Results for 'W. Boettcher'

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  1. Respect, Recognition, and Public Reason.James W. Boettcher - 2007 - Social Theory and Practice 33 (2):223-249.
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    Against the Asymmetric Convergence Model of Public Justification.James W. Boettcher - 2015 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 18 (1):191-208.
    Compared to standard liberal approaches to public reason and justification, the asymmetric convergence model of public justification allows for the public justification of laws and policies based on a convergence of quite different and even publicly inaccessible reasons. The model is asymmetrical in the sense of identifying a broader range of reasons that may function as decisive defeaters of proposed laws and policies. This paper raises several critical questions about the asymmetric convergence model and its central but ambiguous presumption against (...)
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  3. What is reasonableness?James W. Boettcher - 2004 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 30 (5-6):597-621.
    The concept of reasonableness is essential to John Rawls’s political liberalism, and especially to its main ideas of public reason and liberal legitimacy. Yet the somewhat ambiguous account of reasonableness in Political Liberalism has led to concerns that the Rawlsian distinction between the reasonable and the unreasonable is arbitrary and ultimately indefensible. This paper attempts to advance a more convincing interpretation of reasonableness. I argue that the reasonable applies first to citizens, who then play an important role in determining which (...)
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  4. The Moral Status of Public Reason.James W. Boettcher - 2012 - Journal of Political Philosophy 20 (2):156-177.
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  5. Habermas, Religion and the Ethics of Citizenship.James W. Boettcher - 2009 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 35 (1-2):215-238.
    A recent essay by Jürgen Habermas revisits political liberalism and takes up the question of the extent to which democratic citizens and officials should rely on their religious convictions in publicly deliberating about and deciding political issues. With his institutional translation proviso, a proposed alternative to Rawls' idea of public reason, Habermas hopes to dodge familiar (and often overstated) criticisms that liberal requirements of citizenship are unfair or disproportionately burdensome to religious believers. I argue that, due in part to its (...)
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    Strong inclusionist accounts of the role of religion in political decision-making.James W. Boettcher - 2005 - Journal of Social Philosophy 36 (4):497–516.
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    Coerecion and the Subject Matter of Public Justification.James W. Boettcher - 2016 - Public Reason 8 (1-2).
    Some public reason liberals identify coercive law as the subject matter of public justification, while others claim that the justification of coercion plays no role in motivating public justification requirements. Both of these views are mistaken. I argue that the subject matter of public justification is not coercion or coercive law but political decision-making about the basic institutional structure. At the same time, part of what makes a public justification principle necessary in the first place is the inherent coerciveness of (...)
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    Diversity, toleration and recent social contract theory.James W. Boettcher - 2019 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 45 (5):539-554.
    Ryan Muldoon has recently advanced an interesting and original bargaining model of the social contract as an alternative to Rawlsian social contract theory and political liberalism. This model is s...
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  9. Introduction: Religion and the public sphere.James W. Boettcher & Jonathan Harmon - 2009 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 35 (1-2):5-22.
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    Political, Not Metaphysical.James W. Boettcher - 2003 - Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association 77:205-219.
    Is it permissible for a citizen or political official to exercise coercive political power on the basis of a political justification associated with a religiously motivatedconception of justice? In this paper I accept John Rawls’s general approach to this question, but attempt to show how the Rawlsian approach is more inclusive ofreligious reasoning than many have supposed. My paper focuses specifically on the 1986 Catholic bishops’ pastoral letter on the U.S. economy. The bishops’ letter is certainly part of what Rawls (...)
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    Equitable Sharing: Distributing the Benefits and Detriments of Democratic Society. [REVIEW]James W. Boettcher - 2016 - Journal for Peace and Justice Studies 26 (1):100-103.
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    Paul Weithman, Why Political Liberalism? On John Rawl's Political Turn. [REVIEW]James W. Boettcher - 2013 - Public Reason 5 (1).
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    The Autonomy of Morality. [REVIEW]James W. Boettcher - 2010 - Social Theory and Practice 36 (1):164-171.
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    Michelle L. Boettcher and Cristóbal Salinas Jr., Law and Ethics in Academic and Student Affairs: Developing an Institutional Intelligence Approach.Evan W. Faidley, Madison E. Evans & Maxwell Parker - forthcoming - Journal of Academic Ethics:1-3.
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    Deliberative Democracy, Diversity, and Restraint.James Boettcher - 2020 - Res Publica 26 (2):215-235.
    Public reason liberals disagree about the relationship between public justification and deliberative democracy. My goal is to argue against the recent suggestion that public reason liberals seek a ‘divorce’ from deliberative democracy. Defending this thesis will involve discussing the benefits of deliberation for public justification as well as revisiting public reason’s standard Rawlisan restraint requirement. I criticize Kevin Vallier’s alternative convergence-based principle of restraint and respond to the worry that the standard Rawlsian restraint requirement reduces the likelihood of public justification (...)
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  16. Race, ideology, and ideal theory.James Boettcher - 2009 - Metaphilosophy 40 (2):237-259.
    Abstract: Philosophers who have addressed the problems of enduring racial injustice have been suspicious of the role played by ideal theory in ethics and political philosophy generally, and in contemporary liberal political philosophy in particular. The theoretical marginalization of race in the work of Rawls has led some to charge that ideal theory is at the very least unhelpful in understanding one of the most significant forms of contemporary injustice, and is at worst ideological in the pejorative sense. To explore (...)
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    Law and ethics in academic and student affairs: developing an institutional intelligence approach.Michelle L. Boettcher - 2023 - New York, NY: Routledge. Edited by Cristóbal Salinas.
    This valuable resource provides academic and student affairs practitioners with the tools to make informed legal and ethical decisions in their college and university contexts. Law is constantly changing and is interpreted differently from campus to campus based on institutional culture and history. This text provides higher education practitioners with tools to anticipate practical and responsible action, engaging readers in anticipatory and reflective practice. In this text, Boettcher and Salinas introduce the Institutional Intelligence Model, a helpful framework that guides (...)
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    Ethical Issues that arise in Bankruptcy.Jacques Boettcher, Gerald Cavanagh & Min Xu - 2014 - Business and Society Review 119 (4):473-496.
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    Nature's way of optimizing.Stefan Boettcher & Allon Percus - 2000 - Artificial Intelligence 119 (1-2):275-286.
  20. Are the Cranach Altarpieces Philippist? Memory of Luther and Knowledge of the Past in the Late Reformation.Susan R. Boettcher - 2004 - In Mary Lindemann (ed.), Ways of knowing: ten interdisciplinary essays. Boston: Brill Academic Publishers. pp. 85--112.
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    Debating Rawls.James Boettcher - 2012 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 38 (9):881-885.
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    Ground states of the Sherrington–Kirkpatrick spin glass with Levy bonds.Stefan Boettcher - 2012 - Philosophical Magazine 92 (1-3):34-49.
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    (1 other version)Internal Minorities, Membership, and the Freedmen Controversy.James Boettcher - 2009 - Social Philosophy Today 25:91-106.
    This paper looks at recent efforts within the Cherokee Nation of Oklahoma to expel descendants of the freedmen, persons of African descent held as slaves until their emancipation and subsequent adoption as tribal citizens according to the terms of an 1866 treaty. The unavoidable racial dimensions of this controversy lead me to examine it as an example of the internal minorities problem, i.e., the problem of minorities within minority cultures, familiar from the literature on liberal multiculturalism. I argue that while (...)
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    Immigration Policy and Normative Ideals.James Boettcher - 2022 - Radical Philosophy Review 25 (1):111-115.
  25. Just wide enough : reidy on public reason.James Boettcher - 2017 - In Sarah Roberts-Cady & Jon Mandle (eds.), John Rawls: Debating the Major Questions. New York, NY: Oup Usa.
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    Optimization with extremal dynamics.Stefan Boettcher & Allon G. Percus - 2002 - Complexity 8 (2):57-62.
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    Transitional Justice, Trade-offs, and the Troubles.James Boettcher - 2019 - Social Philosophy Today 35:181-186.
  28. Three philosophies of education.Henry John Boettcher - 1966 - New York,: Philosophical Library.
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    Shielding working-memory representations from temporally predictable external interference.Daniela Gresch, Sage E. P. Boettcher, Freek van Ede & Anna C. Nobre - 2021 - Cognition 217 (C):104915.
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    Consequences of predictable temporal structure in multi-task situations.Daniela Gresch, Sage E. P. Boettcher, Anna C. Nobre & Freek van Ede - 2022 - Cognition 225 (C):105156.
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    Review of Michael J. Perry, The Political Morality of Liberal Democracy[REVIEW]James Boettcher - 2010 - Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews 2010 (5).
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    The Changing Soviet Society. Russia’s Road to an Industrial Society. [REVIEW]Erik Boettcher - 1968 - Philosophy and History 1 (2):251-252.
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    Shifting attention between perception and working memory.Daniela Gresch, Sage E. P. Boettcher, Freek van Ede & Anna C. Nobre - 2024 - Cognition 245 (C):105731.
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    Couples Adjusting to Multimorbidity: A Dyadic Study on Disclosure and Adjustment Disorder Symptoms.Andrea B. Horn, Victoria S. Boettcher, Barbara M. Holzer, Klarissa Siebenhuener, Andreas Maercker, Edouard Battegay & Lukas Zimmerli - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    July Members' Lunch.Julie O’Donnell, Uwe Boettcher & Sophie Banks - forthcoming - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology.
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    (1 other version)Das exoterische paradox der wissenschaftsforschung.W. Baldamus - 1979 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 10 (2):213-233.
    In diesem Aufsatz soll versucht werden, die praktische Möglichkeit eines Verfahrens einer "externen" Sicht auf die Probleme der Wissenschaftstheorie zu demonstrieren. Da es sich um ein u. W. bisher unerprobtes Verfahren handelt, könnte es nur durch eine konkret ausgewiesene reductio ad absurdum eliminiert werden. Um jedoch den Anschein eines naiven Instrumentalismus zu vermeiden, seien zwei erläuternde Bemerkungen vorangeschickt. Es ist anzunehmen, daß die drei gesonderten Fachrichtungen bemüht sind, jenseits ihrer Grenzen von einem fachlich nicht spezialisierten Publikum rezipiert oder zumindest begriffen (...)
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  37. The Violence of Public Art: "Do the Right Thing".W. J. T. Mitchell - 1990 - Critical Inquiry 16 (4):880-899.
    The question naturally arises: Is public art inherently violent, or is it a provocation to violence? Is violence built into the monument in its very conception? Or is violence simply an accident that befalls some monuments, a matter of the fortunes of history? The historical record suggests that if violence is simply an accident that happens to public art, it is one that is always waiting to happen. The principal media and materials of public art are stone and metal sculpture (...)
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    Iliupersides.W. F. J. Knight - 1932 - Classical Quarterly 26 (3-4):178-.
    For about a hundred years there has been an intermittent but sometimes vigorous debate1 on the question whether Quintus Smyrnaeus and Tryphiodorus directly used the Second Aeneid as a source for their epic descriptions “of the capture and destruction of Troy. Heyne thought that they did not; but towards the end of the nineteenth century it appeared more likely that they did. Heinze opposed the general belief: but it was reaffirmed for Quintus by Paschal and Becker4 and for Tryphiodorus by (...)
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    Seeing "Do the Right Thing".W. J. T. Mitchell - 1991 - Critical Inquiry 17 (3):596-608.
    I might as well say at the outset that, although I can return Christensen’s compliment, and call his response “thoughtful,” I am most interested in those places where the fullness of his thought, and particularly of his own language, has paralyzed his thought in compulsively repetitious patterns, and led him into interpretive maneuvers that he would surely be skeptical about in the reading of a literary text. Even more interesting is the way Christensen’s antipathy to the film, and the violence (...)
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    "Ut Pictura Theoria": Abstract Painting and the Repression of Language.W. J. T. Mitchell - 1989 - Critical Inquiry 15 (2):348-371.
    This may be an especially favorable moment in intellectual history to come to some understanding of notions like “abstraction” and “the abstract,” if only because these terms seem so clearly obsolete, even antiquated, at the present time. The obsolescence of abstraction is exemplified most vividly by its centrality in a period of cultural history that is widely perceived as being just behind us, the period of modernism, ranging roughly from the beginning of the twentieth century to the aftermath of the (...)
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    Refusal of treatment by an adolescent: The deliverances of different consciences. [REVIEW]Sally L. Webb, Mary Faith Marshall, Flint Boettcher & Marty Perlmutter - 1998 - HEC Forum 10 (1):9-23.
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    Art, Perception, and Reality. [REVIEW]A. F. W., J. Hochberg & E. H. Gombrich - 1973 - Review of Metaphysics 26 (3):525-526.
    This book contains three essays: "The Mask and the Face: The Perception of Physiognomic Likeness in Life and Art" by Gombrich, the renowned art historian and critic; "The Representation of Things and People" by psychologist, Julian Hochberg; and "How Do Pictures Represent" by philosopher, Max Black. The book is based upon lectures delivered in the Johns Hopkins 1970 Thalheimer Lectures, where, taking off from the question "how there can be an underlying identity in the manifold and changing facial expression of (...)
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    The Coherence Theory of Truth. [REVIEW]W. L. M. - 1963 - Review of Metaphysics 17 (1):147-148.
    A massive series of meticulous clarifications and arguments is marshalled to attempt to refute, first, the doctrine that all relations are "internal", next, the claims that coherence is the sole criterion of the nature of truth, and finally, the theory of degrees of truth and falsity. The author's great familiarity with the literature of the coherence theorists proves almost a drawback: he prefers to cite texts extensively, but must then acknowledge important differences among them. There is little in the way (...)
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    Augustine's View of Reality. [REVIEW]W. W. A. - 1966 - Review of Metaphysics 19 (3):581-581.
    The essay "Augustine's View of Reality" was originally delivered by Dr. Bourke at St. Louis University as the 1963 Saint Augustine Lecture. To it, he has added here seventy-five pages of bilingual texts from Augustine, in which various metaphysical matters are treated, and four "appendices" in which Dr. Bourke carries out in greater detail the ideas advanced in his lecture. Dr. Bourke intends to explore the specifically metaphysical aspects of Augustine's writings, and in effect compares Augustine's Christian Platonism with Thomistic (...)
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    Intelligible Beauty in Aesthetic Thought from Winckelmann to Victor Cousin. [REVIEW]W. S. D. - 1959 - Review of Metaphysics 12 (4):668-668.
    In this study of aesthetics during the eight decades from 1755 to 1833, Will argues that those thinkers who steered away from the dualistic, neo-classical concern with ideal beauty and turned to a monistic, organic approach to the intelligibility of beauty were pushing the Platonic-Plotinian tradition toward clearer thought concerning beauty, and were also laying the groundwork for Hegel's idealism. He concludes that Hegel's systematization of this strand of thought constitutes "an oblique argument in favor of the major tradition of (...)
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    Ethical Theory from Hobbes to Kant. [REVIEW]W. E. - 1962 - Review of Metaphysics 16 (1):168-168.
    The central themes of the indicated company of ethical theorists are set forth in simple terms. --E. W.
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    Prospects for Metaphysics: Essays of Metaphysical Exploration. [REVIEW]W. N. F. - 1962 - Review of Metaphysics 15 (3):532-532.
    A symposium by twelve English thinkers of various Christian backgrounds. The papers investigate the possibility of incorporating traditional metaphysics and the insights of contemporary continental philosophers into the empirical and analytic tradition. The concept of intuition or immediate apprehension is explored in several of the papers as a possible key to the problem. Though the writers often fail to face up to hard problems, the book offers an important, if cautious, effort at integration.--F. W. N.
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    Remembering: A Philosophical Problem. [REVIEW]W. N. F. - 1962 - Review of Metaphysics 15 (3):530-530.
    A persuasive attack on Ryle's notion that "remember" is an achievement verb, and on Russell's view that all acts of memory might be entirely misleading. Although we can never be sure in any particular case that our memories are veridical, we need not adopt total scepticism. The book suffers from awkwardness of style and unnecessary repetition.--F. W. N.
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    Socratic Ignorance. [REVIEW]W. L. - 1966 - Review of Metaphysics 20 (1):145-146.
    An interpretation of the Platonic corpus which takes as its guiding theme the paradoxes and ironies built into the Socratic notion of self-knowledge. Ballard develops the theme of the knowledge which is aware of its own limitations by distinguishing between the kinds of unity involved in a self trying to know itself and the unity of the Platonic forms, with a consequent distinction between two kinds of participation. He finds the participation of forms in each other as spelled out in (...)
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    The Methods of Contemporary Thought. [REVIEW]W. L. - 1966 - Review of Metaphysics 20 (1):147-147.
    A compact, lucidly written book by a formal logician dealing with "the application of the laws of logic to various fields". After an introductory section in which the author fixes his terminology and clarifies the specific intent of the book, four "methods" are systematically discussed: the phenomenological, the semiotic, the axiomatic, and the reductive. According to Bochenski, the book is not intended to be philosophical in a primary sense. That is, the author is not himself immediately concerned with the justification (...)
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