Results for 'WTA'

13 found
  1. An Experimental Investigation of the Disparity Between WTA and WTP for Lotteries.Ulrich Schmidt & Stefan Traub - 2009 - Theory and Decision 66 (3):229-262.
    In this paper we experimentally investigate the disparity between willingness-to-accept (WTA) and willingness-to-pay (WTP) for risky lotteries. The direction of the income effect is reversed by endowing subjects with the highest price of a lottery when asking the WTP question. Our results show that the income effect is too small to be the only source of the disparity. Since the disparity concentrates on a subsample of subjects, parametric and nonparametric tests of the WTA-WTP ratio may lead to contradictory results. The (...)
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    The WTP/WTA Discrepancy: A Preliminary Qualitative Examination.Anthony C. Burton, Susan M. Chilton & Martin K. Jones - 2000 - Environmental Values 9 (4):481-491.
    This paper explores the psychological foundations of the 'Willingness to Pay/Willingness to Accept' discrepancy. Using a qualitative approach we find that the two response modes appear to invoke different strategies for completion. An examination of the heuristics used by respondents to answer questions concerning the buying and selling of the chance to play a straightforward lottery shows that only some could be taken as supporting current theories which aim to explain the discrepancy.
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    Why Carlos Ramos was in compliance with his duty and USTA and WTA are wrong in the case of US Open 2018 women’s final.Jiri Malis & Tomas Michalica - 2023 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 18 (2):194-209.
    The aim of the article is to point out the problem that started in the 2018 US Open final between Naomi Osaka and Serena Williams. During this final match, there was a conflict between the player S. Williams and the chair umpire C. Ramos, which involved a violation of rules related to coaching during the match. Subsequently, C. Ramos was banned from officiating the Williams sisters' matches at the next 2019 US Open. The authors of the article believe that the (...)
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    The effects of uncertainty on the WTA–WTP gap.Robert J. Reilly & Douglas D. Davis - 2015 - Theory and Decision 78 (2):261-272.
    We analyze the effects of uncertainty on WTA, WTP and the WTA–WTP gap. Extending the approach of Weber (Econom Lett 80:311–315, 2003) to the case of lotteries, we develop an exact expression for the WTA–WTP gap that allows identification of its magnitude under different utility specifications. Reinterpreting and extending results by Gabillon(Econom Lett 116:157–160, 2012), we also identify generally the relationship between an agent’s utility of income and the gap’s algebraic sign, as well as the effects of risk increases on (...)
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    The Upside to Feeling Worse Than Average (WTA): A Conceptual Framework to Understand When, How, and for Whom WTA Beliefs Have Long-Term Benefits.Ashley V. Whillans, Alexander H. Jordan & Frances S. Chen - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:498583.
    Our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors are shaped in critical ways by our beliefs about how we compare to other people. Prior research has predominately focused on the consequences of believing oneself to be better than average (BTA). Research on the consequences of worse-than-average (WTA) beliefs has been far more limited, focusing mostly on the downsides of WTA beliefs. In this paper, we argue for the systematic investigation of the possible long-term benefits of WTA beliefs in domains including motivation, task performance, (...)
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  6. On the origin of the WTA–WTP divergence in public good valuation.Emmanuel Flachaire, Guillaume Hollard & Jason F. Shogren - 2013 - Theory and Decision 74 (3):431-437.
    This paper tests whether individual perceptions of markets as good or bad for a public good is correlated with the propensity to report gaps in willingness to pay and willingness to accept revealed within an incentive compatible mechanism. Identifying people based on a notion of market affinity, we find a substantial part of the gap can be explained by controlling for some variables that were not controlled for before. This result suggests the valuation gap for public goods can be reduced (...)
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    Common consequence effects in pricing and choice.Ulrich Schmidt & Stefan T. Trautmann - 2014 - Theory and Decision 76 (1):1-7.
    This paper presents an experimental study of common consequence effects in binary choice, willingness-to-pay elicitation, and willingness-to-accept elicitation. We find strong evidence in favor of the fanning out hypothesis for both WTP and WTA. In contrast, the choice data do not show a clear pattern of violations in the absence of certainty effects. Our results underline the relevance of differences between pricing and choice tasks, and their implications for models of decision making under risk.
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    Winner-takes-all and action selection.Daniel V. Meegan - 1999 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 22 (4):692-693.
    Winner-takes-all (WTA) typically describes a mechanism for selecting the highest peak of activity in a sensory map that encodes independent representations of potential targets. To Findlay & Walker, WTA is an inherent property of a motor map that is incapable of representing multiple targets independently. Although the output of a WTA system should be characteristic of only one target, actions can be influenced by multiple targets.
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  9. The willingness-to-accept/willingness-to-pay disparity in repeated markets: loss aversion or 'bad-deal' aversion?Andrea Isoni - 2011 - Theory and Decision 71 (3):409-430.
    Several experimental studies have reported that an otherwise robust regularity—the disparity between Willingness-To-Accept and Willingness-To-Pay—tends to be greatly reduced in repeated markets, posing a serious challenge to existing reference-dependent and reference-independent models alike. This article offers a new account of the evidence, based on the assumptions that individuals are affected by good and bad deals relative to the expected transaction price (price sensitivity), with bad deals having a larger impact on their utility (`bad-deal’ aversion). These features of preferences explain the (...)
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    Exploring Factors of the Willingness to Accept AI-Assisted Learning Environments: An Empirical Investigation Based on the UTAUT Model and Perceived Risk Theory.Wentao Wu, Ben Zhang, Shuting Li & Hehai Liu - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Artificial intelligence technology has been widely applied in many fields. AI-assisted learning environments have been implemented in classrooms to facilitate the innovation of pedagogical models. However, college students' willingness to accept AI-assisted learning environments has been ignored. Exploring the factors that influence college students' willingness to use AI can promote AI technology application in higher education. Based on the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology and the theory of perceived risk, this study identified six factors that influence students' (...)
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    Empirical evaluation of third-generation prospect theory.Michael H. Birnbaum - 2018 - Theory and Decision 84 (1):11-27.
    Third generation prospect theory is a theory of choices and of judgments of highest buying and lowest selling prices of risky prospects, i.e., of willingness to pay and willingness to accept. The gap between WTP and WTA is sometimes called the “endowment effect” and was previously called the “point of view” effect. Third generation prospect theory combines cumulative prospect theory for risky prospects with the theory that judged values are based on the integration of price paid or price received with (...)
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    (1 other version)Architecture of Consciousness. Part Two: Molecular Structure and Biophysics of Memory.Wiesław L. Galus - 2015 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 63 (2):237-261.
    Część II pracy objaśnia molekularne podłoże pamięci w oparciu o założenia Neuro-Elektro- Dynamiki postulowanej przez Aura i Yoga. Wskazano na biofizyczne mechanizmy generacji wspomnień, refleksji i odczuć dzięki efatycznym sprzężeniom synaptycznym, spełniającym wymagania indukowania impresjonów Vadakkana. Wykazano, że działanie mechanizmu selekcyjnego WTA może być dobrym modelem opisującym funkcję przełączania uwagi. Wskazano na relacje między pamięcią roboczą, krótkoterminową i trwałą i ich spójność z molekularnymi procesami zapamiętywania i rozpoznawania wzorców. Wskazano, że trwała pamięć epizodyczna wymaga konwersji sekwencji czasowych sygnałów bottom-up do (...)
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    BCCT: A GUI Toolkit for Brain Structural Covariance Connectivity Analysis on MATLAB.Qiang Xu, Qirui Zhang, Gaoping Liu, Xi-Jian Dai, Xinyu Xie, Jingru Hao, Qianqian Yu, Ruoting Liu, Zixuan Zhang, Yulu Ye, Rongfeng Qi, Long Jiang Zhang, Zhiqiang Zhang & Guangming Lu - 2021 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15.
    Brain structural covariance network can delineate the brain synchronized alterations in a long-range time period. It has been used in the research of cognition or neuropsychiatric disorders. Recently, causal analysis of structural covariance network, winner-take-all and cortex–subcortex covariance network, and modulation analysis of structural covariance network have expended the technology breadth of SCN. However, the lack of user-friendly software limited the further application of SCN for the research. In this work, we developed the graphical user interface toolkit of brain structural (...)
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