrozo - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13:911177.
    Are causal explanations (e.g., “she switched careers because of the COVID pandemic”) treated differently from the corresponding claims that one factor caused another (e.g., “the COVID pandemic caused her to switch careers”)? We examined whether explanatory and causal claims diverge in their responsiveness to two different types of information: covariation strength and mechanism information. We report five experiments with 1,730 participants total, showing that compared to judgments of causal strength, explanatory judgments tend to bemoresensitive to mechanism andlesssensitive to covariation – (...)
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  26. Quantum theology, or: “Theologie als strenge Wissenschaft”.Vasil Penchev - 2024 - Metaphilosophy eJournal (Elsevier: SSRN) 16 (15):1-66.
    The main idea consists in researching the existence of certain characteristics of nature similar to human reasonability and purposeful actions, originating and rigorously inferable from the postulates of quantum mechanics as well as from those of special and general relativity. The pathway of the “free-will theorems” proved by Conway and Kochen in 2006 and 2009 is followed and pioneered further. Those natural reasonability and teleology are identified as a special subject called “God” and studyable by “quantum theology”, a scientific counterpart (...)
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  27. Professional Ethics of Teachers of Philosophy.Vasil Gluchman - 2012 - Ethics and Bioethics (in Central Europe) 2 (3-4):144-152.
    I am not trying to present a full concept of professional ethics of an academic. I would like to focus on philosophical and ethical reflection of the specific area of an academic work in Slovakia. Almost two hundred years ago, the Slovak enlightenment philosopher Ján Feješ (1764 - 1823) responded to the situation of his era and he stated that a reviewer must, in the given area, be even better educated than the author himself. A different example can be found (...)
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  28. Filosofski i esteticheski problemi na muzikata.Vasil Andreev Koev - 1968 - Sofia: Nauka i izkustvo.
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    τὸ ϰάτω αυτῆς ϰοσμοῦντος ὅ τι ὅλου (Enneadi, IV 8, 8, 16).Vasile Rus - 2004 - Chôra 2:177-186.
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  30. Skandalite v naukata.Vasil Simeonov - 1991 - Sofii︠a︡: Universitetsko izd-vo "Sv. Kliment Okhridski".
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  31. La philosophie et la méthodologie ouvertes: un nouveau style et une nouvelle conscience.Vasile Tonoiu - 1970 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 24 (3/4=93/94):601.
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    O zi din viața unor pierde-vară de lux.Vasile Tonoiu - 2008 - București: Editura Academiei Române.
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  33. Etică creștină și etică marxistă.Vasile Dem Zamfirescu - 1975 - București: Editura politică.
  34. Isaac Asimov’s sci-fi novella “Profession” versus professionalism: Reflections on the (missing) scientific revolutions in the 21th century.Vasil Penchev - 2024 - Philosophy of Science eJournal (Elsevier: SSRN) 17 (42):1-38.
    This is a partly provocative essay edited as a humanitarian study in philosophy of science and social philosophy. The starting point is Isaac Asimov’s famous sci-fi novella “Profession” (1957) to be “back” extrapolated to today’s relation between Thomas Kuhn’s “normal science” and “scientific revolutions” (1962). The latter should be accomplished by Asimov’s main personage George Platen’s ilk (called “feeble minded” in the novella) versus the “burned minded” professionals able only to “normal science”. Francis Fukuyama’s “end of history” in post-Hegelian manner (...)
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    Nature of dignity and human dignity.Vasil Gluchman - 2017 - Human Affairs 27 (2):131-144.
    This paper argues that the concept of dignity should be understood as a concept that we use to describe an aggregate of values and qualities of a person or thing that deserves esteem and respect. The primary value that creates the right to have dignity is life. The degree of dignity a life form has depends on its place in the evolutionary scale. Human beings are the highest form of life so they possess the highest degree of dignity.
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    Slovak Marxist–Leninist philosophy on work: experience of the second half of the twentieth century.Vasil Gluchman - 2020 - Studies in East European Thought 72 (1):43-58.
    The paper analyzes the concept of work in Slovak Marxist–Leninist philosophy and ethics in the second half of the twentieth century by referencing, in particular, Furnham’s critical assessment of the relationship between left-wing ideology and the values of work ethic. The author comes to the conclusion that, on the one hand, Marxist–Leninist ideology and the practice of building socialism made the notion and phenomenon of work into an ideological fetish; on the other hand, however, the real value of work and (...)
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    Die Hermeneia tf¡¡ ζωγραφικής τέχνης im Rumänischen.Vasile Grecu - 1929 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 30 (1).
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  38. Filosofie: tematizări contemporane.Vasile Macoviciuc & Ionuț Emilian Anastasiu (eds.) - 2010 - București: Editura ASE.
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  39. Determinare și structură în genetica modernă.Vasile Sporici - 1978 - [Iași]: [Junimea].
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    Albatros – a Publishing House for the Romanian Communist Youth, 1970-1989.Cristian Vasile - 2024 - History of Communism in Europe 12:143-164.
    This paper examines the profile of the Albatros Publishing House in Bucharest (specialising in youth literature) and the activity of its director, writer Mircea Sântimbreanu. He held this position for almost two decades and recounted his experience in a volume of memoirs. I tried to explore these memoirs mainly in parallel with accounts from archival documents and secondary literature. The Albatros Publishing House was a micro-universe for assessing the impact of successive ideological offensives by the Romanian Communist Party on book (...)
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  41. Gödel mathematics versus Hilbert mathematics. I. The Gödel incompleteness (1931) statement: axiom or theorem?Vasil Penchev - 2022 - Logic and Philosophy of Mathematics eJournal (Elsevier: SSRN) 14 (9):1-56.
    The present first part about the eventual completeness of mathematics (called “Hilbert mathematics”) is concentrated on the Gödel incompleteness (1931) statement: if it is an axiom rather than a theorem inferable from the axioms of (Peano) arithmetic, (ZFC) set theory, and propositional logic, this would pioneer the pathway to Hilbert mathematics. One of the main arguments that it is an axiom consists in the direct contradiction of the axiom of induction in arithmetic and the axiom of infinity in set theory. (...)
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  42. Superhumans: Super-Language?Vasil Penchev - 2016 - Dialogue and Universalism 26 (1):79-89.
    The paper questions the scientific rather than ideological problem of an eventual biological successor of the mankind. The concept of superhumans is usually linked to Nietzsche or to Heidegger’s criticism or even to the ideology of Nazism. However, the superhuman can be also viewed as that biological species who will originate from humans eventually in the course of evolution.While the society is reached a natural limitation of globalism, technics depends on the amount of utilized energy, and the mind is restricted (...)
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    Structuralism and Since: From Levi-Strauss to Derrida.Dean Vasil & John Sturrock - 1983 - Substance 12 (4):103.
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    MARTIN RÁZUS: Literary and Philosophical Reflections on Morality1.Vasil Gluchman - 2011 - Journal of Religious Ethics 39 (1):151-172.
    Martin Rázus (1888—1937) was one of the most important personalities of Slovak Lutheran social, political, cultural, literary, and intellectual life during the first half of the twentieth century. First, I examine the picture of Slovak rural morality portrayed in the works of Rázus, particularly his 1929 novel Svety [Worlds], in which Rázus presents the morality of the people in the Slovak countryside from the beginning of the twentieth century until the end of the 1920s. Second, as the ethical and moral (...)
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  45. Fermat’s last theorem proved in Hilbert arithmetic. III. The quantum-information unification of Fermat’s last theorem and Gleason’s theorem.Vasil Penchev - 2022 - Logic and Philosophy of Mathematics eJournal (Elsevier: SSRN) 14 (12):1-30.
    The previous two parts of the paper demonstrate that the interpretation of Fermat’s last theorem (FLT) in Hilbert arithmetic meant both in a narrow sense and in a wide sense can suggest a proof by induction in Part I and by means of the Kochen - Specker theorem in Part II. The same interpretation can serve also for a proof FLT based on Gleason’s theorem and partly similar to that in Part II. The concept of (probabilistic) measure of a subspace (...)
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  46. Fermat’s last theorem proved in Hilbert arithmetic. II. Its proof in Hilbert arithmetic by the Kochen-Specker theorem with or without induction.Vasil Penchev - 2022 - Logic and Philosophy of Mathematics eJournal (Elsevier: SSRN) 14 (10):1-52.
    The paper is a continuation of another paper published as Part I. Now, the case of “n=3” is inferred as a corollary from the Kochen and Specker theorem (1967): the eventual solutions of Fermat’s equation for “n=3” would correspond to an admissible disjunctive division of qubit into two absolutely independent parts therefore versus the contextuality of any qubit, implied by the Kochen – Specker theorem. Incommensurability (implied by the absence of hidden variables) is considered as dual to quantum contextuality. The (...)
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  47. Gentzen’s “cut rule” and quantum measurement in terms of Hilbert arithmetic. Metaphor and understanding modeled formally.Vasil Penchev - 2022 - Logic and Philosophy of Mathematics eJournal 14 (14):1-37.
    Hilbert arithmetic in a wide sense, including Hilbert arithmetic in a narrow sense consisting by two dual and anti-isometric Peano arithmetics, on the one hand, and the qubit Hilbert space (originating for the standard separable complex Hilbert space of quantum mechanics), on the other hand, allows for an arithmetic version of Gentzen’s cut elimination and quantum measurement to be described uniformy as two processes occurring accordingly in those two branches. A philosophical reflection also justifying that unity by quantum neo-Pythagoreanism links (...)
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  48. Reflections on morality in Renaissance thought.Vasil Gluchman - 2015 - Ethics and Bioethics (in Central Europe) 5 (3-4):131-139.
    We can read about the morality of that time in works by authors who describe or criticize the conduct and activity of the members of those classes taking the lead in the morality of that time. Thus, we can find a lot of information about ancient Greece and its morality in Plato’s presentation of Socrates, Peter Abelard presenting the Middle Ages, Erasmus of Rotterdam, Niccolo Machiavelli, Baldesar Castiglione, but even also Slovak authors such as Martin Rakovský and Juraj Koppay presenting (...)
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  49. Opere filozofice.Vasile Conta & Nicolae Gogoneata - 1967 - București,: Editura Academiei Republicii Socialiste România. Edited by Gogoneaţa, Nicolae & [From Old Catalog].
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    Timpul și cultura europeană: timpul etern.Vasile Datcu - 2000 - București: Editura Eminescu.
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