Results for 'Yayoi Watari'

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  1. Ronrigaku.Yayoi Watari - 1951 - Edited by Kinshirō Kashiyama.
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  2. Marukusu-shugi to rinri.Watari Fujino - 1976
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  3. Sarutoru to yuibutsuron.Watari Fujino - 1950
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  4. Shiteki yuibutsuron to rinrigaku. Fujino, Watari & Catalogfrom Old - 1972
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  5. Tetsugaku to moraru.Watari Fujino - 1979
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  6. Kokumin dōtoku joron.Shōzaburō Watari - 1929
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  7. Kokumin dōtoku yōgi.Shōsaburō Watari - 1936 - Tōkyō: Meguro Shoten.
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  8. (1 other version)Kokumin seishin sakkō shōsho engi.Shōsaburō Watari - 1924 - Tōkyō: Chūbunkan.
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  9. Nihon butoku ron.Shōzaburō Watari - 1933 - Tōkyō: Chūbunkan.
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  10. Rinrigaku.Shōzaburō Watari - 1928 - Tōkyō: Gisaikai. Edited by Tsugio Endō.
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    Linguistic versus cultural relativity: On Japanese-Chinese differences in picture description and recall.Yayoi Tajima & Nigel Duffield - 2012 - Cognitive Linguistics 23 (4).
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    Children's Motives for Admitting to Prosocial Behavior.Yayoi Watanabe & Kayo Lee - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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  13. Normalization theorems for substructural logics in Gentzen-style natural deduction, abstract of the talk at 2000 Annual Meeting of the Association for Symbolic Logic, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, June 3‐7, 2000. [REVIEW]O. Watari, K. Nakatogawa & T. Ueno - 2000 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 6 (3):390-391.
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    Functional Linking Between Negative and Positive ERPs for Syntactic Processing in Japanese: Mutual Enhancement, Syntactic Prediction, and Working Memory Constraints.Shingo Tokimoto, Yayoi Miyaoka & Naoko Tokimoto - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    An EEG Analysis of Honorification in Japanese: Human Hierarchical Relationships Coded in Language.Shingo Tokimoto, Yayoi Miyaoka & Naoko Tokimoto - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    This study examines the neural substrate of the understanding of human relationships in verbal communication with Japanese honorific sentences as experimental materials. We manipulated two types of Japanese verbs specifically used to represent respect for others, i.e., exalted and humble verbs, which represent respect for the person in the subject and the person in the object, respectively. We visually presented appropriate and anomalous sentences containing the two types of verbs and analyzed the electroencephalogram elicited by the verbs. We observed significant (...)
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    Is the Use of Averaging in Advice Taking Modulated by Culture?Hugo Mercier, Yayoi Kawasaki, Hiroshi Yama, Kuniko Adachi & Jean-Baptiste Van der Henst - 2012 - Journal of Cognition and Culture 12 (1-2):1-16.
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    Mental-Imagery-Based Mnemonic Training: A New Kind of Cognitive Training.Xiaoyu Luan, Yayoi Kawasaki, Qi Chen & Eriko Sugimori - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    We investigated the immediate and maintenance effects of mental-imagery-based mnemonic training on improving youths’ working memory, long-term memory, arithmetic and spatial abilities, and fluid intelligence. In Experiment 1, 26 Chinese participants aged 10–16 years were divided into an experimental group that received 8 days of mental-imagery-based mnemonic training and a no-contact control group. Participants completed pre-, post-, and three follow-up tests. In Experiment 2, 54 Chinese children, all 12 years old, were divided into experimental and control groups. Participants completed pre-, (...)
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    Eléments initiaux dans la phrase japonaise – Spécificité ou universalité? –.Yayoi Nakamura-Delloye - 2014 - Corpus 13:221-241.
    La présente étude, portant sur l’examen des éléments initiaux de la phrase japonaise, part de l’hypothèse que la partie initiale est une place réservée aux éléments extraprédicatifs. Nos études sur des corpus nous ont fourni des éléments confirmant notre hypothèse et nous ont permis de compléter la liste d’éléments externes, notamment l’ensemble des introducteurs du cadre. Cette propriété de la place initiale n’empêche pas pour autant l’apparition d’autres éléments plus intégrés. Le déplacement des arguments en position initiale est motivé dans (...)
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    A dual process model for cultural differences in thought.Hiroshi Yama, Miwa Nishioka, Tomoko Horishita, Yayoi Kawasaki & Junichi Taniguchi - 2007 - Mind and Society 6 (2):143-172.
    Nisbett et al. claim that East Asians are likely to use holistic thought to solve problems, whereas Westerners use analytic thought more, and discuss the differences in the frame of the individualism/collectivism distinction. The holistic versus analytic distinction has been the greatest point of interest of dual process theories, which imply that human thinking has two sub processes. We apply a revised dual process model that proposes meme-acquired goals in both systems to explain cultural differences in thought. According to this, (...)
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    Ethical and Social Issues for Health Care Providers in the Intensive Care Unit during the Early Stages of the COVID-19 Pandemic in Japan: a Questionnaire Survey.Kazuto Kato, Atsushi Kogetsu, Yayoi Aizawa & Yusuke Seino - 2021 - Asian Bioethics Review 14 (2):115-131.
    This questionnaire-based observational study was conducted in July 2020 with the aim of understanding the ethical and social issues faced by health care providers (HCPs) registered with the Japanese Society of Intensive Care Medicine in intensive care units (ICUs) during the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic. There were 200 questionnaire respondents, and we analyzed the responses of 189 members who had been involved in COVID-19 treatment in ICUs. The ethical and social issues that HCPs recognized during the pandemic were difficulties in (...)
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  21. Population pressure and prehistoric violence in the Yayoi period of Japan.Tomomi Nakagawa, Kohei Tamura, Yuji Yamaguchi, Naoko Matsumoto, Takehiko Matsugi & Hisashi Nakao - 2021 - Journal of Archaeological Science 132:105420.
    The causes of prehistoric inter-group violence have been a subject of long-standing debate in archaeology, an- thropology, and other disciplines. Although population pressure has been considered as a major factor, due to the lack of available prehistoric data, few studies have directly examined its effect so far. In the present study, we used data on skeletal remains from the middle Yayoi period of the Japanese archipelago, where archaeologists argued that an increase of inter-group violence in this period could be (...)
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  22. Demic Diffusion of the Yayoi People in the Japanese Archipelago.Hisashi Nakao, Tomomi Nakagawa, Akihiro Kaneda, Koji Noshita & Kohei Tamura - 2023 - Letters on Evolutionary Behavioral Science 14 (2):58–64.
    The present study examines the 3-dimensional data of human crania from the Yayoi period (800 BC to AD 250) of the Japanese archipelago by geometric morphometrics to investigate demic diffusion patterns. This is the first study on the Yayoi crania using their 3D data and geometric morphometrics with a much larger number of skeletal remains outside of the Kyushu regions than previous studies. The comparative results between the Jōmon and Yayoi samples show that the Yayoi people (...)
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  23. 弥生時代中期における戦争:人骨と人口動態の関係から(Prehistoric Warfare in the Middle Phase of the Yayoi Period in Japan : Human Skeletal Remains and Demography).Tomomi Nakagawa, Hisashi Nakao, Kohei Tamura, Yuji Yamaguchi, Naoko Matsumoto & Takehiko Matsugi - 2019 - Journal of Computer Archaeology 1 (24):10-29.
    It has been commonly claimed that prehistoric warfare in Japan began in the Yayoi period. Population increases due to the introduction of agriculture from the Korean Peninsula to Japan resulted in the lack of land for cultivation and resources for the population, eventually triggering competition over land. This hypothesis has been supported by the demographic data inferred from historical changes in Kamekan, a burial system used especially in the Kyushu area in the Yayoi period. The present study aims (...)
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    Rice, Bronze, and Chieftains: An Archaeology of Yayoi Ritual.Mark J. Hudson - 1992 - Japanese Journal of Religious Studies 19 (2/3):139-189.
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  25. Cultural evolution of ritual practice in prehistoric Japan: The kitamakura hypothesis is examined.Misato Maikuma & Hisashi Nakao - 2024 - Letters on Evolutuionay Behavioral Science 15 (1):1–8.
    Various disciplines, including evolutionary biology, anthropology, archaeology, and psychology, have studied the evolution of rituals. Archaeologists have typically argued that burial practices are one of the most prominent manifestations of ritual practices in the past and have explored various aspects of burial practices, including burial directions. One of the important hypotheses on the cultural evolution of burial practices in Japan is the kitamakura hypothesis, which claims that burial directions (including Kofuns and current burials) were intended to be oriented toward the (...)
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  26. Cultural Identity and Intergroup Conflicts: Testing Parochial Altruism Model via Archaeological Data.Hisashi Nakao - 2023 - Annals of the Japan Association for Philosophy of Science 32:75-87.
    The present research used archaeological data, i.e., the data obtained from kamekan jar burials in the Mikuni Hills of the northern Kyushu area in the Mid- dle Yayoi period, to test the parochial altruism model. This model argued that out-group hate and in-group favor coevolved via prehistoric intergroup conflicts. If this model is accurate, such an out-group hate and in-group favor could be re- flected in the archaeological remains, such as pottery making; the more frequent intergroup conflicts are and (...)
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    Jabalíes, cerdos y ritualidad en el Japón Pre y Protohistórico.Irene M. Muñoz Fernández - 2021 - RAPHISA REVISTA DE ANTROPOLOGÍA Y FILOSOFÍA DE LO SAGRADO 5 (1).
    Este trabajo analiza el papel de los suidos en la ritualidad protohistórica japonesa, tomando como base la aparición de una serie de restos óseos de estos animales en contextos rituales y/o con indicios de consumo ritual, especialmente en los periodos Jōmon (ca. 10,500-300 a.n.e.) y Yayoi (1,000-900 a.n.e.-250-300 d.n.e.),. Pero antes de entrar de lleno en la problemática de estos ejemplares, es necesario realizar una retrospectiva del papel de dichos animales en el archipiélago japonés desde la Prehistoria, así como (...)
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  28. Intergroup conflicts in human evolution: A critical review of the parochial altruism model(人間進化における集団間紛争 ―偏狭な利他性モデルを中心に―).Hisashi Nakao, Kohei Tamura & Tomomi Nakagawa - 2023 - Japanese Psychological Review 65 (2):119-134.
    The evolution of altruism in human societies has been intensively investigated in social and natural sciences. A widely acknowledged recent idea is the “parochial altruism model,” which suggests that inter- group hostility and intragroup altruism can coevolve through lethal intergroup conflicts. The current article critically examines this idea by reviewing research relevant to intergroup conflicts in human evolutionary history from evolutionary biology, psychology, cultural anthropology, and archaeology. After a brief intro- duction, section 2 illustrates the mathematical model of parochial altruism (...)
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  29. Macro-Scale Population Patterns in the Kofun Period of the Japanese Archipelago: Quantitative Analysis of a Larger Sample of Three-Dimensional Data from Ancient Human Crania.Hisashi Nakao, Akihiro Kaneda, Kohei Tamura, Koji Noshita & Tomomi Nakagawa - 2024 - Humans 4 (2):131–147.
    The present study collected a larger set of three-dimensional data on human crania from the Kofun period (as well as from previous periods, i.e., the Jomon and Yayoi periods) in the Japanese archipelago (AD 250 to around 700) than previous studies. Three-dimensional geometric morphometrics were employed to investigate human migration patterns in finer-grained phases. These results are consistent with those of previous studies, although some new patterns were discovered. These patterns were interpreted in terms of demic diffusion, archaeological findings, (...)
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    Applying machine learning methods to quantify emotional experience in installation art.Sofia Vlachou & Michail Panagopoulos - 2023 - Technoetic Arts 21 (1):53-72.
    Aesthetic experience is original, dynamic and ever-changing. This article covers three research questions (RQs) concerning how immersive installation artworks can elicit emotions that may contribute to their popularity. Based on Yayoi Kusama’s and Peter Kogler’s kaleidoscopic rooms, this study aims to predict the emotions of visitors of immersive installation art based on their Twitter activity. As indicators, we employed the total number of likes, comments, retweets, followers, followings, the average of tweets per user, and emotional response. According to our (...)
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  31. 人骨から見た暴力と戦争: 国外での議論を中心に.Tomomi Nakagawa & Hisashi Nakao - 2017 - Journal of the Japanese Archaeological Association 44:65-77.
    Violence and warfare in prehistory have been intensely discussed in various disciplines recently. Especially, some controversies are found on whether prehistoric hunter-gatherers had been already engaged in inter-group violence and warfare. Japanese archaeology has traditionally argued that warfare has begun in the Yayoi period with an introduction of full-fledged agriculture though people in the Jomon period, when subsistence system had been mainly hunting and gathering, had not been involved in inter-group violence and warfare. However, Lawrence Keeley, Samuel Bowles, Steven (...)
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  32. A contracorriente. La recusación del ecofeminismo en Japón en los años 1980.Montserrat Crespin Perales - forthcoming - In Aitana Merino & Nieves Moreno, Ecofeminismos en Japón.
    La recusación en el Japón de los años 1980 del ecofeminismo ilustra un caso paradigmático que sirve para conocer y reflexionar sobre los motivos que se esgrimieron para que esta orientación, especialmente desarrollada y proyectada desde el contexto anglosajón, no prendiera. Por motivos filosóficos que conectan con debates que ya se produjeron entre pensadoras feministas de la época Taishō (1912-1926), en aquella década se impugnaron propuestas ecofeministas como la que defendiera Aoki Yayoi (1927-2009) empleando, entre otras nociones, la que (...)
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    The Role of Contact in the Origins of the Japanese and Korean Languages.J. Marshall Unger - 2009 - Honolulu: University of Hawai‘i Press.
    Despite decades of research on the reconstruction of proto-Korean-Japanese (pKJ), some scholars still reject a genetic relationship. This study addresses their doubts in a new way, interpreting comparative linguistic data within a context of material and cultural evidence, much of which has come to light only in recent years. The weaknesses of the reconstruction, according to J. Marshall Unger, are due to the early date at which pKJ split apart and to lexical material that the pre-Korean and pre-Japanese branches later (...)
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