Results for 'Yevgen Matusevych'

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  1.  19
    Infant Phonetic Learning as Perceptual Space Learning: A Crosslinguistic Evaluation of Computational Models.Yevgen Matusevych, Thomas Schatz, Herman Kamper, Naomi H. Feldman & Sharon Goldwater - 2023 - Cognitive Science 47 (7):e13314.
    In the first year of life, infants' speech perception becomes attuned to the sounds of their native language. This process of early phonetic learning has traditionally been framed as phonetic category acquisition. However, recent studies have hypothesized that the attunement may instead reflect a perceptual space learning process that does not involve categories. In this article, we explore the idea of perceptual space learning by implementing five different perceptual space learning models and testing them on three phonetic contrasts that have (...)
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    Subjective view of Ukrainian philosophy.Yevgen Golovakha, Xenija Zborovska, Amina Khelufi & Vsevolod Khoma - 2017 - Sententiae 36 (1):173-214.
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  3. (1 other version) Gendering Dynamic Capabilities in Micro Firms.Yevgen Bogodistov, André Presse, Oleksandr P. Krupskyi & Sergii Sardak - 2017 - Revista de Administração de Empresas 3 (57): 273-282.
    Gender issues are well-researched in the general management literature, particular in studies on new ventures. Unfortunately, gender issues have been largely ignored in the dynamic capabilities literature. We address this gap by analyzing the effects of gender diversity on dynamic capabilities among micro firms. We consider the gender of managers and personnel in 124 Ukrainian tourism micro firms. We examine how a manager’s gender affects the firm’s sensing capacities and investigate how it moderates team gender diversity’s impact on sensing capacities. (...)
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    Education in the era of transit.Tetiana Matusevych - 2018 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 50 (14):1559-1560.
  5.  18
    Transitional Society: (Re)Evolution of Values.Tetiana Matusevych - 2017 - Dialogue and Universalism 27 (2):159-166.
    This article examines the attributes of the existence and the transformation of values in transitional society (eclecticism). Also the possibilities and limits of the relativistic application of the concepts of revolution and evolution in defining the processes of transformation of values in a transitional society are discussed.
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  6. Динамические способности: сравнение методов измерения на примере малых и средних предприятий Украины.Bogodistov Yevgen, Oleksandr Krupskyi & Sergii Sardak - 2016 - Економічний Простір 110:139-161.
    The purpose of this paper is to investigate different approaches in measurement of the concept of dynamic capabilities. The paper focuses on a formative measurement model by Wilden and colleagues (2013) and a reflective model by Li and Liu (2014). The models were tested on Ukrainian firms in relation to their performance. A Ukrainian and Russian translation of both measurements is introduced and tested. The proposed measurements were tested by applying a partial least squares algorithm using SmartPLS™ software. The sample (...)
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    Proximity Begins with a Smile, But Which One? Associating Non-duchenne Smiles with Higher Psychological Distance.Yevgen Bogodistov & Florian Dost - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Sofianess and filosofization of Kyivan christianity theology.Yevgen A. Harkovschenko - 2015 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 73:84-91.
    The basis of Kiev Christian theological method is Sophian tradition in European philosophical and religious art. Sophian tradition was elaborated in the pre-Christian period. It reflected in the works of prominent Christian theoreticians and Old Slavic and ancient teachers of Christianity.
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    Sophia's theme in world and national spirituality.Yevgen A. Harkovschenko - 2004 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 29:86-95.
    The Sophia tradition was formed in European philosophical and religious creativity and was developed in the pre-Christian period by Plato. Then it was reflected in Gnosticism and Neo-Platonism, the writings of prominent theorists of Christianity - fathers and teachers of the church, mystics of the Middle Ages. This tradition was reflected in the temple architecture and iconography of the Orthodox East, and took a systematic form of the doctrine of sophiology in the "philosophy of unity." The doctrine of Sophia the (...)
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    Міжнародне співробітництво мвс україни в боротьбі з незаконною торгівлею людьми, злочинами проти суспільної моралі (1990-2000-ні роки). [REVIEW]Yevgen Zozulia - 2011 - Схід (2(109)):84-88.
    In article it is considered separate questions of activity of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine concerning development of the international cooperation with law-enforcement structures of other countries, the governmental and non-governmental organizations in sphere of counteraction to human trade. It is analyzed legal base formation, development of forms and methods of activity of special divisions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine in struggle against this kind of transnational criminality, it is made the conclusions concerning necessity of (...)
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    Cyborg, Mutant, Androgyne: The Future Human Being—What Will It Be Like? (Issues of Philosophy of Education).Oleg Bazaluk & Tetiana Matusevych - 2015 - Dialogue and Universalism 25 (2):175-181.
    We analyse some current trends of viewing transformational changes of humankind. We present the key role played by philosophy of education in shaping an image of the future human being. We also determine the main characteristics of the personality of the planetary-cosmic type and the system of his personal, local and global interactions.
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    Peculiarities of the Legal Regulation of Temporary Protection in the European Union in the Context of the Aggressive War of the Russian Federation Against Ukraine.Tamara Kortukova, Yevgen Kolosovskyi, Olena L. Korolchuk, Rostyslav Shchokin & Andrii S. Volkov - 2022 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 36 (2):667-678.
    After the full-scale invasion of the Russian Federation into Ukraine, the flow of forced migration from Ukraine has significantly increased as people tried to protect their lives and find a safe place to live. Given that Ukraine shares the external border with the European Union, most people sought protection precisely in the Member States of the European Union. The study aims to analyze the features of the legal regulation of the provision of temporary protection in the European Union and determine (...)
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    Images >> Yevgen Samborsky and the Art of Possibility.Oliver Aas - 2023 - Diacritics 51 (4):101-115.
    Yevgen Samborsky is a multihyphenate, whose work spans not only painting but also video work, installation, and community-based creative projects. His visual language is entirely intermedial: he draws on photography, graffiti, hyperrealism, and internet machine aesthetics. His indebtedness to the digital image has been particularly strong in the last two years, which he has spent watching the news from back home on his com­puter. He has taken pictures of destroyed cultural institutions like the Kharkiv Art Museum or the Odessa (...)
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  14.  20
    (1 other version)Methodological seminar “Mass culture, education and the perspective of individuality"”.Panos Eliopoulos & Lyudmyla Gorbunova - 2016 - Філософія Освіти 18 (1):47-71.
    The Methodological seminar was conducted by the scientific journal “Philosophy of Education”. The participants of the seminar were Prof. Panos Eliopoulos, Lyudmyla Gorbunova, Mykhailo Boychenko, Olga Gomilko, Mariia Kultaieva, Volodymyr Kovtunets, Sergiy Kurbatov, Anna Laktionova, Tetiana Matusevych, Natalia Radionova, Iryna Stepanenko, Maya Trynyak and Viktor Zinchenko. On March 30, 2016, a methodological seminar was conducted at the Institute of Higher Education NAES of Ukraine. This seminar was devoted to the discussion of educational problems in the area of mass culture, (...)
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