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  1. Value choices in European COVID-19 vaccination schedules: how vaccination prioritization differs from other forms of priority setting.Karolina Wiśniowska, Tomasz Żuradzki & Wojciech Ciszewski - 2022 - Journal of Law and the Biosciences 9 (2):lsac026.
    With the limited initial availability of COVID-19 vaccines in the first months of 2021, decision-makers had to determine the order in which different groups were prioritized. Our aim was to find out what normative approaches to the allocation of scarce preventive resources were embedded in the national COVID-19 vaccination schedules. We systematically reviewed and compared prioritization regulations in 27 members of the European Union, the United Kingdom, and Israel. We differentiated between two types of priority categories: groups that have increased (...)
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  2. Conscientious Refusal of Abortion in Emergency Life-Threatening Circumstances and Contested Judgments of Conscience.Wojciech Ciszewski & Tomasz Żuradzki - 2018 - American Journal of Bioethics 18 (7):62-64.
    Lawrence Nelson (2018) criticizes conscientious objection (CO) to abortion statutes as far as they permit health care providers to escape criminal liability for what would otherwise be the legally wrongful taking of a pregnant woman’s life by refusing treatment (i.e. abortion). His key argument refers to the U.S. Supreme Court judgment (Roe v. Wade 1973) that does not treat the unborn as constitutional persons under the Fourteenth Amendment. Therefore, Nelson claims that within the U.S. legal system any vital interests of (...)
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    The issue of access to experimental therapy in the case law of the European Court of Human Rights.Wojciech Ciszewski - 2024 - Diametros 21 (81):1-15.
    The article focuses on the issue of access to experimental therapy under the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, and more specifically in the case law of the European Court of Human Rights. To date, this issue has been the subject of three cases decided by the Court. In none of these cases the Court has recognized a right to experimental therapy. The article has two main research objectives. The first is to reconstruct the arguments for (...)
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    Two notes on Rafał Kubiak article.Wojciech Ciszewski - 2023 - Diametros 20 (78):110-116.
    The following text is a voice in the discussion around normative problems of innovative therapies. It particularly refers to the amendment to the Polish Act on the Professions of Physician and Dentist, also discussed in this issue in the article by Rafał Kubiak "Criminal liability for crimes related to the illegal conduct of a medical experiment.".
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    Zastosowania filozofii analitycznej w prawoznawstwie: Wprowadzenie.Paweł Banaś, Wojciech Ciszewski, Adam Dyrda & Bartosz Janik - 2018 - Avant: Trends in Interdisciplinary Studies 9 (1):11-17.
    The paper critically examines the conception of majoritarian democracy. In the second part of the text, the author introduces the definition of majoritarian democracy based on the Joseph Schumpeter’s theory of minimal democracy. The thesis of the paper is that electing the government by universal suffrage is neither necessary nor sufficient as a condition for a democratic regime. The concept of democracy is broader, including the catalogue of democratic values connected with the concept of democratic citizenship, special circumstances of political (...)
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  6. Remedium wobec diagnozy, czyli jak liberalizm polityczny odpowiada na fakt niezgody.Wojciech Ciszewski & Adam Dyrda - 2013 - Diametros 37:13-33.
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