Results for 'Vitalie Pastuh-Cubolteanu'

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    Pe răscrucea istoriei.Vitalie Pastuh-Cubolteanu - 2000 - Chișinău: Civitas.
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    The Ecclesiastical History of Orderic Vitalis: Volume Iii: Books V & Vi.Orderic Vitalis - 1983 - Oxford University Press UK.
    Betrifft die Handschrift Cod. 555 der Burgerbibliothek Bern.
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    The Ecclesiastical History of Orderic Vitalis: Volume Ii: Books Iii & Iv.Orderic Vitalis - 1990 - Oxford University Press UK.
    The Ecclesiastical History of Orderic Vitalis has been called `the greatest of all medieval chronicles'. Written in Normandy between 1114 and 1141, it is a detailed history of the Norman people and their conquests, full of vivid, often penetrating portraits of the lives and characters of kings and queens, lords and bishops, simple knights, and humble villagers. The chronicle gives a unique, authentic picture of feudal society during a period of rapid change in church and state which saw the emergence (...)
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    Linguistic Privilege and Justice: What Can We Learn from STEM?Vitaly Pronskikh - 2018 - Philosophical Papers 47 (1):71-92.
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    Archivio Rodolfo Mondolfo: inventari.Stefano Vitali & Piero Giordanetti (eds.) - 1996 - Roma: Ministero per i beni culturali e ambientali, Ufficio centrale per i beni archivistici.
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    Editor's note.Vitaly Aronovich Rubin - 1982 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 9 (2):267-267.
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    The Ecclesiastical History of Orderic Vitalis: Volume Iv: Books Vii & Viii.Orderic Vitalis - 1983 - Oxford University Press UK.
    Edited with a facing-page English translation from the Latin text by: Chibnall, Marjorie.
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    What Is Formal Philosophy?Vitaly V. Dolgorukov & Vera A. Shumilina - 2021 - Epistemology and Philosophy of Science 58 (1):235-241.
    The paper focuses on the review of current literature on formal philosophy. Special attention is paid to the review of the book «Introduction to Formal Philosophy» [Hansson, Hendricks, 2018]. The book is a consistent introduction to the problems of formal philosophy, a research tradition that relies on the precise mathematical tools in order to study traditional philosophical problems. The methods of formal philosophy are successfully applied not only to the problems of ontology, epistemology and philosophy of language but also relevant (...)
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    Historiography in the History of Philosophy: the German Context and Experience.Vitali Terletsky - 2022 - Sententiae 41 (3):56-74.
    The paper aims to disclosure of key points in the development of the German tradition of historiography of philosophy after the 90s of the 18th century. The starting point was the so-called «dispute about the method» of historiography, which erupted in the last decade of the 18th century not without the influence of Kant’s «critical philosophy». Its participants (Reinhold, Fülleborn, Goess, Grohmann, Tennemann, and others) put forward different theses, but they agreed that it is Kant’s philosophy that makes it possible (...)
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    The concept of «reception study» in the context of methodology of the history of philosophy.Vitali Terletsky - 2020 - Filosofska Dumka (Philosophical Thought) 2:24-36.
    The article analyzes the concept of «reception», which has recently gained popularity, but remains not sufficiently clarified in studies of the history of philosophy. It is assumed that the concept has become the subject of explicit methodological reflection only in the reception aesthetics (Rezeptionsästhetik) of the Constance School of Literary Studies, where it not only opposes the concept of influence, but is interpreted in the context of a horizontal structure for text understanding. At the same time, it is important to (...)
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  11. Дескриптивный и аскриптивный подходы к объяснению действия.Vitaly Ogleznev - 2016 - Schole 10 (2):471-482.
    This essay is concerned with different approaches to the elucidation of action. It explicates the influence of Aristotle’s theory of action on the development of the modern philosophy of action, provided, first of all, by Reductionist and Causalist’s points of view. The author argues that the denial of the physical and psychological components of the action allows to conclude, firstly, that action is a social concept, logically dependent on the accepted rules of conduct; secondly, that it is fundamentally not descriptive, (...)
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    The political realism of Jeremy Bentham.James Vitali - 2023 - European Journal of Political Theory 22 (2):260-280.
    Jeremy Bentham is usually seen as an anti-realist political thinker, or a proponent of what Bernard Williams has termed ‘political moralism’. This article questions that prevalent view and suggests instead that there are good grounds for considering Bentham a political realist. Bentham’s political thought has considerable commonalities with that of the sociologist and political realist Max Weber: both agree that politics is a unique domain of human activity defined by its association with power; that consequently, ethical conduct is unavoidably inflected (...)
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    Intention and Intentional Action in Philosophy of Law.Vitaly V. Ogleznev - 2022 - Epistemology and Philosophy of Science 59 (1):38-44.
    The article examines K.A. Rodin’s thesis on the possibility of including Wittgenstein’s remarks on intention and action in the context of legal philosophy research. It is shown that although the concepts of intention and intentional action are relevant to the philosophy of law, Wittgenstein’s own ideas did not have a significant impact on their relevance (and some of them did not have it at all). This influence is confined to the fact that, like Wittgenstein, many jurists and legal theorists, mainly (...)
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  14.  36
    Discussion Topics in the History of the Development of Immanuel Kant’s third «Critique».Vitali Terletsky - 2018 - Sententiae 37 (2):49-61.
    This paper deals with the so-called “external history” of the origin of Critique of the power of judgment that is based primarily on the philosopher’s correspondence in the period between May 1787 and October 1789. Two letters from Kant to Reinhold (28.12.1787 and 12.05.1789) as well as modifications in the interpretation of the term “aesthetics” in the first Critique (KrVA 22, B 35-36) are crucial for the evolution of the project Critique of Taste in the book Critique of the Power (...)
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    Niccolò Machiavelli.Guido Vitali - 1938 - Milano,: A. Vallardi.
    Notizie biografiche. -- Il "Principe." -- I "Discorsi sopra la prima deca di Tito Livio." -- Le "Istorie florentine.".
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    The Importance of the A Priori in Whiteheadian Theodicy.Theodore R. Vitali - 1985 - Modern Schoolman 62 (4):277-291.
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    Action Monitoring Through External or Internal Focus of Attention Does Not Impair Endurance Performance.Francesca Vitali, Cantor Tarperi, Jacopo Cristini, Andrea Rinaldi, Arnaldo Zelli, Fabio Lucidi, Federico Schena, Laura Bortoli & Claudio Robazza - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Korsgaard’s Moral Theory ln the Light of Kant’s Architectonics.Vitaly Kiryushchenko - 2022 - Philosophia 50 (4):1931-1944.
    In The Sources of Normativity Korsgaard introduces her conception of practical identities understood as the source of moral obligations. This conception forms a point of transition from Korsgaard’s theory of action to her solution to the problem of the authority of moral norms. In order to describe how universal categorical reasoning is compatible with the moral content of particular practical decisions, Korsgaard needs to show how our contingent practical identities can be reconciled with what she defines as the universally shared (...)
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  19. Friedrich Nietzsche. Eine Würdigung.Vitalis Norström - 1924 - Rivista di Filosofia 13:273.
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  20. Religion und Gedanke.Vitalis Norström - 1934 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 41 (3):19-19.
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  21. Определение per genus proximum et differentiam specificam и юридический язык.Vitaly Ogleznev - 2015 - Schole 9 (2):228-240.
    This essay is concerned with the applicability in modern conceptual jurisprudence of a particular methodology for defining concepts, namely, per genus proximum et differentiam specificam. We explicate the origin of this method and how it was applied by Aristotle, Porphyry, and Boethius, arguing that H. L. A. Hart’s views about the “open texture” of language, which is context-sensitive, call into question the applicability of this methodology in modern conceptual jurisprudence.
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    Intuition and Reality of Signs.Vitali Tselishchev - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 41:57-63.
    The progress in computer programming leads to the shift in traditional correlation between intuitive and formal components of mathematical knowledge. From epistemological point of view the role of intuition decreases in compare with formal representation of mathematical structures. The relevant explanation is to be found in D. Hilbert’s formalism and corresponding Kantian’s motives in it. The notion of sign belongs to both areas under consideration: on the one hand it is object of intuition in Kantian de re sense, on the (...)
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    Entropic Mechanics: Towards a Stochastic Description of Quantum Mechanics.Vitaly Vanchurin - 2020 - Foundations of Physics 50 (1):40-53.
    We consider a stochastic process which is described by a continuous-time Markov chain on only short time-scales and constrained to conserve a number of hidden quantities on long time-scales. We assume that the transition matrix of the Markov chain is given and the conserved quantities are known to exist, but not explicitly given. To study the stochastic dynamics we propose to use the principle of stationary entropy production. Then the problem can be transformed into a variational problem for a suitably (...)
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  24. Определение per genus proximum et differentiam specificam и юридический язык: Аристотель и аналитическая юриспруденция.Vitaly Ogleznev - 2018 - Schole 12 (1):108-121.
    The article is concerned with the general characteristics of Aristotle’s theory of a genus-differentia definition. The authors examine the validity of the definitions in the framework of legal language and present some objections against the definitions of per genus proximum et differentia specificam as they are considered by Aristotle. At the same time, through the objections to the position of genus-differentia definition critics, it is proved that in a number of cases Aristotle’s theory is more preferable than the approach offered (...)
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    And another thing... Joining Berne the Russian way.Vitaly Babenko - 1996 - Logos 7 (4):293-296.
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    Technological Enlightenment in Russia.Vitali Gorokhov - 1997 - Techné: Research in Philosophy and Technology 3 (2):106-112.
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    Many-Valued Logic in the Jewish Short Stories.Vitaly I. Levin - 2014 - Studia Humana 3 (4):3-6.
    Jewish short stories are explained from the viewpoint of many-valued logic. On the basis of some examples, we show, how their contents may be logically interpreted.
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  28. In the Net of Abductions: on Juliette Peirce’s Identity.Vitaly Kiryushchenko - 2010 - Russian Journal of Communication 3 (1-2):123-146.
    In spite of all the industrious efforts Peirce scholars have made so far, Peirce’s biography still retains a number of gaps, among which the problem of identity of Peirce’s second wife, Juliette Froissy, stands out most significantly. It is all the more important that, as some scholars suggest, the discovery of any reliable facts about Juliette could provide an explanation to some of the decisions Peirce had made, which irrevocably changed the course of his life, as well as his semiotic (...)
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    The Concepts of Wu-Hsinga and Yin-Yangb.Vitaly A. Rubin - 1982 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 9 (2):131-157.
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    Peirce's semiotics and Russian formalism: The story of Oedipus Rex.Vitali Kiryushchenko - 2012 - Semiotica 2012 (189).
  31. Naives und wissenschaftliches Weltbild.Vitalis Norstrom - 1908 - Philosophical Review 17:351.
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    Individual and State in Ancient China.Vitaly A. Rubin & Steven I. Levine - 1977 - Philosophy East and West 27 (2):231-231.
  33. “John Dewey” (encyclopedia entry).Vitaly Kiryushchenko - 2007 - Supplement to Modern Encyclopedia of Russian, Soviet, and Eurasian History 7:26-30.
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    Emplotment and therapeutic interaction: Phenomenological motives in medical anthropology of Cheryl Mattingly.Vitaly Lekhtsier - 2017 - HORIZON. Studies in Phenomenology 6 (1):140-160.
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  35. Онтоэпистемологические основания философии права герберта харта.Vitaly Ogleznev - 2010 - Schole 4 (1):137-148.
    The article seeks to instantiate the distinctive features and basic research strategies in legal ontology as they are presented in the early works by the famous Oxford philosopher of law Herbert Hart, published before his major book The Concept of Law. The author tries to isolate the most salient aspects of the analytical legal tradition applicable to Russian legal theory, which can bridge the existing gap between these approaches despite considerable difference both in their background and methodology.
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    The Constitution as an Axiomatic System.Vitaly Ogleznev & Valeriy Surovtsev - 2017 - Axiomathes 28 (2):219-232.
    The Constitution is considered as an informal axiomatic system. The strategy proposed by the authors rests on the following propositions: axioms are considered as contextual definitions of those concepts by means of which they are formulated; and the main requirement for this type of system is internal consistency. The first proposition is necessary for considering the Constitution as an informal axiomatic system, while the second is sufficient, because the approach proposed, apart from consistency, must certainly consider the requirements for formal (...)
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    Vom System zum Labyrinth.Vitali Rolando - 2015 - Hegel-Jahrbuch 2015 (1):305-310.
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    Aristotle’s Theory of Time in the Light of the Phenomenological Tradition.Vitali Terletsky - 2015 - Sententiae 32 (1):100-117.
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    Recent Discussions on the Name of Aristotles Work Known to Us as “Metaphysics”.Vitali Terletsky - 2017 - Sententiae 36 (2):50-65.
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  40. Sport Hunting: Moral or Immoral?Theodore R. Vitali - 1990 - Environmental Ethics 12 (1):69-82.
    Hunting for sport or pleasure is ethical because (1) it does not violate any animal’s moral rights, (2) it has as its primary object the exercise of human skills, which is a sufficient good to compensate for the evil that results from it, namely, the death of the animal, and (3) it contributes to the ecological system by directly participating in the balancing process of life and death upon which the ecosystem thrives, thus indirectly benefiting the human community. As such, (...)
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  41. Technical publication.Brian Vitalis, Phillip J. Hunt & Cheif Engineer - 2005 - In Alan F. Blackwell & David MacKay, Power. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 2005.
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    Disinformation as a Tool of Hybrid Warfare: Essence and Consequences.Vitaly Krikun & Tamila Baulina - 2022 - Bulletin of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv Philosophy 2 (7):30-33.
    The article examines a number of issues related to the specifics of information dissemination under the conditions of communicative practice of both an individual level and the functioning of mass media. The main attention is paid to the issue of the deliberate spread of disinformation. In this context, the phenomenon of "hybrid war" and the place of the information component in it, the issue of using narratives as an effective means of mass information damage, and the specifics of the process (...)
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    Leopold von Ranke: The Birth of Historicism.Vitaly Kurennoy - 2024 - Sociology of Power 36 (3):180-214.
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    Diagrams, Visual Imagination, and Continuity in Peirce's Philosophy of Mathematics.Vitaly Kiryushchenko - 2023 - New York, NY, USA: Springer.
    This book is about the relationship between necessary reasoning and visual experience in Charles S. Peirce’s mathematical philosophy. It presents mathematics as a science that presupposes a special imaginative connection between our responsiveness to reasons and our most fundamental perceptual intuitions about space and time. Central to this view on the nature of mathematics is Peirce’s idea of diagrammatic reasoning. In practicing this kind of reasoning, one treats diagrams not simply as external auxiliary tools, but rather as immediate visualizations of (...)
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    The Visual and the Virtual in Theory, Life and Scientific Practice: The Case of Peirce’s Quincuncial Map Projection.Vitaly Kiryushchenko - 2012 - In Mariana Bockarova, Marcel Danesi & Rafael E. Núñez, Semiotic and Cognitive Science Essays on the Nature of Mathematics. Munich. Germany: Lincom Europa. pp. 61-70.
    The present paper is aimed at showing some correlations between Charles Peirce’s life, his intellectual habits as a logician and mathematician, his semiotic theory and his practice as a geodesist. For this purpose, it makes use of Peirce’s ideas about the nature of visual experience, some facts of his intellectual biography, and his definitions of sign and the term “virtual.” It appears that Peirce’s mature pragmatist and semiotic ideas find some support in his early practice as a scientist and a (...)
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    Continuous Logic and Scheduling in Systems with Indeterminate Processing Times.Vitaly I. Levin - 2014 - Studia Humana 3 (1):38-47.
    A general approach to the synthesis of an optimal order of executing jobs in engineering systems with indeterminate times of job processing is presented. As a mathematical model of the system, a two-stage pipeline is taken whose first and second stages are, respectively, the input of data and its processing, and the corresponding mathematical apparatus is continuous logic and logic determinants.
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    What Makes a Good Experiment? Reasons and Roles in Science.Vitaly Pronskikh - 2018 - Annals of Science 75 (1):62-64.
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    The Peirceian Influence on Hartshorne’s Subjectivism. Vitali - 1977 - Process Studies 7 (4):238-249.
  49. Nova et vetera Mons. Luigi Maria Carli al concilio Vaticano II.Dario Vitali - 2010 - Gregorianum 91 (1):91-123.
    In the debate on the heritage of the Council an careful study focusing the figures of the Fathers who had an important influence on the Council is still missing. Mons. Luigi Maria Carli is one of these: bishop of Segni during the Council, one of the most heard and feared of the minority, that he was considered the 'informal' voice of the Council. Carli was noted for 14 interventions during the four sessions of the Council. Theologian, expert in Canon law, (...)
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    The Ontological Argument.Theodore R. Vitali - 1980 - Modern Schoolman 57 (2):121-135.
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