Results for 'Wim Matthys'

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  1. Beyond the comparator model: A multi-factorial two-step account of agency.Matthis Synofzik, Gottfried Vosgerau & Albert Newen - 2008 - Consciousness and Cognition 17 (1):219-239.
    There is an increasing amount of empirical work investigating the sense of agency, i.e. the registration that we are the initiators of our own actions. Many studies try to relate the sense of agency to an internal feed-forward mechanism, called the ‘‘comparator model’’. In this paper, we draw a sharp distinction between a non-conceptual level of feeling of agency and a conceptual level of judgement of agency. By analyzing recent empirical studies, we show that the comparator model is not able (...)
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  2. I move, therefore I am: A new theoretical framework to investigate agency and ownership.Matthis Synofzik, Gottfried Vosgerau & Albert Newen - 2008 - Consciousness and Cognition 17 (2):411-424.
    The neurocognitive structure of the acting self has recently been widely studied, yet is still perplexing and remains an often confounded issue in cognitive neuroscience, psychopathology and philosophy. We provide a new systematic account of two of its main features, the sense of agency and the sense of ownership, demonstrating that although both features appear as phenomenally uniform, they each in fact are complex crossmodal phenomena of largely heterogeneous functional and representational levels. These levels can be arranged within a gradually (...)
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  3. Ethically justified, clinically applicable criteria for physician decision-making in psychopharmacological enhancement.Matthis Synofzik - 2009 - Neuroethics 2 (2):89-102.
    Advances in psychopharmacology raise the prospects of enhancing neurocognitive functions of humans by improving attention, memory, or mood. While general ethical reflections on psychopharmacological enhancement have been increasingly published in the last years, ethical criteria characterizing physicians’ role in neurocognitive enhancement and guiding their decision-making still remain highly unclear. Here it will be argued that also in the medical domain the use of cognition-enhancing drugs is not intrinsically unethical and that, in fact, physicians should assume an important role in gating (...)
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  4. The influence of an interactive educational approach on visitors' learning in a Swiss zoo.Petra Lindemann‐Matthies & Tobias Kamer - 2006 - Science Education 90 (2):296-315.
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    Kindnesses and Duties in the Abortion Issue.Michael J. Matthis - 1983 - New Scholasticism 57 (4):534-545.
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    Kierkegaard on the Infinite in Community and Society.Michael J. Matthis - 1981 - Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association 55:135.
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    Process as reality: Kierkegaard’s aesthetic approach to the ethical.Michael J. Matthis - 2017 - Continental Philosophy Review 51 (1):23-41.
    This paper makes the point that Kierkegaard’s ideas concerning individuality cannot be understood clearly without placing them in the context of what I am calling ontological isolation. This means the radical deprivation by selfhood of every aspect of reality, to the point where not even the possibility or illusion of reality is available to the self. In this context the self is required to become itself, forming itself in and out of its own absolute nothingness, ontological destitution, or wrongness. With (...)
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    Trauma as counter-revolutionary colonisation: Narratives from (post)revolutionary Egypt.Vivienne Matthies-Boon & Naomi Head - 2018 - Journal of International Political Theory 14 (3):258-279.
    We argue that multiple levels of trauma were present in Egypt before, during and after the 2011 revolution. Individual, social and political trauma constitute a triangle of traumatisation which was strategically employed by the Egyptian counter-revolutionary forces – primarily the army and the leadership of the Muslim Brotherhood – to maintain their political and economic power over and above the social, economic and political interests of others. Through the destruction of physical bodies, the fragmentation and polarisation of social relations and (...)
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    The experience of agency: an interplay between prediction and postdiction.Matthis Synofzik, Gottfried Vosgerau & Martin Voss - 2013 - Frontiers in Psychology 4.
  10.  61
    (1 other version)Reply to Carruthers☆.Matthis Synofzik, Gottfried Vosgerau & Albert Newen - 2009 - Consciousness and Cognition 18 (2):521-523.
  11.  19
    Kierkegaard and the Problem of the Social Other.Michael J. Matthis - 1994 - Philosophy Today 38 (4):419-439.
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    The beautiful, the sublime the grotesque: the subjective turn in aesthetics from the Enlightenment to the present.Michael James Matthis (ed.) - 2010 - Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Press.
    The eighteenth-century Enlightenment represents a turn toward experience, that is, toward the experiencing subject. Still the Enlightenment involves an aspiration toward objective truth in the ideals of the newly emerging sciences and in the experiments in democracy that were beginning to transform the political landscape of Europe and America. Immanuel Kant's towering philosophical achievement in his critical works helps to reformulate a meaning of objectivity that is congenial to the climate of inquiry and freedom in that remarkable century, a meaning (...)
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  13.  22
    The Social in Kierkegaard's Concept of the Individual.Michael J. Matthis - 1979 - Philosophy Today 23 (1):74-83.
  14.  21
    Gelehrte als Identifikationsfiguren? Vom Umgang mit fachkultureller Erinnerung in medizinischen Fächern.Matthis Krischel, Julia Nebe & Timo Baumann - 2024 - Berichte Zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte 47 (1-2):77-105.
    In this article, the authors examine the circumstances under which scholars can become effective figures of identification in medicine, after whom prizes or institutions are named – and under which circumstances scholars cannot or can no longer fulfill such a role. Trends and changes in professional cultural memory are examined, illustrated by the biographies and receptions of the human geneticist Hans Nachtsheim, the circulatory researcher Rudolf Thauer, the urologist Dora Teleky as well as the dentists Karl Häupl and Elsbeth von (...)
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    Me or not me – An optimal integration of agency cues?Matthis Synofzik, Gottfried Vosgerau & Axel Lindner - 2009 - Consciousness and Cognition 18 (4):1065-1068.
    Recent work has demonstrated that the sense of agency is not only determined by efference-copy-based internal predictions and internal comparator mechanisms, but by a large variety of different internal and external cues. The study by Moore and colleagues [Moore, J. W., Wegner, D. M., & Haggard, P. . Modulating the sense of agency with external cues. Conscious and Cognition] aimed to provide further evidence for this view by demonstrating that external agency cues might outweigh or even substitute efferent signals to (...)
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  16.  30
    Wie sollen wir Patienten mit Demenz behandeln? Die ethisch problematische Funktion der Antidementiva.Matthis Synofzik & Dr Walter Maetzler - 2007 - Ethik in der Medizin 19 (4):270-280.
    Angesichts begrenzter anderweitiger Behandlungsmöglichkeiten wird der Gabe von Antidementiva in der gegenwärtigen medizinischen Demenz-Behandlung eine besondere Bedeutung zugeordnet. Eine evidenzbasierte ethische Analyse unter den Kriterien des Wohlergehens, des Nicht-Schadens, der Autonomie und der Gerechtigkeit zeigt jedoch, dass die Bedeutung von Antidementiva oftmals überschätzt wird und die Erwartungen zu hoch sind: Die Wirksamkeit von Antidementiva ist rein symptomatisch, sie fällt bei einer großen Anzahl an Patienten nur gering aus und bleibt für manche Patienten ohne Nutzen. Zudem sind Antidementiva mit Schadensrisiken behaftet (...)
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  17.  32
    Gunnar Duttge, Christian Lenk Das sogenannte Recht auf Nichtwissen. Normatives Fundament und anwendungspraktische Geltungskraft: mentis Verlag, Paderborn, 270 Seiten, 59,00 €, ISBN 978-3957431349.Matthis Krischel - 2020 - Ethik in der Medizin 32 (1):111-113.
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    Jürgen Habermas and Bush’s Neoconservatives: Too Close for Comfort?Vivienne Matthies-Boon - 2011 - Studies in Social Justice 5 (2):167-182.
    In his recent political writings, Habermas has opposed his cosmopolitan project to that of the Bushite neoconservatives. However, this article argues that in some respects Habermas's works come closer to the neoconservative agenda than he realizes and that this poses a potential danger of its being appropriated by precisely the camp he opposes. These problems particularly come to the fore in his analysis of Islamic fundamentalism, democracy and the Middle East, but also in his recommendations concerning UN-based internationalism and his (...)
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    Boudewijn Chabot, Christian Walther (2010) Ausweg am Lebensende. Selbstbestimmtes Sterben durch freiwilligen Verzicht auf Essen und Trinken: Ernst Reinhardt Verlag, München, Basel, 172 Seiten, 16,90 €, ISBN 978-3-497-02152-9.Matthis Synofzik - 2011 - Ethik in der Medizin 23 (2):171-172.
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    The new possibilities of neuroscience and their ethical implications.Matthis Synofzik - 2005 - Ethik in der Medizin 17 (3):206-219.
    Durch den rasanten Fortschritt in den Neurowissenschaften ergibt sich ein bidirektionales Implikationsverhältnis zwischen Ethik und Neurowissenschaften: Einerseits haben neurowissenschaftliche Erkenntnisse epistemische Implikationen für anthropologisch-ethische Grundkonzepte, andererseits haben ethische Kriterien normative Implikationen für neurowissenschaftliche Interventionen. Die Neuroethik untersucht diese normativen Implikationen systematisch auf der metaethischen, der theoretischen und der praktischen Ebene. Um eine spezifische und differenzierte ethische Analyse der einzelnen neurowissenschaftlichen Interventionen zu ermöglichen, soll hier eine bereichsspezifische, neuroethische Kriteriologie vorgestellt werden. Durch exemplarische Anwendung ihrer einzelnen Kriterien auf gegenwärtige und zukünftige (...)
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    Uncertainty in the knowledge of art and persons.Michael J. Matthis - 1979 - Man and World 12 (4):415-432.
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    Weighting models and weighting factors.Gottfried Vosgerau & Matthis Synofzik - 2012 - Consciousness and Cognition 21 (1):55-58.
    We defend our multifactorial weighting model of the sense of agency and our critique of the comparator model against the critiques that have been brought forward by and . Building on the specification of our model that emerges from this response, we will suggest a distinct mechanism how weighting of different agency factors might work: internal and external agency cues are constantly weighted according to their reliability in a given situation. Thus, the weighting process underlying the sense of agency might (...)
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  23.  36
    Beyond the comparator model.Matthis Synofzik & Gottfried Vosgerau - 2012 - Consciousness and Cognition 21 (1):1-3.
  24.  12
    Die Responsivität der Wissenschaft: wissenschaftliches Handeln in Zeiten neuer Wissenschaftspolitik.Hildegard Matthies, Dagmar Simon & Marc Torka (eds.) - 2015 - Bielefeld: Transcript.
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    God's always loving you.Janna Matthies - 2021 - Nashville: WorthyKids.
    Remind little ones that God will always be there to love, support, and comfort them--no matter the situation--with this uplifting, reassuring board book. This powerful little book is filled to the brim with hope and comfort. Simple, child-friendly verse outlines relatable moments of crisis, uncertainty, and fear common to a child's life, and asks who helps us in each of those scenarios. "God, that's who" is the reliable answer, forming a pattern kids will quickly pick up on. Each answer reinforces (...)
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  26.  22
    Nietzsche as anti-naturalist.Michael J. Matthis - 1993 - Philosophy Today 37 (2):170-182.
  27.  57
    Wie sollen wir Patienten mit Demenz behandeln? Die ethisch problematische Funktion der Antidementiva.Matthis Synofzik & Walter Maetzler - 2007 - Ethik in der Medizin 19 (4):270-280.
    ZusammenfassungAngesichts begrenzter anderweitiger Behandlungsmöglichkeiten wird der Gabe von Antidementiva in der gegenwärtigen medizinischen Demenz-Behandlung eine besondere Bedeutung zugeordnet. Eine evidenzbasierte ethische Analyse unter den Kriterien des Wohlergehens, des Nicht-Schadens, der Autonomie und der Gerechtigkeit zeigt jedoch, dass die Bedeutung von Antidementiva oftmals überschätzt wird und die Erwartungen zu hoch sind: Die Wirksamkeit von Antidementiva ist rein symptomatisch, sie fällt bei einer großen Anzahl an Patienten nur gering aus und bleibt für manche Patienten ohne Nutzen. Zudem sind Antidementiva mit Schadensrisiken behaftet (...)
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  28.  35
    Academic Habitus and Institutional Change: Comparing Two Generations of German Scholars.Hildegard Matthies & Marc Torka - 2019 - Minerva 57 (3):345-371.
    Since the 1980s scholars have been increasingly confronted with expectations to orient themselves toward societal and economic priorities. This normative demand for societal responsiveness is inscribed in discourses aimed at increasing the usefulness, competitiveness, and control of academia. New performance criteria, funding conditions, and organizational forms are central drivers of this debate – thereby, they change the conditions in which scholars conduct research and advance their careers. However, little is known so far about the impact these institutional changes have on (...)
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  29.  39
    La Philosophie Comme Panphysique. [REVIEW]Matthis J. Raden - 1981 - Process Studies 11 (3):199-203.
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    The Ethical Differences Between Psychiatric and Neurologic DBS: Smaller Than We Think?Matthis Synofzik & Jens Clausen - 2011 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 2 (1):37-39.
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    Cognition on demand?—The wish for cognition-enhancing drugs in medicine.Matthis Synofzik - 2006 - Ethik in der Medizin 18 (1):37-50.
    Die Fortschritte in der Psychopharmakologie führen zu einem immer breiteren Angebot an Substanzen zur Verbesserung der Stimmung, des Gedächtnisses oder der exekutiven Funktionen. Dieses Angebot trifft auf die Wünsche und Bedürfnisse vieler Menschen, ihre mentalen Leistungen und Zustände zu verbessern. Wie sollte die Medizin mit diesen Wünschen umgehen? An welchen Kriterien sollte sich insbesondere der ärztliche Entscheidungsprozess orientieren? Im Folgenden soll gezeigt werden, dass sich aus einer „Treatment-enhancement-Unterscheidung“, einem Krankheits- oder Normalitätsbegriff oder einem bestimmten Medizinkonzept keine zielführenden normativen Kriterien für (...)
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  32. Beyond authorship. Comparators and weightings : neurocognitive accounts of agency.Matthis Synofzik - 2015 - In Patrick Haggard & Baruch Eitam, The Sense of Agency. New York: Oxford University Press USA.
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    Comparators and Weightings.Matthis Synofzik - 2015 - In Patrick Haggard & Baruch Eitam, The Sense of Agency. New York: Oxford University Press USA.
    Research on the neurocognitive underpinnings and disruptions of the sense of agency has been greatly inspired by a simple computational account of agency: the comparator model. However, this account faces several shortcomings in explaining agency in healthy and neuropsychiatric subjects and in explaining the distinction between feelings of agency and judgments of agency. This chapter suggests that integration of agency cues might be governed by a specific weighting mechanism, namely a weighting mechanism that follows the principles of optimal cue integration. (...)
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    Retrospective duration estimates of an abductor’s speech.A. Daniel Yarmey & Eva Matthys - 1990 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 28 (3):231-234.
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    Avant-propos.Jean Matthys & Delia Popa - 2019 - Symposium 23 (1):1-4.
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    Becoming Subjective.Michael J. Matthis - 2006 - Philosophy Today 50 (3):272-283.
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    Freud i 2000-talet - Neuropsykoanalysen och det subjektiva perspektivet.Iréne Matthis - 2014 - Agora Journal for metafysisk spekulasjon 32 (1-2):269-291.
  38. The Gospel of God's Reign: Living for the Kingdom of God, by Christoph Friedrich Blumhardt.Miriam Matthis, Peter Rutherford, Elleen Robertshaw, Christian T. Collins Winn & Charles Moore - 2014
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  39. A cognitive theory of thoughts.Gottfried Vosgerau & Matthis Synofzik - 2010 - American Philosophical Quarterly 47 (3):205-222.
    The nature and function of thoughts have been a central topic of philosophy from its ancient beginnings, yet its critical assessment was put forward in particular by the development of the philosophy of mind in the last decades: thoughts were no longer taken to be the secure basis of which we immediately know the content and its nature , but to be mental entities that require critical investigation concerning the determination of their content and nature. Thoughts are traditionally discussed in (...)
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    Perceived Hereditary Effect of World War I: A Study of the Positions of Friedrich von Bernhardi and Vernon Kellogg. [REVIEW]Matthis Krischel - 2010 - Medicine Studies 2 (2):139-150.
    This paper explores the question whether war was regarded as eugenic or dysgenic before, during and after the First World War. The main focus is on the positions of the German military officer and historian Friedrich von Bernhardi, who in Germany and the Next War, first published in 1912, argued for war as eugenic, and Vernon Kellogg’s Headquarters Nights, published in 1917, which marks an important work characterizing war as dysgenic. I argue that an international community of biologists and social (...)
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    Wolfram Höfling (Hrsg.) (2005) Das sog. Wachkoma. Rechtliche, medizinische und ethische Aspekte. (Reihe Recht-Ethik-Gesundheit, Band 1): LIT Verlag, Münster, 328 Seiten, ISBN 3-8258-8894-0, EUR 29,90. [REVIEW]Matthis Synofzik - 2006 - Ethik in der Medizin 18 (3):282-286.
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    Sujet, narcissisme et infini.Andrea Cavazzini & Jean Matthys - 2019 - Symposium 23 (1):158-183.
    Cet article discute, à travers le parcours critique d’un récent ouvrage d’Anselm Jappe, la thèse d’une illimitation « narcissique » constitutive de la forme subjective propre aux rapports de production capitalistes contemporains. Montrant que cette perspective est fondée sur une conception monolithique et unilatérale de l’histoire du capital et de ses sujets, ainsi que sur une réduction illégitime de toute forme d’in????inité au « mauvais in????ini » de l’illimitation, nous soutenons la nécessité de penser un infini positif irréductible tant à (...)
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  43. Schülerpersönlichkeit und Ausbildungsförderung der Gesellschaft.Matthías Jónasson - 1980 - In Josef Derbolav, Clemens Menze & Friedhelm Nicolin, Sinn und Geschichtlichkeit: Werk und Wirkungen Theodor Litts. Stuttgart: Klett-Cotta.
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    The valence of action outcomes modulates the perception of one’s actions.Carlo Wilke, Matthis Synofzik & Axel Lindner - 2012 - Consciousness and Cognition 21 (1):18-29.
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    Towards a common framework of grounded action cognition: Relating motor control, perception and cognition.Antje Gentsch, Arne Weber, Matthis Synofzik, Gottfried Vosgerau & Simone Schütz-Bosbach - 2016 - Cognition 146 (C):81-89.
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    The ‘Global Phylogeny’ and its Historical Legacy: A Critical Review of a Unified Theory of Human Biological and Linguistic Co-Evolution. [REVIEW]Frank Kressing, Matthis Krischel & Heiner Fangerau - 2014 - Medicine Studies 4 (1):15-27.
    In a critical review of late twentieth-century gene-culture co-evolutionary models labelled as ‘global phylogeny’, the authors present evidence for the long legacy of co-evolutionary theories in European-based thinking, highlighting that (1) ideas of social and cultural evolution preceded the idea of biological evolution, (2) linguistics played a dominant role in the formation of a unified theory of human co-evolution, and (3) that co-evolutionary thinking was only possible due to perpetuated and renewed transdisciplinary reticulations between scholars of different disciplines—especially within the (...)
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    Dealing with sexual boundary violation in mental healthcare institutions by government policies: the case of Flanders, Belgium.Johan Bilsen, Hubert Van Puyenbroeck, Dirk De Wachter, Frieda Matthys, Kim Dewilde & Lara Vesentini - 2022 - BMC Medical Ethics 23 (1):1-8.
    BackgroundTo prevent sexual boundary violations (SBV) in mental health care institutions overall governments require these institutions to report SBV incidents to a central registry and to develop institutional guidelines how to react. In Europe SBV policies are only recently developed or implemented, as is also the case in Flanders (Belgium). The implementation of a new institutional policy is always a challenge and can encounter resistance, especially when it concerns SBV, because they remain delicate and complex.MethodThis study evaluated the extent to (...)
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  48.  27
    Guidelines and quality measures for the diagnosis of optic ataxia.Svenja Borchers, Laura Müller, Matthis Synofzik & Marc Himmelbach - 2013 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 7.
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    Levodopa Modulates Functional Connectivity in the Upper Beta Band Between Subthalamic Nucleus and Muscle Activity in Tonic and Phasic Motor Activity Patterns in Parkinson’s Disease.Uri E. Ramirez Pasos, Frank Steigerwald, Martin M. Reich, Cordula Matthies, Jens Volkmann & René Reese - 2019 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 13.
  50.  11
    Emerging adults’ food media experiences : Preferences, opportunities, and barriers for food literacy promotion.Lauranna Teunissen, Isabelle Cuykx, Paulien Decorte, Heidi Vandebosch, Christophe Matthys, Sara Pabian, Kathleen Van Royen & Charlotte De Backer - 2024 - Communications 49 (4):619-644.
    This study aims to understand how and why emerging adults come into contact with food media messages, and what they perceive as positive and negative outcomes related to food literacy. Seven focus groups, stratified by gender and socio-economic status, with 37 emerging adults aged between 18 and 25 were conducted. Photovoice was used to reflect on participants’ real-life food media experiences. Findings reveal that food media consumption is a combination of actively searching and incidentally encountering. The results suggest that food (...)
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