Results for 'Zbysław Horbaczewski'

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    Spór o determinizm w mikrofizyce a operacjonizm.Zbysław Horbaczewski - 1988 - Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Philosophica. Ethica-Aesthetica-Practica 5:147-155.
    The article presents the stance taken by the creator of operationism P. W. Bridgman in a dispute about a possibility of interpreting deterministically the results of quantum mechanics. A natural consequence of a gnoseological view created by Bridgman and called operationism is recognition that the indeterministic Copenhagen interpretation of the results of quantum mechanics, called "orthodox" by Bridgman, is the only possible interpretation at the present state of physics. Only new empirical facts, if they are discovered, may - according to (...)
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  2. Co można odkryć w O tym, co Alicja odkryła po drugiej stronie lustra?Zbysław Muszyński - 2004 - Colloquia Communia 76 (1):126-134.
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    O komunikowaniu się z Bogiem. Uwag kilka na marginesie pewnej książki i artykułu.Zbysław Muszyński - 2004 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 52 (2):295-302.
    A particular kind of communication with God is the linguistic form of prayer. The theoretical analysis of each act of communication calls for a reference to the applied theory of communication. In reference to prayer it is appropriate, inasmuch as we accept the standpoint according to which the relations between God and man should be described in line with the achievements of science (A. Peacocke). Thus Peacocke describes the communication between God and man. His description is based on the assumption (...)
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  4. O systemie konceptualnym i realizmie zewnętrznym.Zbysław Muszyński - 2003 - Filozofia Nauki 3.
    The notion of conceptual system is usually connected with criticism or defence of relativism but sometimes the notion appears in discussion on realism/anti-realism. The aim of the article is: (1) to present connection between understanding of notion of conceptual system and ways of understanding of realism/anti-realism; (2) to present that notion may constitute a foundation of argument for realism, although usually it is taken as argument for anti-realism. Investigations of the article create the basis for discussion of the conception of (...)
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    Semiotyczne warunki porozumiewania się w ujęciu Leona Koja.Zbysław Muszyński - 2020 - Filozofia i Nauka. Studia Filozoficzne I Interdyscyplinarne 2 (8).
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    Three Message Dimensions. A Naturalistic Approach.Zbysław Muszyński - 2013 - Dialogue and Universalism 23 (1):115-127.
    Communication is perceived as a means of obtaining knowledge possessed by others and transmitting this knowledge from subject to subject. This process takes place in a communication area defined by a variety of parameters. The communication content (message) transmitted in the course of communication requires consideration of many aspects, therefore its description must take place in many aspects of the communication area.Messages can be distinguished in three dimensions of the communication area: (1) semantic (referential, informative); (2) subjective (individual) and (3) (...)
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