Results for 'Veni Hadju'

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  1. Social competition, social intelligence, and why the Bugis know more about cooking than about nutrition.Jerome H. Barkow, Nurpudji Astuti Taslilm, Veni Hadju, Elly Ishak, Faisal Attamimi, Sani Silwana, Djunaidi M. Dachlan & A. Yahya - 2001 - In Barkow Jerome H., Taslilm Nurpudji Astuti, Hadju Veni, Ishak Elly, Attamimi Faisal, Silwana Sani, Dachlan Djunaidi M. & Yahya A. (eds.), The Origin of Human Social Institutions. pp. 119-147.
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  2. The Origin of Human Social Institutions.H. Barkow Jerome, Taslilm Nurpudji Astuti, Hadju Veni, Ishak Elly, Attamimi Faisal, Silwana Sani, M. Dachlan Djunaidi & A. Yahya - 2001
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    Das Alte Testament in der Heilsgeschichte: Untersuchung zum dogmatischen Verständnis des Alten Testaments als heilsgeschichtliche Periode nach Alexander von Hales.Venício Marcolino - 1970 - Münster: Aschendorff.
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  4. Understanding Human Navigation Using Network Analysis.S. R. Sudarshan Iyengar, C. E. Veni Madhavan, Katharina A. Zweig & Abhiram Natarajan - 2012 - Topics in Cognitive Science 4 (1):121-134.
    We have considered a simple word game called the word-morph. After making our participants play a stipulated number of word-morph games, we have analyzed the experimental data. We have given a detailed analysis of the learning involved in solving this word game. We propose that people are inclined to learn landmarks when they are asked to navigate from a source to a destination. We note that these landmarks are nodes that have high closeness-centrality ranking.
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    Evaluasi Karakteristik Psikometrik Tes Bakat Differensial dengan Teori Klasik.Farida Agus Setiawati, Rita Eka Izzaty & Veny Hidayat - 2018 - Humanitas 15 (1):46.
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    Veni Vidi Vici and caesar's Triumph.Ida Östenberg - 2013 - Classical Quarterly 63 (2):813-827.
    Without doubt,veni vidi viciis one of the most famous quotations from Antiquity. It is well known that it was Julius Caesar who coined the renowned expression. Less frequently discussed is the fact that ‘I came, I saw, I conquered’ was announced as written text. According to Suetonius, Caesar paraded a placard displaying the wordsveni vidi viciin his triumph held over Pontus in 46b.c.(Suet.Iul. 37.2):Pontico triumpho inter pompae fercula trium verborum praetulit titulum VENI VIDI VICI non acta belli significantem (...)
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    "Veni Sancte Spiritus" by Alexander Vustin: on the problem of updating the technique of writing on cantus firmus in modern choral composition.Natalya Vladimirovna Koshkareva - 2022 - Философия И Культура 4:41-49.
    The purpose of this article is to identify a close, "polyphonic" connection, consolidation of ancient forms and techniques of compositional writing of the twentieth century. The subject of the study is the choral creativity of Alexander Vustin. The object of the study is the consideration of polyphonic works of techniques in A. Vustin's composition "Veni Sancte Spiritus". The musical language of A. Vustin is characterized by extreme restraint, depth, semantic concentration. The appeal to ancient polyphonic genres, forms and techniques (...)
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    Veni, Legi, Scripsi: On Writing in the Elementary Latin Sequence.Kristina A. Meinking - 2017 - Classical World: A Quarterly Journal on Antiquity 110 (4):545-565.
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    Romam veni: humanisme et papauté à la fin du grand schisme.Clémence Revest - 2021 - Ceyzérieu: Champ Vallon.
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    Estatutos. es:¿ Unde venis, quo vadis et quomodo?Martín Moreno & José Luis - 2007 - Aletheia: Cuadernos Críticos Del Derecho 1:23-103.
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    Timurlu Horasan’ından I. Mehmed’in Bursa’sına Bir Dânişmendin Serüveni: Haydar el-Herevî’nin el-Keşşâf Şerhi Mukaddimesinin Yeni Versiyonu ve İki Mukaddimeden Biyografi İnşası.M. Taha Boyalık - 2024 - Nazariyat, Journal for the History of Islamic Philosophy and Sciences 10 (1):205-230.
    Haydar el-Herevî Horasan’dan Osmanlı topraklarına gelen önemli âlimlerdendir. Teftâzânî’nin şeçkin bir talebesi olan bu âlim I. Mehmed’ten büyük saygı görerek onun tarafından himaye edilmiştir. Herevî, Zemahşerî’nin el-Keşşâf’ı üzerine yazdığı şerhi büyük övgü ifadeleriyle I. Mehmed’e ithaf etmiş, ithafın yer aldığı mukaddimede hayat hikayesiyle ilgili önemli ayrıntılar vermiştir. Osmanlı topraklarında geçirdiği uzun yıllar sonra Timur’un oğlu Şahruh ile irtibat kuran Herevî, el-Keşşâf şerhi mukaddimesini tekrardan kaleme alarak aynı eseri bu sefer Şahruh’a ithaf etmiştir. Herevî’nin bu yeni patronaj ilişkisi mukaddimenin ikinci versiyonundan (...)
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    Gözün menzili: İslami coğrafyada bakışın serüveni.Özlem Hemiş - 2020 - İstanbul: Vakıfbank Kültür Yayınları.
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    The Perfect System in Latin G. Meiser: Veni Vidi Vici. Die Vorgeschichte des lateinischen Perfektsystems . (Zetemata 113.) Pp. xxii + 278. Munich: Verlag C. H. Beck, 2003. Paper, €59.90. ISBN: 3-406-49628-. [REVIEW]James Clackson - 2005 - The Classical Review 55 (01):102-.
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    Viator Audi: Si Libet, Intus Veni[REVIEW]D. C. Macgregor - 1939 - The Classical Review 53 (1):31-31.
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    Gemeenschap ten tijde van globalisering.: Nancy, Cavell en de sociale gesitueerdheid van subjectiviteit.Chantal Bax - 2013 - Algemeen Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Wijsbegeerte 105 (1):15-21.
    This article describes my VENI project on the reconceptualization of community. It argues that the idea of a socially situated subject has not become obsolete in times of globalization, but that a rethinking of the concept of community is now required: how to account for the simultaneous transience and persistence of belonging? It then explains that by staging a conversation between Jean-Luc Nancy and Stanley Cavell, an account can be developed that meets both criteria for thinking community today.
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    Your Tacitism or mine? Modern and early-modern conceptions of Tacitus and Tacitism.Jan Waszink - 2010 - History of European Ideas 36 (4):375-385.
    The purpose of this article is to show, by the example of Hugo Grotius's Annales et Historiae de rebus Belgicis (AH), that the nature and content of the concept of Tacitism (Tacitist, Tacitean) in the period around 1600 was markedly different from modern perceptions of the style and political purport of Tacitus's works. This gap between current and early-modern conceptions of Tacitus is important to bear in mind for intellectual historians dealing with early-modern intellectual currents such as Reason of State, (...)
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    Mentale toestanden in de psychologie.Annemarie Kalis - 2014 - Algemeen Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Wijsbegeerte 106 (3):197-206.
    Mental states in psychology Many of our thoughts, emotions and motivations have intentional content: they are ‘about’ something. In this paper I present my VENI research project, which starts from the observation that the everyday practice of empirical psychological research is built on the idea that mental states have content. However, empirical psychology lacks a clear view on how mental content should be understood and how mental states could be causally efficacious in virtue of their content. I focus on (...)
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    The Vidi Alterum Angelum Topos in Two Sermons by Guibert of Tournai for the Feast of St. Francis.Hal Friday - 2012 - Franciscan Studies 70:101-138.
    Scholars have recently noted the interest of Guibert of Tournai’s sermons on Francis of Assisi. Nicole Bériou partially edited Guibert’s sermon Surrexit Helyas, focusing on the theme of prophecy, in 1994,1 and Sean Field edited two more, Inflammatum est cor meum and Veni columba mea, highlighting the theme of Francis as a perfected soul through annihilation, in 1999.2 The two yet unexamined works in Guibert’s corpus of sermons discussing Francis hold their own interest, as they discuss an important topos (...)
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    Ovid, Metamorphoses 8.476.Katie E. Gilchrist - 1989 - Classical Quarterly 39 (02):562-.
    In these lines Ovid introduces Althaea's debate whether or not to kill her son Meleager by burning the brand which was his life, because he had killed her two brothers during the Calydonian boar hunt. A. S. Hollis says of line 476 that it contains ‘a forced and almost pointless word-play’. If sanguis is taken in its primary meaning, ‘blood’, this condemnation is quite justified. However, if one takes into account a secondary sense, the word-play acquires more strength. This sense (...)
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    A restante vida escrita: uma leitura da ressurreição em Maria Gabriela Llansol.Jonas Miguel Pires Samudio - forthcoming - Horizonte:206210-206210.
    O presente trabalho parte do pressuposto de que determinadas experiências de escrita se propõem não apenas como estéticas, mas como modos de compromisso que, por meio da forma, talvez reconhecida como artística, perseguem a abertura e a inauguração, no mundo e na realidade, de novas possibilidades de vida, ainda que, como realização, sejam inéditas. Para tal, ele se desenvolve em três movimentos: no primeiro, partimos da consideração de que, no texto de Maria Gabriela Llansol, há uma aposta na união entre (...)
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