Results for 'Victor Nodet'

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    The People of Aristophanes.Victor Ehrenberg - 1952 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 11 (1):85-86.
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    Nonsense logics and their algebraic properties.Victor K. Finn & Revaz Grigolia - 1993 - Theoria 59 (1-3):207-273.
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    Vulnerability in practice: Peeling back the layers, avoiding triggers, and preventing cascading effects.Elizabeth Victor, Florencia Luna, Laura Guidry-Grimes & Alison Reiheld - 2022 - Bioethics 36 (5):587-596.
    The concept of vulnerability is widely used in bioethics, particularly in research ethics and public health ethics. The traditional approach construes vulnerability as inherent in individuals or the groups to which they belong and views vulnerability as requiring special protections. Florencia Luna and other bioethicists continue to challenge traditional ways of conceptualizing and applying the term. Luna began proposing a layered approach to this concept and recently extended this proposal to offer two new concepts to analyze the concept of vulnerability, (...)
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  4. Russian Formalism: History-Doctrine.Victor Erlich - 1956 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 14 (4):509-510.
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    Alfred North Whitehead: The Man and His Work.Victor Lowe - 1985 - Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press.
    This second volume completes the biography of the influential philosopher, following Whitehead's move first from Trinity College, Cambridge to London, and then, at the age of 63, to America, where the focus of his work shifted from mathematics to philosophy. Lowe (philosophy emeritus, Johns Hopkins U.) died in 1988 with this biography not quite completed. Vol.2 was edited and seen through publication by J.B. Schneewind, chairman of the Philosophy Department at Johns Hopkins. Annotation copyrighted by Book News, Inc., Portland, OR.
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    Philosophy and Politics, II.Victor Gourevitch - 1968 - Review of Metaphysics 22 (2):281 - 328.
    Sometimes Strauss argues as if he thought it possible to understand man without raising questions about his relations to other things, and hence about his place in the whole. But when they are viewed in their broader context, such arguments are seen not to be his final word. Man's humanity cannot be understood in its own terms alone. The human soul differs from everything else in that it is "... open to the whole and therefore more akin to the whole (...)
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    In defence of critical thinking as a subject: If McPeck is wrong he is wrong.Victor Quinn - 1994 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 28 (1):101–111.
    This paper attempts three things. It invites you to engage critically with me in the adjudication of a particular controversy. It attempts to argue for and exemplify important procedures which distinguish good and bad thinking in a critical mode. And it argues the case for the separate teaching of critical thinking (henceforth CT).
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    The History of Geology: Suggestions for Further Research.Victor A. Eyles - 1966 - History of Science 5 (1):77-86.
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    Perceptual processing demands influence voluntary task choice.Victor Mittelstädt, Jeff Miller & Andrea Kiesel - 2022 - Cognition 229 (C):105232.
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  10. The myth of quantum consciousness.Victor Stenger - 1992 - The Humanist 53 (3).
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    The simplest axiom system for plane hyperbolic geometry.Victor Pambuccian - 2004 - Studia Logica 77 (3):385 - 411.
    We provide a quantifier-free axiom system for plane hyperbolic geometry in a language containing only absolute geometrically meaningful ternary operations (in the sense that they have the same interpretation in Euclidean geometry as well). Each axiom contains at most 4 variables. It is known that there is no axiom system for plane hyperbolic consisting of only prenex 3-variable axioms. Changing one of the axioms, one obtains an axiom system for plane Euclidean geometry, expressed in the same language, all of whose (...)
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    Achieving service recovery through responding to negative online reviews.Victor Ho - 2017 - Discourse and Communication 11 (1):31-50.
    The beginning of the 21st century witnesses a trend for business and leisure travelers to make accommodation decisions by referring to online reviews of hotel accommodation services and the hotel management’s responses to such reviews. The responses, termed review response genre in this study, have since attracted considerable research attention. The purpose of this article is twofold. First, it aims to identify the moves present in the review response genre; second, it aims to explore how the hotel management attempts to (...)
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    (1 other version)One Approach to Developing a Scientific and Technological Literacy Program for Liberal Arts and Buisness Students.Victor A. Stanionis - 1987 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 7 (5-6):846-850.
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    Ω1-like recursively saturated models of Presburger's arithmetic.Victor Harnik - 1986 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 51 (2):421-429.
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    Set existence axioms for general (not necessarily countable) stability theory.Victor Harnik - 1987 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 34 (3):231-243.
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    Stability theory and set existence axioms.Victor Harnik - 1985 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 50 (1):123-137.
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  17. Alfred North Whitehead: The Man and His Works, Vol. II.Victor Lowe & J. B. Schneewind - 1991 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 27 (2):256-266.
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    Studies in Biblical Law: From the Hebrew Bible to the Dead Sea Scrolls.Victor H. Matthews, Gershon Brin & Jonathan Chipman - 1997 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 117 (1):155.
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    Sociology in the Contemporary Soviet Union.Victor Zaslavsky - 1977 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 44.
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  20. In the Kingdom of Whys (short version).Victor Mota - manuscript
    resumed version of a Philosophycal Anthropology, a PhD Thesis.
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    Thelief of belief.Victor Yelverton Haines - 1993 - Journal of Value Inquiry 27 (3-4):367-383.
  22.  45
    Why Enactivists Should Care about Wittgenstein.Victor Loughlin - 2020 - Philosophia 49 (3):1083-1095.
    There is now an established literature on the link between later Wittgenstein and enactivist approaches in cognitive science. However, is this link not just a matter for card carrying Wittgensteinians? Can enactivists not manage perfectly well without Wittgenstein? In this paper, I show why some enactivists should care about Wittgenstein. Focusing on the enactivist view, “Sensorimotor Identity”. I argue that proponents of this view can use Wittgensteinian considerations to resolve an issue confronting their view and thereby shore up their proposed (...)
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    Notas sobre lógica e responsabilidade moral em Leibinz.Victor Hugo Fonseca da Silva Coelho - 2015 - Cadernos Espinosanos 31:136.
    Resumo:É pretendido, neste pequeno texto, mostrar como Leibniz se insere de modo bem peculiar na tradicional discussão filosófica acerca da liberdade do agente num mundo governado pelo princípio de razão suficiente. A questão posta por Arnauld, em carta de 13 de março de 1686, além de forçar Leibniz a dar esclarecimentos sobre a solução que adotou, também é importante por carregar certos resquícios do modo pelo qual Aristóteles abordou este tema. Também deve ser notado que, apesar da ruptura que a (...)
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    Familismo, Lesbophobia, and Religious Beliefs in the Life Course Narratives of Chilean Lesbian Mothers.Victor Figueroa & Fiona Tasker - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Locke’s Hermeneutics of Existence and His Representation of Christianity.Victor Nuovo - 2019 - In Luisa Simonutti (ed.), Locke and Biblical Hermeneutics: Conscience and Scripture. Springer Verlag. pp. 77-103.
    The word “Hermeneutics” has an exotic aura that may seem uncharacteristic of Locke. It was not one that he employed, nor is it commonly used by his contemporary interpreters, which are reasons enough to require an explanation of its prominence in the title and in the discussion that follows. “Locke’s theory and practice of interpretation” may seem a plainer and more suitable choice of words to characterize the subject of this study, although it is a less convenient alternative, employing several (...)
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    Reseña de 'Mark Fisher: Los espectros del tardocapitalismo'.Víctor Berríos Guajardo - 2023 - Hybris, Revista de Filosofí­A 14 (1):213-217.
    Germán Cano Gedisa Barcelona, 2023 149 páginas ISBN: 978-8419406002.
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    The Pinocchio Syndrome and the Prosthetic Impulse.Victor Grech - 2014 - In Russell Blackford & Damien Broderick (eds.), Intelligence Unbound. Wiley. pp. 263–278.
    In this book the main emphasis is twofold: on autonomous machine intelligence, and on mind uploading. This chapter shows that, while science fiction (SF) has depicted the extreme embrace of the “prosthetic impulse,” most notoriously in Star Trek's“Borg,” this is used as a warning of the potential Faustian consequences of such tendencies. The Star Trek franchise has also highlighted the converse, the Pinocchio syndrome, a reverse prosthetic impulse, most notably in the android Commander Data. Data is a sentient android and (...)
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  28. What Philosophers may learn from Whitehead.Victor Lowe - 1961 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 15 (56-7):251-66.
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  29. Using the earth system for integrating the science curriculum.Victor J. Mayer - 1995 - Science Education 79 (4):375-391.
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  30. The Love Command in the New Testament.Victor Paul Furnish - 1972
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    Relative Space.Victor J. Blum - 1933 - Modern Schoolman 10 (3):69-69.
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    The Foundation of Thurii.Victor Ehrenberg - 1948 - American Journal of Philology 69 (2):149.
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    The mirror of physics: on how the Price equation can unify evolutionary biology.Victor J. Luque & Lorenzo Baravalle - 2021 - Synthese 199 (5-6):12439-12462.
    Due to its high degree of complexity and its historical nature, evolutionary biology has been traditionally portrayed as a messy science. According to the supporters of such a view, evolutionary biology would be unable to formulate laws and robust theories, instead just delivering coherent narratives and local models. In this article, our aim is to challenge this view by showing how the Price equation can work as the core of a general theoretical framework for evolutionary phenomena. To support this claim, (...)
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    Black Scholarly Aesthetics and the Religious Critic: Black Experience as Manifolds of Manifestations and Powers of Presentations.Victor Anderson - 2012 - American Journal of Theology and Philosophy 33 (2):117-134.
  35. La Poétique de Schiller.Victor Basch - 1902 - F. Alcan.
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    Returns to university higher education in Peru.Víctor Carlos Salazar Condor - 2022 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 11 (2):59-72.
    This study measures the importance of finalizing university higher education in the income of Peruvian workers. Thus, information from the National Household Survey of Peru is analyzed, estimating three regression models based on who finished university studies and who did not. Our results show that completing university presents higher private returns than not doing it, and that the gap in returns by sex is shortened in those who finish their studies. In addition, there are higher returns in urban areas, capital (...)
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  37. (2 other versions)Antinomies linguistiques.Victor Henry - 1896 - The Monist 7:606.
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  38. Manners and Customs in the Bible.Victor Hendrickson - 1988
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    Akkadian Loanwords in Biblical Hebrew.Victor Avigdor Hurowitz & Paul V. Mankowski - 2002 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 122 (1):136.
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    The Canadian Federal Department of Peace Initiative.Victor Kliewer & Sean Byrne - 2021 - Journal for Peace and Justice Studies 30 (1-2):126-146.
    This article examines the possibility of establishing a Department of Peace (DOP) as a Department of the Government of Canada. The topic has been introduced in Parliament twice, as Bill C-447 in 2009 and as Bill C-373 in 2011, without any further actions beyond the formal First Reading. The introduction of the bills could only happen on the basis of significant support among Canadians. At present efforts to introduce the DOP continue, although in somewhat muted form. Based largely on oral (...)
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    Stone and Dung, Oil and Spit: Jewish Daily Life in the Time of Jesus. By Jodi Magness.Victor H. Matthews - 2021 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 133 (2).
    Stone and Dung, Oil and Spit: Jewish Daily Life in the Time of Jesus. By Jodi Magness. Grand Rapids, Mich.: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., 2011. Pp. xv + 335, illus. $25.
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    Рецензія на монографію.Okorokov Victor - 2016 - Схід 6 (146):137.
    Стовпець О. В. Інститут інтелектуальної власності в епоху інформації й постмодерну: соціально-філософський ракурс : [монографія] / О. В. Стовпець. - Одеса : Державний заклад "Південноукраїнський національний педагогічний університет ім. К. Д. Ушинського", 2016.
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    Ternary operations as primitive notions for constructive plane geometry III.Victor Pambuccian - 1993 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 39 (1):393-402.
    This paper continues the investigations begun in [6] and continued in [7] about quantifier-free axiomatizations of plane Euclidean geometry using ternary operations. We show that plane Euclidean geometry over Archimedean ordered Euclidean fields can be axiomatized using only two ternary operations if one allows axioms that are not first-order but universal Lw1,w sentences. The operations are: the transport of a segment on a halfline that starts at one of the endpoints of the given segment, and the operation which produces one (...)
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    Francisco Suárez and His Sources on the Gift of Tongues.Victor Salas - 2019 - New Blackfriars 100 (1089):554-576.
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    Okkupasjonen av byrommet.Victor Lund Shammas - 2012 - Agora Journal for metafysisk spekulasjon 30 (1):263-270.
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    Robert Wald Sussman: The Myth of Race. The Troubling Persistence of an Unscientific Idea.Victor Lund Shammas - 2015 - Agora Journal for metafysisk spekulasjon 32 (3-4):234-239.
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    Samtalens umulighet.Victor Lund Shammas - 2018 - Agora Journal for metafysisk spekulasjon 36 (2-3):320-327.
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  48. Comentários sobre a perspectiva do conceito de “superação” no aforismo I Das notas heideggerianas intitulaDas superação da metafísica.Victor Hugo de Oliveira Marques - 2017 - Synesis 9 (2):78-93.
    O presente artigo é uma discussão sobre a noção heideggeriana de Überwindung. Seu objetivo é duplo: por um lado, [1] mostrar a perspectiva que tal termo deve ser compreendido; por outro, [2] aprofundar esta perspectiva à luz de comentários ao aforismo I do texto Überwindung der Metaphysik. Para tanto, duas questões são postas: em que perspectiva e que questões estão implícitas quando Heidegger propõe o projeto da Überwindung der Metaphysik?; e por que uma Überwindung contém em si tantos problemas? De (...)
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  49. Is there evidence for an afterlife?Victor J. Stenger - unknown
    D’Souza claims that near-death experiences (NDE) suggest that consciousness can outlive the breakdown of the body and cannot be explained as the product of dying brains. These experiences can be found in situations where a subject is not near death and have all the characteristics of hallucinations caused by oxygen deprivation. Despite thousands of cases, no one has every come back from an NDE with information that could not have been in their heads originally.
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    The Date of the Material in “II Maccabees”: The Bureaucratic Evidence.Victor Parker - 2013 - Hermes 141 (1):34-44.
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