  1.  61
    Advaitāmoda: a study of Advaita and Viśiṣṭadvaita.Vāsudevaśāstrī Abhyaṅkara - 1988 - Delhi, India: Satguru Publications. Edited by Michael Comans.
    Exposition of Advaita based on selections from the Vedāntaparibhāsā by Dharmarājādhvarindra, 17th cent., Yatīndramatadīpikā by Śrīnivāsadāsa, 17th cent., and Śrībhāsya by Rāmānuja, 1017-1137; with profuse quotations.
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  2. Āpadeva.Vāsudevaśāstrī Abhyaṅkara (ed.) - 1937 - [n.p.]: copies can be had from the Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute.
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  3.  5
    Advaitāmodaḥ.Vāsudevaśāstrī Abhyaṅkara - 1975 - Edited by Kashinath Vasudev Abhyankar.
    Treatise on the monistic (Advaita) Hindu Vedanta philosophy.
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