Results for 'War (Philosophy) '

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  1.  24
    War Philosophie den Alten jemals Wissenschaft schlechthin?Hubert Röck - 1915 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 28 (1-4):1-53.
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    Worlds of uncertainty: war, philosophies and projects for order.Peter Haldén - 2023 - New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
    Analyses how world views of uncertainty and certainty have alternated and conflicted from the Renaissance to the modern day. The author argues that a pragmatic middle path that accepts unpredictability but deals with it through science and trust will help us successfully manage unpredictable events and deal with crises together.
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    The Philosophy Scare: The Politics of Reason in the Early Cold War.John McCumber - 2016 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
    This fascinating study reveals the extensive influence of Cold War politics on academia, philosophical inquiry, and the course of intellectual history. From the rise of popular novels that championed the heroism of the individual to the proliferation of abstract art as a counter to socialist realism, the years of the Cold War had a profound impact on American intellectual life. As John McCumber shows in this fascinating account, philosophy, too, was hit hard by the Red Scare. Detailing the immense (...)
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    War: Essays in Political Philosophy.Larry May (ed.) - 2008 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    War has been a key topic of speculation and theorising ever since the invention of philosophy in classical antiquity. This anthology brings together the work of distinguished contemporary political philosophers and theorists who address the leading normative and conceptual issues concerning war. The book is divided into three parts: initiating war, waging war, and ending war. The contributors aim to provide a comprehensive introduction to each of these main areas of dispute concerning war. Each essay is an original contribution (...)
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    German philosophy and the First World War.Nicolas de Warren - 2023 - New York, NY, USA: Cambridge University Press.
    Combining history and biography with astute philosophical analysis, Nicolas de Warren explores and reinterprets the intellectual trajectories of ten German philosophers as they reacted to and experienced the First World War. His book will enhance our understanding of the intimate and invariably complicated relationship between philosophy and war.
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    (1 other version)Star Wars and philosophy strikes back: this is the way.Jason T. Eberl & Kevin S. Decker (eds.) - 2023 - Hoboken, NJ: Wiley-Blackwell.
    This third brand-new 'Star Wars & Philosophy' title once again takes a fresh look at the franchise with all-new chapters. The focus of this volume is the more recent entries into the franchise, including hit TV shows such as THe Mandalorian. Modern applied philosophy is also used to analyse the Star Wars universe: In addition to thorny metaphysical questions about the nature of time and free will, this volume highlights the staggering cultural impact of George Lucas's universe. The (...)
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  7. Philosophy & war.Emile Boutroux & Fred Rothwell - 1916 - London,: Constable. Edited by Fred Rothwell.
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    Philosophy and discourse of war: conflict of worlds as the limit of Jurgen Habermas’s communicative theory.Yevhen Bystrytsky & Liudmyla Sytnichenko - 2022 - Filosofska Dumka (Philosophical Thought) 3:64-83.
    The article is a philosophical response to the oped of the German philosopher Jürgen Habermas Krieg und Empörung, published by him in the Süddeutsche Zeitung in April 2022. The oped demonstrates the philosopher’s view on ideological disputes and political debates or “indignation” (Empörung) in public sphere in both Germany and the EU concerning an attempt to develop a unanimous policy to help Ukraine with weapons against Russia’s military aggression. The authors presume that Habermas published the accountable message of a responsible (...)
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  9. Kant's idea of peace in German war philosophy during World War I.P. Hoeres - 2002 - Kant Studien 93 (1):84-112.
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    Logic made easy.Ronald Horace Warring - 1984 - Blue Ridge Summit, PA: TAB Books.
    An absorbing introductory treatment of logic, ranging from classic philosophy to the fundamental building blocks of modern electronics.
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    The Philosophy of War and Exile: From the Humanity of War to the Inhumanity of Peace.Nolen Gertz - 2014 - Palgrave-Macmillan.
    The Philosophy of War and Exile argues that our current paradigms for thinking about the ethics of war - just war theory - and the suffering of war - PTSD theory - judge war without a proper understanding of war. By continuing the investigations of J. Glenn Gray into the meaning of how war is experienced by combatants we can find an alternative understanding of not only war, but of peace, culminating in a new theory of responsibility centered around (...)
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    War and Peace in Buddhist Philosophy.Sallie B. King - 2013 - In Steven M. Emmanuel, A Companion to Buddhist Philosophy. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 631–650.
    Karma and its consequences are a major theme in Buddhism. When discussing war and peace in a Buddhist context, it is important to distinguish Buddhist philosophy from the practice of Buddhists in historical and present fact. This is because Buddhist philosophy on the subject, especially in the teachings of the Buddha and the mainstream Mahāyāna teachings, so heavily emphasizes non‐violence. The advent of engaged Buddhism places the dilemma of Buddhist violence in a new context. In so far as (...)
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    Post-war modernist cinema and philosophy: confronting negativity and time.Hamish Ford - 2012 - New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    Appropriate for both academic readers and informed general enthusiasts of the cinema it addresses, the book demonstrates both philosophy's particular usefulness for the analysis of modernist cinema and film form's inherent potential for ...
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  14.  26
    Islamic philosophy of war and peace.Mirza Iqbal Ashraf - 2008 - Poughkeepsie, NY: Mika Publications through iUniverse.
    Islam means "peace" and "submission to God." With its ethical system of instruction for a balanced life based on faith and reason, how did this "religion of peace" come to be feared? After the 9/11 tragedy, Islam was judged by many in the West to be a hub of terrorism and a threat to world peace. People everywhere voiced concern over its concepts of war and Jihad. Ashraf traces these and related concepts from their inception in Qur'anic injunctions and the (...)
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    Philosophies of peace and just war in Greek philosophy and religions of Abraham: Judaism, Christianity and Islam.Mehdi Faridzadeh (ed.) - 2004 - New York, NY: Global Scholarly Publications.
    Introduction By Charles Randall Paul Thank you very much. Thank you very much Reverend Kowalski. I will now introduce our panel. I'll make my own remarks I ...
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    There Is No Ethical Automation: Stanislav Petrov’s Ordeal by Protocol.Technology Antón Barba-Kay A. Center on Privacy, Usab Institute for Practical Ethics Dc, Usaantón Barba-Kay is Distinguished Fellow at the Center on Privacy Ca, Hegel-Studien Nineteenth Century European Philosophy Have Appeared in the Journal of the History of Philosophy, Among Others He has Also Published Essays About Culture The Review of Metaphysics, Commonweal Technology for A. Broader Audience in the New Republic & Other Magazines A. Web of Our Own Making – His Book About What the Internet Is The Point - 2024 - Journal of Military Ethics 23 (3):277-288.
    While the story of Stanislav Petrov – the Soviet Lieutenant Colonel who likely saved the world from nuclear holocaust in 1983 – is often trotted out to advocate for the view that human beings ought to be kept “in the loop” of automated weapons’ responses, I argue that the episode in fact belies this reading. By attending more closely to the features of this event – to Petrov’s professional background, to his familiarity with the warning system, and to his decisions (...)
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    The Philosophy of War: Unity in Diversity.Alexey V. Soloviev - 2020 - Russian Journal of Philosophical Sciences 63 (1):20-39.
    The article discusses the diversity of the subject field of the philosophy of war as well as the internal integrity of the discipline, united by the focus on the philosophical understanding of the phenomenon of war. The author shows the role of H. Lloyd, who influenced K. Clausewitz, H. Jomini and their followers’ interpretation of the meaning and content of the subject area of the philosophy of war. In the abundance of specific topics addressed by philosophers of this (...)
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  18.  14
    The philosophy of war films.David LaRocca (ed.) - 2014 - Lexington: University Press of Kentucky.
    Wars have played a momentous role in shaping the course of human history. The ever-present specter of conflict has made it an enduring topic of interest in popular culture, and many movies, from Hollywood blockbusters to independent films, have sought to show the complexities and horrors of war on-screen. In The Philosophy of War Films, David LaRocca compiles a series of essays by prominent scholars that examine the impact of representing war in film and the influence that cinematic images (...)
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    The “War” Between Natural Law Philosophy and Legal Positivism.Norman E. Bowie - 1974 - Idealistic Studies 4 (2):145-155.
    The war between natural law philosophy and legal positivism is an ancient one. For a time the stunning victories of Bentham and Austin virtually drove the forces of natural law from the battlefield. However, upon the collapse of Germany and Japan at the end of the Second World War, natural law became a useful tool in attempting to resolve the practical difficulties of trying war criminals. This fact and the rise of two able antagonistic generals, H. L. A. Hart (...)
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    Philosophy and/or Politics? Two Trajectories of Philosophy After the Great War and Their Contamination.Jack Reynolds - 2017 - In Matthew Sharpe, Rory Jeffs & Jack Reynolds, 100 years of European philosophy since the Great War: crisis and reconfigurations. Cham: Springer. pp. 215-232.
    In this chapter, I revisit the question of the philosophical significance of the Great War upon the trajectory of philosophy in the twentieth century. While accounts of this are very rare in philosophy, and this is itself symptomatic, those that are given are also strangely implausible. They usually assert one of two things: that the War had little or no philosophical significance because most of the major developments had already begun, or—at the opposite extreme—they maintain that nothing was (...)
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    Chronological table.Peloponnesian War & Rome Captured by Gauls - 1997 - In Anthony Kenny, The Oxford illustrated history of Western philosophy. New York: Oxford University Press.
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  22. Argument is War... And War is Hell: Philosophy, Education, and Metaphors for Argumentation.Daniel H. Cohen - 1995 - Informal Logic 17 (2):177-188.
    The claim that argumentation has no proper role in either philosophy or education, and especially not in philosophical education, flies in the face of both conventional wisdom and traditional pedagogy. There is, however, something to be said for it because it is really only provocative against a certain philosophical backdrop. Our understanding of the concept "argument" is both reflected by and molded by the specific metaphor that argument-is-war, something with winners and losers, offensive and defensive moments, and an essentially (...)
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  23. Cicero's Philosophy of Just War.Thornton Lockwood - manuscript
    Cicero’s ethical and political writings present a detailed and sophisticated philosophy of just war, namely an account of when armed conflict is morally right or wrong. Several of the philosophical moves or arguments that he makes, such as a critique of “Roman realism” or his incorporation of the ius fetiale—a form of archaic international law—are remarkable similar to those of the contemporary just war philosopher Michael Walzer, even if Walzer is describing inter-state war and Cicero is describing imperial war. (...)
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    How the Cold War Transformed Philosophy of Science: To the Icy Slopes of Logic.George A. Reisch - 2005 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    This intriguing and ground-breaking book is the first in-depth study of the development of philosophy of science in the United States during the Cold War. It documents the political vitality of logical empiricism and Otto Neurath's Unity of Science Movement when these projects emigrated to the US in the 1930s and follows their de-politicization by a convergence of intellectual, cultural and political forces in the 1950s. Students of logical empiricism and the Vienna Circle treat these as strictly intellectual non-political (...)
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  25.  26
    Caste Wars: A Philosophy of Discrimination.David Edmonds - 2006 - Routledge.
    The central topic for this book is the ethics of treating individuals as though they are members of groups. The book raises many interesting questions, including: Why do we feel so much more strongly about discrimination on certain grounds – e.g. of race and sex - than discrimination on other grounds? Are we right to think that discrimination based on these characteristics is especially invidious? What should we think about ‘rational discrimination’ – ‘discrimination’ which is based on sound statistics? To (...)
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    Philosophy of History at the End of the Cold War.Krishan Kumar - 2008 - In Aviezer Tucker, A Companion to the Philosophy of History and Historiography. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 550–560.
    This chapter contains sections titled: The Recovery of the Philosophy of History The End of History: Hegel Redivivus The Clash of Civilizations: The Revenge of the Past? Bibliography.
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  27. Philosophy 9/11: Thinking About the War on Terrorism.Timothy Shanahan (ed.) - 2005 - Open Court.
    Fifteen philosophers turn their thoughts to international terrorism and the war that it has spawned, lending their expertise in law, ethics, politics, feminism, ...
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    Philosophy and War: Hegel versus Kant or Kant towards Hegel? In memory of Jacques D’Hondt.Marco Duichin - 2014 - Hegel-Jahrbuch 2014 (1).
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    Philosophy in Post-War Reconstruction.Anton C. Pegis - 1943 - Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association 19 (6):8-17.
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    A personal philosophy for war time.James L. Mursell - 1942 - New York [etc.]: J.B. Lippincott Company.
    A PERSONAL PHILOSOPHY FOR WAR TIME BY THE AUTHOR OF STREAMLINE YOUR MIND A Personal Philosophy for War Time JAMES L. MURSELL Professor of Education Teachers ...
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    A terribly serious adventure: philosophy and war at Oxford, 1900-1960.Nikhil Krishnan - 2023 - New York: Random House.
    What are the limits of language? How can philosophy be brought closer to everyday life? What is a good human being? These were among the questions that philosophers wrestled with in mid-twentieth-century Britain, a period shadowed by war and the rise of fascism. In response to these events, thinkers such as Philippa Foot (originator of the famous trolley problem), Isaiah Berlin, Iris Murdoch, Elizabeth Anscombe, Gilbert Ryle, and J. L. Austin aspired to a new level of watchfulness and self-awareness (...)
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  32.  25
    German philosophy in relation to the war.John Henry Muirhead - 1917 - London,: J. Murray.
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  33. Philosophy of education in italy from the end of world-war-2 to the present-theoretical models and basic options.C. Fedeli - 1995 - Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica 87 (4):623-642.
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    Philosophy and Ideology: The Development of Philosophy and Marxism-Leninism in Poland Since the Second World War.H. B. Acton & Z. A. Jordan - 1965 - Philosophical Quarterly 15 (58):90.
  35.  29
    Philosophy and the War.Fritz Mauthner & Thomas Hainscho - 2023 - Journal of Continental Philosophy 4 (1):61-70.
    Fritz Mauthner’s essay Die Philosophie und der Krieg, published in October 1914, is among the nationalist writings of Mauthner written during the First World War. The essay explores the question of returning to philosophy after the war. Asking this question, Mauthner examines the relationship between war and philosophy and argues that the two concepts do not share any substantial points of contact. During his discussion, an unspoken premise of the question about the return to philosophy is revealed: (...)
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  36. The institutional stabilization of philosophy of science and its withdrawal from social concerns after the Second World War.Fons Dewulf - 2020 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 29 (5):935-953.
    In this paper, I criticize the thesis that value-laden approaches in American philosophy of science were marginalized in the 1960s through the editorial policy at Philosophy of Science and funding practices at the National Science Foundation. I argue that there is no available evidence of any normative restriction on philosophy of science as a domain of inquiry which excluded research on the relation between science and society. Instead, I claim that the absence of any exemplary, professional philosopher (...)
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  37. Social Philosophy and the War of the Faiths.Horace Meyer Kallen - forthcoming - Social Research: An International Quarterly.
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    Philosophy of War and Peace.Jenny Teichman - 2006 - Imprint Academic.
    This book considers historical and current events from the standpoint of moral philosophy. It describes: real wars and the ways in which they have or have not been fought according to principles of justice; terrorism, torture and the effects of scientific discoveries on the way war is conducted; peace movements and the influences of religion on the ideology surrounding warfare. The book criticises the ethical theories of analytical philosophers in the 20th and 21st centuries.
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    Philosophy In the Inter-War Period: A Memoir.Louis Arnaud Reid - 2015 - Philosophy 90 (2):195-212.
    The following extracts come from a memoir of philosophical life between the wars and after, written in the 1970s by the Anglo-Scottish philosopher Louis Arnaud Reid (1895–1986).2 Today Reid is best known for his writings on aesthetics, and as the holder of the foundation chair in the philosophy of education at the University of London. Reid will also be familiar to those who have read A.J. Ayer's account of Ayer's appointment to the chair of philosophy at London, for (...)
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  40.  21
    Star Wars as Philosophy: A Genealogy of the Force.Jason T. Eberl - 2022 - In David Kyle Johnson, The Palgrave Handbook of Popular Culture as Philosophy. Palgrave-Macmillan. pp. 855-872.
    Are good and evil a “point of view”? Do Jedi and Sith alike merely crave greater power? What does a “space opera” have to teach us about how to live virtuously? George Lucas created Star Wars as a modern-day morality tale, modeled on classical epics, such as Homer’s Iliad and Odyssey, tragic dramas written by the likes of Sophocles, Seneca, and Shakespeare, and the scriptures that inspire religions in the East and West. This chapter canvasses the metaphysical and moral themes (...)
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  41. Philosophy & War, Authorized Tr. By F. Rothwell.Étienne Émile M. Boutroux & Fred Rothwell - 1916
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    The philosophy of war and peace - by Jenny Teichman.Jacqueline Laing - 2009 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 26 (1):114-116.
    Wars have been entered into as a means of gaining property, taking slaves and dominating and controlling peoples. The pacifist claims that no form of war can ever be justified. By contrast, just war theory holds that it is possible for a war to be morally justified, an idea that underlies much international law, as can be seen in the Geneva Conventions. Teichman introduces us to such thinkers as Aristotle, Cicero, Augustine, Aquinas, Hugo Grotius, John Rawls and Elizabeth Anscombe on (...)
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    Star Wars and Philosophy: More Powerful Than You Can Possibly Imagine.Kevin S. Decker & Jason T. Eberl (eds.) - 2005 - Open Court.
    The essays in this volume tackle the philosophical questions from these blockbuster films including: Was Anakin predestined to fall to the Dark Side? Are the Jedi truly role models of moral virtue? Why would the citizens and protectors of a democratic Republic allow it to descend into a tyrannical empire? Is Yoda a peaceful Zen master or a great warrior, or both? Why is there both a light and a dark side of the Force? Star Wars and Philosophy ponders (...)
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    Philosophy and war: Hegel’s therapeutic movement of the spirit.Rastko Jovanov - 2014 - Filozofija I Društvo 25 (4):87-104.
    In addition to Axel Honneth?s thesis on the therapeutic function of the concept of ethical life in Hegel?s philosophy, I want to underline two moments which, to my mind, show Hegel?s views on the therapeutic dimension of both philosophy and the war against the pathology of civil society more clearly. In this context, philosophy performs a corrective function by fostering the individual?s virtue conceived as an ethical duty of care both for oneself and for others. The main (...)
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  45.  60
    Philosophy and Practice: Some Issues About War and Peace.R. M. Hare - 1984 - Royal Institute of Philosophy Lecture Series 18:1-15.
    I am going in this lecture on ‘Philosophy and Practice’ first to say something about philosophy and then something about practice, in order to show you how they bear on one another. But I must start by paying a tribute to the President of the Society for Applied Philosophy, Professor Sir A. J. Ayer, who has kindly agreed to take the chair at this lecture. I can honestly say that he is more responsible than anybody else for (...)
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  46.  85
    The Freud wars: an introduction to the philosophy of psychoanalysis.Lavinia Gomez - 2005 - New York: Routledge.
    The Freud Wars offers a comprehensive introduction to the crucial question of the justification of psychoanalysis. Part I examines three powerful critiques of psychoanalysis in the context of a recent controversy about its nature and legitimacy: is it a bankrupt science, an innovative science, or not a science at all but a system of interpretation? The discussion makes sense of the entrenched disagreement about the validity of psychoanalysis, and demonstrates how the disagreement is rooted in the theoretical ambiguity of the (...)
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  47.  2
    The Ethics of War and Peace in Russian Philosophy and the Ethical Consequences of Modern Legal Precedents on Warfare and Armed Forces.Tatiana Minchenko - 2024 - Conatus 9 (2):161-194.
    The first part of the study is devoted to a comparative analysis of the concepts of the Ethics of War and Peace in Russian philosophy and its influence on the world practice of nonviolence. The second part of the study is devoted to analyzing the impact of changes in legislation and law enforcement practice on the moral state of society concerning the Armed Forces and military operations after the collapse of the USSR. In conclusion, a summary of the research (...)
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  48. War and ghosts in Mozi's political philosophy.Benjamin Wong & Hui-Chieh Loy - 2004 - Philosophy East and West 54 (3):343-363.
    : It is argued here that Mozi's critique of warfare in the chapter "Against Offensive War" ("Fei gong") cannot be fully understood without the arguments presented in the chapter "Explaining Ghosts" ("Ming gui"). For Mozi, the problem of war can only be resolved if the existence of providential ghosts can be proven. But he indicates in his arguments concerning the existence of ghosts that it is doubtful whether such a condition can be met. Consequently, despite the apparently optimistic tenor of (...)
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  49.  28
    The Idea of War and Peace in Contemporary Philosophy.Irving Louis Horowitz - 2012 - Paine-Whitman.
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    (1 other version)The Ultimate Star Wars and Philosophy: You Must Unlearn What You Have Learned.Jason T. Eberl & Kevin S. Decker (eds.) - 2015 - Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell.
    Does it take faith to be a Jedi? Are droids capable of thought? Should Jar Jar Binks be held responsible for the rise of the Empire? Presenting entirely new essays, no aspect of the myth and magic of George Lucas’s creation is left philosophically unexamined in The Ultimate Star Wars and Philosophy. The editors of the original Star Wars and Philosophy strike back in this Ultimate volume that encompasses the complete Star Wars universe Presents the most far-reaching examination (...)
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