Results for 'absolute time'

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  1.  27
    Absolute Time: Rifts in Early Modern British Metaphysics.Emily Thomas - 2018 - Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press.
    What is time? This is one of the most fundamental questions we can ask. Emily Thomas explores how a new theory of time emerged in the seventeenth century. The 'absolute' theory of time held that it is independent of material bodies or human minds, so even if nothing else existed there would be time.
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    Absolute timing of mental activities.Gerald S. Wasserman & King-Leung Kong - 1979 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 2 (2):243-255.
  3.  49
    Quasi-Absolute Time in Francisco Suárez's Metaphysical Disputations.Emmaline Bexley - 2012 - Intellectual History Review 22 (1):5-22.
    Suárez's discussion of time in the Metaphysical Disputations is one of the earliest long treatises on time (extending over sixty pages), and includes detailed arguments supporting the view that physical actions take place within an absolute temporal reference frame. Whereas some previous thinkers, such as John Duns Scotus and Peter Aureole, had made tantalising suggestions that time exists independently of physical changes, their ideas were primarily negative theses in response to perceived problems with the dominant view (...)
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    (1 other version)Absolute Time vs. Absolute Motion.Phillip Bricker - 1990 - In Phillip Bricker & R. I. G. Hughes (eds.), Philosophical Perspectives on Newtonian Science. MIT Press. pp. 77--91.
    An attempt to clarify how the problem of absolute time and the problem of absolute motion relate to one another, especially with respect to causal attributions involving time and motion.
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    (1 other version)Toward Absolute Time.Piero Ariotti - 1973 - Studi Internazionali Di Filosofia 5 (1):141-168.
  6.  30
    Mach's Denial of Absolute Time.Matias Slavov - 2023 - History of Philosophy Quarterly 40 (1):85-104.
    Mach repudiated Newton's argument for absolute time. He denied there is such a thing as time itself that exists independently of any external change. In doing so, Mach failed to appreciate Newton's scientific practice. Absolute time is intrinsically related to Newton's laws of motion and the method of fluxions. Commentators have noted similarities between Mach's rejection of Newtonian time and his rejection of the independent existence of atoms. In this article, it shall be argued (...)
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    Absolute Time: Rifts in Early Modern British Metaphysics by Emily Thomas.Marc A. Hight - 2019 - Review of Metaphysics 72 (3):615-616.
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  8. Newton's Absolute Time.H. Kochiras - 2016 - In Stamatios Gerogiorgakis (ed.), Time and Tense: Unifying the Old and the New. Munich: Philosophia. pp. 169-195.
    When Newton articulated the concept of absolute time in his treatise, Philosophae Naturalis Principia Mathematica (Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy), along with its correlate, absolute space, he did not present it as anything controversial. Whereas his references to attraction are accompanied by the self- protective caveats that typically signal an expectation of censure, the Scholium following Principia’s definitions is free of such remarks, instead elaborating his ideas as clarifications of concepts that, in some manner, we already possess. (...)
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  9. Absolute Time: The Limit of Kant's Idealism.Marius Stan - 2019 - Noûs 53 (2):433-461.
    I examine here if Kant can explain our knowledge of duration by showing that time has metric structure. To do so, I spell out two possible solutions: time’s metric could be intrinsic or extrinsic. I argue that Kant’s resources are too weak to secure an intrinsic, transcendentally-based temporal metrics; but he can supply an extrinsic metric, based in a metaphysical fact about matter. I conclude that Transcendental Idealism is incomplete: it cannot account for the durative aspects of experience—or (...)
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    Is absolute time relatively interesting?Robert J. Sternberg - 1979 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 2 (2):281-282.
  11. Absolute time: Peter John Olivi and the Bonaventurean Tradition.Richard Cross - 2002 - Medioevo 27:261-300.
  12. A remark on universal, absolute-time.M. Kopecky - 1982 - Filosoficky Casopis 30 (3):448-449.
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  13. 3D/4D equivalence, the twins paradox and absolute time.Storrs McCall & E. J. Lowe - 2002 - Analysis 63 (2):114–123.
    The thesis of 3D/4D equivalence states that every three-dimensional description of the world is translatable without remainder into a four-dimensional description, and vice versa. In representing an object in 3D or in 4D terms we are giving alternative descriptions of one and the same thing, and debates over whether the ontology of the physical world is "really" 3D or 4D are pointless. The twins paradox is shown to rest, in relativistic 4D geometry, on a reversed law of triangle inequality. But (...)
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  14. The Elimination of Absolute Time by the Special Theory of Relativity.William Lane Craig - 2001 - In Gregory E. Ganssle & David M. Woodruff (eds.), God and Time: Essays on the Divine Nature. New York, US: Oxford University Press.
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    (Why does Leibniz need absolute time?).Nicolás Vaughan - 2007 - Ideas Y Valores 56 (134):23-44.
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    Reconstructing William Lane Craig’s Explanation of Absolute Time Based on Mulla Sadra’s Philosophy.Mohammad Sadegh Kavyani, Habibollah Razmi & Hamid Parsania - forthcoming - Sophia:1-18.
    After the advent of the theory of special relativity, the existence of absolute time in nature was rejected within the society of physics. In recent decades, William Lane Craig has endeavoured to offer an interpretation of the empirical evidence that support the theory of relativity while maintaining the concept of absolute time. His interpretation, however, is based upon supernatural presuppositions due to which it cannot be accepted as a scientific argument. After explaining Craig’s view, we attempt (...)
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  17.  29
    The reversibility of absolute time.Mark B. Woodhouse - 1976 - Philosophical Studies 29 (6):465 - 468.
  18. J. B. Van helmont's de tempore as an influence on Isaac Newton's doctrine of absolute time.Steffen Ducheyne - 2008 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 90 (2):216-228.
    Here, I shall argue that Van Helmont needs to be added to the list of sources on which Newton drew when formulating his doctrine of absolute time. This by no means implies that Van Helmont is the factual source of Newton's views on absolute time (I have found no clear-cut evidence in support of this claim). It is by no means my aim to debunk the importance of the other sources, but rather to broaden them. Different (...)
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    Why the new theory of reference does not entail absolute time and space.Robert Rynasiewicz - 1992 - Philosophy of Science 59 (3):508-509.
    I explain why the New Theory of Reference of Marcus, Kripke, Kaplan, Putnam and others does not entail absolute time and space, contrary to what Quentin Smith has recently claimed.
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    ‘The Twin-Brother of Space’: Spatial Analogy in the Emergence of Absolute Time.Geoffrey Gorham - 2012 - Intellectual History Review 22 (1):23-39.
    Seventeenth-century authors frequently infer the attributes of time by analogy from already established features of space. The rationale for this can be traced back to Aristotle's analysis of time as ?the number of movement?, where movement requires a prior understanding of spatial magnitude. Although these authors are anti-Aristotelian, they were concerned, contra Aristotle, to establish the existence of ?empty space?, and a notion of absolute space which fit this idea. Although they had no independent rationale for the (...)
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  21. Absolute Becoming, Relational Becoming, and the Arrow of Time.Mauro Dorato - unknown - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics.
    My first and main claim is that physics cannot provide empirical evidence for the objectivity of absolute becoming, for the simple reason that it must presuppose it, at least to the extent that classical spacetime theories presuppose an ontology of events. However, the fact that a theory of absolute becoming must be situated in the a priori realm of metaphysics does not make becoming completely irrelevant for physics, since my second claim will consist in showing that relational becoming, (...)
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  22.  53
    Henry More and the Development of Absolute Time.Emily Thomas - 2015 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 54:11-19.
    This paper explores the nature, development and influence of the first English account of absolute time, put forward in the mid-seventeenth century by the ‘Cambridge Platonist’ Henry More. Against claims in the literature that More does not have an account of time, this paper sets out More's evolving account and shows that it reveals the lasting influence of Plotinus. Further, this paper argues that More developed his views on time in response to his adoption of Descartes' (...)
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  23. The new theory of reference entails absolute time and space.Quentin Smith - 1991 - Philosophy of Science 58 (3):411-416.
    The New Theory of Reference (NTR) of Marcus, Kripke, Kaplan, Putnam and others is a theory in the philosophy of language and there has been much debate about whether it entails the metaphysical theory of essentialism. But there has been no discussion about whether the NTR entails another metaphysical theory, the absolutist theory of time and space. It is argued in this paper that the NTR carries this entailment; the theory of time is the main focus of the (...)
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    Absolute and Relative Time-Consistent Revealed Preferences.Thomas Demuynck - 2009 - Theory and Decision 66 (3):283-299.
    We introduce an Absolute (Relative) Time-consistent Axiom of Revealed Preference which characterizes the consistency of a choice function with the property of absolute (relative) time-consistency and impatience. The axiom requires that the absolute (relative) time-consistent and impatient closure of the revealed preference relation does not conflict with the strict revealed preference relation.
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    Newton and the God of Dominion. Voluntarist Theology illustrated in the concepts of Absolute Space, Absolute time and Universal Gravitation.Felipe Ochoa R. - 2005 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 31:105-126.
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    The clock paradox, or how to get rid of absolute time.Peter Kroes - 1983 - Philosophy of Science 50 (1):159-163.
  27. The Issue of Novelty in Husserl’s Analysis of Absolute Time-Constituting Consciousness.Max Schaefer - 2018 - Philosophy Today 62 (3):969-987.
    This paper concerns the issue as to whether novelty plays a significant role in Husserl’s analysis of time. To address this matter, I show that horizontal and transverse intentionality constitute absolute consciousness as a process of self-differentiation, which enables the ego to anticipate its own renewal and yet to escape coinciding with this synthesising activity. I then further analyse time-constituting consciousness as a process of self-differentiation through a study of Husserl’s account of retention and protention. Addressing Husserl’s (...)
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  28. L’écart: Merleau-Ponty’s Separation from Husserl; Or, Absolute Time Constituting Consciousness.Michael R. Kelly - 2010 - In N. de Roo & K. Semonovitch (eds.), Merleau-Ponty at the Limits of Art, Perception and Religion. Continuum.
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    Review of Absolute Time: Rifts in Early Modern British Metaphysics by Emily Thomas. [REVIEW]Edward Slowik - 2019 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 57 (3):557-558.
    Emily Thomas’s book explores conceptions of space and time among various British early modern philosophers, with special emphasis placed on More, Barrow, Newton, Locke, and Clarke. One of the work’s strengths is its treatment of a number of neglected thinkers, such as John Jackson and Edmund Law, in addition to Clarke. Despite its title, the book treats issues in the metaphysics of space as much as it does time, and Thomas provides an engaging tour of a host of (...)
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  30.  98
    Absolute becoming, relational becoming and the arrow of time: Some non-conventional remarks on the relationship between physics and metaphysics.Mauro Dorato - 2006 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 37 (3):559-576.
    The literature on the compatibility between the time of our experience--characterized by passage or becoming--and time as is represented within spacetime theories has been affected by a persistent failure to get a clear grasp of the notion of becoming, both in its relation to an ontology of events tt"spreadtt" in a four-dimensional manifold, and in relation to temporally asymmetric physical processes.In the first part of my paper I try to remedy this situation by offering what I consider a (...)
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  31.  70
    Time, the Image of Absolute Logos: A Comparative Analysis of the Ideas of Augustine and Husserl.Lee Chun Lo - 2018 - Comparative and Continental Philosophy 10 (1):50-61.
    ABSTRACTIn the Timaeus, Plato explicitly defines time as “the moving image of eternity”. This proposition affirms actually that time reflects the eternal that embodies the rational and lawful principle – namely the logos of proportionality – in the motion and change of visible objects in the universe. In other words,time determines the principle that every mutable being must follow to participate in the rational and nomological order of existence; the absolute logos which is given by God (...)
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    Time and the Unity of Absolute Consciousness.Jakub Kowalewski - 2021 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 52 (3):223-235.
    The aim of this paper is to defend the thesis, found across the works of Edmund Husserl, that the most fundamental level of subjectivity – the so-called absolute consciousness – is given in time as an immediate unity. In order to do so, I first consider Martin Hägglund’s critique of the Husserlian absolute consciousness. My subsequent answer to Hägglund has two parts: firstly, I argue that Hägglund’s own account of subjectivity is contradictory; secondly, I offer a model (...)
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  33. Absolute versus relational space‐time: An outmoded debate.Robert Rynasiewicz - 1996 - Journal of Philosophy 93 (6):279-306.
  34. Lived time and absolute knowing: Habit and addiction from infinite jest to the phenomenology of spirit.David Morris - 2001 - Clio: A Journal of Literature, History, and the Philosophy of History 30 (4):375-415.
    A study of habit and other unconscious backgrounds of action shows how shapes of spiritual life in Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit each imply correlative senses of lived time. The very form of time thus gives spirit a sensuous encounter with its own concept. The point that conceptual content is manifest in the sensuous form of time is key to an interpretation of Hegel's infamous and puzzling remarks about time and the concept in ``absolute knowing.'' The (...)
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  35.  47
    The Absolute, Community, and Time.Robert R. Williams - 1989 - Idealistic Studies 19 (2):141-153.
    This paper examines a topic already much discussed in Royce’s time, namely the debate between Royce and James over the absolute. However, the occasion for taking up this topic again is John E. Smith’s article in which it is claimed that Royce’s own intellectual development moves away from his earlier conception of the absolute and toward the concept of community. This is not so much a conceptual development on Royce’s part, but rather a gradual clarification of Royce’s (...)
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    Absolute simultaneity and the infinity of time.Quentin Smith - 1998 - In Robin Le Poidevin (ed.), Questions of time and tense. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 135--83.
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    Relativity vs. absolute simultaneity: Varying flow of time or varying frequency?Avril Styrman - 2018 - Physics Essays 31 (3):256-284.
    The General Theory of Relativity (GR) and the Dynamic Universe (DU) are evaluated in how they explain frequencies of atomic clocks. DU and GR predict the frequencies with equal accuracy, but their explanations, the postulates they apply in the explanations and the word-views that come along with them are entirely different. The central argument is that if unified and under- standable physics is appreciated, then DU deserves to be taken as a viable alternative to GR. In GR different frequencies of (...)
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  38.  80
    Space, Time, and the Openness of Hegel’s Absolute Knowing.Christopher Lauer - 2006 - Idealistic Studies 36 (3):169-181.
    While Hegel argues in the Phenomenology of Spirit’s chapter on “Absolute Knowing” that we must see the necessity of each of spirit’s transitions if phenomenology is to be a science, he argues in its last three paragraphs that such a science must “sacrifice itself ” in order for spirit to express its freedom. Here I trace out the implications of this self-sacrifice for readings of the transitions in the Phenomenology, playing particular attention to the roles that space and (...) play in absolute spirit’s externalization. (shrink)
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    Absolute continuity under time shift of trajectories and related stochastic calculus.Jörg-Uwe Löbus - 2017 - Providence, Rhode Island: American Mathematical Society.
    The text is concerned with a class of two-sided stochastic processes of the form. Here is a two-sided Brownian motion with random initial data at time zero and is a function of. Elements of the related stochastic calculus are introduced. In particular, the calculus is adjusted to the case when is a jump process. Absolute continuity of under time shift of trajectories is investigated. For example under various conditions on the initial density with respect to the Lebesgue (...)
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    Absolute Relational Time.Zdzisław Augustynek - 1979 - Dialectics and Humanism 6 (1):133-136.
  41. Time and the Absolute.J. H. Mackenzie - 1927 - Mind 36:34.
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    Absolute, true and mathematical time in Newton’s Principia.Katherine Brading - unknown
    I discuss the three distinctions “absolute and relative”, “true and apparent”, and “mathematical and common”, for the specific case of time in Newton’s Principia. I argue that all three distinctions are needed for the project of the Principia and can be understood within the context of that project without appeal to Newton’s wider metaphysical and theological commitments. I argue that, within the context of the Principia, the three claims that time is absolute rather than relative, true (...)
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    Experimental analysis of absolute space-time Lorentz theories.A. K. A. Maciel & J. Tiomno - 1989 - Foundations of Physics 19 (5):521-530.
    Experiments designed to test Special Relativity are reviewed and their capabilities of distinguishing Special Relativity from Absolute Space-Time theories is analyzed. Of two specific forms of Absolute theories proposed in recent years, we show that one is refuted by past experiments while the other is still in contention.
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  44. Absolute Space and Time.W. V. Metcalf - 1940 - Scientia 34 (67):169.
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    Absolute judgments of discrete quantities randomly distributed over time.Dwight E. Erlick - 1964 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 67 (5):475.
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  46.  26
    Absolute judgment of distance as a function of induced muscle tension, exposure time, and feedback.N. M. Agnew, Sandra Pyke & Z. W. Pylyshyn - 1966 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 71 (5):649.
  47.  40
    (1 other version)The Absolute and the Time-Process.John Watson - 1895 - Philosophical Review 4 (4):353.
  48.  39
    Time and the absolute.Paul Weiss - 1935 - Journal of Philosophy 32 (11):286-290.
  49.  11
    The absolute relations of time and space.Alfred A. Robb - 1921 - Cambridge,: The University press.
    Originally published in 1921, this book presents a concise study of time and space relations by the renowned British physicist Alfred Robb (1873-1936). The text is one of a series of works on the topic of special relativity written by Robb from 1911 onwards. An appendix section is included. This book will be of value to anyone with an interest in special relativity, the development of physics and the history of science.
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  50. The Abolition of Time in Hegel's "Absolute Knowing".Jacob Blumenfeld - 2013 - Idealistic Studies 43 (1-2):111-119.
    In the history of interpretations of Hegel, how one reads the chapter on “Absolute Knowing” in the Phenomenology of Spirit determines one’s whole perspective. In fact, Marx’s only comments on the Phenomenology concern this final chapter, taking it as the very “secret” of Hegel’s philosophy. But what is the secret hidden within the thicket of this impenetrable prose? My suggestion is that it turns on a very specific meaning of the “abolition of time” that Hegel describes in the (...)
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